Trump wants Kaepernick & West for White House race summit

Didn't Obama attempt this early on?

Aren't we all Americans? Why focus on race. Seems to be a very democratic thing to do.

The worst thing that could happen to the democrook party is an absence of racial tension.

The meat puppet deliberately stoked racial tension.
The prior administration had the beer summit that was widely mocked by republicans.
Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".

We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".

I know you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. But as an Independent, that was by far my biggest disappointment with his administration.

And how were his attempts at doing so received? Reformining the justice and prison systems? The right labeled him a racist at anything that looked to remotely address black concerns. And now it is ok because a white man is initiating it?
You'll have to take this up with a right winger.

All I care about is results, regardless of who gets the credit.
If you care about results then you need to look further than just the president. Obama achieved results in reforming the criminal justice system, police departments that had a bad record of shooting or killing unarmed suspects or racial profiling. Tackling drug laws and three strike laws that put many into prison system for relatively minor crimes and seem to target blacks unfairly.

The current DOJ is deleting all that, even nullifying agreements put together and agreed upon between the DoJ and some individual police departments to improve their policing.

Those were real actions taken to address racial issues.

All that is being dismantled.

We had a black man tackling race, and it was bad.

We now have a white man tackling race and now it is good.

It needs to go further that a side show between a Trump supporter and a Trump critic. It needs to become actions, actions that are the opposite of everything he has done so far regarding racial issues otherwise it is just another platform for Trump to get his ego stoked by a vocal black supporter.

So what is this...a real conversation with the potential for change, or another episode of The Apprentice?
Nice. Thanks, Mr. President, this is LONG OVERDUE. Two well-known figures TALKING with high national visibility.

We need to start somewhere: President Trump Wants Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback He Vilified, and Kanye West for Summit on Race

I hope this happens, and I hope it starts REAL dialogue and communication and LISTENING.

Maybe they'll find a few points ON WHICH THEY CAN AGREE.

I was hoping for something like this from the prior administration.
Improving race relations is going to start a Shit Storm with the Left. They are totally invested in identity politics. That's why they are having an orgasim to think that whites will be in the minority in 30 years. What are they hoping for? Extermination? LOL.

Why didn’t you support improving race relations under Obama then?
The prior administration had the beer summit that was widely mocked by republicans.
Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".

We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".

I know you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. But as an Independent, that was by far my biggest disappointment with his administration.

And how were his attempts at doing so received? Reformining the justice and prison systems? The right labeled him a racist at anything that looked to remotely address black concerns. And now it is ok because a white man is initiating it?
You'll have to take this up with a right winger.

All I care about is results, regardless of who gets the credit.
If you care about results then you need to look further than just the president. Obama achieved results in reforming the criminal justice system, police departments that had a bad record of shooting or killing unarmed suspects or racial profiling. Tackling drug laws and three strike laws that put many into prison system for relatively minor crimes and seem to target blacks unfairly.

The current DOJ is deleting all that, even nullifying agreements put together and agreed upon between the DoJ and some individual police departments to improve their policing.

Those were real actions taken to address racial issues.

All that is being dismantled.

We had a black man tackling race, and it was bad.

We now have a white man tackling race and now it is good.

It needs to go further that a side show between a Trump supporter and a Trump critic. It needs to become actions, actions that are the opposite of everything he has done so far regarding racial issues otherwise it is just another platform for Trump to get his ego stoked by a vocal black supporter.

So what is this...a real conversation with the potential for change, or another episode of The Apprentice?
If you think Obama did all he could to heal our racial divide, great. That, to me, is absolutely absurd.

I don't care if this is "another episode of the Apprentice" or not. I want results. You folks can attack the other side all you want.

I'm hoping for the best.
The prior administration had the beer summit that was widely mocked by republicans.
Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".

We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".

I know you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. But as an Independent, that was by far my biggest disappointment with his administration.

And how were his attempts at doing so received? Reformining the justice and prison systems? The right labeled him a racist at anything that looked to remotely address black concerns. And now it is ok because a white man is initiating it?
You'll have to take this up with a right winger.

All I care about is results, regardless of who gets the credit.
If you care about results then you need to look further than just the president. Obama achieved results in reforming the criminal justice system, police departments that had a bad record of shooting or killing unarmed suspects or racial profiling. Tackling drug laws and three strike laws that put many into prison system for relatively minor crimes and seem to target blacks unfairly.

The current DOJ is deleting all that, even nullifying agreements put together and agreed upon between the DoJ and some individual police departments to improve their policing.

Those were real actions taken to address racial issues.

All that is being dismantled.

We had a black man tackling race, and it was bad.

We now have a white man tackling race and now it is good.

It needs to go further that a side show between a Trump supporter and a Trump critic. It needs to become actions, actions that are the opposite of everything he has done so far regarding racial issues otherwise it is just another platform for Trump to get his ego stoked by a vocal black supporter.

So what is this...a real conversation with the potential for change, or another episode of The Apprentice?
If you think Obama did all he could to heal our racial divide, great. That, to me, is absolutely absurd.

I don't care if this is "another episode of the Apprentice" or not. I want results. You folks can attack the other side all you want.

I'm hoping for the best.
I think Obama had to walk a very fine line. He was the first black president, blacks had very high expectations, and some whites had very high fears. He has to be the president for everyone, not just blacks.

Yet every attempt to address racial issues was met with allegations of Obama being racist.

And now what was done is being deliberately undone. Why?

I hope for the best but my expectations are that this is just another show without actual actions.
Mac, what, in your opinion should Obama have done?
Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".

I know you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. But as an Independent, that was by far my biggest disappointment with his administration.
Obama doing little more than voting present has been the mantra of the far Right Extremists ever since Obama won the nomination! You are as "independent" as Lyin' Sean HanNITWITty.
Actually I'm a left-leaning Independent.
Not hardly!
When the Dems screw up, the Right are the first to blame the Dems, but when the GOP screws up the Right says "GOVERNMENT" screwed up. That is you, you blame the Dems or you blame BOTH Parties while pretending to be independent.
The very last two things the Regressive Left wants to see are (1) race relations healed and (2) Trump getting ANY measure of credit for it. Holy shit.

This issue is at their very foundation. They'll fight this one with everything they have.
Why to mindlessly parrot your MessiahRushie!
Can we agree that some of the stipulations from the right for improved race relations are that black people become less lazy and violent. That they stop having too many babies and get jobs?
And don't forget how stupid the Right says blacks are for voting Democratic.

December 5, 2007
RUSH: It's ignorance, and we pay a huge price for this. The biggest price we pay for ignorance is electing so damn many Democrats, which is one of the biggest obstacles to progress and success in this country for the individual human being that I have ever encountered. It is ignorance. Devotion to ignorance, bliss, blissful ignorance, is the only explanation for the election of Democrats.

May 1, 2008
RUSH: Democrats continued to get the votes of the majority of black voters.
The very last two things the Regressive Left wants to see are (1) race relations healed and (2) Trump getting ANY measure of credit for it. Holy shit.

This issue is at their very foundation. They'll fight this one with everything they have.
Why to mindlessly parrot your MessiahRushie!
My positions on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

So your multiple posts are a fail. A weak, feeble fail.

You're just another Regressive Leftist. But thanks for all the attention. Nice to see I struck another nerve. So damn easy.
The Regressives sure haven't let me down on this thread.

You folks are predictable, I'll give ya that.

Thanks, as always!

The very last two things the Regressive Left wants to see are (1) race relations healed and (2) Trump getting ANY measure of credit for it. Holy shit.

This issue is at their very foundation. They'll fight this one with everything they have.
Why to mindlessly parrot your MessiahRushie!
My positions on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

So your multiple posts are a fail. A weak, feeble fail.

You're just another Regressive Leftist. But thanks for all the attention. Nice to see I struck another nerve. So damn easy.
Your REAL positions are in your actual posts, not the ones you pretend to believe in your stupid link that you hide behind every time your actual posts expose you as an extremist Right-winger.

So pat yourself on the back for proving yourself a complete phony yet again.
The very last two things the Regressive Left wants to see are (1) race relations healed and (2) Trump getting ANY measure of credit for it. Holy shit.

This issue is at their very foundation. They'll fight this one with everything they have.
Why to mindlessly parrot your MessiahRushie!
My positions on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

So your multiple posts are a fail. A weak, feeble fail.

You're just another Regressive Leftist. But thanks for all the attention. Nice to see I struck another nerve. So damn easy.
Your REAL positions are in your actual posts, not the ones you pretend to believe in your stupid link that you hide behind every time your actual posts expose you as an extremist Right-winger.

So pat yourself on the back for proving yourself a complete phony yet again.
I love it. Even when faced with facts you snivel and whine. Good.

Whatever you do, keep changing the subject, keep making it about me, keep proving my point.
The prior administration had the beer summit that was widely mocked by republicans.
Ah, the "beer summit". Eight years, and we got the "beer summit".

We've never had a President more prepared and qualified to tackle our race issues head-on than Obama. Not even close. Yet in eight years, he did little more than vote "present".

I know you're ideologically obligated to spin for him. But as an Independent, that was by far my biggest disappointment with his administration.

And how were his attempts at doing so received? Reformining the justice and prison systems? The right labeled him a racist at anything that looked to remotely address black concerns. And now it is ok because a white man is initiating it?
You'll have to take this up with a right winger.

All I care about is results, regardless of who gets the credit.
If you care about results then you need to look further than just the president. Obama achieved results in reforming the criminal justice system, police departments that had a bad record of shooting or killing unarmed suspects or racial profiling. Tackling drug laws and three strike laws that put many into prison system for relatively minor crimes and seem to target blacks unfairly.

The current DOJ is deleting all that, even nullifying agreements put together and agreed upon between the DoJ and some individual police departments to improve their policing.

Those were real actions taken to address racial issues.

All that is being dismantled.

We had a black man tackling race, and it was bad.

We now have a white man tackling race and now it is good.

It needs to go further that a side show between a Trump supporter and a Trump critic. It needs to become actions, actions that are the opposite of everything he has done so far regarding racial issues otherwise it is just another platform for Trump to get his ego stoked by a vocal black supporter.

So what is this...a real conversation with the potential for change, or another episode of The Apprentice?
If you think Obama did all he could to heal our racial divide, great. That, to me, is absolutely absurd.
That worthless answer to Coyote's excellent post is further proof of just how far Right you really are. First you say Obama did nothing more than vote present on racial relations, and when Coyote points out the things Obama actually did do beyond voting present, in spite of constant attacks from the Right on every one of those actions, rather than admit your Right wing bias blinded you to those actions, you then attacked him for not doing more.

So thank you again for making your hypocrisy so obvious.
I'm so far up in the Regressives' heads it's incredible. And funny.

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