Trump waives student loan interest; Now see HOW HARD WAS THAT? Waive all loan debt

And before yall say “durpa durr, that govt money is MY money” ummm yeeeeaaaah do know the government literally prints the money right? They dont need YOUR money to get the money to pay for this

When government prints money that's a backdoor tax on the poor and middle class. You would know this if you understood that printing money devalues money. That's why it cost 250,000 Bolivars to purchase 2 cookies a McDonalds in Venezuela. :itsok:

It doesnt devalue shit.

If you have a $50 bill
And govt prints a $50 bill
YOU still have a $50 bill

And this is why AOC's "Econ" degree was wasted.
And why a college degree can't fix stupidity.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
of course theres a reason not to,,,what about those of us that paid for our childrens educations,,,now you want us to pay for other kids education,,,

dont be a dumbass

dont be a dumbass

That train left the station years ago......
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
What Trump did regarding "temporarily" waiving the "interest" on the loan, was okay....BUT....Ask yourself what the purpose of interest is.
If an individual goes to an agency and says, "I want some money so that I can go to college, get a degree and then a job related to my field of study." If the agency were to say, okay, and give the individual the money, with "no" interest.....there would be no benefit to the agency. The people in the agency wouldn't be making any money and thus no pay. No pay, no purpose of being there, as you can't feed your family and say in your residence without an income. In short, the agency would simply collapse.
As for forgivnng all student debt, the above holds true also. The students were given money, not as a gift but as a mutially agreed upon contract of loan. No agency can exist if it just gives away money. Sooner or later, you run out of money. The same with governments. Sooner or later, you empty everyone's pockets and history has repeatedly shown that when that happens, the government prints more money, drastically reducing its value and that is when you have people literally bringing in "wheelbarrows" full of paper money that is practically worthless (runaway inflation).
Then of course, there's that pesky thing about the individual sitting down, being explained their responsibility with regards to the loan, agreeing to the responsibility and "signing" the loan document. What that individual did was essentially swearing on his/her signature (oath) that he/she would pay them back the loan, plus the interest.
What he/she is essentially saying is: "I" will pay you back, I swear." If they don't do it themselves or look to someone else to pay off the loan, in essence, when they give their word to do something, you can know that their "word" doesn't mean anything and can't be trusted.
Then, there's the other factor in this.....their college "major." If some fool gets a loan for his/her college education and majors in such idiotic subjects as "Gender Studies," "Fine Arts," "Theology," "Sociology," "Psychology," or "Travel," then those individuals are wasting the money they were loaned, as well as the time of the lenders and are most likely not to be able to get a job.

Trying to explain how the world works to someone waiting for "free" college may not work out too well.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
Hmm, well if he is going to start waiving debt, then I need him to pay off my house. In fact, I also need him to let me buy a new truck, and then he can pay that off too.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

This has to be a troll post
No adult could be this ignorant
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

I don't mind as long as it is made publicly clear what happened.

The public / students / our children were scammed by leftist scam artists selling degrees that are worth less than toilet paper.

If that is made public and the leftist universities are held responsible, then by all means cancel the debt.

We are scammed by corporations requiring a degree and making us pay for it. They should pay for it or do the job training once you’re hired
Man walks into Microsoft job fair: "I want to be a programmer for your corporation, and i want you to pay for my college education to be able to get that job"

Microsoft recruiter: " lol...get bent"
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

I don't mind as long as it is made publicly clear what happened.

The public / students / our children were scammed by leftist scam artists selling degrees that are worth less than toilet paper.

If that is made public and the leftist universities are held responsible, then by all means cancel the debt.

The universities could cancel the debt.
Most have endowments that could fund a small nation.
No legitimate reason for taxpayers to cancel it.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

I don't mind as long as it is made publicly clear what happened.

The public / students / our children were scammed by leftist scam artists selling degrees that are worth less than toilet paper.

If that is made public and the leftist universities are held responsible, then by all means cancel the debt.

We are scammed by corporations requiring a degree and making us pay for it. They should pay for it or do the job training once you’re hired

Most employers have to train college graduates anyway.
They graduate with minimal skills.
And when students take out new loans tomorrow? Next month? Next year?

(Clears throat, clinks fork on glass) I have a great announcement. If college is free, they wont have to do that. Problem solved. (Sips tea).
Woah wait...if they are giving away college for free, then I want the government to pay me the money it would have taken to send me through college, as I didnt have the money to go. I also want the government to pay for the 30 years of salary I missed because I didnt have a higher paying job because I didnt have a degree.

....I like this new train of thought. As soon as the government pays all my back wages and all my college money, I'm retiring!
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
What about all the people who struggled all those years paying off their loans and scraping buy. We'll start there.

What about responsible parents who saved their asses off so their kids did not have to go in debt.

We need to begin here. Not selfish self interests.

Should we forgive the loan of someone who spent 100k for a Gender Appreciation degree.

Should we not cure a disease just bc other people in the past had to suffer through it?
We found out smoking was bad and too steps to address it. Should we not have done that just bc people in the past suffered?

We now know student debt is awful. Fix it
I've been in finance sine Reagans first inauguration.

We need to teach responsibility, not make girlie people who will never make it.

I saw this disaster years ago. All those loans should be guaranteed by a parent. Problem solved.

All those loans should be guaranteed by a parent. Problem solved.

All those loans should be guaranteed by the college. Problem solved.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
What about all the people who struggled all those years paying off their loans and scraping buy. We'll start there.

What about responsible parents who saved their asses off so their kids did not have to go in debt.

We need to begin here. Not selfish self interests.

Should we forgive the loan of someone who spent 100k for a Gender Appreciation degree.

Should we not cure a disease just bc other people in the past had to suffer through it?
We found out smoking was bad and too steps to address it. Should we not have done that just bc people in the past suffered?

We now know student debt is awful. Fix it
I've been in finance sine Reagans first inauguration.

We need to teach responsibility, not make girlie people who will never make it.

I saw this disaster years ago. All those loans should be guaranteed by a parent. Problem solved.

All those loans should be guaranteed by a parent. Problem solved.

All those loans should be guaranteed by the college. Problem solved.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

I don't mind as long as it is made publicly clear what happened.

The public / students / our children were scammed by leftist scam artists selling degrees that are worth less than toilet paper.

If that is made public and the leftist universities are held responsible, then by all means cancel the debt.

We are scammed by corporations requiring a degree and making us pay for it. They should pay for it or do the job training once you’re hired

You don't need a degree. You only need a skill.

And that's the problem, these degrees don't add any value. They are worthless scams.

Of course it sounds like you yourself just want to be babied and not have to get any shit done. Then don't expect big pay and a good job. The burger king is the right place for you.
I agree. I've made decent money through my life, but I've had to sacrifice a lot for it. If they are giving away easy street to people now days, I want my back pay for all the years I've had to toil in the trenches!
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

I don't mind as long as it is made publicly clear what happened.

The public / students / our children were scammed by leftist scam artists selling degrees that are worth less than toilet paper.

If that is made public and the leftist universities are held responsible, then by all means cancel the debt.

We are scammed by corporations requiring a degree and making us pay for it. They should pay for it or do the job training once you’re hired

So if a company pays for your education what do you owe them afterwards?

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