Trump waives student loan interest; Now see HOW HARD WAS THAT? Waive all loan debt

It doesn't help, because the interest still accrues.
Well, that's wrong, because no interest is being charged that can accrue, That's what the suspension is.

I should have known better than to think a #1 trump fanboi would have any factual information about any of this.

So true man. Its hard trying to educate them sometimes
Just because someone mocks the shit out of idiotic liberoidal crackpots like you two clowns, that doesn't automatically make one a "trump fanboi".

And you sir, are a flaming ignoramus.
I know all about inflation we talked about it in class. Cancellation of student debt isnt inflation. Its not buying a product off a brick and mortar store shelf. Its literally cancelling a number in a computer.

LMAO there's nothing else to say you're hopelessly confused. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

He really got the education he paid for.

And this is why, the college scam should be cancelled, immediately.
And when students take out new loans tomorrow? Next month? Next year?

(Clears throat, clinks fork on glass) I have a great announcement. If college is free, they wont have to do that. Problem solved. (Sips tea).
If college is free, how does the college pay its bills and Professor salaries?

It would be government funded. Like sane countries do.

Government funded? Let's make it free for anyone who waives all all social programs and contributes an extra 40% income tax for the remainder of their life.
And when students take out new loans tomorrow? Next month? Next year?

(Clears throat, clinks fork on glass) I have a great announcement. If college is free, they wont have to do that. Problem solved. (Sips tea).

If the college is free, does that mean my daughter doesn't owe 5 years to the Army for paying for her school?

Sincerely, thank your daughter for her future service to our great country.
Correct. If the treasury prints $$$ doesnt raise your taxes, doesnt take any property away from you.

Yes it does. Even 90% of the liberals understand this holy shit.

No it doesnt. Printing $$ isnt a tax raise. It doesnt take property from you.

I have 10 apples
You have 10 apples
The county farm grows 100 apples and plants 2 more trees
Guess what? You and I still have our 10 apples

This is like freshman year shit man cmon. Its also proof of why govt controlling most means of production is probably a good thing

You majored in gender confusion?

Math, logic, economics, or any science certainly isn't it.
Why stop with student loan debt? If we are going down this road lets go the full nine yards and wipe all debt for everyone for everything with the stroke of pen surly there wont be any negative consquences to any of this.
Ah, the good old "slippery slope" non sequitur, a favorite of the lazy minded.
Ah the good old can’t answer the question response. Typical of those who promote the simple minded wave this wave that free this and that ideas.
And when students take out new loans tomorrow? Next month? Next year?

(Clears throat, clinks fork on glass) I have a great announcement. If college is free, they wont have to do that. Problem solved. (Sips tea).
If college is free, how does the college pay its bills and Professor salaries?

It would be government funded. Like sane countries do.

LMAO okay where is government going to get the money, hold a bake sale?

Already addressed that. In case you didn’t know the government prints our money. If it needs $1 billion to pay off student debt they dont have to take your tax money, they have the power to print it.

This isnt hard. If you have 25 house guests but only 20 cupcakes, but YOU bake the cupcakes, you just make another batch.

Paper and ink dont cost shit. Crippling student debt does. Easy fix.

Did you sleep through economics or did they hurl you out the door before you got to that class?
Ah the good old can’t answer the question response.
I just did answer, pay attention. Why not? Because that is a non-sequitur, dumb idea that does not follow from the notion of cancelling federal student loan debt. Furthermomre, cancelling private debt is much different, and there is much more of it, and it causes more economic harm. But you knew that, because knowing this is part of the stupid question you asked. You were appealing to emotion and to people's colons, not to reason. I will leave you to it...
I considered your limited mental capabilities and took pity on you.
Yeah, you always have these kinds of childish excuses at the ready, when you are being a whiny little pussy. Don't worry, surely one of your fellow cultists has the stones to answer my question honestly.
Correct. If the treasury prints $$$ doesnt raise your taxes, doesnt take any property away from you.

Yes it does. Even 90% of the liberals understand this holy shit.

No it doesnt. Printing $$ isnt a tax raise. It doesnt take property from you.

I have 10 apples
You have 10 apples
The county farm grows 100 apples and plants 2 more trees
Guess what? You and I still have our 10 apples

This is like freshman year shit man cmon. Its also proof of why govt controlling most means of production is probably a good thing
So you just gradgiated college recently and your starting your masters degree in the School Of Hard Knocks. Welcome to life kid.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
What about all the people who struggled all those years paying off their loans and scraping buy. We'll start there.

What about responsible parents who saved their asses off so their kids did not have to go in debt.

We need to begin here. Not selfish self interests.

Should we forgive the loan of someone who spent 100k for a Gender Appreciation degree.

Should we not cure a disease just bc other people in the past had to suffer through it?
We found out smoking was bad and too steps to address it. Should we not have done that just bc people in the past suffered?

We now know student debt is awful. Fix it

I graduated school with $2500 debt. My wife graduated with none. My two daughters and son graduated with none.

What student debt?
In case you didn’t know the government prints our money. If it needs $1 billion to pay off student debt they dont have to take your tax money, they have the power to print it.

Okay that's exceptionally dumb. Using your logic government should just print everyone $10 million dollars then we'd all be multi millionaires. :cuckoo:

No. Thats apples and oranges. Im not suggesting print trillions just to hand out. Im saying cancel student debt, print the $ to do it if necessary, and stop there. TO fix a crisis. Kinda like in WW2 when we used car factories to build tanks, that wasn’t permanent it was a fix to a crisis.

Student debt is an economic crisis. Fix it, make college free, and freeze the $$ printing at that level to maintain A) no student debt B) free college


Look it up, dumbass!
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
What about all the people who struggled all those years paying off their loans and scraping buy. We'll start there.

What about responsible parents who saved their asses off so their kids did not have to go in debt.

We need to begin here. Not selfish self interests.

Should we forgive the loan of someone who spent 100k for a Gender Appreciation degree.

Should we not cure a disease just bc other people in the past had to suffer through it?
We found out smoking was bad and too steps to address it. Should we not have done that just bc people in the past suffered?

We now know student debt is awful. Fix it

I graduated school with $2500 debt. My wife graduated with none. My two daughters and son graduated with none.

What student debt?
I worked in the college book store and a waiter and got decent grades. My parents saw I was serious and threw me coin when I needed it. Best god damned edumacation I ever got.

To be fair. College was so much cheaper when we had to walk 4 miles to and from school all uphill. Lol
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.

We should definitely waive any assets you might acquire.
Im no Trump fan but he waived interest on student loan debt. It helps. And see how easy that was? Did any of you lose your homes or jobs? Did any of you lose food from your plate or have to trade your unnecessary massive Dodge F7500 Planet Killer pickup in for a Prius?

No. No you didnt. Literally all it did was help students.

Waive all student loan debt. Literally no reason not to.
What Trump did regarding "temporarily" waiving the "interest" on the loan, was okay....BUT....Ask yourself what the purpose of interest is.
If an individual goes to an agency and says, "I want some money so that I can go to college, get a degree and then a job related to my field of study." If the agency were to say, okay, and give the individual the money, with "no" interest.....there would be no benefit to the agency. The people in the agency wouldn't be making any money and thus no pay. No pay, no purpose of being there, as you can't feed your family and say in your residence without an income. In short, the agency would simply collapse.
As for forgivnng all student debt, the above holds true also. The students were given money, not as a gift but as a mutially agreed upon contract of loan. No agency can exist if it just gives away money. Sooner or later, you run out of money. The same with governments. Sooner or later, you empty everyone's pockets and history has repeatedly shown that when that happens, the government prints more money, drastically reducing its value and that is when you have people literally bringing in "wheelbarrows" full of paper money that is practically worthless (runaway inflation).
Then of course, there's that pesky thing about the individual sitting down, being explained their responsibility with regards to the loan, agreeing to the responsibility and "signing" the loan document. What that individual did was essentially swearing on his/her signature (oath) that he/she would pay them back the loan, plus the interest.
What he/she is essentially saying is: "I" will pay you back, I swear." If they don't do it themselves or look to someone else to pay off the loan, in essence, when they give their word to do something, you can know that their "word" doesn't mean anything and can't be trusted.
Then, there's the other factor in this.....their college "major." If some fool gets a loan for his/her college education and majors in such idiotic subjects as "Gender Studies," "Fine Arts," "Theology," "Sociology," "Psychology," or "Travel," then those individuals are wasting the money they were loaned, as well as the time of the lenders and are most likely not to be able to get a job.
And when students take out new loans tomorrow? Next month? Next year?

(Clears throat, clinks fork on glass) I have a great announcement. If college is free, they wont have to do that. Problem solved. (Sips tea).
If college is free, how does the college pay its bills and Professor salaries?

It would be government funded. Like sane countries do.

The sane countries only let the smart students go to college.
Sorry, you're still out of luck.
Also, this will take a bite out of people's tax returns. They won't be able to deduct the student loan interest not paid.

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