Trump wall speech drinking game!

Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Here's the tally, junior. Here are the number of times Trump said...

I: 4
My: 2
We: 8
Our: 20

So, 6 personal vs. 28 inclusive. That's a ratio of 21% personal to the inclusive usage.

Full text: Donald Trump's immigration address

For comparison, Obabble used said...

I: 113
My: 19
We: 62
Our: 42

for a ratio of 127% personal to inclusive. His personal references ratio is over 400% higher than Trump's....because Obabble is a self-absorbed narcissist.

Remarks by the President on the Economy -- Austin, TX
How long was tiny trump's speech compared to Former President Obama's?

That's why I calculated the ratios, hun.

Trump's personal (I, Me) reference ratio was 21% to inclusive (We, Our) references.

Obabble's personal reference ratio was 127% to inclusive. This is pretty common in his speeches throughout his two terms. IOW, he makes everything about himself.
127% ? :777:

Oh, I forgot. You progs can't do math. But here's some more! I compared the first State of the Union address for Obabble and Trump:

Obabble's made 116 self-references compared to 275 inclusive ones, a ratio of 41%, better than his later ones where he was in full narcissistic bloom.

Trump made 41 self-references compared to 238 inclusive ones, a ratio of 17%.

Which means Obabble referred to himself 2.5 times more than Trump did. Quite revealing.

Transcript: Obama's first State of the Union speech -

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address
Trump will say We-Us-Our-Ours far more than he will use I-Me-My-Mine. Obabble's use was overwhelming the latter.

Lol! Yeah, cause Trump is really not known for talking about himself !

Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Here's the tally, junior. Here are the number of times Trump said...

I: 4
My: 2
We: 8
Our: 20

So, 6 personal vs. 28 inclusive. That's a ratio of 21% personal to the inclusive usage.

Full text: Donald Trump's immigration address

For comparison, Obabble said...

I: 113
My: 19
We: 62
Our: 42

for a ratio of 127% personal to inclusive. His personal references ratio is over 400% higher than Trump's....because Obabble is a self-absorbed narcissist.

Remarks by the President on the Economy -- Austin, TX

You are comparing an 8 min speech on immigration wh a who knows how long speech about the economy!? How are they comparable ?

I see that you didn't learn ratios in your NewNewNew^3 math. I refer you to post #76 for a comparison of the first State of the Union Address given by each of them. Spoiler: Obabble refers to himself 2.5 times the amount that Trump does.
You should do that. Tally up both of them for those pronouns.
Definitely, do that.

Trump will say We-Us-Our-Ours far more than he will use I-Me-My-Mine. Obabble's use was overwhelming the latter.

Lol! Yeah, cause Trump is really not known for talking about himself !

Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Here's the tally, junior. Here are the number of times Trump said...

I: 4
My: 2
We: 8
Our: 20

So, 6 personal vs. 28 inclusive. That's a ratio of 21% personal to the inclusive usage.

Full text: Donald Trump's immigration address

For comparison, Obabble said...

I: 113
My: 19
We: 62
Our: 42

for a ratio of 127% personal to inclusive. His personal references ratio is over 400% higher than Trump's....because Obabble is a self-absorbed narcissist.

Remarks by the President on the Economy -- Austin, TX

Whelp ---- that ain't accurate at all. Out of curiosity I decided to fact-check, opened the Rump speech and did a search on "I" (and for a word search that means space-I-space). And I found ten of just that.

Besides which, this is a scripted speech. Run this with his normal self-obsessed narcissistic yammering and we don't even have numbers that go high enough. MOREOVER, the O'bama unscripted colloquial "remarks" (as the link correctly calls them) comprises *WAY* more material than the short scripted Rump speech, so you very obviously and blatantly stacked the deck here.

The weird thing is that you thought you could get away with it. :cuckoo:
Lol! Yeah, cause Trump is really not known for talking about himself !

Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Here's the tally, junior. Here are the number of times Trump said...

I: 4
My: 2
We: 8
Our: 20

So, 6 personal vs. 28 inclusive. That's a ratio of 21% personal to the inclusive usage.

Full text: Donald Trump's immigration address

For comparison, Obabble used said...

I: 113
My: 19
We: 62
Our: 42

for a ratio of 127% personal to inclusive. His personal references ratio is over 400% higher than Trump's....because Obabble is a self-absorbed narcissist.

Remarks by the President on the Economy -- Austin, TX
How long was tiny trump's speech compared to Former President Obama's?

That's why I calculated the ratios, hun.

Trump's personal (I, Me) reference ratio was 21% to inclusive (We, Our) references.

Obabble's personal reference ratio was 127% to inclusive. This is pretty common in his speeches throughout his two terms. IOW, he makes everything about himself.

Absolute USDA Prime Bullshit. You deliberately took a conversational, i.e. informal soliloquy and compared it to a formal, short, scripted speech. You're guilty of False Comparison, trying to equate apples and kumquats.

And moreover (again) your desperation is apparently aimed at the attempt to affix narcissism onto the wrong subject. There's an elephant in the room and you're going "oh look at that flea".
Trump will say We-Us-Our-Ours far more than he will use I-Me-My-Mine. Obabble's use was overwhelming the latter.

Lol! Yeah, cause Trump is really not known for talking about himself !

Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Here's the tally, junior. Here are the number of times Trump said...

I: 4
My: 2
We: 8
Our: 20

So, 6 personal vs. 28 inclusive. That's a ratio of 21% personal to the inclusive usage.

Full text: Donald Trump's immigration address

For comparison, Obabble said...

I: 113
My: 19
We: 62
Our: 42

for a ratio of 127% personal to inclusive. His personal references ratio is over 400% higher than Trump's....because Obabble is a self-absorbed narcissist.

Remarks by the President on the Economy -- Austin, TX

Whelp ---- that ain't accurate at all. Out of curiosity I decided to fact-check, opened the Rump speech and did a search on "I" (and for a word search that means space-I-space). And I found ten of just that.

Besides which, this is a scripted speech. Run this with his normal self-obsessed narcissistic yammering and we don't even have numbers that go high enough. MOREOVER, the O'bama unscripted colloquial "remarks" (as the link correctly calls them) comprises *WAY* more material than the short scripted Rump speech, so you very obviously and blatantly stacked the deck here.

The weird thing is that you thought you could get away with it. :cuckoo:

I put the text into a word counter and reviewed the entire thing. There were some instances where Ill and another word appeared together, and where I'll was contracted to I. I included all of these. If you wish to do the exercise yourself, knock yourself out. It won't change the point I was making regarding how much more Obabble uses the first person singular than does Trump.
I rather do the Trump "building the wall game". The one where even leftists get a job and help with the wall building efforts.
Lol! Yeah, cause Trump is really not known for talking about himself !

Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Here's the tally, junior. Here are the number of times Trump said...

I: 4
My: 2
We: 8
Our: 20

So, 6 personal vs. 28 inclusive. That's a ratio of 21% personal to the inclusive usage.

Full text: Donald Trump's immigration address

For comparison, Obabble said...

I: 113
My: 19
We: 62
Our: 42

for a ratio of 127% personal to inclusive. His personal references ratio is over 400% higher than Trump's....because Obabble is a self-absorbed narcissist.

Remarks by the President on the Economy -- Austin, TX

Whelp ---- that ain't accurate at all. Out of curiosity I decided to fact-check, opened the Rump speech and did a search on "I" (and for a word search that means space-I-space). And I found ten of just that.

Besides which, this is a scripted speech. Run this with his normal self-obsessed narcissistic yammering and we don't even have numbers that go high enough. MOREOVER, the O'bama unscripted colloquial "remarks" (as the link correctly calls them) comprises *WAY* more material than the short scripted Rump speech, so you very obviously and blatantly stacked the deck here.

The weird thing is that you thought you could get away with it. :cuckoo:

I put the text into a word counter and reviewed the entire thing. There were some instances where Ill and another word appeared together, and where I'll was contracted to I. I included all of these. If you wish to do the exercise yourself, knock yourself out. It won't change the point I was making regarding how much more Obabble uses the first person singular than does Trump.

Your desperation is showing still. But yet another further point on it --- the use of for example "our" could be taken either way dependent on context, e.g. "our nation" or "our security" versus "our administration" or "our time in office". And the same is true of "we" --- "we can look forward to...." versus "since we were elected". So this childish game of counting pronouns is even stupider than it first appears. You don't count narcissism by counting pronouns. You count it by actions.

Actions like throwing hissyfits every time some narc doesn't get his way. .Like today.

Actions like completely making shit up to buff your own bishop like "we got the most electoral votes since Reagan" or "we got more done than anybody since Truman". This is exactly why everybody around the world laughs at the narc when he blurts them out, and the narc stands there oblivious to his own narcissism.

Oh and making up one's own fake Time Magazine cover fits here too. As does inventing imaginary-friend publicity agents "John Miller" AND "John Barron" to feed salacious masturbatory stories to gossip rags.

Actions like completely making shit up to excuse the narc's own failings like "I never went bankrupt" or "I wasn't mocking a reporter" or "three million illegals voted".

Actions like petulant put-downs of anyone the narc sees as a rival, like "little Marco", "Lyin' Ted" and "who would vote for that face". Not to even mention all the blood references whenever the target is a woman.

By all means feel free to show us where O'bama created his own fake Time Magazine cover. Or called gossip reporters claiming to be his own publicity agent, feeding them stories about how he fucked his wife over. Or how he claimed electoral votes, or popular votes, or legislation counts, that never happened. And definitely show us how he jerked around on stage mocking the congenital disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him.

You ah, went way down the wrong path here. This is quicksand.
Last edited:
I understand that Factcheck caught him at 11 lies in 10 minutes, which works out to one lie every 55 seconds. Of course, one has to take into account that he never uses a word with more than 3 syllables, so he can cover a lot of rambling in a short period of time. If he ever graduates to an 8th grade vocabulary, it may slow the lies down a little.
Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Here's the tally, junior. Here are the number of times Trump said...

I: 4
My: 2
We: 8
Our: 20

So, 6 personal vs. 28 inclusive. That's a ratio of 21% personal to the inclusive usage.

Full text: Donald Trump's immigration address

For comparison, Obabble said...

I: 113
My: 19
We: 62
Our: 42

for a ratio of 127% personal to inclusive. His personal references ratio is over 400% higher than Trump's....because Obabble is a self-absorbed narcissist.

Remarks by the President on the Economy -- Austin, TX

Whelp ---- that ain't accurate at all. Out of curiosity I decided to fact-check, opened the Rump speech and did a search on "I" (and for a word search that means space-I-space). And I found ten of just that.

Besides which, this is a scripted speech. Run this with his normal self-obsessed narcissistic yammering and we don't even have numbers that go high enough. MOREOVER, the O'bama unscripted colloquial "remarks" (as the link correctly calls them) comprises *WAY* more material than the short scripted Rump speech, so you very obviously and blatantly stacked the deck here.

The weird thing is that you thought you could get away with it. :cuckoo:

I put the text into a word counter and reviewed the entire thing. There were some instances where Ill and another word appeared together, and where I'll was contracted to I. I included all of these. If you wish to do the exercise yourself, knock yourself out. It won't change the point I was making regarding how much more Obabble uses the first person singular than does Trump.

Your desperation is showing still. But yet another further point on it --- the use of for example "our" could be taken either way dependent on context, e.g. "our nation" or "our security" versus "our administration" or "our time in office". And the same is true of "we" --- "we can look forward to...." versus "since we were elected". So this childish game of counting pronouns is even stupider than it first appears. You don't count narcissism by counting pronouns. You count it by actions.

Actions like throwing hissyfits every time some narc doesn't get his way. .Like today.

Actions like completely making shit up to buff your own bishop like "we got the most electoral votes since Reagan" or "we got more done than anybody since Truman". This is exactly why everybody around the world laughs at the narc when he blurts them out, and the narc stands there oblivious to his own narcissism.

Oh and making up one's own fake Time Magazine cover fits here too. As does inventing imaginary-friend publicity agents "John Miller" AND "John Barron" to feed salacious masturbatory stories to gossip rags.

Actions like completely making shit up to excuse the narc's own failings like "I never went bankrupt" or "I wasn't mocking a reporter" or "three million illegals voted".

Actions like petulant put-downs of anyone the narc sees as a rival, like "little Marco", "Lyin' Ted" and "who would vote for that face". Not to even mention all the blood references whenever the target is a woman.

By all means feel free to show us where O'bama created his own fake Time Magazine cover. Or called gossip reporters claiming to be his own publicity agent, feeding them stories about how he fucked his wife over. Or how he claimed electoral votes, or popular votes, or legislation counts, that never happened. And definitely show us how he jerked around on stage mocking the congenital disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him.

You ah, went way down the wrong path here. This is quicksand.

Your Alien Insect Overlords lost the debate last night. I realize it chaps your ass, but that I would have expected more lucidity from you.
"lost the debate last night"

^ riveting tale from the dumbo echo chamber :itsok:
This is from a real Trump speech.

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Here's the tally, junior. Here are the number of times Trump said...

I: 4
My: 2
We: 8
Our: 20

So, 6 personal vs. 28 inclusive. That's a ratio of 21% personal to the inclusive usage.

Full text: Donald Trump's immigration address

For comparison, Obabble said...

I: 113
My: 19
We: 62
Our: 42

for a ratio of 127% personal to inclusive. His personal references ratio is over 400% higher than Trump's....because Obabble is a self-absorbed narcissist.

Remarks by the President on the Economy -- Austin, TX

Whelp ---- that ain't accurate at all. Out of curiosity I decided to fact-check, opened the Rump speech and did a search on "I" (and for a word search that means space-I-space). And I found ten of just that.

Besides which, this is a scripted speech. Run this with his normal self-obsessed narcissistic yammering and we don't even have numbers that go high enough. MOREOVER, the O'bama unscripted colloquial "remarks" (as the link correctly calls them) comprises *WAY* more material than the short scripted Rump speech, so you very obviously and blatantly stacked the deck here.

The weird thing is that you thought you could get away with it. :cuckoo:

I put the text into a word counter and reviewed the entire thing. There were some instances where Ill and another word appeared together, and where I'll was contracted to I. I included all of these. If you wish to do the exercise yourself, knock yourself out. It won't change the point I was making regarding how much more Obabble uses the first person singular than does Trump.

Your desperation is showing still. But yet another further point on it --- the use of for example "our" could be taken either way dependent on context, e.g. "our nation" or "our security" versus "our administration" or "our time in office". And the same is true of "we" --- "we can look forward to...." versus "since we were elected". So this childish game of counting pronouns is even stupider than it first appears. You don't count narcissism by counting pronouns. You count it by actions.

Actions like throwing hissyfits every time some narc doesn't get his way. .Like today.

Actions like completely making shit up to buff your own bishop like "we got the most electoral votes since Reagan" or "we got more done than anybody since Truman". This is exactly why everybody around the world laughs at the narc when he blurts them out, and the narc stands there oblivious to his own narcissism.

Oh and making up one's own fake Time Magazine cover fits here too. As does inventing imaginary-friend publicity agents "John Miller" AND "John Barron" to feed salacious masturbatory stories to gossip rags.

Actions like completely making shit up to excuse the narc's own failings like "I never went bankrupt" or "I wasn't mocking a reporter" or "three million illegals voted".

Actions like petulant put-downs of anyone the narc sees as a rival, like "little Marco", "Lyin' Ted" and "who would vote for that face". Not to even mention all the blood references whenever the target is a woman.

By all means feel free to show us where O'bama created his own fake Time Magazine cover. Or called gossip reporters claiming to be his own publicity agent, feeding them stories about how he fucked his wife over. Or how he claimed electoral votes, or popular votes, or legislation counts, that never happened. And definitely show us how he jerked around on stage mocking the congenital disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him.

You ah, went way down the wrong path here. This is quicksand.

Your Alien Insect Overlords lost the debate last night. I realize it chaps your ass, but that I would have expected more lucidity from you.

Sorry, I completely skipped out on the big Alien Debate. But I know what somebody trying to play cheap word games looks like.
Trump will say We-Us-Our-Ours far more than he will use I-Me-My-Mine. Obabble's use was overwhelming the latter.

Lol! Yeah, cause Trump is really not known for talking about himself !

Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Search for it yourself, bub.

You made the claim , you prove it.
Oh my, you don't remember Obama using the word I just about every other word in his speeches?
Lol! Yeah, cause Trump is really not known for talking about himself !

Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Search for it yourself, bub.

You made the claim , you prove it.
Oh my, you don't remember Obama using the word I just about every other word in his speeches?

If not for y'all whiners on this site I would have never heard of that. Never learned much about uppity-snowflakery.

And here I thought "I" was in common parlance. Fatter o' mact I just used it. Whoops I did it again. And again.
Read his 2017 State of the Union - count the "I"s vs. the "We"s and get back to us.

Read Donald Trump's First State of the Union Address

Pointless .

We need to compare Obama’s s Trumps speech .

Search for it yourself, bub.

You made the claim , you prove it.
Oh my, you don't remember Obama using the word I just about every other word in his speeches?

If not for y'all whiners on this site I would have never heard of that. Never learned much about uppity-snowflakery.

And here I thought "I" was in common parlance. Fatter o' mact I just used it. Whoops I did it again. And again.
Obamanism, now that's not who we are. Lol

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