Trump waives student loan interest; Now see HOW HARD WAS THAT? Waive all loan debt

Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
Yeah. There's a good reason not to

You aren't my child to raise.

If your education costs more than it's worth, then you were a dumbass.

If you majored in Vagina Hat Protesting, it's not my problem.
And here is a HUGE reason I went from Democrat to Republican years ago.
First liberals create the problem of convincing kids that they all should go to college, then systematically and continually lowering standards and requirements to prevent failing students from failing.... continuing to rack up debts despite they can't hack it and will not get anything from the degree. Then piled on the debt even more by allowing them to also borrow money for room and board.
And then.... WHALAA... once the price of the fantasy irresponsible policies explode - the very same people now bitch and moan about it and want the rest of the country to bail them out.

Liberalism 101

Dems convince colleges/universities to skyrocket the cost of a degree. Dems convince government to guarantee loans for overpriced degrees no sane person would approve. Dems receive kickbacks from colleges/universities for their political campaigns. OH I get it now. /sarcasm
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
Why? They agreed to pay for Directors of Lesbian Diversity making $450K.
What did you expect after your Aristotle grade post?
Which part, specifically? Use your big boy words. Start with where I said something would be free. That might take you a while, since you are a lazy fool and made it up in order to give yourself something to say.

So you agree that free shit has a cost?

Good, the poster, who may be troll or may have had too much university indoctrin... training, does not get that.
No one forced people to take out student debt.
Okay. Maybe, if you say that 100 more times, the problems will all go away. Or not. It might help if you stopped sticking foreign objects up your own ass.
So what is the answer then? Are we supposed to just fix the problems of every american by asking the rest of the country to bail them out?

Ok, so, let's say you spend the... 1.5 trillion and pay off every student loan, what happens next? Do we now take aim at the massive credit card debt that most people carry, and then pay that off too? What after that?
I didn't answer your question, I destroyed your question. I
No pussy, you didn't even address it. Nor will you. Watch:

How does suspending the student loan interest help anyone through this crisis?

Now, go on, start cutting yourself at home and pretend you are LOLing on the internet.

Ask the Democrats. They wrote the bill.
Not all student loans are federal though.
Right, just 90+% of it.... So...
And....the rest of what I said? Debt held by the government is owed to someone. It's not like the government just prints money and gives it to people. Government only receives money by issuing debt. Bill and bonds, borrowed money from the fed. The government gave up its power to regulate money to the fed long ago, this means the government doesnt control the money supply. It is essentially a debtor beholden to other people to pay that money back.

The government cant simply just wipe away the debt.
And before yall say “durpa durr, that govt money is MY money” ummm yeeeeaaaah do know the government literally prints the money right? They dont need YOUR money to get the money to pay for this

Ever hear of inflation?
hes saying that what you could have purchased for $25 this year make take $50 next year.
Which, of course, is pure fantasy. 100% inflation? No.
I agree the example was absurd, it would obviously take more time than that, but the concept is still the same. It may not be a 1 year turn around, but over time, inflation does decrease the purchasing power of money.
Inflation reached 80 billion percent in Zimbabwe.
And when students take out new loans tomorrow? Next month? Next year?

(Clears throat, clinks fork on glass) I have a great announcement. If college is free, they wont have to do that. Problem solved. (Sips tea).
If college is free, how does the college pay its bills and Professor salaries?

You can get a second job citizen and pay for it.
Not me. They can pay for their own college education just like I did.
So what is the answer then?
Some sort of debt relief for federal student debt, even partial relief. Student loan debt is damaging our economy and it's future. Also, some sort of measures to relieve new debt, going forward.
And you just glossed over the rest of my question. Do you think student loan debt will be the end of people wanting a "get out of jail free" card?

Obviously not. If people are complaining about the massive loan debt, how long until they are complaining about credit debt?
So what is the answer then?
Some sort of debt relief for federal student debt, even partial relief. Student loan debt is damaging our economy and it's future. Also, some sort of measures to relieve new debt, going forward.

1) Set policies to encourage everyone needs to go to college, with zero consideration that many of them have no business doing so.
2) Enact legislation where the government guarantees the loans.
3) This, of course, simple supply and demand.... drives up the cost of tuition through the roof.
4) Compound the problem by also allowing loans to pay for room and board.
5) This resulted in colleges everywhere getting into the rent industry and built quad apartments like wildflowers.
6) This also caused student housing costs to skyrocket.
7) Ignore all of this and just keep lowering standards so more and more kids can get into this insane practice
8) When it all comes to a head, and millions of young adults are saddled with enormous debts....blame the problem on the other side for not bailing them all out. Which would restart the whole process... back to #1)
AGAIN liberalism 101.
So what is the answer then?
Some sort of debt relief for federal student debt, even partial relief. Student loan debt is damaging our economy and it's future. Also, some sort of measures to relieve new debt, going forward.
Fuck that. I had to pay off every dime of my student loans. There is absolutely no reason this latest crop of cry babies can't do the same. No one held a gun to their heads and forced them to borrow the money.

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