Trump v.s. Buttigieg. I'm voting for Buttigieg.


Sep 25, 2015
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?
But plug put many blacks in jail for drug possession it actually increased under his regime..

So you care about smoking weed not our American cities turned in to shit holes?
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I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?

Do you know what "I'm a Republican, but I'm going to do this insanely leftist thing" translates to?

It basically means, "Hi, I'm a leftist and a pathological liar. Please mock me and laugh at me."

Just FYI.
One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. you're going to do what Mexicrats do?
You're a stoner so you will set aside all other policies because the legalization of your precious weed makes you all warm and fuzzy inside?
Typical LefTarded shit..."I'll vote for him because he seems more tolerant of man on man butt sex...fuck his politics, I want to feel good."
Folks, pay attention to this...are you sure you want more ignorant people dismissing the politics and voting on personal FEELZ shit?
If Buttgig keeps his mental illness in the bedroom, I don't care. But once he wants to take it to the oval office, I care.

Even if he was not a mentally ill homosexual, he will call in the guns.

Either way NO for BUTTGIG!

The despicable, lying con man gets my vote.
"I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again..."

I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?
Trump, all the way. Pete Buttplug says he's a religious man, yet he supports LATE term abortions. He has made South Bend WORSE as a mayor. He's anti-police and appears to be a racist. In summation, he's an educated IDIOT.
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?

Do you know what "I'm a Republican, but I'm going to do this insanely leftist thing" translates to?

It basically means, "Hi, I'm a leftist and a pathological liar. Please mock me and laugh at me."

Just FYI.
Yeah, they need some new material!

Secret tapes in racially tinged police scandal may revive difficult time for Buttigieg. I predict they’ll come out just before South Carolina.
^^ lol. I didn't know this was such a pro Trump Forum. Anyway... It seams as though Bernie Sanders is in the lead on the Democratic side so far. God help us if he becomes President. I mean I see if you went to college and had some sort of student loan debt, but his dramatic Socialist ideas would ruin our Economy. As far as Klobuchar it seams the media loves her for some reason, but I don't know why. It's almost like our local news is trying to promote her. When it comes to Bloomberg... well, He's just trying to buy the election. If he wasn't a Billionare he wouldn't even qualify. And Biden, He's old news, but he thinks he will do better in every next state. As for Warren and the rest I get the feeling they'll drop out. So, thats why I say that hopefully Buttigieg becomes the Democratic nominee and not Sanders. Because I'd rather see four more years of Trump instead of four years of Sanders or more, If the majority vote is Sanders and not Buttigieg if the Democrats win the Presidential election.
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?

Well I suppose that one will clean up on all the gay vote. LOL Just sayin.

I don't think this nation will ever be ready for a first faggot instead of a first lady in the Whitehouse.
Buttplug was raised in a hard core communist family. He is a gay Chesa Boudin. No. Just no. Not even if he stopped flouncing.
Buttigieg is doing surprisingly well, considering that he's an AI neural netword trained on shitty Barry speeches. He has no substance, he has no ideas. He is empty, and pretty much everything he says sounds nice, but is empty of content. I can't stand socialist Sanders, but at least he has stood by his views for decades.

Has anyone vetted Buttigieg so far? There are so many similarities between him and Barry. What I am talking about is bit of secrecy around him, everything is vague with no clear picture. He joined NAVY thru "direct commission" program, but somehow managed not to go thru basic training, not sure if he ever fired a weapon, there is almost nothing that you can confirm 100% about him, just like it was case with candidate and later President Barry.
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?

I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?
You are changing parties to vote for man who wants to pay reparations for illegal immigrant families as well as Blacks. And If it starts hurting his poll numbers, Mayor Pete will change his tune on legalizing Pot in a heartbeat.
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't [sic] become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?

You must be a “trans Republican”—Someone who claims to “identify” as a Republican, but who, by all rational, observable criteria, is actually a Democrap or worse.

Either that, or you're just a druggie, who puts your access to your drug of choice above any moral or ethical principles to which you might otherwise hold.
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?

Do you "identify" as a fish today?

I mean, mammals are so........declasse these days!
Buttigieg is doing surprisingly well, considering that he's an AI neural netword trained on shitty Barry speeches. He has no substance, he has no ideas. He is empty, and pretty much everything he says sounds nice, but is empty of content. I can't stand socialist Sanders, but at least he has stood by his views for decades.

Has anyone vetted Buttigieg so far? There are so many similarities between him and Barry. What I am talking about is bit of secrecy around him, everything is vague with no clear picture. He joined NAVY thru "direct commission" program, but somehow managed not to go thru basic training, not sure if he ever fired a weapon, there is almost nothing that you can confirm 100% about him, just like it was case with candidate and later President Barry.

To continue on this...

I mentioned veil of secrecy around Buttigieg, that is very similar to that of Barry. Remember, we all heard how he graduated from Harvard law school, and with that on his resume any law firm would take him with open hands ("top of his class", editor of Harvard law review, etc.) but he chooses to do generic bureaucratic work. Michelle said once that "Barry could work wherever he wanted after he graduated", so why didn't he? He chose to be community organizer? Does that makes any sense to any of you? He could've been community organizer without law degree, or without the school at all. or to put it this way, you don't go to Harvard just to end up as low paid community organizer.

Wayne Allyn Root was in the exact same program as Barry at Columbia, the exact same major, graduated in the exact same class, and doesn't remember seeing him there, and nobody that went to college there remember him neither. The same thing is about his "community organizing", nobody can point anything about that part of his work, no cases about police work, public education, public housing, anything? Even his Illinois Senate record was largely voting "present" without taking position on anything, just to magically appear in US Senate as young Senator from Illinois, and barely in his third year there, with no legislative track record, with no accomplishments, he announces he's running for president. Media, with few largely unnoticed exceptions, never vetted Barry, they gave him a free pass on everything before he became president, and during his presidency.

Here is where it gets interesting with Buttigieg. According to Atlantic article "What Pete Buttigieg Says He Did at McKinsey" he said he was bound by the NDA so he couldn't talk about it, just to be later released from NDA under pressure from other candidates.

Buttigieg has intentionally tried to position himself as the next Barack Obama, another “young man with a funny name,” as he put it in a big speech in Iowa last month. But this is among the points where they diverge. Obama took two years after college to work for a few thousand dollars a year as a community organizer in Chicago. Buttigieg came back from Oxford a Rhodes Scholar, and could have had almost any first job he wanted. He chose McKinsey, working out of a Chicago office a few miles from where Obama had been knocking on doors to fight for issues like tenants’ rights. To his critics, going to work at McKinsey at all says something about what the mayor values.

His work at McKinsey didn't involve working with other people, or on cases, he was preparing power point presentations, working on excel sheets, analyzing data, travel costs etc. What he did for McKinsey, he did for armed forces while he was there. None of combat, just analyses work on how to help business grow. Definitely not working for CIA.

There you go, failed mayor, small private sector bureaucrat that was consulting public sector bureaucrats, and paper pusher in armed forces, decides to run for president. Nothing we know about him came from third source, all we know actually came from him as a source, and it's mostly unverifiable, and media is giving him free pass on everything, just as they were doing in case of President Barry.

Do we have another Manchurian candidate from the left?
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?'s official. The USA is now an Idiocracy.
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?

If you think that worthless queer that couldn't even run a small Indiana city would make a good President of the US, especially after all of the successes we have seen from Trump, then you are fucking moron. Or maybe it is because you are troll that never voted for Trump the first time.
I'm a Republican and I was going to vote for Trump again, but I listened to some of what Pete Buttigieg said on a T.V. interview and after hearing his ideas I was persuaded that I'm going to vote for him. One of his ideas out of many is to Federally legalize Marijuana, which I think is a great idea. The time has come for that. If Trump decided to do that then I would vote for him again, but I don't think Trump has the same views as Buttigieg on that. So, as a Republican I think I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigieg as President. Unless he dosn't become the Democratic nominee in 2020. In that case I'm just going to vote for Trump again. Because I just don't care for the rest of the Democrats running. There all too progressive. So, to me it's either Buttigieg or Trump. Who would you vote for ?

If you think that worthless queer that couldn't even run a small Indiana city would make a good President of the US, especially after all of the successes we have seen from Trump, then you are fucking moron. Or maybe it is because you are troll that never voted for Trump the first time.

They don't think can he do it, or not, they simply don't care as long it has D next to their name. Put it this way, if tomorrow Hitler reincarnates and start running for president, and he's leading in the polls, they would all stand behind him. He would be perfect socialist candidate... just read his NSDAP platform.

Unlike Trump who is disruptor who challenged status quo in D.C. like never before, Buttigieg as technocrat doesn't have his own ideas, he's taking someone else idea and add to it. He agrees with everyone he's running against, with just slightly modified idea to look like he's different. Plus, he's homosexual. Just as nobody was allowed to criticize Barry without being labeled racist, we'll not be allowed to criticize Buttigieg without being labeled as homophobes.

Could he run the country? If left thought that Barry could do it, they sure do think Buttigieg can do it too. The're probably preparing for him Nobel nomination already... just in case.

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