Trump Tweets

I'll only post when he's positively unhinged, so - you know.

Every Fucking Day.

Glad to see the Trumpmeister is getting under your skin Scratch&Sniffit, and that you think it "positively unhinged" when he states the simple truth. Which means it is only time before you go BATSHIT CRAZY. Looking forward to your eventual cracking up. You keep following those tweets. Here comes another one.
Trump won.
Hillary lost.
No one will remember her name.
But Trump will be remembered til the end of times.
President #45
Trump won.
Hillary lost.
No one will remember her name.
But Trump will be remembered til the end of times.
President #45

Oh my god, yes. He most assuredly will.

Just not for the reasons you think.

Probably not, he'll accomplish much more.

Time will tell.

And I'm sure we'll give him just as much credit for his accomplishments as you lot did for Obama.

Yup, although still waiting for Obama to accomplish something.
Trump won.
Hillary lost.
No one will remember her name.
But Trump will be remembered til the end of times.
President #45

Oh my god, yes. He most assuredly will.

Just not for the reasons you think.

Probably not, he'll accomplish much more.

Time will tell.

And I'm sure we'll give him just as much credit for his accomplishments as you lot did for Obama.

Yup, although still waiting for Obama to accomplish something.

As am I on the Trump front. See? Like two peas in a pod.
Trump won.
Hillary lost.
No one will remember her name.
But Trump will be remembered til the end of times.
President #45

Oh my god, yes. He most assuredly will.

Just not for the reasons you think.

Probably not, he'll accomplish much more.

Time will tell.

And I'm sure we'll give him just as much credit for his accomplishments as you lot did for Obama.

Yup, although still waiting for Obama to accomplish something.

As am I on the Trump front. See? Like two peas in a pod.

One significant difference is that Obama's time is up.
Sally Yates sets him straight. What am I saying. He can't hear anybody correcting him, he's like Helen Keller before the intervention.

I have seen so many idiots lead countries (Gaddafi, Amin, Bongo.....) I swear Trump is the most idiotic leader I've ever'll be the darkest period of US history. I don't think the next generations will understand how a country like the US allowed a clown to be a president.
I'll only post when he's positively unhinged, so - you know.

Every Fucking Day.

Starting Friday

View attachment 188241

Then today:

View attachment 188242 View attachment 188243

He is SO obsessed with Hillary and Obama, it is nowhere in the realm of normal. I'm sure he's been told repeatedly, but he doesn't care. This makes him look incredibly thin-skinned, petty and insecure.

How is the president actually polling?

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
That’s because Trump is incredibly thin-skinned, petty, and insecure.

And it’s likely a pathetic effort on his part to deflect from the failure and disaster that is his presidency.
I'll only post when he's positively unhinged, so - you know.

Every Fucking Day.

Starting yesterday:

View attachment 188241

Then today:

View attachment 188242 View attachment 188243

He is SO obsessed with Hillary and Obama, it is nowhere in the realm of normal. I'm sure he's been told repeatedly, but he doesn't care. This makes him look incredibly thin-skinned, petty and insecure.

How is the president actually polling?

How Popular Is Donald Trump?

Looks like about 10 minutes of typing. Hardly evidence of obsession.

We talk about HIllary and Obama on this site all the time.

Hell, I was just talking about Ronald Reagan just a few minutes ago with some stupid lefty.

I'm not the one that brought him up, either.
I was just gonna say that.

We post about shot all the time, daily. Are we too obsessed then? I think not.

Having said that I think his Tweeting is often as stupid and juvenile as some of our posts.
I'll only post when he's positively unhinged, so - you know.

Every Fucking Day.

Starting Friday

View attachment 188241

Then today:

View attachment 188242 View attachment 188243

He is SO obsessed with Hillary and Obama, it is nowhere in the realm of normal. I'm sure he's been told repeatedly, but he doesn't care. This makes him look incredibly thin-skinned, petty and insecure.

How is the president actually polling?

How Popular Is Donald Trump?

Good quality, hard working, positive contributing, REAL Americans who matter are united and smiling ear to ear.
Meanwhile, corrupt establishment politicians, the barely Americans of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers continue pissing their pants daily as they get verbally bitch-slapped.....hahahaha
We talk about HIllary and Obama on this site all the time.

Yes. Trump sycophants do. And on the regular, dems point out that neither of those two are president, and you lot need to own your fucking own when it comes to your chosen one.

Further, you don't have the audience that Trump does. Granted, at least half of his Twitter followers are bots, but the world is watching and it is quite embarrassing. He should lead, ffs, not bitch about Hillary and Obama and Comey and Rosenstein and witch hunts and Sessions and fuck all EVERYBODY but Putin.

Pay attention Loon...Trump has said FUCK the popularity contest many times....unlike that soft spoken scrawny black dude with the oversized ears and unAmerican name, he doesn’t give two fucks about being liked by anyone but good, real Americans....AMERICANS FIRST BITCHES!

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