Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

Liberals love abortions.

Nope. I'm as liberal as they come and I'd love for there never to be another abortion performed ever again...but I want that reason to be because of education and advances in science, not because it was "banned".
They hate any threat to their ability to have abortions on demand, when and wherever.

You're partly correct. As a defender of a women's right to choose to have one, attempts to restrict that right do in fact annoy me. As to your claim of wanting "abortions on demand" and "when and wherever", that's not even remotely true. Most Americans agree with the ban on late term abortions unless lives are at risk. That would exclude your "whenever and wherever" wouldn't it?

Anyone who disagrees is demonized.

Oh, you mean like calling people who are pro choice "baby killers"? Demonization like that?
Self-proclaimed conservatives cannot see this issue clearly, they are too emotionally invested in their beliefs.

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No, many have abortions to escape the consequences of their own choices,
and you know this how ? white Patriarch Bwana ?
Do you pay attention to the world around you or just make up your opinions living in a bubble.

Do you remember even seeing or hearing about the story so publicized about how a 'famous' actress admitted to having several abortions, to protect her career - because having kids would have been 'inconvenient', and has 'never regretted it? Of course you didn't, or will probably claim this is false. :p[/QUOTE]

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Correct answer:
It entirely depends on how “abortion is made illegal.” If it is by a Supreme Court decision approving a law that criminalizes abortion, then the law goes into effect according to its terms. If it is by the Supreme Court deciding that the right to life in the Constitution starts at conception, then the states’ homicide laws come into play regardless of anything a President might do. In both cases it is up to the state legislatures, not the Federal Government, and certainly not the President. If there is a “right to life” amendment to the constitution, then it will be up to each state legislature to deal with sanctions that prevent abortions. But generally, from 10,000 feet up, any criminal sanctions on abortion would be primarily directed at the person who performs the abortion, as that would be the appropriate way to try to eliminate the practice.
Now a question for HRC: Take the case of a full-term, viable, healthy baby who, if nature takes its course will be born in two days’ time. Should the mother and her doctor be allowed to kill it because the mother decides that she wants to pursue a Masters in Fine Arts degree, and the baby would make that more difficult?

States can already outlaw late term abortions. If abortion is outlawed without penalty to the woman,

self-abortion will become a common practice.
MarcATL, Tyrone, and everyone's pretty simple - either you DO support the idea of enforcing existing law and holding those who violate the law accountable or you don't. Which is it?

the question was a hypothetical one, designed to gauge the candidates views on the issue of abortion, not to gauge his views on following the law... but nice try. :lol:

trump's answer highlights his absolute cluelessness on the issue, which has of course upset a lot of people today, men and women, who understand the dangerous ramifications of a legal scenario that this tyrannical candidate seems perfectly fine with.
the question was a hypothetical one, designed to gauge the candidates views on the issue of abortion, not to gauge his views on following the law... but nice try. :lol:
B$ - nice OPINION, but wrong. If the question was designed to gauge Trump's beliefs regarding abortions Chris Matthews sucks as a journalist and the question sucked.

The question, however, was IF ABORTIONS ARE BANNED (again as in ILLEGAL) should women be punished for having them?

Matthews didn't ask Trump is abortions should be banned.
He didn't ask what Trump thought of abortions.
His question was SPECFICALLY about LAW and the punishment of anyone who broke the law.

Just because you WANT something the way YOU say it is doesn't make it so.
No, many have abortions to escape the consequences of their own choices,
and you know this how ? white Patriarch Bwana ?
Do you pay attention to the world around you or just make up your opinions living in a bubble.

Do you remember even seeing or hearing about the story so publicized about how a 'famous' actress admitted to having several abortions, to protect her career - because having kids would have been 'inconvenient', and has 'never regretted it? Of course you didn't, or will probably claim this is false. :p

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Here ya go:
Actress and mom Amy Brenneman details the moment she had an abortion
Trump said about women and abortion is precisely what the GOP thinks. The problem is he does not use "dog whistles' he tell it like it is ....

The anti-abortionist lobby knows it can't say that making abortion a crime will make the woman a criminal because they know that position goes nowhere in the mainstream.
That's the long and short of it.

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it was a terrible answer. answer fail. :thup:
Terrible question - perfect answer.

By your response I take it you believe existing law should not be enforced, if you don't LIKE the law, and those who break it should not be held accountable. Got it.
i wonder how trump would answer questions about other hypothetical laws... :eusa_think:

like in a world where private gun ownership is against the law, should we punish people who own guns??

what say you, dum donald........?
The anti-abortionists' core argument is that killing a fetus in the womb is no different than killling your 6 month old in his crib.
In fact their argument requires that equivalency.

But to then turn around and say, well, the woman in the latter case gets life in prison but the woman in the former gets our love and sympathy, well,

the entire argument falls apart. You've refuted your own claim that the fetus is no different than the child.
That they cannot see this is evidence that they are deluded because of their emotional investment in the argument.

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If people who are pro life believe that having an abortion is killing the baby why do Pro life people have a problem with what he said, even though he backtracked and clarified it would be the providers that would be punished not the woman.
I don't have a problem with the earlier comment but then again I don't see the world in sound bites. He shouldn't have even been on the show and presidents don't make those kinds of calls. It really should be a state issue.
You don't see the world in soundbites unless you're looking for ammo against a Liberal.
Very unfair question. Obviously IF abortion was made a crime, there would have to some punishment if only a fine. Trump should have said it was a dumb question and not answered.

All Hell Breaks Loose After Trump Says Women Should Be "Punished" For Illegal Abortions | Zero Hedge

march 30 2016 Host Chris Matthews presses Trump on anti-abortion position, repeatedly asking him, “Should abortion be punished? This is not something you can dodge”
“Look, people in certain parts of the Republican Party, conservative Republicans, would say, ‘Yes, it should,’” Trump answers
“How about you?” Matthews asks
“I would say it’s a very serious problem and it’s a problem we have to decide on. Are you going to send them to jail?” Trump says
“I’m asking you,” Matthews says
“I am pro-life,” Trump says
“How do you actually ban abortion?” Matthews asks
“Well, you go back to a position like they had where they would perhaps go to illegal places but we have to ban it,” Trump says
Matthews then presses Trump on if he believes there should be punishment for abortion if it were illegal
“There has to be some form of punishment,” Trump says
“For the woman?” Matthews says; “Yeah,” Trump says, nodding
Trump says punishment would “have to be determined”
Hey, it's the cons that made abortion an issue. Now you have to explain what the overturning of the law will do. Cons won't be able to hide their intentions to convict women of murder.
Rich conservatives pay their doctors to do it in private.

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