Trump Tries To Call Witness To Jan 6th Hearings

January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6thJanuary 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th
January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th
January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th January 6th
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Yep... until the right-wing perpe-traitors of January 6, 2021, are brought to justice, 'most everything else takes a back seat... enjoying the heat? :cool:
Yes, it is the truth that Trump trying to contact the witness is the very definition of witness tampering.
no it’s not.

1) there is no evidence trump even knew this person was a “witness”
2) no evidence of what they spoke about
3) trump isn’t even the subject of this “hearing”
4)no evidence this “witness” was material or what the “witness” knew m
5) no evidence this “witness” was going to testify ir really was a witness

this was just the dems being desperate to take away from 9.1 percent inflation and the fact nobody cares about their sitcom anymore
It would be a tragedy for the Republic and, quite possibly, the onset of its demise.

Only if the lefties riot. :p

Joseph Goebbels would certainly be proud of him - and you.


I'm not a propagandist, I'm an analyst. A scout. A... reverse engineer, you might say.

I excel at research. I do research better than anyone else on the planet.
no it’s not.

1) there is no evidence trump even knew this person was a “witness”
2) no evidence of what they spoke about
3) trump isn’t even the subject of this “hearing”
4)no evidence this “witness” was material or what the “witness” knew m
5) no evidence this “witness” was going to testify ir really was a witness

this was just the dems being desperate to take away from 9.1 percent inflation and the fact nobody cares about their sitcom anymore
So you're throwing shit at the wall nd hoping something sticks....right?
1) there is no evidence trump even knew this person was a “witness”
2) no evidence of what they spoke about
3) trump isn’t even the subject of this “hearing”
4)no evidence this “witness” was material or what the “witness” knew m
5) no evidence this “witness” was going to testify ir really was a witness
That's you throwing shit against the wall hoping something sticks
That's you throwing shit against the wall hoping something sticks
um, no that’s me simply highlighting how silly and desperate liz was being

and why we know it will lead to nothing, as par for the course with the dem when it comes to trump
When it comes to his treatment of fellow Republicans, Trump can be thought of as a very temperamental dog. Don’t try to be nice and pet him — he’ll sink his fangs in unexpectedly. Don’t show fear — that just makes him lunge. Don’t be aggressive and confront him — you’ll be mauled. Instead, you say calmly, “Good boy,” then walk swiftly past while Trump is busy sniffing and digging in the yard
When it comes to his treatment of fellow Republicans, Trump can be thought of as a very temperamental dog. Don’t try to be nice and pet him — he’ll sink his fangs in unexpectedly. Don’t show fear — that just makes him lunge. Don’t be aggressive and confront him — you’ll be mauled. Instead, you say calmly, “Good boy,” then walk swiftly past while Trump is busy sniffing and digging in the yard
And quickly put him in a cage
Yes, it is the truth that Trump trying to contact the witness is the very definition of witness tampering.
To be witness tampering he would have needed to make contact...

If the witness was will to play ball (i.e tape the call) it could have been game over very quickly.

But the witness was probably a Trump loyalist who while not wanting to goto jail wasn't ready to shop Trump either..

Unbelievable coming from the herd crying fraud they can't prove. <smh>
Poor Faun, you never heard of chilling now and then, have you. I grant to you the last word if it makes you feel better. :thanks:
To be witness tampering he would have needed to make contact...

If the witness was will to play ball (i.e tape the call) it could have been game over very quickly.

But the witness was probably a Trump loyalist who while not wanting to goto jail wasn't ready to shop Trump either..

Would they really need to make contact?

Let's say that a member of the mob was on trial and they called the house of a witness due to testify the next day. Would not the call be enough to perhaps scare the witness?
basquebromance said:
When it comes to his treatment of fellow Republicans, Trump can be thought of as a very temperamental dog. Don’t try to be nice and pet him — he’ll sink his fangs in unexpectedly. Don’t show fear — that just makes him lunge. Don’t be aggressive and confront him — you’ll be mauled. Instead, you say calmly, “Good boy,” then walk swiftly past while Trump is busy sniffing and digging in the yard
And quickly put him in a cage

*sigh* I just knew I'd meet up with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum someday.... <giggle>
When it comes to his treatment of fellow Republicans, Trump can be thought of as a very temperamental dog. Don’t try to be nice and pet him — he’ll sink his fangs in unexpectedly. Don’t show fear — that just makes him lunge. Don’t be aggressive and confront him — you’ll be mauled. Instead, you say calmly, “Good boy,” then walk swiftly past while Trump is busy sniffing and digging in the yard

Actually what you do it confront him and then ridicule him... Drives him mental...
From his upbringing Trump is highly insecure and open to bullying. His father basically bullied him while Trump seeked approval. Victims of bullying often then do it to others and admire other bullies.

This is why Putin always had Trump number... Putin rules by bullying, it is a trait that is admired in Russian leadership... Being strong and not look weak... Trump much like his father relationship admires this and might even be inclined to seek approval somewhat.

Notice how Merkel had no time for Trump antics, that woman came from East Germany... She saw all that shit before..
Would they really need to make contact?

Let's say that a member of the mob was on trial and they called the house of a witness due to testify the next day. Would not the call be enough to perhaps scare the witness?
You got a point but the Mob Boss would have been given a witness list as part of the trial, Trump could claim since he wasn't on trial he wouldn't have known he was testifying...

The Mob Boss is allowed to drive past the house and even stop and think about it and maybe ask to come in and be refused...

Hey, I think he was going to interfere and that is why the witness lawyer was so quick on the phone to the FBI to report it... The witness wasn't going to shop Trump, he is probably in the MAGA universe and doesn't want to thrown out of the tribe.

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