Trump waives student loan interest; Now see HOW HARD WAS THAT? Waive all loan debt

False, as the government holds the debt. By your logic, the government also prints money with every tax credit. That is not accurate.

Tax credits are just the government taking less of someone's money.

Giving away money the government doesn't have is not the same.

If Democrats took Economics, not Homosexusl Art Appreciation in school, would have to be explained less often.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
God you're stupid.

Guess who has to pay back that money?

Your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren.

In case you flunked logic, understand this.

Debt is the taxation of future generations.

When we don't pay back the money we borrow from the people, that cost shifts to the future.

So, be sure to leave a note to your prodigy explaining why you needed to fuck them in the ass.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

I don't mind as long as it is made publicly clear what happened.

The public / students / our children were scammed by leftist scam artists selling degrees that are worth less than toilet paper.

If that is made public and the leftist universities are held responsible, then by all means cancel the debt.
The government has officially become a predatory lender.
And before yall say “durpa durr, that govt money is MY money” ummm yeeeeaaaah do know the government literally prints the money right? They dont need YOUR money to get the money to pay for this

When government prints money that's a backdoor tax on the poor and middle class. You would know this if you understood that printing money devalues money. That's why it cost 250,000 Bolivars to purchase 2 cookies a McDonalds in Venezuela. :itsok:

It doesnt devalue shit.

If you have a $50 bill
And govt prints a $50 bill
YOU still have a $50 bill

Your $50 bill now has the purchasing power of $25. :itsok:

^^WOW^^ thats Republican logic there. “Your $50 bill now has the power of $25”

Its a $50. Printed in ink. It doesnt morph into a $25 (which doesnt even exist haha).

Republicans are like “I own a Ferrari, but if my neighbor gets a Ferrari then we’re screwed bc then we both have Hondas”.

And yall wonder why Bernie is so popular with the more educated youth

You call it educated to not know about inflation?
(Clears throat, clinks fork on glass) I have a great announcement. If college is free, they wont have to do that. Problem solved. (Sips tea).
If college is free, how does the college pay its bills and Professor salaries?

It would be government funded. Like sane countries do.
Where does the government get the money?

Peach says government will just print it so it won't cost anyone anything.

Correct. If the treasury prints $$$ doesnt raise your taxes, doesnt take any property away from you.

If me and my neighbors each have 10 apples....then the government farm grows 100 apples to give to those who are struggling....guess what? Me and my neighbors still have our 10 apples.

Before the government grew those apples, you could sell your apples for $3 each. After, you couldn't sell them for anything. The value of your apples crashed. That's inflation.
When government prints money that's a backdoor tax on the poor and middle class. You would know this if you understood that printing money devalues money. That's why it cost 250,000 Bolivars to purchase 2 cookies a McDonalds in Venezuela. :itsok:

It doesnt devalue shit.

If you have a $50 bill
And govt prints a $50 bill
YOU still have a $50 bill

Your $50 bill now has the purchasing power of $25. :itsok:

^^WOW^^ thats Republican logic there. “Your $50 bill now has the power of $25”

Its a $50. Printed in ink. It doesnt morph into a $25 (which doesnt even exist haha).

Republicans are like “I own a Ferrari, but if my neighbor gets a Ferrari then we’re screwed bc then we both have Hondas”.

And yall wonder why Bernie is so popular with the more educated youth

Its called inflation. Government prints money devaluing the currency. Prices rise because the currency is worth less. You really should have learned this all in Junior High.

I know all about inflation we talked about it in class. Cancellation of student debt isnt inflation. Its not buying a product off a brick and mortar store shelf. Its literally cancelling a number in a computer.

And costing whoever loaned the money all the profit they counted on collecting.
Ah, the whiny Trumpkin sissy that can't even answer a simple question is declaring victory. This must be Saturday.

U R so Kool when you call other people names!

So classy

So ugly.

Awesome how you represent your brethren.
They could start here
" They"? There is only one Harvard. And they use much of that to give students free tuition now. They wouldn't make much of a dent in past student loans, without lessening the services they currently provide. It's just not a feasible idea .

" They"? There is only one Harvard.

They. The people who think outstanding college loans should be forgiven.
They can take Harvard's $40 billion towards the $1.5 trillion or so owed.
So, back on topic:

I still fail to see how this helps anyone during this crisis. Student loan payments are not decreasing, and people are going to get smaller tax returns as a result. The smart people that set their withholdings correctly -- and don't lend their money to the government at 0% -- will now have to raise their federal withholding amount each pay period, to keep pace. That means less money in each paycheck for them.

Student loan payments are not decreasing,

Where did you see this?
Debt held by the government is owed to someone.
Not in this case. The government pays loans out of its budget, funded by tax revenue. You're reaching for something that does not exist.

Debt held by the government is owed to someone.

Not in this case.

The government sold Treasury bills, notes and bonds to raise the $1.5 trillion that they lent to students.
Just because the government decides to stop collecting interest and principal on these loans doesn't make the debt the government incurred.....disappear.
The government sold Treasury bills, notes and bonds to raise the $1.5 trillion that they lent to students.
Not accurate. That's like saying the $100 you spent on groceries came out of your regular salary, while the electric bill came out of your commission check.
False, as the government holds the debt. By your logic, the government also prints money with every tax credit. That is not accurate.

Tax credits are just the government taking less of someone's money.

Giving away money the government doesn't have is not the same.

If Democrats took Economics, not Homosexusl Art Appreciation in school, would have to be explained less often.
No, sorry, you're wrong. A dollar tax credit is no different than an expected dollar of loan forgiven, on the books. Neither is printing money, as was implied by another poster.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

Waive my mortgage debt too. Literally no reason not to.

You're really short-sighted OP. Hasn't even happened yet and you're already at "Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? ". Critical thought OP, try it.

He didn't waive anything, interest is temporarily suspended. In other terms, expect it to last a few weeks to a few months. College students w/o a clue should take notice, suspend your principle too you'll pay more in interest later.............Fun.
The government sold Treasury bills, notes and bonds to raise the $1.5 trillion that they lent to students.
Not accurate. That's like saying the $100 you spent on groceries came out of your regular salary, while the electric bill came out of your commission check.

Not accurate.

100% accurate.

That's like saying the $100 you spent on groceries came out of your regular salary, while the electric bill came out of your commission check.

If they spend $100 billion on new student loans in 2020, does that mean the Federal government will borrow more, the same or less than if they spend $0 on student loans this year?

Feel free to show your work.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

You have to understand that the blob is all about one thing, sticking it to whomever is sat up as an enemy. That 4 y/o crossing the border...he’s your enemy according to the blob.

This only helps people. So the blob won’t be interested.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

You have to understand that the blob is all about one thing, sticking it to whomever is sat up as an enemy. That 4 y/o crossing the border...he’s your enemy according to the blob.

This only helps people. So the blob won’t be interested.
The guy forcing me to feed and house him is my enemy. That's you.
False, as the government holds the debt. By your logic, the government also prints money with every tax credit. That is not accurate.

Tax credits are just the government taking less of someone's money.

Giving away money the government doesn't have is not the same.

If Democrats took Economics, not Homosexusl Art Appreciation in school, would have to be explained less often.
No, sorry, you're wrong. A dollar tax credit is no different than an expected dollar of loan forgiven, on the books. Neither is printing money, as was implied by another poster.
Nope. You had to earn the dollar credit the government declines to take out of your pay. The guy who took out the student loan didn't earn that money.

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