Sorry, that warped logic is how your Party got away with welcoming the savages to my country. It isn't 'logic' at all. It's illogical insanity. And it's time to correct your criminal blunder. Brutal MS-13 members will either go back to their countries of origin, or they'll be eliminated. Capiche?

So you aren't going to answer the question of what happens when you shoot an innocent person by mistake.

I guess you think no one will notice when you do that?

Um... they'll notice.
Sorry, that warped logic is how your Party got away with welcoming the savages to my country. It isn't 'logic' at all. It's illogical insanity. And it's time to correct your criminal blunder. Brutal MS-13 members will either go back to their countries of origin, or they'll be eliminated. Capiche?

So you aren't going to answer the question of what happens when you shoot an innocent person by mistake.

I guess you think no one will notice when you do that?

Um... they'll notice.

Again, warped logic. They're leaving my country. How they choose to leave it, is on them.
Again, warped logic. They're leaving my country. How they choose to leave it, is on them.

Nope, they probably aren't leaving... your wank fantasies aside.

First time an ICE goon shoots an American by mistake, you'll see them cowering in the corners blaming each other.
Again, warped logic. They're leaving my country. How they choose to leave it, is on them.

Nope, they probably aren't leaving... your wank fantasies aside.

First time an ICE goon shoots an American by mistake, you'll see them cowering in the corners blaming each other.

Yeah, i know you love rootin for brutal thugs like MS-13. I mean, you are a dumb Democrat and all. But, they out... One way or another.
Yeah, i know you love rootin for brutal thugs like MS-13. I mean, you are a dumb Democrat and all. But, they out... One way or another.

Naw, probably not. As long as yuppie douchebags love them some drugs, someone is going to provide them.


MS-13 doesn't fear Trump, rival gangs or the police - but they are terrified of La Sombra Negra

By Andrew O'Reilly Published August 02, 2017
Fox News

MS-13 doesn't fear prison, President Trump or even death. But there is one thing that scares the hell out of tattooed members of the murderous Central American gang: La Sombra Negra.


Just like MS-13, who now operate in other countries in Central America, La Sombra Negra has also apparently gone international with reports of the group pulling people off local buses in Guatemala to carry out their “cleansings.”

The fear the group has instilled in MS-13 has become so pronounced that gang members have been covering or removing their infamous tattoos, cutting down on using gang signs and, in some extreme cases, asking judges in the U.S. to grant them asylum because they fear for their lives if they return to their home country.:crybaby:


MS-13 doesn't fear Trump, rival gangs or the police - but they are terrified of La Sombra Negra
You support human trafficking.

No, I just don't believe in fake moral panics.... You guys have been doing the "White Slavery" thing since the 1920's to get people worked up into a lather... I refuse to fall for it.

And I've heard estimates that ISIS has fewer than 30 or 40 thousand fighters left. In other words, you're saying MS-13 is larger than ISIS.

I don't pretend that ISIS is an existential threat. But if you want to make that comparison, shitting yourself over it just makes it attractive to cosplaying losers on the internet. Now every disaffected kid living in his mom's basement will want to call himself "MS-13".

Not to mention, wtf does the solution, that being legalization of drugs, have to do with brown people? GTFO of here with your race-baiting bull, boy. Got no time for your shit.

Look, this is another attempt by racists to get you guys to panic. They GOP has been playing this shit on you since the 1960's - maybe longer, and you still fall for it. It's kind of sad.

Wtf are you even talking about? I'm starting to think you said fuck the law and skipped legalization.


MS-13 doesn't fear Trump, rival gangs or the police - but they are terrified of La Sombra Negra

By Andrew O'Reilly Published August 02, 2017
Fox News

MS-13 doesn't fear prison, President Trump or even death. But there is one thing that scares the hell out of tattooed members of the murderous Central American gang: La Sombra Negra.


Just like MS-13, who now operate in other countries in Central America, La Sombra Negra has also apparently gone international with reports of the group pulling people off local buses in Guatemala to carry out their “cleansings.”

The fear the group has instilled in MS-13 has become so pronounced that gang members have been covering or removing their infamous tattoos, cutting down on using gang signs and, in some extreme cases, asking judges in the U.S. to grant them asylum because they fear for their lives if they return to their home country.:crybaby:


MS-13 doesn't fear Trump, rival gangs or the police - but they are terrified of La Sombra Negra
Deport all these sob's back to where La Sombra Negra can get their hands on these evil subhuman animals...

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