Trump Tweets "Trump Owes Nothing To Nobody"...........Posts Graph of Opponents on Billionaire Puppet

Hillary on the campaign trail. Ya think she might have a hard time claiming everyone is voting for her when she cannot even get them to show up? Where are Hillary's supporters these days? At Bernie Sanders campaign events or switching over to Donald Trump. That's where. She's on her last leg (the bad one).

I attend church twice a week and I am 100% behind Donald Trump all the way. Rubio is not a Christian from what I've seen and heard and Cruz is in the wrong political climate to win. He'll make a good VP. I hope Trump picks him.

So what are the policies and plans that make you support Trump, and specifically how are they going to improve the country?
Essentially, any policy would be an improvement from what we're having to deal with today.

And there it is. The usual evasion. The usual pussying out.

No actual plan on the table. All you see is, "Whatever Obama is doing, we're against that."
I don't have the time to write a book about all of the shit Obama is doing that I'm against.
Yes, it's all you rubes know how to do. Complain and complain and complain about the other guy, hoping no one notices you don't have the balls to offer your own solutions.

Health care: Nothing.

ISIS: Nothing.

Economy: Nothing.
Health care: Get the government out of it and repeal Obamacare

ISIS: Bomb those rags back into the Stoneage

Economy: Tax incentives for businesses.....and repeal Obamacare.

There you go, dipshit.
The world is upside down to the angry psychotic left. Goldman-Sachs contributed a million dollars to Barry Hussein's campaign and 750k (so far) to Hillary. Billionaires ain't your enemy anyway. Billionaires create the jobs. Socialists pick your pockets for money.
So what are the policies and plans that make you support Trump, and specifically how are they going to improve the country?
Essentially, any policy would be an improvement from what we're having to deal with today.

And there it is. The usual evasion. The usual pussying out.

No actual plan on the table. All you see is, "Whatever Obama is doing, we're against that."
I don't have the time to write a book about all of the shit Obama is doing that I'm against.
Yes, it's all you rubes know how to do. Complain and complain and complain about the other guy, hoping no one notices you don't have the balls to offer your own solutions.

Health care: Nothing.

ISIS: Nothing.

Economy: Nothing.
Health care: Get the government out of it and repeal Obamacare

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!

Show me the GOP health care reform package.

There isn't one.

Go ahead provide some specifics of what you would do. I have. Several times. Your turn.

Bomb those rags back into the Stoneage

Every military expert says air strikes alone will not defeat ISIS.

Try again.

Economy: Tax incentives for businesses.....and repeal Obamacare.

Businesses already have tax incentives. Hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars of them. And "tax incentives" are another way of saying "government gifts".

If your business model sucks so much that you can't survive without government gifts, then you need to be supplanted by one that can.
Hillary on the campaign trail. Ya think she might have a hard time claiming everyone is voting for her when she cannot even get them to show up? Where are Hillary's supporters these days? At Bernie Sanders campaign events or switching over to Donald Trump. That's where. She's on her last leg (the bad one).


Well, Hillary can count on liberals to vote in lockstep behind whoever has the (D) behind their name, without any real need to be excited about or even like that person. So all that really matters to her is to be the candidate, not to actually get people enthusiastic about her.
Hillary on the campaign trail. Ya think she might have a hard time claiming everyone is voting for her when she cannot even get them to show up? Where are Hillary's supporters these days? At Bernie Sanders campaign events or switching over to Donald Trump. That's where. She's on her last leg (the bad one).


Well, Hillary can count on liberals to vote in lockstep behind whoever has the (D) behind their name, without any real need to be excited about or even like that person. So all that really matters to her is to be the candidate, not to actually get people enthusiastic about her.
Yes, that is the logic of liberals in action. The only thing that matters is to have that (D) behind your name....
Then it's...........
I don't care if you like me, I don't care if you show up, you'll vote for me because you've been trained to do what you're told.
News flash for you! The Establishment Democrats and the Establishment Republicans are finished. People are sick of career politicians
who live like kings and queens while expecting the rest of America to live like serfs. Enough is enough. Donald Trump 2016
Essentially, any policy would be an improvement from what we're having to deal with today.

And there it is. The usual evasion. The usual pussying out.

No actual plan on the table. All you see is, "Whatever Obama is doing, we're against that."
I don't have the time to write a book about all of the shit Obama is doing that I'm against.
Yes, it's all you rubes know how to do. Complain and complain and complain about the other guy, hoping no one notices you don't have the balls to offer your own solutions.

Health care: Nothing.

ISIS: Nothing.

Economy: Nothing.
Health care: Get the government out of it and repeal Obamacare

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!

Show me the GOP health care reform package.

There isn't one.

Go ahead provide some specifics of what you would do. I have. Several times. Your turn.

Bomb those rags back into the Stoneage

Every military expert says air strikes alone will not defeat ISIS.

Try again.

Economy: Tax incentives for businesses.....and repeal Obamacare.

Businesses already have tax incentives. Hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars of them. And "tax incentives" are another way of saying "government gifts".

If your business model sucks so much that you can't survive without government gifts, then you need to be supplanted by one that can.
The Democrats created a crisis by changing health care......then created Obamacare....which is no solution.

I think government intervention in the health care industry has ruined it....driven up costs.

Best to just get government out of health care.

When it comes to fighting long as Big-ears is in the White House....bombing them is the only option....because that prick hates victory and won't allow it.

The economy will take off the moment a Republican is elected.....and the Fed Chairman is replaced.

End of discussion.
For a businessman, Trump is running a very un-businesslike campaign. I am honestly confused as to how he realistically thinks this is going to work.

Donald Trump just filed an incredible campaign-finance report

Trump received almost $4 million in what his campaign called "unsolicited donations."

Trump frequently brags on the campaign trail that he is self-funding his operation. But after putting in $1.8 million of his own money to jump-start his bid, he gave just over $100,000 to his campaign in the past three months. The bulk of his recent spending came from donations, most of which were relatively small.

Trump said in a statement that his initial aim was to spend far more money, but his success in the polls caused him to revise his own spending plans downward.

"While our original budget was substantially higher than the amount spent, good business practices and even better ideas and policy have made it unnecessary to have spent a larger sum," Trump said. "To be number one in every poll, both state and national, and to have spent the least amount of dollars of any serious candidate is a testament to what I can do for America."

He added: "This is what our country's leaders should do for the United States — spend money wisely and win!"

Trump may need to open his own wallet again soon, however. The real-estate mogul has been running a nearly 100% burn rate, leaving him with just $250,000 cash left in his campaign account. He said recently that he planned to start running pricey TV ads.

The operative questions are these: 1) Does he really think he's going to be able to coast on just free media advertisement for his obnoxious bombast all the way to the White House, and 2) why are his worshippers still fooling themselves that Trump is still self-financing, or that he's going to do so in the future?
Your candidate is under investigation by the FBI right now. Focus, Cecilie.
I doubt that Trump tweets anything, he tells someone else to do it for him..
They showed his campaign headquarters Sunday morning. You'd think he would have hundreds of people running around acting like they're working.


Sunday morning, Mudwhistle. Trump is a Christian. He wouldn't keep his own people from attending Church on a Sunday Morning. PRIORITIES. Trump has his in order. How about you?
Taped on Saturday.
Sabbath. He must have a lot of Jewish help. Praise God!
For a businessman, Trump is running a very un-businesslike campaign. I am honestly confused as to how he realistically thinks this is going to work.

Donald Trump just filed an incredible campaign-finance report

Trump received almost $4 million in what his campaign called "unsolicited donations."

Trump frequently brags on the campaign trail that he is self-funding his operation. But after putting in $1.8 million of his own money to jump-start his bid, he gave just over $100,000 to his campaign in the past three months. The bulk of his recent spending came from donations, most of which were relatively small.

Trump said in a statement that his initial aim was to spend far more money, but his success in the polls caused him to revise his own spending plans downward.

"While our original budget was substantially higher than the amount spent, good business practices and even better ideas and policy have made it unnecessary to have spent a larger sum," Trump said. "To be number one in every poll, both state and national, and to have spent the least amount of dollars of any serious candidate is a testament to what I can do for America."

He added: "This is what our country's leaders should do for the United States — spend money wisely and win!"

Trump may need to open his own wallet again soon, however. The real-estate mogul has been running a nearly 100% burn rate, leaving him with just $250,000 cash left in his campaign account. He said recently that he planned to start running pricey TV ads.

The operative questions are these: 1) Does he really think he's going to be able to coast on just free media advertisement for his obnoxious bombast all the way to the White House, and 2) why are his worshippers still fooling themselves that Trump is still self-financing, or that he's going to do so in the future?
Your candidate is under investigation by the FBI right now. Focus, Cecilie.

Oh, really? I'm sure it will come as a great shock to Mr. Cruz that he's under investigation by the FBI. Where did you hear this rumor?

That's okay. As a Trump supporter, you're either already used to making a fucking fool out of yourself in public, or you soon will be, fanboy.
Hell, Hillary's list includes the Koch brothers, Halliburton and foreign terrorist promoting nations but Democrats have no problem with that what-so-ever..:laugh:

Hillary Clinton’s Top Corporate Donors Are Among The Most Hated Companies in America
Red herring fallacy, the thread is about Trump.

But this is typical of most Republicans who have nothing of value to offer.
Golly, you hurt my feelings..

It's not really news, Democrat hypocrisy, it's rampant and obvious.

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