Trump wants Kaepernick & West for White House race summit

It sure would have been nice for this to be a positive topic, with everyone hoping for the best.

Celebrating and advocating for communication and progress, regardless of who gets the credit.

It never had a chance.

A big part of the problem is the myth of Republican racism.

That needs to be demolished. If President Trump does not get at least SOME of the credit, that would greatly undermine any potential gain from this.
There's no business, like show business!
Can we agree that President Obama did not make race relations worse in this nation?
It sure would have been nice for this to be a positive topic, with everyone hoping for the best.

Celebrating and advocating for communication and progress, regardless of who gets the credit.

It never had a chance.

The naysayers are the ones fighting uphill on this one.

You get a picture of Trump and Kaepernick shaking hands, and smiling, and that smashes the false and vile narrative the vile left has been pushing for years.

Trump pulls this off, and they lose, a BIG ONE.
Sure, the Regressives cannot have this, on an level.

The danger here is that Trump goes showbiz with it. I bet Kap & Kanye would take it seriously.

If Trump could lay back enough and let the guys talk, some good could come from it.

And more importantly, some momentum.

Showbiz sells.
Well, it can. It can open doors. It will be up to him to have some kind of limits, though.
Are the “very fine people” with the torches who were repeating Nazi slogans invited.
It sure would have been nice for this to be a positive topic, with everyone hoping for the best.

Celebrating and advocating for communication and progress, regardless of who gets the credit.

It never had a chance.

A big part of the problem is the myth of Republican racism.

That needs to be demolished. If President Trump does not get at least SOME of the credit, that would greatly undermine any potential gain from this.
There's no business, like show business!

I know that it is more important for you libs, to hold on to the idea that republicans are racist. It is a great weapon for you.

Thus you are against any racial healing.
It sure would have been nice for this to be a positive topic, with everyone hoping for the best.

Celebrating and advocating for communication and progress, regardless of who gets the credit.

It never had a chance.

The naysayers are the ones fighting uphill on this one.

You get a picture of Trump and Kaepernick shaking hands, and smiling, and that smashes the false and vile narrative the vile left has been pushing for years.

Trump pulls this off, and they lose, a BIG ONE.
Sure, the Regressives cannot have this, on an level.

The danger here is that Trump goes showbiz with it. I bet Kap & Kanye would take it seriously.

If Trump could lay back enough and let the guys talk, some good could come from it.

And more importantly, some momentum.

Showbiz sells.
Well, it can. It can open doors. It will be up to him to have some kind of limits, though.
Are the “very fine people” with the torches who were repeating Nazi slogans invited.

And that's the kind of lie, that is tearing this nation apart and needs destroyed if America has any chance.
I know that it is more important for you libs, to hold on to the idea that republicans are racist. It is a great weapon for you.

Thus you are against any racial healing.

well, maybe if your side stopped appealing to racists.

Here's the problem with the GOP. I really don't think the people who run it are racist, per se. I think they have as much contempt for the White Trailer Trash like you as they do for the people of color living in ghettos.

But they realize they can get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests by playing on your racism.
I know that it is more important for you libs, to hold on to the idea that republicans are racist. It is a great weapon for you.

Thus you are against any racial healing.

well, maybe if your side stopped appealing to racists.

Here's the problem with the GOP. I really don't think the people who run it are racist, per se. I think they have as much contempt for the White Trailer Trash like you as they do for the people of color living in ghettos.

But they realize they can get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests by playing on your racism.
Blah, blah, blah, Racism, blah, blah, blah!
It is so difficult to understand the unwillingness of some people to assign credit to others for a job well done

I mean, if this president is able to truly reduce racism in this nation, he will have earned my appreciation.
Mac has spoken. Remember guys he is a true independent so he is an expert on how bad the left is.
Please try to calm down. This is a hopeful story, yet you just can't be positive.

Why is that?

Just kidding. I know why.
The beer summit was a hopeful story and your reply to it was:

"Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".

We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".

Why so negative about the beer summit? We know why.
Of course, I'm honest. Not intellectually paralyzed by a partisan ideology.

You wouldn't understand, obviously.
Sure your not partisan at all:

"Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".
We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".
First, it's "you're", not "your". You've done this multiple times now.

And you're (see that?) demonstrating one of the primary symptoms of hardcore partisan ideology: Shallow, simplistic, binary thinking: "If you say this, you must be that".

Being an Independent means that my opinions are as strong as yours, but I don't obediently march in lockstep with a "side". So yes, what you keep quoting is my opinion.

Did I really have to explain that? And are you going to keep humping my leg like this?
Your words from the OP:
"I was hoping for something like this from the prior administration."

I point out the beer summit, your response:
"Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".
We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".I know you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. But as an Independent, that was by far my biggest disappointment with his administration."

Trump has called Mexicans rapists and described a neo-nazi rally that killed someone just good people on both sides, and you call me obligated to spin for simply pointing out the beer summit?

It looks like you are more obligated to spin. We know why.
Trump holding a race summit is kinda like McDonalds holding classes on how to avoid obesity.
Please try to calm down. This is a hopeful story, yet you just can't be positive.

Why is that?

Just kidding. I know why.
The beer summit was a hopeful story and your reply to it was:

"Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".

We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".

Why so negative about the beer summit? We know why.
Of course, I'm honest. Not intellectually paralyzed by a partisan ideology.

You wouldn't understand, obviously.
Sure your not partisan at all:

"Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".
We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".
First, it's "you're", not "your". You've done this multiple times now.

And you're (see that?) demonstrating one of the primary symptoms of hardcore partisan ideology: Shallow, simplistic, binary thinking: "If you say this, you must be that".

Being an Independent means that my opinions are as strong as yours, but I don't obediently march in lockstep with a "side". So yes, what you keep quoting is my opinion.

Did I really have to explain that? And are you going to keep humping my leg like this?
Your words from the OP:
"I was hoping for something like this from the prior administration."

I point out the beer summit, your response:
"Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".
We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".I know you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. But as an Independent, that was by far my biggest disappointment with his administration."

Trump has called Mexicans rapists and described a neo-nazi rally that killed someone just good people on both sides, and you call me obligated to spin for simply pointing out the beer summit
It looks like you are more obligated to spin. We know why.

Trump did not call Mexicans rapists and did not call neo-nazis good people.

Those are the kind of vile lies that are tearing this nation apart.
It sure would have been nice for this to be a positive topic, with everyone hoping for the best. Celebrating and advocating for communication and progress, regardless of who gets the credit. It never had a chance.
A big part of the problem is the myth of Republican racism. That needs to be demolished. If President Trump does not get at least SOME of the credit, that would greatly undermine any potential gain from this.
If Trump tries to pretend that racism doesn't still exist, this will go nowhere.

If Trump opens, or even includes a mea culpa, that's a hard fail, right there.

The myth needs challenged. Anyone that pushes it, needs called out.
There's a lot of ground between a mea culpa and just admitting that both sides have work to do. It's not one or the other.

If something that obvious can't be admitted, then there's no hope. I think Trump has the capacity to be honest on this.

IF he starts talking about republicans or even white racism, everyone will stop listening.

The whites will see it, correctly as just more of the same bullshit lecturing, and that's it.

The blacks and liberals will have their pre conceived notions validated and stop listening.
Is it fair to say then, that you believe white racism is a myth?
Please try to calm down. This is a hopeful story, yet you just can't be positive.

Why is that?

Just kidding. I know why.
The beer summit was a hopeful story and your reply to it was:

"Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".

We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".

Why so negative about the beer summit? We know why.
Of course, I'm honest. Not intellectually paralyzed by a partisan ideology.

You wouldn't understand, obviously.
Sure your not partisan at all:

"Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".
We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".
First, it's "you're", not "your". You've done this multiple times now.

And you're (see that?) demonstrating one of the primary symptoms of hardcore partisan ideology: Shallow, simplistic, binary thinking: "If you say this, you must be that".

Being an Independent means that my opinions are as strong as yours, but I don't obediently march in lockstep with a "side". So yes, what you keep quoting is my opinion.

Did I really have to explain that? And are you going to keep humping my leg like this?
Your words from the OP:
"I was hoping for something like this from the prior administration."

I point out the beer summit, your response:
"Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".
We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".I know you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. But as an Independent, that was by far my biggest disappointment with his administration."

Trump has called Mexicans rapists and described a neo-nazi rally that killed someone just good people on both sides, and you call me obligated to spin for simply pointing out the beer summit?

It looks like you are more obligated to spin. We know why.
Great, thanks. I wonder if there is a point to your meltdown, and what exactly it has to do with my thread.
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Nice. Thanks, Mr. President, this is LONG OVERDUE. Two well-known figures TALKING with high national visibility.

We need to start somewhere: President Trump Wants Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback He Vilified, and Kanye West for Summit on Race

I hope this happens, and I hope it starts REAL dialogue and communication and LISTENING.

Maybe they'll find a few points ON WHICH THEY CAN AGREE.

I was hoping for something like this from the prior administration.
I doubt it happens. Kaepernick strikes me as an intellectual coward.
It sure would have been nice for this to be a positive topic, with everyone hoping for the best.

Celebrating and advocating for communication and progress, regardless of who gets the credit.

It never had a chance.

You posted this thread because you believe that people who dislike Trump don’t want race relations to improve while he is president. You absolutely wanted people to confirm that belief for you. You did not hope for positive comments. You practically begged for negative ones.

You “laughed” at every positive one.

You are transparent.
Indeed, I know that, with just the slightest bit of effort on my part, you Regressives will voluntarily jump in and expose yourselves for who you are.

And, for the zillionth time, you didn't disappoint. Plenty of great examples here. So, thank you, again.

I'm hoping this happens, and I hope it begins something positive, even if Trump gets the credit. So, we're just different. Thankfully.
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A big part of the problem is the myth of Republican racism. That needs to be demolished. If President Trump does not get at least SOME of the credit, that would greatly undermine any potential gain from this.
If Trump tries to pretend that racism doesn't still exist, this will go nowhere.

If Trump opens, or even includes a mea culpa, that's a hard fail, right there.

The myth needs challenged. Anyone that pushes it, needs called out.
There's a lot of ground between a mea culpa and just admitting that both sides have work to do. It's not one or the other.

If something that obvious can't be admitted, then there's no hope. I think Trump has the capacity to be honest on this.

IF he starts talking about republicans or even white racism, everyone will stop listening.

The whites will see it, correctly as just more of the same bullshit lecturing, and that's it.

The blacks and liberals will have their pre conceived notions validated and stop listening.
Is it fair to say then, that you believe white racism is a myth?

I believe that white racism has been crushed and defeated and what little remains is pretty much powerless.

A far LARGER problem is the use of the False Accusation of Racism as a weapon.

It is tearing this nation apart, and denying the normal political process to large percentages of people.

If Trump starts talking about what WE need to do, that will just be feeding into the lie narrative of the vile, or as you call it, the regressive, left.

And ends the conversation right there.

People might keep talking, past that point, but no one will be listening.

As I explained above.
Nice. Thanks, Mr. President, this is LONG OVERDUE. Two well-known figures TALKING with high national visibility.

We need to start somewhere: President Trump Wants Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback He Vilified, and Kanye West for Summit on Race

I hope this happens, and I hope it starts REAL dialogue and communication and LISTENING.

Maybe they'll find a few points ON WHICH THEY CAN AGREE.

I was hoping for something like this from the prior administration.
I doubt it happens. Kaepernick strikes me as an intellectual coward.
Oh, I think he's a True Believer.

Neither party is a terribly good representative, but to me that doesn't matter. The public would be watching because we're so goddamned addicted to celebrity. Fine, whatever it takes. We need dialogue, communication.
Nice. Thanks, Mr. President, this is LONG OVERDUE. Two well-known figures TALKING with high national visibility.

We need to start somewhere: President Trump Wants Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback He Vilified, and Kanye West for Summit on Race

I hope this happens, and I hope it starts REAL dialogue and communication and LISTENING.

Maybe they'll find a few points ON WHICH THEY CAN AGREE.

I was hoping for something like this from the prior administration.
I doubt it happens. Kaepernick strikes me as an intellectual coward.

He can probably figure out that Trump would be handling him with kid gloves.
If Trump tries to pretend that racism doesn't still exist, this will go nowhere.

If Trump opens, or even includes a mea culpa, that's a hard fail, right there.

The myth needs challenged. Anyone that pushes it, needs called out.
There's a lot of ground between a mea culpa and just admitting that both sides have work to do. It's not one or the other.

If something that obvious can't be admitted, then there's no hope. I think Trump has the capacity to be honest on this.

IF he starts talking about republicans or even white racism, everyone will stop listening.

The whites will see it, correctly as just more of the same bullshit lecturing, and that's it.

The blacks and liberals will have their pre conceived notions validated and stop listening.
Is it fair to say then, that you believe white racism is a myth?

I believe that white racism has been crushed and defeated and what little remains is pretty much powerless.

A far LARGER problem is the use of the False Accusation of Racism as a weapon.

It is tearing this nation apart, and denying the normal political process to large percentages of people.

If Trump starts talking about what WE need to do, that will just be feeding into the lie narrative of the vile, or as you call it, the regressive, left.

And ends the conversation right there.

People might keep talking, past that point, but no one will be listening.

As I explained above.
Well, I hope Trump can see both sides of this, at least to some degree.

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