Trump Tweets

Wow, Stonekettle is triggered and paranoid !!! The MSM is dominated by Jews, therefore an attack on the MSM is anti-semetic and in fact borderline holocaust denial !!! There needs to be new laws in place to prevent criticism of the fake news MSM and the broadcasters before there is another holocaust !!!

sleepy eyes

Another term for the puffy eyes stoners get when they partake in the smoking of marijuana.

"Hey, Jamal, you've got some sleepy eyes there. You been smoking?"

"Oh no, look at my sleepy eyes! My mom's going to know I'm high for sure!"
#stoner#pothead#marijuana#sleep deprivation#trickster
by happybrothersday March 19, 2009
I am going to go out on a limb here and state anyone rationalizing or defending Slimeball Comey is ignorant, stupid or mentally ill, or a combination thereof.
We talk about HIllary and Obama on this site all the time.

Yes. Trump sycophants do. And on the regular, dems point out that neither of those two are president, and you lot need to own your fucking own when it comes to your chosen one.

Further, you don't have the audience that Trump does. Granted, at least half of his Twitter followers are bots, but the world is watching and it is quite embarrassing. He should lead, ffs, not bitch about Hillary and Obama and Comey and Rosenstein and witch hunts and Sessions and fuck all EVERYBODY but Putin.

They share Trump’s obsession?

They have nothing to brag about with Trump?

They actually know what Trump is, hate to admit it?

Or,all 3?
MaryAnne11, The Donald's obsession is making American great again. Why do you hate America?
Wow, Stonekettle is triggered and paranoid !!! The MSM is dominated by Jews, therefore an attack on the MSM is anti-semetic and in fact borderline holocaust denial !!! There needs to be new laws in place to prevent criticism of the fake news MSM and the broadcasters before there is another holocaust !!!

sleepy eyes

Another term for the puffy eyes stoners get when they partake in the smoking of marijuana.

"Hey, Jamal, you've got some sleepy eyes there. You been smoking?"

"Oh no, look at my sleepy eyes! My mom's going to know I'm high for sure!"
#stoner#pothead#marijuana#sleep deprivation#trickster
by happybrothersday March 19, 2009

When you're the president, people expect you to be a little more knowledgeable.

How to spot a Jew: picture - Page 2 - Stormfront

Well, how is everyone so convinced. I mean sorry, but how does everyone have so much experience guessing. I mean I don't see Jews very often, but I looked at everything here on spotting if someone's Jewish and am confused. I mean they all look a little off, but how is it everyone can tell, and I can't? OK

Curly hair... My own hair is wavy, and my mom has extremely frizzy red hair
Hook nose... Everyone with a hook nose is Jewish? That scares me...
Sleepy eyes... My eyes are sleepy when I don't sleep lol"

Such an idiot. Doesn't even know about the caravans - or doesn't care.

Eugene Robinson: Trump hopes you're too stupid to notice there's no wall

You can tell what President Trump is afraid of by what he chooses to lie about. That means he must be petrified of losing support over his failure to build a single mile of the “big, beautiful” border wall he promised.

Trump is scared of a lot of things – Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, honest reporting by the news media, adult-film actress Stormy Daniels and, reportedly, sharks. But nothing seems to make him quake and tremble more than the fear that his core base will realize all his tough-guy huffing and puffing about Latino immigration was a bunch of hot air.

On Easter morning, while many of the president’s most loyal supporters were celebrating the Resurrection, Trump was dishonestly tweeting in a frantic attempt to look strong and uncompromising. His first tweet ended with this bleat: ”‘Caravans’ coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!”

So maybe somebody can explain to the fucking moron who no doubt has already been told, but needs to toss red meat to you lot;

Migrant caravan halts annual protest as Trump tweets threats to Mexico

The “Stations of the Cross” caravans have been held annually in southern Mexico for about 10 years.

They began as short processions of migrants, some dressed in biblical garb and carrying crosses, as an Easter-season protest against the kidnappings, extortion, beatings and killings suffered by many Central American migrants as they cross Mexico.

The organised portions of the caravans usually have not gone much farther north than the Gulf coast state of Veracruz.


Bogged down by logistical problems, large numbers of children and fears about people getting sick, the caravan was always meant to draw attention to the plight of migrants and was never equipped to march all the way to the US border.
This makes sense. They are both mentally ill. And of course Trump is enamored of a Kardashian!

I assume you lot are FINE with him using the office of the president to sell books?



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