Anyone who defends MS-13 is totally insane, lol. Their savagery is on par with ISIS.
Oh? why not? Everything they are doing is for the benefit of narco terrorists. Seems as though you haven't thought this through very well. No surprise there.

No, the fact you say "narco-Terrorists" like that's a thing shows your mentality is at a comic book level.

Hey, we have a drug problem because our people love to take them some drugs and our government won't let them have them.

You really want to put MS13 out of business? Legalize drugs and treat addiction like a medical problem instead of a criminal one.

A course I have advocated for for years silly person. Unlike you I actually think about the many possible outcomes of an action. Simpleton you though, only look at one outcome, ignoring all of the other outcomes that render your outcome moot.
Anyone who defends MS-13 is totally insane, lol. Their savagery is on par with ISIS.

Except nobody here is defending them. We just don't think we should shit ourselves over them like we shit ourselves over terrorists.

A course I have advocated for for years silly person. Unlike you I actually think about the many possible outcomes of an action. Simpleton you though, only look at one outcome, ignoring all of the other outcomes that render your outcome moot.

Okay, again, had nothing to do with the point I'm making.

MS-13 is not AL Qaeda. It's a bunch of bad people, but one that our law enforcement should be able to handle.
Anyone who defends MS-13 is totally insane, lol. Their savagery is on par with ISIS.

Except nobody here is defending them. We just don't think we should shit ourselves over them like we shit ourselves over terrorists.

A course I have advocated for for years silly person. Unlike you I actually think about the many possible outcomes of an action. Simpleton you though, only look at one outcome, ignoring all of the other outcomes that render your outcome moot.

Okay, again, had nothing to do with the point I'm making.

MS-13 is not AL Qaeda. It's a bunch of bad people, but one that our law enforcement should be able to handle.

You are revealing how little you know about them. Our law enforcement is nowhere near well-equipped enough to deal with them or the cartels. The cops are completely outgunned and incompetent relative to their criminal counterparts.

However, military action is only a band-aid solution. Legalization and CONTROL of drugs is the one and only way to put them down, in conjunction with inter-governmental cooperation ... which is made more difficult by Trump's bad reputation.

And since Sessions is AG, that's obviously not going to happen anytime soon.
Anyone who defends MS-13 is totally insane, lol. Their savagery is on par with ISIS.

And like ISIS, as long as they kill each other that's fine. Really, they are no worse then the illegals who come here. They trash up neighborhoods and bring property values down wherever they set up. They get all kinds of PI and DUI tickets and basically don't help much. Hell, even the ones who work at McDonalds can't even do a burger. Treat all illegals the same and be done with them.
You are revealing how little you know about them. Our law enforcement is nowhere near well-equipped enough to deal with them or the cartels. The cops are completely outgunned and incompetent relative to their criminal counterparts.

Yawn, guy. Let's get real here. MS-13 has 70,000 members, most of them in El Salvador.

I know some of you can't function without a brown person to keep you up at night, but we have much bigger problems than some hooligans selling drugs that we probably ought to legalize.
Anyone who defends MS-13 is totally insane, lol. Their savagery is on par with ISIS.

And like ISIS, as long as they kill each other that's fine. Really, they are no worse then the illegals who come here. They trash up neighborhoods and bring property values down wherever they set up. They get all kinds of PI and DUI tickets and basically don't help much. Hell, even the ones who work at McDonalds can't even do a burger. Treat all illegals the same and be done with them.

Where do you think most of our heroin comes from? Hint: it starts with Mexi and ends with Co. The drugs come through large criminal enterprises.

If you support Trump, then you ought to know about the opioid epidemic in white rural communities, right? Well ... guess who the ringleaders and architects of that crisis are?
You are revealing how little you know about them. Our law enforcement is nowhere near well-equipped enough to deal with them or the cartels. The cops are completely outgunned and incompetent relative to their criminal counterparts.

Yawn, guy. Let's get real here. MS-13 has 70,000 members, most of them in El Salvador.

I know some of you can't function without a brown person to keep you up at night, but we have much bigger problems than some hooligans selling drugs that we probably ought to legalize.
You support human trafficking.
You are revealing how little you know about them. Our law enforcement is nowhere near well-equipped enough to deal with them or the cartels. The cops are completely outgunned and incompetent relative to their criminal counterparts.

Yawn, guy. Let's get real here. MS-13 has 70,000 members, most of them in El Salvador.

I know some of you can't function without a brown person to keep you up at night, but we have much bigger problems than some hooligans selling drugs that we probably ought to legalize.

And I've heard estimates that ISIS has fewer than 30 or 40 thousand fighters left. In other words, you're saying MS-13 is larger than ISIS.

Nice job making that argument buddy.

Not to mention, wtf does the solution, that being legalization of drugs, have to do with brown people? GTFO of here with your race-baiting bull, boy. Got no time for your shit.
You support human trafficking.

No, I just don't believe in fake moral panics.... You guys have been doing the "White Slavery" thing since the 1920's to get people worked up into a lather... I refuse to fall for it.

And I've heard estimates that ISIS has fewer than 30 or 40 thousand fighters left. In other words, you're saying MS-13 is larger than ISIS.

I don't pretend that ISIS is an existential threat. But if you want to make that comparison, shitting yourself over it just makes it attractive to cosplaying losers on the internet. Now every disaffected kid living in his mom's basement will want to call himself "MS-13".

Not to mention, wtf does the solution, that being legalization of drugs, have to do with brown people? GTFO of here with your race-baiting bull, boy. Got no time for your shit.

Look, this is another attempt by racists to get you guys to panic. They GOP has been playing this shit on you since the 1960's - maybe longer, and you still fall for it. It's kind of sad.
MS-13 and other violent Illegal gangs, are every bit as brutal as Al Qaeda and ISIS. Time for 'Hunt - Kill' We have folks who are capable of doing that very effectively. Like i said, Obama and Democrats invited them here, but i didn't. It's time to show them the door. And if they refuse to comply with that request, they will have to be put down.

You really didn't answer my question. What happens when you shoot an innocent brown person by mistake? You see, what you guys seem to forget in your Al Qaeda comparisons is just how badly we've fucked that up. Yeah, we got rid of Al Qaeda, but we've created a dozen other groups mostly made up of people who were pissed off by invading their countries and killing their loved ones as "collatoral damage".

We are 17 years into the "War on an Emotional State" and we are no closer to winning it now that when we started.

MS's drug trafficking is not as big of a concern as their human trafficking and their destabilization of governments in Central America.. Their exit from drugs would not "put them out of business"

You have no understanding of MS, clearly..

You do realize the reason why there's so much instability in Central America is because your hero, Ronnie Reagan, flooded the place with weapons in the 1980's and empowered the drug cartels, right?

or did you miss the whole "Iran-Contra" thing?

Horrific Throat-Cutters are here in droves. And i don't mean Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're brutal Illegal gangs like MS-13. And Fuck Obama and Democrats for welcoming them. I didn't invite them here. It is time to show them the door. And it they won't comply, they should quickly become maggot food. 'Hunt-Kill.' It's time.
Horrific Throat-Cutters are here in droves. And i don't mean Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're brutal Illegal gangs like MS-13. And Fuck Obama and Democrats for welcoming them. I didn't invite them here. It is time to show them the door. And it they won't comply, they should quickly become maggot food. 'Hunt-Kill.' It's time.

Okay, going to ask again- what happens when you shoot an American Citizen who happens to be the wrong skin tone by mistake?

You keep avoiding this question, for some reason.

"Ooop, he was just a hipster who liked tats!!!"
Horrific Throat-Cutters are here in droves. And i don't mean Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're brutal Illegal gangs like MS-13. And Fuck Obama and Democrats for welcoming them. I didn't invite them here. It is time to show them the door. And it they won't comply, they should quickly become maggot food. 'Hunt-Kill.' It's time.

Okay, going to ask again- what happens when you shoot an American Citizen who happens to be the wrong skin tone by mistake?

You keep avoiding this question, for some reason.

"Ooop, he was just a hipster who liked tats!!!"

Well, you not listening, is on you. Like i said, FUCK Obama and Democrats for welcoming these brutal savages to my country. I didn't invite them here. It's time for them to be shown the door. They'll either cooperate, or they'll be maggot food. Period, end of story.
Well, you not listening, is on you. Like i said, FUCK Obama and Democrats for welcoming these brutal savages to my country. I didn't invite them here. It's time for them to be shown the door. They'll either cooperate, or they'll be maggot food. Period, end of story.

Again, you didn't answer my question.

Third attempt- WHEN you've decided to shoot any brown person with tats without due process of law, what are you going to do when you accidentally shoot an American citizen?

It was a pretty simple question, wasn't it?
Well, you not listening, is on you. Like i said, FUCK Obama and Democrats for welcoming these brutal savages to my country. I didn't invite them here. It's time for them to be shown the door. They'll either cooperate, or they'll be maggot food. Period, end of story.

Again, you didn't answer my question.

Third attempt- WHEN you've decided to shoot any brown person with tats without due process of law, what are you going to do when you accidentally shoot an American citizen?

It was a pretty simple question, wasn't it?

Sorry, that warped logic is how your Party got away with welcoming the savages to my country. It isn't 'logic' at all. It's illogical insanity. And it's time to correct your criminal blunder. Brutal MS-13 members will either go back to their countries of origin, or they'll be eliminated. Capiche?

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