Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

Mathews asking Trump about abortion is unfair in what way?
Who was the last president that dictated abortion law?
Is endings abortion apart of the GOP platform or not? Who cares when the last President dictated abortion law!? He wants to end abortion but when pressed for details he flubbed. It wasn't an unfair question at all. Considering Trump's many changes of heart concerning the topic it is more than fair.
The GOP is made of a great deal of people and are all over the map regarding abortion. But it's not what presidents do so you won't find one that passed any. Who cares? Only people that care about accuracy. And I didn't say the question was unfair, Matthews is a known item so he got what he deserved.
I say punish all women who don't have abortions and whose children grow up to be republicans
Correct answer:
It entirely depends on how “abortion is made illegal.” If it is by a Supreme Court decision approving a law that criminalizes abortion, then the law goes into effect according to its terms. If it is by the Supreme Court deciding that the right to life in the Constitution starts at conception, then the states’ homicide laws come into play regardless of anything a President might do. In both cases it is up to the state legislatures, not the Federal Government, and certainly not the President. If there is a “right to life” amendment to the constitution, then it will be up to each state legislature to deal with sanctions that prevent abortions. But generally, from 10,000 feet up, any criminal sanctions on abortion would be primarily directed at the person who performs the abortion, as that would be the appropriate way to try to eliminate the practice.
Now a question for HRC: Take the case of a full-term, viable, healthy baby who, if nature takes its course will be born in two days’ time. Should the mother and her doctor be allowed to kill it because the mother decides that she wants to pursue a Masters in Fine Arts degree, and the baby would make that more difficult?
I want to see Bush and Cheney and that Condi Rice being charged with felony mass murder...yes Obama can get a trial too
OF COURSE you and other psychotic, deranged, obsessed Liberals want to see Bush and his cabinet from nearly over a decade ago punished...because you are unable to let it go. Despite the shit-storm Obama brought to this country and is carrying out now liberals are so mentally unstable - still living the Florida Election event - that they can't move on.


2 words, dude: 'Get Help!"
Sure Bwana

So you were raped and had an abortion.

*cracks fingers*

Now, let me think of some punishment for you.
I want to see Bush and Cheney and that Condi Rice being charged with felony mass murder...yes Obama can get a trial too
OF COURSE you and other psychotic, deranged, obsessed Liberals want to see Bush and his cabinet from nearly over a decade ago punished...because you are unable to let it go. Despite the shit-storm Obama brought to this country and is carrying out now liberals are so mentally unstable - still living the Florida Election event - that they can't move on.


2 words, dude: 'Get Help!"
Sure Bwana

So you were raped and had an abortion.

*cracks fingers*

Now, let me think of some punishment for you.


You rant about wanting Bush and his Cabinet punished, nearly a decade since he has been in office. I tell you to get over it and / or get help. Then you say "So you were raped and had an abortion'?!?!


You rant about wanting Bush and his Cabinet punished, nearly a decade since he has been in office. I tell you to get over it and / or get help. Then you say "So you were raped and had an abortion'?!?!


White Bwana punish disobedient woman...white Bwana Republican Patriarch
It's not even a question, it's a confirmation. Women would be subject to legal punishment for abortions, right?

It's a stupid question, the answer for which is 'NO'. No one asked Trump is women should be punished for having LEGAL abortions. He was asked if women who have illegal - banned - abortions should be punished.

Here is the REAL confirmation / non-question that is more than obvious by the comments by the liberals on this board:

Only existing laws Liberals agree with should be enforced and then and only then should the perpetrators of those crimes be punished.

Obama has repeatedly demonstrated this throughout his Presidency, beginning with the early days of his 1st term when he declared to the nation, not long after his oath of office in which he vowed to uphold the law, that he would NOT enforce DOMA because HE did not agree with it.
I think they were speaking theoretically.

So let's nail this down: Do you think abortions should be illegal, and if so, what should the punishment be?
If conservatives are consistent, it should be the death penalty in states where that's allowed. Life in prison where it's not.
Mathews asking Trump about abortion is unfair in what way?
Who was the last president that dictated abortion law?
Is endings abortion apart of the GOP platform or not? Who cares when the last President dictated abortion law!? He wants to end abortion but when pressed for details he flubbed. It wasn't an unfair question at all. Considering Trump's many changes of heart concerning the topic it is more than fair.
The GOP is made of a great deal of people and are all over the map regarding abortion. But it's not what presidents do so you won't find one that passed any. Who cares? Only people that care about accuracy. And I didn't say the question was unfair, Matthews is a known item so he got what he deserved.

Do you think the question was unfair or not?
Who are you, Chris Matthews? It was the kind of questions Republicans get to hopefully trap them in for a good soundbite. So that's the game they play and you should know it and avoid it. I think I answered pretty thoroughly at this point Chris.

You rant about wanting Bush and his Cabinet punished, nearly a decade since he has been in office. I tell you to get over it and / or get help. Then you say "So you were raped and had an abortion'?!?!


White Bwana punish disobedient woman...white Bwana Republican Patriarch
Why are you racistly making fun of blacks with the whole 'Bwana' shtick while talking about abortions?

You rant about wanting Bush and his Cabinet punished, nearly a decade since he has been in office. I tell you to get over it and / or get help. Then you say "So you were raped and had an abortion'?!?!


White Bwana punish disobedient woman...white Bwana Republican Patriarch
Why are you racistly making fun of blacks with the whole 'Bwana' shtick while talking about abortions?
I make fun of Bwanas like you.....

‘Misogynistas’ Trump and Cruz Race to See Who Can Hate Women More

It’s more than a bit like saying to women, “Vote for us, and we’ll take away your rights.” It’s EXACTLY like that…
You're not making any sense stupid.
Liberals can't understand 'sense', especially 'common sense'.

Matthews asked Trump is a law-breaker should be held accountable and punished.
Trump said 'Yes'.
Liberals are going 'ape-shite' over it.
THAT is the part that is not making sense.

Liberals love abortions.
They hate any threat to their ability to have abortions on demand, when and wherever.
Anyone who disagrees is demonized.
Not that hard to understand what is going on.

Even YOU should be able to follow that.
What I get is that YOU have lost your cotton-picking mind.

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If a woman is raped and seeks an abortion do you think we should do like the Saudis and whip her fifty lashes? for her "personal choice"

Nice B$ strawman. I don't know of 1 single Conservative who believes a woman who has been raped should not be able to have an abortion, even thought the 'morning after' pill should prevent the need for an abortion - IF the woman raped comes forward.

But you keep trying to demonize anyone who disagrees with your specific view by using B$ arguments like the one above....


Stupid thread but a chance for the loons to lose their minds over Trump and the right to murder innocents. Filthy bastards
What's your argument really?

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Get lost ya ignorant toll, I have zero interest in your inane ramblings, you're fucking stupid
What's a "toll?"

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Mathews asking Trump about abortion is unfair in what way?
Who was the last president that dictated abortion law?
Is endings abortion apart of the GOP platform or not? Who cares when the last President dictated abortion law!? He wants to end abortion but when pressed for details he flubbed. It wasn't an unfair question at all. Considering Trump's many changes of heart concerning the topic it is more than fair.
The GOP is made of a great deal of people and are all over the map regarding abortion. But it's not what presidents do so you won't find one that passed any. Who cares? Only people that care about accuracy. And I didn't say the question was unfair, Matthews is a known item so he got what he deserved.

Do you think the question was unfair or not?
Who are you, Chris Matthews? It was the kind of questions Republicans get to hopefully trap them in for a good soundbite. So that's the game they play and you should know it and avoid it. I think I answered pretty thoroughly at this point Chris.

So you do believe it was unfair. Thanks for clearing that up. Every candidate gets asked about abortion by liberal and conservative reporters. Trump flubbed the answer and now you want to whines about traps. Too funny.
What's your argument really?
Unlike Obama's view, ALL laws should be enforced.
Those who break the law should be punished to some degree.
Period Dot.

Libs went ape-shite when the clerk refused to hand out marriage licenses because she disagreed with the law. Those same libs are squealing like stuck pigs now at the idea of punishing someone who breaks a law THEY disagree with.

The one thing that holds a liberal's universe together, evidently, is HYPOCRISY.
Are you certain that it's just liberals that are upset about the idea that women will go to jail for having an abortion?

If that is what you believe then might I interest you in a bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn?

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MarcATL, Tyrone, and everyone's pretty simple - either you DO support the idea of enforcing existing law and holding those who violate the law accountable or you don't. Which is it?
Are you saying kids 16 - 25 are too stupid to understand the law and make good decisions? Then maybe people from 16 - 25 should not be allowed to vote? Maybe parents should do a better job of educating their kids?

What would I do if someone broke the law? I would hold them accountable. 'Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law'...not even Obama's / Liberals'.

Here's a bit of info for you. People 16-25 fuck. They fuck a lot. Sometimes that results in an unintended pregnancy. It's human nature. No amount of parenting or faith is ever going to change that.

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