Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

Let me put it this way...the Right wing Nut way

Abortion is murder but carpet bombing cities and towns and weddings and Funerals is not murder ....War is not mass murder ...its "Noble" wooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo
YOUR words, Tyrone - no one else's.

BTW, why is it OK when the Nobel Peace Prize winner uses the military to carpet bomb Libya and Syria to help terrorists take over countries but not when anyone else does it?
The anti-abortionists' core argument is that killing a fetus in the womb is no different than killling your 6 month old in his crib.
In fact their argument requires that equivalency.

But to then turn around and say, well, the woman in the latter case gets life in prison but the woman in the former gets our love and sympathy, well,

the entire argument falls apart. You've refuted your own claim that the fetus is no different than the child.
Mathews asking Trump about abortion is unfair in what way?
Who was the last president that dictated abortion law?

Is endings abortion apart of the GOP platform or not? Who cares when the last President dictated abortion law!? He wants to end abortion but when pressed for details he flubbed. It wasn't an unfair question at all. Considering Trump's many changes of heart concerning the topic it is more than fair.
You're not making any sense stupid.
Liberals can't understand 'sense', especially 'common sense'.

Matthews asked Trump is a law-breaker should be held accountable and punished.
Trump said 'Yes'.
Liberals are going 'ape-shite' over it.
THAT is the part that is not making sense.

Liberals love abortions.
They hate any threat to their ability to have abortions on demand, when and wherever.
Anyone who disagrees is demonized.
Not that hard to understand what is going on.

Even YOU should be able to follow that.

Trump was specifically asked if women should be punished and Trump said yes

Quite clear
Let me put it this way...the Right wing Nut way

Abortion is murder but carpet bombing cities and towns and weddings and Funerals is not murder ....War is not mass murder ...its "Noble" wooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo
YOUR words, Tyrone - no one else's.

BTW, why is it OK when the Nobel Peace Prize winner uses the military to carpet bomb Libya and Syria to help terrorists take over countries but not when anyone else does it?
I call for a trial at the Hague for Bush, Cheney and Obama ...what about you
I call for a trial at the Hague for Bush, Cheney and Obama ...what about you
Throw Obama in there for war crimes as well - helping know terrorists who have butchered countless numbers of people take over their own countries, for arming terrorists and Drug cartel Members resulting in even more deaths, for Human trafficking and aiding and abetting Human traffickers....

Light 'em up, dude!
Very unfair question. Obviously IF abortion was made a crime, there would have to some punishment if only a fine. Trump should have said it was a dumb question and not answered.

All Hell Breaks Loose After Trump Says Women Should Be "Punished" For Illegal Abortions | Zero Hedge

march 30 2016 Host Chris Matthews presses Trump on anti-abortion position, repeatedly asking him, “Should abortion be punished? This is not something you can dodge”
“Look, people in certain parts of the Republican Party, conservative Republicans, would say, ‘Yes, it should,’” Trump answers
“How about you?” Matthews asks
“I would say it’s a very serious problem and it’s a problem we have to decide on. Are you going to send them to jail?” Trump says
“I’m asking you,” Matthews says
“I am pro-life,” Trump says
“How do you actually ban abortion?” Matthews asks
“Well, you go back to a position like they had where they would perhaps go to illegal places but we have to ban it,” Trump says
Matthews then presses Trump on if he believes there should be punishment for abortion if it were illegal
“There has to be some form of punishment,” Trump says
“For the woman?” Matthews says; “Yeah,” Trump says, nodding
Trump says punishment would “have to be determined”
Should be the easiest answer ever:

"Well obviously Chris, yes. Women should be punished for having abortions, that's what illegal means. This is what we want".

Why is this a problem?
I call for a trial at the Hague for Bush, Cheney and Obama ...what about you
Throw Obama in there for war crimes as well - helping know terrorists who have butchered countless numbers of people take over their own countries, for arming terrorists and Drug cartel Members resulting in even more deaths, for Human trafficking and aiding and abetting Human traffickers....

Light 'em up, dude!
I want to see Bush and Cheney and that Condi Rice being charged with felony mass murder...yes Obama can get a trial too
Very unfair question. Obviously IF abortion was made a crime, there would have to some punishment if only a fine. Trump should have said it was a dumb question and not answered.

All Hell Breaks Loose After Trump Says Women Should Be "Punished" For Illegal Abortions | Zero Hedge

march 30 2016 Host Chris Matthews presses Trump on anti-abortion position, repeatedly asking him, “Should abortion be punished? This is not something you can dodge”
“Look, people in certain parts of the Republican Party, conservative Republicans, would say, ‘Yes, it should,’” Trump answers
“How about you?” Matthews asks
“I would say it’s a very serious problem and it’s a problem we have to decide on. Are you going to send them to jail?” Trump says
“I’m asking you,” Matthews says
“I am pro-life,” Trump says
“How do you actually ban abortion?” Matthews asks
“Well, you go back to a position like they had where they would perhaps go to illegal places but we have to ban it,” Trump says
Matthews then presses Trump on if he believes there should be punishment for abortion if it were illegal
“There has to be some form of punishment,” Trump says
“For the woman?” Matthews says; “Yeah,” Trump says, nodding
Trump says punishment would “have to be determined”

If you think abortion is murder, why WOULDN'T you punish women for abortions?
If people who are pro life believe that having an abortion is killing the baby why do Pro life people have a problem with what he said, even though he backtracked and clarified it would be the providers that would be punished not the woman.

They have to pretend that the woman is innocent, somehow, because they know to claim otherwise is politically a total loser.
It's not even a question, it's a confirmation. Women would be subject to legal punishment for abortions, right?

It's a stupid question, the answer for which is 'NO'. No one asked Trump is women should be punished for having LEGAL abortions. He was asked if women who have illegal - banned - abortions should be punished.

Here is the REAL confirmation / non-question that is more than obvious by the comments by the liberals on this board:

Only existing laws Liberals agree with should be enforced and then and only then should the perpetrators of those crimes be punished.

Obama has repeatedly demonstrated this throughout his Presidency, beginning with the early days of his 1st term when he declared to the nation, not long after his oath of office in which he vowed to uphold the law, that he would NOT enforce DOMA because HE did not agree with it.
It's not even a question, it's a confirmation. Women would be subject to legal punishment for abortions, right?

It's a stupid question, the answer for which is 'NO'. No one asked Trump is women should be punished for having LEGAL abortions. He was asked if women who have illegal - banned - abortions should be punished.

Here is the REAL confirmation / non-question that is more than obvious by the comments by the liberals on this board:

Only existing laws Liberals agree with should be enforced and then and only then should the perpetrators of those crimes be punished.

Obama has repeatedly demonstrated this throughout his Presidency, beginning with the early days of his 1st term when he declared to the nation, not long after his oath of office in which he vowed to uphold the law, that he would NOT enforce DOMA because HE did not agree with it.
I think they were speaking theoretically.

So let's nail this down: Do you think abortions should be illegal, and if so, what should the punishment be?
I want to see Bush and Cheney and that Condi Rice being charged with felony mass murder...yes Obama can get a trial too
OF COURSE you and other psychotic, deranged, obsessed Liberals want to see Bush and his cabinet from nearly over a decade ago punished...because you are unable to let it go. Despite the shit-storm Obama brought to this country and is carrying out now liberals are so mentally unstable - still living the Florida Election event - that they can't move on.


2 words, dude: 'Get Help!"
Sea, I have to disagree with you on one major item. While not all, there are a large number of - some extremely powerful - liberals who do want 'abortion on demand'. For example, Senator Barry Obama himself made the argument for the right for a mother and a doctor to kill a living, breathing baby that had survived a failed abortion attempt simply because their initial intent was to kill it anyway.

Some of the most barbaric abortions - killing babies capable of surviving outside the womb - are 'legal' today. These abortions are allowed based on the LIBERAL argument that a baby is NOT a baby until it is fully, completely outside the mother....despite their argument directly conflicting with medical facts of when babies have heart beats, when babies feel pain, when babies are capable of surviving outside the mother. The fight to protect their own definition so they can continue to practice these barbaric murders. Now there are more people making the argument for the right to kill living, breathing babies outside the womb - just as Obama argued.

I understand your being defensive of anyone's right to have an abortion taken from them, but WHEN THE HELL IS ENOUGH? At what point do liberals want to concede the presence of life? If not when a baby is fighting for it's life on a surgical table after a failed abortion then WHEN? Maybe liberals want a trial period of 6 months or so? After 6 months if the child seems too whiny, too much of an inconvenience, the mother still has the right to kill it?! This is an over-exaggeration, but come on! At some point we have to draw the line and protect human life, to fight for a human being's right to live over one's selfish desire not to be inconvenienced by their poor choice!

And as far as this whole thing with Trump, AGAIN, the man said if something was made illegal he believed the person who broke the law should be held accountable. The 3 major things a government is supposed to provide is Security, Liberty, and justice.
- By refusing to secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect citizens Obama has chosen not to fulfill that 1st one.
- Liberty should be preserved, but one's liberty should not infringe on another's or cost the life of another. If abortions are not banned then fine. I have no problem with that.
- This President has abandoned the Rule of Law and his responsibility to enforce our laws - to provide Justice. In turn many people see the law as he does - picking and choosing to support the laws they like and ignoring those they don't. If abortions do become illegal than those who have them in violation of the law should be punished. I don't care if its a $10 fine, $1,000 fine, or a year in jail. Just ENFORCE the frickin' laws of this country.

And Liberals are seriously OK with the government controlling people's decision to buy health care or not - forcing them to buy a product, but does not want the government telling them they can't kill a baby capable of living outside the womb? So SOME government control of your personal, individual rights / decisions are ok but not complete and utter control, not of the things you are NOT ok with?

Good grief...
You're not making any sense stupid.
Liberals can't understand 'sense', especially 'common sense'.

Matthews asked Trump is a law-breaker should be held accountable and punished.
Trump said 'Yes'.
Liberals are going 'ape-shite' over it.
THAT is the part that is not making sense.

Liberals love abortions.
They hate any threat to their ability to have abortions on demand, when and wherever.
Anyone who disagrees is demonized.
Not that hard to understand what is going on.

Even YOU should be able to follow that.

Trump was specifically asked if women should be punished and Trump said yes

Quite clear

Oddly, Trump revealed the irrationality of the anti-abortion movement - something I've been doing here for years on exactly that point - how can the woman be innocent if abortion is illegal?
I think they were speaking theoretically.

So let's nail this down: Do you think abortions should be illegal, and if so, what should the punishment be?
Of course they were speaking theoretically because abortions are NOT illegal.

To answer your question:
I believe that late-term abortions - any abortion where the baby is capable of surviving outside the womb - should be made illegal except in specific cases such as the procedure needing to be done to save the mother's life. I believe no baby that has survived a failed abortion and is fighting for its life outside the mother should be killed.

Other than that, NO.
It's not even a question, it's a confirmation. Women would be subject to legal punishment for abortions, right?

It's a stupid question, the answer for which is 'NO'. No one asked Trump is women should be punished for having LEGAL abortions. He was asked if women who have illegal - banned - abortions should be punished.

Here is the REAL confirmation / non-question that is more than obvious by the comments by the liberals on this board:

Only existing laws Liberals agree with should be enforced and then and only then should the perpetrators of those crimes be punished.

Obama has repeatedly demonstrated this throughout his Presidency, beginning with the early days of his 1st term when he declared to the nation, not long after his oath of office in which he vowed to uphold the law, that he would NOT enforce DOMA because HE did not agree with it.
I think they were speaking theoretically.

So let's nail this down: Do you think abortions should be illegal, and if so, what should the punishment be?

If life is determined to begin at conception, then the punishment should be the same as it is for the previous point at which life was legally determined to begin.

Effectively, abortion becomes infanticide from the moment of conception. What are our punishments for infanticide?
Oddly, Trump revealed the irrationality of the anti-abortion movement -

So the irrationality of pro-lifers' is that all existing law should be enforced and those who break the law should be held accountable?!


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