
Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obongo gave them the green light, the only way to get rid of ms13 is when they resist arrest kill them, save time and money. They'll run back south or north...

Leave the poor misunderstood gangsters alone, cries the Left.
August 2, 2017

Matthew Vadum

President Trump’s intensifying crackdown on transnational crime gang MS-13 is being met with fierce resistance by the Left.

Understanding the leftist mind is an inexact science but the complaints seem to center around the idea that in the Trump era trying to eliminate an ethno-culturally non-diverse criminal organization is somehow racist, no matter how horrifying and brutal the group’s crimes against innocent Americans may be. The Left habitually sides with antisocial causes, putting partisanship over the interests of the American people. Left-wingers promote so-called sanctuary cities which are magnets for illegal aliens and the crime that accompanies them. They don’t care about the damage such policies do to American society.

Although it may sound like hyperbole to some, leftists hate Donald Trump and everything he stands for, so if Trump comes out against rapists and serial killers, for example, the Left will defiantly take a stand in favor of rapists and serial killers.

Racist left-wing journalist Jamelle Bouie of Slate argues that MS-13 is nothing to be afraid of. It’s all hype. He writes that the president’s speeches on MS-13 and illegal aliens employ words to "make white people afraid."


That’s what patriots do.

But on the Left there aren’t many of those remaining.

Trump vs. MS-13
Obongo gave them the green light, the only way to get rid of ms13 is when they resist arrest kill them, save time and money. They'll run back south or north...

Leave the poor misunderstood gangsters alone, cries the Left.
August 2, 2017

Matthew Vadum

President Trump’s intensifying crackdown on transnational crime gang MS-13 is being met with fierce resistance by the Left.

Understanding the leftist mind is an inexact science but the complaints seem to center around the idea that in the Trump era trying to eliminate an ethno-culturally non-diverse criminal organization is somehow racist, no matter how horrifying and brutal the group’s crimes against innocent Americans may be. The Left habitually sides with antisocial causes, putting partisanship over the interests of the American people. Left-wingers promote so-called sanctuary cities which are magnets for illegal aliens and the crime that accompanies them. They don’t care about the damage such policies do to American society.

Although it may sound like hyperbole to some, leftists hate Donald Trump and everything he stands for, so if Trump comes out against rapists and serial killers, for example, the Left will defiantly take a stand in favor of rapists and serial killers.

Racist left-wing journalist Jamelle Bouie of Slate argues that MS-13 is nothing to be afraid of. It’s all hype. He writes that the president’s speeches on MS-13 and illegal aliens employ words to "make white people afraid."


That’s what patriots do.

But on the Left there aren’t many of those remaining.

Trump vs. MS-13

Yep. I have many friends in law enforcement and they all say that ms 13 is the most violent gang out there, by far. They want them declared a terrorist group so that they can really be gone after hard.
Obongo gave them the green light, the only way to get rid of ms13 is when they resist arrest kill them, save time and money. They'll run back south or north...

Leave the poor misunderstood gangsters alone, cries the Left.
August 2, 2017

Matthew Vadum

President Trump’s intensifying crackdown on transnational crime gang MS-13 is being met with fierce resistance by the Left.

Understanding the leftist mind is an inexact science but the complaints seem to center around the idea that in the Trump era trying to eliminate an ethno-culturally non-diverse criminal organization is somehow racist, no matter how horrifying and brutal the group’s crimes against innocent Americans may be. The Left habitually sides with antisocial causes, putting partisanship over the interests of the American people. Left-wingers promote so-called sanctuary cities which are magnets for illegal aliens and the crime that accompanies them. They don’t care about the damage such policies do to American society.

Although it may sound like hyperbole to some, leftists hate Donald Trump and everything he stands for, so if Trump comes out against rapists and serial killers, for example, the Left will defiantly take a stand in favor of rapists and serial killers.

Racist left-wing journalist Jamelle Bouie of Slate argues that MS-13 is nothing to be afraid of. It’s all hype. He writes that the president’s speeches on MS-13 and illegal aliens employ words to "make white people afraid."


That’s what patriots do.

But on the Left there aren’t many of those remaining.

Trump vs. MS-13

Hey lighten up man, God meant for the American dream to be for everyone including thugs. These guys only want to rob, rape and burgel the folks avrage Americans won't.
Personally dealt with MS-13 and if someone from the Slate believe MS-13 is not dangerous then they did a poor ass job when investigating the Gang.

From Drugs to Human trafficking MS-13 has it hands in it with blessing of the Cartels.

As Westwall wrote they should be consider a terrorist group and if you ever lived in Hispanic neighborhoods you would know the gang is a dangerous element that terrorize the local community from extortion to killings.
Personally dealt with MS-13 and if someone from the Slate believe MS-13 is not dangerous then they did a poor ass job when investigating the Gang.

From Drugs to Human trafficking MS-13 has it hands in it with blessing of the Cartels.

As Westwall wrote they should be consider a terrorist group and if you ever lived in Hispanic neighborhoods you would know the gang is a dangerous element that terrorize the local community from extortion to killings.

Mostly other illegals are the victims.
Personally dealt with MS-13 and if someone from the Slate believe MS-13 is not dangerous then they did a poor ass job when investigating the Gang.

From Drugs to Human trafficking MS-13 has it hands in it with blessing of the Cartels.

As Westwall wrote they should be consider a terrorist group and if you ever lived in Hispanic neighborhoods you would know the gang is a dangerous element that terrorize the local community from extortion to killings.

Mostly other illegals are the victims.

Yes, and that is why they do what they do with the blessing of the Cartels, but MS-13 have been known to go after legal citizens of this country but usually in the Hispanic\Latino community.

They have no business in this country except to be the terrorist arm of the Cartels to keep illegals in line and drugs flowing...
Yep. I have many friends in law enforcement and they all say that ms 13 is the most violent gang out there, by far. They want them declared a terrorist group so that they can really be gone after hard.

Isn't that the kind of government abuse you guys keep warning us about?
What happens when some future Democratic President declares the NRA as a terrorist group?
Yep. I have many friends in law enforcement and they all say that ms 13 is the most violent gang out there, by far. They want them declared a terrorist group so that they can really be gone after hard.

Isn't that the kind of government abuse you guys keep warning us about?
What happens when some future Democratic President declares the NRA as a terrorist group?

Lots of laughter.
MS-13 infiltrated the US long before Oblama shit in the White House.....But go to war man, the US govt. hates competition with drug sales..
MS-13 infiltrated the US long before Oblama shit in the White House.....But go to war man, the US govt. hates competition with drug sales..
i didnt know Oblama chit in the white house,,,I thought he and michelle never took a chit being they were king and queen,,,only the servants chit for them 4 times a day,
Yep. I have many friends in law enforcement and they all say that ms 13 is the most violent gang out there, by far. They want them declared a terrorist group so that they can really be gone after hard.

Isn't that the kind of government abuse you guys keep warning us about?
What happens when some future Democratic President declares the NRA as a terrorist group?

Nope. This gang is a clear and present danger. It is obvious to anyone with a brain (leaves you out) who, and what they are.
Yep. I have many friends in law enforcement and they all say that ms 13 is the most violent gang out there, by far. They want them declared a terrorist group so that they can really be gone after hard.

Isn't that the kind of government abuse you guys keep warning us about?
What happens when some future Democratic President declares the NRA as a terrorist group?

Lots of laughter.

NOt really. The NRA Kills 33,000 Americans a year. It's like 10 9/11's, every year.

Talk about a terror group.
Nope. This gang is a clear and present danger. It is obvious to anyone with a brain (leaves you out) who, and what they are.

But that doesn't qualify them as a terrorist group. I think you need to look up the definition of terrorism and see it really doesn't apply to MS-13.

Are they a nasty bunch of people? Yup.
Are they the threat you are making them out to be? Nope.
Nope. This gang is a clear and present danger. It is obvious to anyone with a brain (leaves you out) who, and what they are.

But that doesn't qualify them as a terrorist group. I think you need to look up the definition of terrorism and see it really doesn't apply to MS-13.

Are they a nasty bunch of people? Yup.
Are they the threat you are making them out to be? Nope.

Oh? why not? Everything they are doing is for the benefit of narco terrorists. Seems as though you haven't thought this through very well. No surprise there.
Obongo gave them the green light, the only way to get rid of ms13 is when they resist arrest kill them, save time and money. They'll run back south or north...

Leave the poor misunderstood gangsters alone, cries the Left.
August 2, 2017

Matthew Vadum

President Trump’s intensifying crackdown on transnational crime gang MS-13 is being met with fierce resistance by the Left.

Understanding the leftist mind is an inexact science but the complaints seem to center around the idea that in the Trump era trying to eliminate an ethno-culturally non-diverse criminal organization is somehow racist, no matter how horrifying and brutal the group’s crimes against innocent Americans may be. The Left habitually sides with antisocial causes, putting partisanship over the interests of the American people. Left-wingers promote so-called sanctuary cities which are magnets for illegal aliens and the crime that accompanies them. They don’t care about the damage such policies do to American society.

Although it may sound like hyperbole to some, leftists hate Donald Trump and everything he stands for, so if Trump comes out against rapists and serial killers, for example, the Left will defiantly take a stand in favor of rapists and serial killers.

Racist left-wing journalist Jamelle Bouie of Slate argues that MS-13 is nothing to be afraid of. It’s all hype. He writes that the president’s speeches on MS-13 and illegal aliens employ words to "make white people afraid."


That’s what patriots do.

But on the Left there aren’t many of those remaining.

Trump vs. MS-13

Yep. I have many friends in law enforcement and they all say that ms 13 is the most violent gang out there, by far. They want them declared a terrorist group so that they can really be gone after hard.
some of the mexican orgs that have former mex military and law enforcement are pretty sophisticated and brutal too
not sure how MS-13 would fare in a toe to toe battle with the russian "bratvas" though
Go after MS-13 and other violent gangs with the same intensity we go after Al Qaeda and ISIS. If we do that, the problem will be solved fairly quickly. I didn't invite these violent Illegals to my country. Obama and Democrats may have, but i didn't. It's time for them to be shown the door. And if they refuse, they'll become maggot food. I wish Trump the best of luck. God Bless em. :thup:
Obongo gave them the green light, the only way to get rid of ms13 is when they resist arrest kill them, save time and money. They'll run back south or north...

Leave the poor misunderstood gangsters alone, cries the Left.
August 2, 2017

Matthew Vadum

President Trump’s intensifying crackdown on transnational crime gang MS-13 is being met with fierce resistance by the Left.

Understanding the leftist mind is an inexact science but the complaints seem to center around the idea that in the Trump era trying to eliminate an ethno-culturally non-diverse criminal organization is somehow racist, no matter how horrifying and brutal the group’s crimes against innocent Americans may be. The Left habitually sides with antisocial causes, putting partisanship over the interests of the American people. Left-wingers promote so-called sanctuary cities which are magnets for illegal aliens and the crime that accompanies them. They don’t care about the damage such policies do to American society.

Although it may sound like hyperbole to some, leftists hate Donald Trump and everything he stands for, so if Trump comes out against rapists and serial killers, for example, the Left will defiantly take a stand in favor of rapists and serial killers.

Racist left-wing journalist Jamelle Bouie of Slate argues that MS-13 is nothing to be afraid of. It’s all hype. He writes that the president’s speeches on MS-13 and illegal aliens employ words to "make white people afraid."


That’s what patriots do.

But on the Left there aren’t many of those remaining.

Trump vs. MS-13

Yep. I have many friends in law enforcement and they all say that ms 13 is the most violent gang out there, by far. They want them declared a terrorist group so that they can really be gone after hard.
I have been involved with opposing gangs long before MS13 was even on the radar. They are not the most dangerous. They are among the most cruel relying on torture as they do but the most dangerous is Los Zetas. They are not punk kids off the streets. Los Zetas are highly trained military and police (trained by us, at School of the Americas) that went rogue.
Obongo gave them the green light, the only way to get rid of ms13 is when they resist arrest kill them, save time and money. They'll run back south or north...

Leave the poor misunderstood gangsters alone, cries the Left.
August 2, 2017

Matthew Vadum

President Trump’s intensifying crackdown on transnational crime gang MS-13 is being met with fierce resistance by the Left.

Understanding the leftist mind is an inexact science but the complaints seem to center around the idea that in the Trump era trying to eliminate an ethno-culturally non-diverse criminal organization is somehow racist, no matter how horrifying and brutal the group’s crimes against innocent Americans may be. The Left habitually sides with antisocial causes, putting partisanship over the interests of the American people. Left-wingers promote so-called sanctuary cities which are magnets for illegal aliens and the crime that accompanies them. They don’t care about the damage such policies do to American society.

Although it may sound like hyperbole to some, leftists hate Donald Trump and everything he stands for, so if Trump comes out against rapists and serial killers, for example, the Left will defiantly take a stand in favor of rapists and serial killers.

Racist left-wing journalist Jamelle Bouie of Slate argues that MS-13 is nothing to be afraid of. It’s all hype. He writes that the president’s speeches on MS-13 and illegal aliens employ words to "make white people afraid."


That’s what patriots do.

But on the Left there aren’t many of those remaining.

Trump vs. MS-13

Yep. I have many friends in law enforcement and they all say that ms 13 is the most violent gang out there, by far. They want them declared a terrorist group so that they can really be gone after hard.
I have been involved with opposing gangs long before MS13 was even on the radar. They are not the most dangerous. They are among the most cruel relying on torture as they do but the most dangerous is Los Zetas. They are not punk kids off the streets. Los Zetas are highly trained military and police (trained by us, at School of the Americas) that went rogue.

Hunt - Kill, just like we do with Al Qaeda and ISIS. Most of MS-13 is made up of horrifically violent Illegals. They don't have US Constitutional Rights. Therefore, it's time for an aggressive 'Hunt - Kill' approach.

They should either be removed from our country, or be exterminated. I hate to sound so cold-hearted, but these people are pure evil. It is time to show them the door. But if they refuse to cooperate with that request, they will have to be put down. It is what it is.
Yep. I have many friends in law enforcement and they all say that ms 13 is the most violent gang out there, by far. They want them declared a terrorist group so that they can really be gone after hard.

Isn't that the kind of government abuse you guys keep warning us about?
What happens when some future Democratic President declares the NRA as a terrorist group?

Lots of laughter.

NOt really. The NRA Kills 33,000 Americans a year.

I see you're an idiot.

But then, we all knew that.

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