Trump Tweets

Dear Donald;

The tax horse is already out of the barn. You gave the permanent cuts to the obscenely wealthy. There’s no money left for a do-over.


We talk about HIllary and Obama on this site all the time.

Yes. Trump sycophants do. And on the regular, dems point out that neither of those two are president, and you lot need to own your fucking own when it comes to your chosen one.

Further, you don't have the audience that Trump does. Granted, at least half of his Twitter followers are bots, but the world is watching and it is quite embarrassing. He should lead, ffs, not bitch about Hillary and Obama and Comey and Rosenstein and witch hunts and Sessions and fuck all EVERYBODY but Putin.
You don’t have the audience that Hillary has...about 50.
We talk about HIllary and Obama on this site all the time.

Yes. Trump sycophants do. And on the regular, dems point out that neither of those two are president, and you lot need to own your fucking own when it comes to your chosen one.

Further, you don't have the audience that Trump does. Granted, at least half of his Twitter followers are bots, but the world is watching and it is quite embarrassing. He should lead, ffs, not bitch about Hillary and Obama and Comey and Rosenstein and witch hunts and Sessions and fuck all EVERYBODY but Putin.
You don’t have the audience that Hillary has...about 50.
She has 22.5 million -roughly as many as Trump when you dump the bots.
We talk about HIllary and Obama on this site all the time.

Yes. Trump sycophants do. And on the regular, dems point out that neither of those two are president, and you lot need to own your fucking own when it comes to your chosen one.

Further, you don't have the audience that Trump does. Granted, at least half of his Twitter followers are bots, but the world is watching and it is quite embarrassing. He should lead, ffs, not bitch about Hillary and Obama and Comey and Rosenstein and witch hunts and Sessions and fuck all EVERYBODY but Putin.
You don’t have the audience that Hillary has...about 50.
She has 22.5 million -roughly as many as Trump when you dump the bots.
Too bad they didn’t attend any of her campaign rallys.
And yes, I wanted to be fair so I watched Hillary, Bernie and Trump campaigning.
I bet you didn’t.
Man, he sure is obsessed.

By the way, there's a "d" in "and." But I guess when you're tweeting crazed, letters get missed.

We talk about HIllary and Obama on this site all the time.

Yes. Trump sycophants do. And on the regular, dems point out that neither of those two are president, and you lot need to own your fucking own when it comes to your chosen one.

Further, you don't have the audience that Trump does. Granted, at least half of his Twitter followers are bots, but the world is watching and it is quite embarrassing. He should lead, ffs, not bitch about Hillary and Obama and Comey and Rosenstein and witch hunts and Sessions and fuck all EVERYBODY but Putin.

Recent President, recent presidential candidate, are often relevant to current discussion(s) and issues.

If the world has a problem with our President, they can suck it up and deal.

The Witch Hunts are a big problem. Innocent people are in danger of going to jail, for nothing.

If only being a complete, utter corruptible douche bag was a jail-able offense, we'd have a whole new government by now. That being said, why not wait until the results of the investigation?
Anti-Trump folks are suffering from a form of clinical psychosis. This is not funny at this point. These individuals are insane. That is not to say they should be banned or ignored. Just that their butthurtness is not a joke anymore.

Many people disapprove of the Orange Virus. They will likely illustrate said disapproval on a daily basis (the right did this to Obama) until its out of office. Nothing new, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. I find it hilarious.
Anti-Trump folks are suffering from a form of clinical psychosis. This is not funny at this point. These individuals are insane. That is not to say they should be banned or ignored. Just that their butthurtness is not a joke anymore.

Many people disapprove of the Orange Virus. They will likely illustrate said disapproval on a daily basis (the right did this to Obama) until its out of office. Nothing new, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. I find it hilarious.

My favorite bit is Trump bitching about slow-walking appointments. Merrick Garland, motherfucker. Merrick Brian Garland.
It's "counsel," you dumb fuck.

And it doesn't mean shit, because nothing changes you telling Lester Holt that you fired Comey to end the Russia investigation.

Further, you're nothing but a dead man walking while Mueller gets pretty much 140,000 ducks in a row.

You and your crime family are going to pay for all the damage you've done.

Maggie touches a nerve, and all hell breaks loose.

Michael Cohen Has Said He Would Take a Bullet for Trump. Maybe Not Anymore.

That one-sidedness has always been at the heart of President Trump’s relationship with his longtime lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, who has said he would “take a bullet” for Mr. Trump. For years Mr. Trump treated Mr. Cohen poorly, with gratuitous insults, dismissive statements and, at least twice, threats of being fired, according to interviews with a half-dozen people familiar with their relationship.

“Donald goes out of his way to treat him like garbage,” said Roger J. Stone Jr., Mr. Trump’s informal and longest-serving political adviser, who, along with Mr. Cohen, was one of five people originally surrounding the president when he was considering a presidential campaign before 2016.

Now, for the first time, the traffic may be going Mr. Cohen’s way. Mr. Trump’s lawyers and advisers have become resigned to the strong possibility that Mr. Cohen, who has a wife and two children and faces the prospect of devastating legal fees, if not criminal charges, could end up cooperating with federal officials who are investigating him for activity that could relate, at least in part, to work he did for Mr. Trump.

Four days that asshole waited to reach out to Michael Cohen. Four days he left him swinging with no contact, no reassurances, - nada. But when he finally understands that it's his ass on the line?

Oh my.

We talk about HIllary and Obama on this site all the time.

Yes. Trump sycophants do. And on the regular, dems point out that neither of those two are president, and you lot need to own your fucking own when it comes to your chosen one.

Further, you don't have the audience that Trump does. Granted, at least half of his Twitter followers are bots, but the world is watching and it is quite embarrassing. He should lead, ffs, not bitch about Hillary and Obama and Comey and Rosenstein and witch hunts and Sessions and fuck all EVERYBODY but Putin.

Recent President, recent presidential candidate, are often relevant to current discussion(s) and issues.

If the world has a problem with our President, they can suck it up and deal.

The Witch Hunts are a big problem. Innocent people are in danger of going to jail, for nothing.

If only being a complete, utter corruptible douche bag was a jail-able offense, we'd have a whole new government by now. That being said, why not wait until the results of the investigation?

1. Because we have seen that these fuckers are happy to put people in jail for perjury traps, and pretend that they accomplished shit.


2. This is utterly distracting the government at a time when shit needs to be done.


3. this is a political move to try to undo the results of a democratic election. It is verging on a coup.

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