Trump waives student loan interest; Now see HOW HARD WAS THAT? Waive all loan debt

So, back on topic:

I still fail to see how this helps anyone during this crisis. Student loan payments are not decreasing, and people are going to get smaller tax returns as a result. The smart people that set their withholdings correctly -- and don't lend their money to the government at 0% -- will now have to raise their federal withholding amount each pay period, to keep pace. That means less money in each paycheck for them.
No one forced people to take out student debt. Be responsible aka don’t be like you. Parasite.
When government prints money that's a backdoor tax on the poor and middle class. You would know this if you understood that printing money devalues money. That's why it cost 250,000 Bolivars to purchase 2 cookies a McDonalds in Venezuela. :itsok:

It doesnt devalue shit.

If you have a $50 bill
And govt prints a $50 bill
YOU still have a $50 bill

Your $50 bill now has the purchasing power of $25. :itsok:

^^WOW^^ thats Republican logic there. “Your $50 bill now has the power of $25”

Its a $50. Printed in ink. It doesnt morph into a $25 (which doesnt even exist haha).

Republicans are like “I own a Ferrari, but if my neighbor gets a Ferrari then we’re screwed bc then we both have Hondas”.

And yall wonder why Bernie is so popular with the more educated youth

Its called inflation. Government prints money devaluing the currency. Prices rise because the currency is worth less. You really should have learned this all in Junior High.

I know all about inflation we talked about it in class. Cancellation of student debt isnt inflation. Its not buying a product off a brick and mortar store shelf. Its literally cancelling a number in a computer.
That tiny number in the computer represents money that a bank had to pay out to a student, or to a university. Do you think those banks will just be ok with the government saying "ok, you banks have just forgiven all of your loans that you issued to all if those students"

If you are suggesting the government borrow more money to give to those banks to satisfy those loans, then you have told the american public "we the government are going to force you the taxpayers to pay the bill for all these students"..
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
I paid every dime of interest on my student loans, epidemic or not. Why should anyone else get off scot free?
It doesnt devalue shit.

If you have a $50 bill
And govt prints a $50 bill
YOU still have a $50 bill

Your $50 bill now has the purchasing power of $25. :itsok:

^^WOW^^ thats Republican logic there. “Your $50 bill now has the power of $25”

Its a $50. Printed in ink. It doesnt morph into a $25 (which doesnt even exist haha).

Republicans are like “I own a Ferrari, but if my neighbor gets a Ferrari then we’re screwed bc then we both have Hondas”.

And yall wonder why Bernie is so popular with the more educated youth

Its called inflation. Government prints money devaluing the currency. Prices rise because the currency is worth less. You really should have learned this all in Junior High.

I know all about inflation we talked about it in class. Cancellation of student debt isnt inflation. Its not buying a product off a brick and mortar store shelf. Its literally cancelling a number in a computer.
That tiny number in the computer represents money that a bank had to pay out to a student, or to a university. Do you think those banks will just be ok with the government saying "ok, you banks have just forgiven all of your loans that you issued to all if those students"

If you are suggesting the government borrow more money to give to those banks to satisfy those loans, then you have told the american public "we the government are going to force you the taxpayers to pay the bill for all these students"..

No no no the left are saying we just print the money and change the number on the computer to $0.00 owed, abracadabra. Seriously, mana will shoot out of the computer all Harry Potter like.
Your post is off topic.
False. It speaks right to the thread title and the measure taken by Trump.

But thanks for the worthless post.

I destroyed you, utterly. Your ancestors felt the beat down.
Ah, the whiny Trumpkin sissy that can't even answer a simple question is declaring victory. This must be Saturday.

I didn't answer your question, I destroyed your question. I beat your question to the ground then kicked dirt in its face while laughing and pointing at it mockingly.
I didn't answer your question, I destroyed your question. I
No pussy, you didn't even address it. Nor will you. Watch:

How does suspending the student loan interest help anyone through this crisis?

Now, go on, start cutting yourself at home and pretend you are LOLing on the internet.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

And here is a HUGE reason I went from Democrat to Republican years ago.
First liberals create the problem of convincing kids that they all should go to college, then systematically and continually lowering standards and requirements to prevent failing students from failing.... continuing to rack up debts despite they can't hack it and will not get anything from the degree. Then piled on the debt even more by allowing them to also borrow money for room and board.
And then.... WHALAA... once the price of the fantasy irresponsible policies explode - the very same people now bitch and moan about it and want the rest of the country to bail them out.

Liberalism 101
What did you expect after your Aristotle grade post?
Which part, specifically? Use your big boy words. Start with where I said something would be free. That might take you a while, since you are a lazy fool and made it up in order to give yourself something to say.
if you are asking the government to pay off student loans, you ARE asking them to print trillions of dollars.
False, as the government holds the debt. By your logic, the government also prints money with every tax credit. That is not accurate.
Not all student loans are federal though. Also, all student loan debt the government holds represents physical dollars that were paid out, and represents physical dollars that mist be paid back. Even then government has creditors.
I didn't answer your question, I destroyed your question. I
No pussy, you didn't even address it. Nor will you. Watch:

How does suspending the student loan interest help anyone through this crisis?

Now, go on, start cutting yourself at home and pretend you are LOLing on the internet.

Are you an imbecile, I clearly and concisely answered that question.
hes saying that what you could have purchased for $25 this year make take $50 next year.
Which, of course, is pure fantasy. 100% inflation? No.
I agree the example was absurd, it would obviously take more time than that, but the concept is still the same. It may not be a 1 year turn around, but over time, inflation does decrease the purchasing power of money.

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