Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

If people who are pro life believe that having an abortion is killing the baby why do Pro life people have a problem with what he said, even though he backtracked and clarified it would be the providers that would be punished not the woman.
I don't have a problem with the earlier comment but then again I don't see the world in sound bites. He shouldn't have even been on the show and presidents don't make those kinds of calls. It really should be a state issue.
You don't see the world in soundbites unless you're looking for ammo against a Liberal.
I don't need to look for ammo, liberals supply it in huge steamy piles.
Even though he's an unmitigated bleeding heart liberal, Matthews exposed the lie that is Donald Trump.

Trump is a pretender. A poser. I've been telling you rubes this from the beginning. Until a year ago, Trump was a far left liberal. The reason he can't answer any questions about conservative causes is because HE HAS NEVER BEEN A CONSERVATIVE.

That's why his answers are so vague, so evasive, so prevaricating, and so obviously coached. He is a poorly trained bear.

Here is Trump's TRUE position on abortion, idiots:

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Correct answer:
It entirely depends on how “abortion is made illegal.” If it is by a Supreme Court decision approving a law that criminalizes abortion, then the law goes into effect according to its terms. If it is by the Supreme Court deciding that the right to life in the Constitution starts at conception, then the states’ homicide laws come into play regardless of anything a President might do. In both cases it is up to the state legislatures, not the Federal Government, and certainly not the President. If there is a “right to life” amendment to the constitution, then it will be up to each state legislature to deal with sanctions that prevent abortions. But generally, from 10,000 feet up, any criminal sanctions on abortion would be primarily directed at the person who performs the abortion, as that would be the appropriate way to try to eliminate the practice.
Now a question for HRC: Take the case of a full-term, viable, healthy baby who, if nature takes its course will be born in two days’ time. Should the mother and her doctor be allowed to kill it because the mother decides that she wants to pursue a Masters in Fine Arts degree, and the baby would make that more difficult?

States can already outlaw late term abortions. If abortion is outlawed without penalty to the woman,

self-abortion will become a common practice.
Tenn. woman charged with attempted murder for failed coat hanger abortion

there is a law against fetal homicide in 18 states. Against the law unless done by a trained doctor.
In fairness, when someone participates in a crime they get nailed as an accessory correct?
Before people go insane on this one, the question was asked to Trump if he supported punishing women who have abortions IF THEY WERE BANNED, as in made ILLEGAL.
He said there would have to be.

OF COURSE there would have to be. If abortions, or certain types, were banned / made illegal and a woman BROKE THE LAW by having one anyway the 'law-breaker' would need to be held accountable.

I know Obama, who has treated the Constitution and existing laws in this country like a Chinese take-out A La Carte Menu or as 'suggestions', have nearly successfully brainwashed Liberals into believing laws are optional based on one's own preference and that no one should be held accountable for their actions, but that is NOT how this country is SUPPOSED to work. Those who break the law are supposed to be puished...I actually remember when that USED to happen.
Then why did Drumpf walk it back?
It's not even a question, it's a confirmation. Women would be subject to legal punishment for abortions, right?

It's a stupid question, the answer for which is 'NO'. No one asked Trump is women should be punished for having LEGAL abortions. He was asked if women who have illegal - banned - abortions should be punished.

Here is the REAL confirmation / non-question that is more than obvious by the comments by the liberals on this board:

Only existing laws Liberals agree with should be enforced and then and only then should the perpetrators of those crimes be punished.

Obama has repeatedly demonstrated this throughout his Presidency, beginning with the early days of his 1st term when he declared to the nation, not long after his oath of office in which he vowed to uphold the law, that he would NOT enforce DOMA because HE did not agree with it.
I think they were speaking theoretically.

So let's nail this down: Do you think abortions should be illegal, and if so, what should the punishment be?
If conservatives are consistent, it should be the death penalty in states where that's allowed. Life in prison where it's not.
That's the thing....if it's one thing self-proclaimed conservatives AREN'T is consistent.

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i wonder how trump would answer questions about other hypothetical laws... :eusa_think:

like in a world where private gun ownership is against the law, should we punish people who own guns??

what say you, dum donald........?

dear donald, in a world where it's against the law to cheat on your spouse...

should people who cheat on their spouse be punished...? :eusa_think:
i wonder how trump would answer questions about other hypothetical laws... :eusa_think:

like in a world where private gun ownership is against the law, should we punish people who own guns??

what say you, dum donald........?

dear donald, in a world where it's against the law to cheat on your spouse...

should people who cheat on their spouse be punished...? :eusa_think:

dear donald, in a world where it's against the law to be gay...

should people who are gay be punished...? :eusa_think:
MarcATL, Tyrone, and everyone's pretty simple - either you DO support the idea of enforcing existing law and holding those who violate the law accountable or you don't. Which is it?
Are you willing and ready to throw women in jail for having abortions yes or no, which one is it?

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MarcATL, Tyrone, and everyone's pretty simple - either you DO support the idea of enforcing existing law and holding those who violate the law accountable or you don't. Which is it?

the question was a hypothetical one, designed to gauge the candidates views on the issue of abortion, not to gauge his views on following the law... but nice try. :lol:

trump's answer highlights his absolute cluelessness on the issue, which has of course upset a lot of people today, men and women, who understand the dangerous ramifications of a legal scenario that this tyrannical candidate seems perfectly fine with.

okay let's put this in terms the creeps might actually understand:

dear donald, in a world where internet porn is against the law...

should people who indulge in internet porn be punished...?
Mathews asking Trump about abortion is unfair in what way?
Who was the last president that dictated abortion law?
Is endings abortion apart of the GOP platform or not? Who cares when the last President dictated abortion law!? He wants to end abortion but when pressed for details he flubbed. It wasn't an unfair question at all. Considering Trump's many changes of heart concerning the topic it is more than fair.
The GOP is made of a great deal of people and are all over the map regarding abortion. But it's not what presidents do so you won't find one that passed any. Who cares? Only people that care about accuracy. And I didn't say the question was unfair, Matthews is a known item so he got what he deserved.

Donald got what he deserved, yes I believe your right, he just hung himself. He is not a man of integrity and for him to turn this on to Matthews religion , once again he did what he is good at, not answering the questions.
Bottomline is, Trump was right.

IF abortion is wrong, then the wrongdoer should be punished.

The pregnant woman who has the abortion is the wrongdoer.

bottom line is it was a terrible response to a hypothetical question.

a good answer would have rejected the premise with a thorough explanation.

it's called enlightened leadership...
I do believe that the Trump bandwagon is developing some traction in the mud that it has been stuck in, and is now picking up speed toward the edge of the cliff.
Bottomline is, Trump was right.

IF abortion is wrong, then the wrongdoer should be punished.

The pregnant woman who has the abortion is the wrongdoer.
You are still minimizing the hypothetical breaking of a law. It's not just 'wrong-doing' would be BREAKING THE LAW.
Chris Matthews tricks Trump into saying - Punish women for abortions.

That rascal Chris Matthews tricked Trump by not accepting his dodges and forcing him to answer the question of whether women should be punished if they get an abortion


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