Trump wanted Pelosi to impeach President Bush

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

Not for insane spending but for the war in Iraq. He later supported McCain for President despite him holding the same pro war in Iraq position.

The man is too inconsistent. Makes voting for him very difficult to do.
No one will have a chance to vote for that guy. He's the entertainment and the entertainment news is pushing his entertaining bullshit
Even if he doesn't make it to the ballot , I still like that he calls out the shit that many of us have been feeling for years.

He doesn't seem to be all practiced with any question answered, up at the podium during a debate, or even on the late shows..

It is nothing but a ploy, just as Obama's campaign was. He has ties to Soros, just as Obama did.
Even if he doesn't make it to the ballot , I still like that he calls out the shit that many of us have been feeling for years.

He doesn't seem to be all practiced with any question answered, up at the podium during a debate, or even on the late shows..

oh boy, they couldn't even find anything on Obama when he was running or if they di they HID it from us. but they can go dig up crap on Trump from back in the Bush days. how so not important. sorry grampa
Stephanie, don't let emotions get in the way, as it did with many with Obama. Trump is not who he is purported to be.
Think for a moment. He suddenly popped up, just as Obama did.
oh boy, they couldn't even find anything on Obama when he was running or if they di they HID it from us. but they can go dig up crap on Trump from back in the Bush days. how so not important. sorry grampa

Not for insane spending but for the war in Iraq. He later supported McCain for President despite him holding the same pro war in Iraq position.

The man is too inconsistent. Makes voting for him very difficult to do.
I refer you to what I said about him a while ago.
Stephanie, don't let emotions get in the way, as it did with many with Obama. Trump is not who he is purported to be.
Think for a moment. He suddenly popped up, just as Obama did.
oh boy, they couldn't even find anything on Obama when he was running or if they di they HID it from us. but they can go dig up crap on Trump from back in the Bush days. how so not important. sorry grampa

I don't need to be told about what or who Trump is suppose to be. he's not my pick for President, but if he makes it to the finals, I don't think I'd have problem voting for him. I haven't made up my mind yet on that.
I'm just talking about the nonsense they dig up on not just Trump but all Republicans. that's all
oh boy, they couldn't even find anything on Obama when he was running or if they di they HID it from us. but they can go dig up crap on Trump from back in the Bush days. how so not important. sorry grampa
Not properly vetting Obama is not an excuse to continue such stupidity. Trump's past positions are indeed VERY important
oh boy, they couldn't even find anything on Obama when he was running or if they di they HID it from us. but they can go dig up crap on Trump from back in the Bush days. how so not important. sorry grampa
Not properly vetting Obama is not an excuse to continue such stupidity. Trump's past positions are indeed VERY important

I suppose. but aren't we told daily how he isn't going to make it anyway. he's not a serious candidate, etc . I don't think this would change very many peoples minds about him, especially all those who hated Bush to begin with.
If Trump wins the election, this is what November 9, 2016 will like:


I voted for WHO last night?!?
If I recall correctly, the dailycaller is conservative- not a liberal rag.
I do understand your point, though. They teear down anyone they feel has a chance and/or are afraid of.
I do find it interesting that the liberal media has not gone crazy on Trump, as there is plenty they could use to discredit him.
Stephanie, don't let emotions get in the way, as it did with many with Obama. Trump is not who he is purported to be.
Think for a moment. He suddenly popped up, just as Obama did.
oh boy, they couldn't even find anything on Obama when he was running or if they di they HID it from us. but they can go dig up crap on Trump from back in the Bush days. how so not important. sorry grampa

I don't need to be told about what or who Trump is suppose to be. he's not my pick for President, but if he makes it to the finals, I don't think I'd have problem voting for him. I haven't made up my mind yet on that.
I'm just talking about the nonsense they dig up on not just Trump but all Republicans. that's all
Do you believe in eminent domain, for private investment? Trump does and has had entities help him use it in a number of cases.
oh boy, they couldn't even find anything on Obama when he was running or if they di they HID it from us. but they can go dig up crap on Trump from back in the Bush days. how so not important. sorry grampa
Not properly vetting Obama is not an excuse to continue such stupidity. Trump's past positions are indeed VERY important

I suppose. but aren't we told daily how he isn't going to make it anyway. he's not a serious candidate, etc . I don't think this would change very many peoples minds about him, especially all those who hated Bush to begin with.
I guess what I'm trying to say is all this little stuff Trump says. Take his Bush and 9/11 comment. that just gave the left/democrats something to jump on to take and Distract off what is happening in the here and now, especially trying to distract off of Hillary. I didn't mean to insult ya grampa. my bad
Do you believe in eminent domain, for private investment? Trump does and has had entities help him use it in a number of cases.
oh boy, they couldn't even find anything on Obama when he was running or if they di they HID it from us. but they can go dig up crap on Trump from back in the Bush days. how so not important. sorry grampa
Not properly vetting Obama is not an excuse to continue such stupidity. Trump's past positions are indeed VERY important

I suppose. but aren't we told daily how he isn't going to make it anyway. he's not a serious candidate, etc . I don't think this would change very many peoples minds about him, especially all those who hated Bush to begin with.
there has many things he's said I can agree with and then other times I'm like, what the heck? Like I said, CRUZ is my pick and I haven't made up my mind on Trump yet. there's still time to check things out.[/QUOTE]

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