Trump wants massive inc of foreign white collar

Most swing voters don’t want more foreign skilled voters ??
Then support a revamp of our schools curriculum....teach science and let students learn about minority studies on the streets......Trump can't help it if our schools are failing our the teachers union...did you hear what the Orange County teachers union is demanding before they will go back into the classroom?.....medicare for all and defund the police....not very pro student education now are they?....
That's LA. Not Orange County. Please get your facts straight!
Wrong jackass...LA schools are shut down...Orange County is open but the teachers are refusing to go back unless their demands are met.... get your facts straight!....
Who is advising him ??
He is blowing any chances of winning ??
This is suicide !!
These American hating Tech companies want the highly educated cheap foreign labor

Trump is blowing it

Huh?....What rock have you been living under? This has been going for at least two decades now. Importing and offshoring of cheap tech labor is nothing new.
Trump in 16 said he would reverse it .
He has failed
"Massive inc foreign white collar"? Where does this stuff come from? The bottom line is that we can look forward to posts that start out "Trump wants" for the next hundred days.
Most swing voters don’t want more foreign skilled voters ??
Then support a revamp of our schools curriculum....teach science and let students learn about minority studies on the streets......Trump can't help it if our schools are failing our the teachers union...did you hear what the Orange County teachers union is demanding before they will go back into the classroom?.....medicare for all and defund the police....not very pro student education now are they?....
That's LA. Not Orange County. Please get your facts straight!
You are a real dipshit you know that? post here like you know it all and you don't know shit half the time...don't ever tell me to get my facts straight again dumbshit....unless you know you are right....because I will nail you every time...
Who is advising him ??
He is blowing any chances of winning ??
This is suicide !!
These American hating Tech companies want the highly educated cheap foreign labor

Trump is blowing it

Huh?....What rock have you been living under? This has been going for at least two decades now. Importing and offshoring of cheap tech labor is nothing new.
Trump in 16 said he would reverse it .
He has failed

Trump says whatever his base wants to hear. And they lap it up as if it were ice cream. But in the end, Trump comes from the business world. Most of his ardent supporters (and campaign contributors) are business leaders..who have an abject interest in increasing profits through importing and exporting cheap labor.
High tech companies have been firing good, longtime, loyal American workers for years, to open jobs for low-wage foreigners (often from India). These traitors are lucky to have not been jailed for treason. The bastards even threatened their American employees with losing severence packages, if they spoke to the press.

Eventually, some did. This has been one of America's worst disgraces. About time somebody is doing something about it. As usual, it is Trump coming to the rescue of American workers/citizens.

Trump is part of the Tech Machine by saying that
Trump says whatever his base wants to hear. And they lap it up as if it were ice cream. But in the end, Trump comes from the business world. Most of his ardent supporters (and campaign contributors) are business leaders..who have an abject interest in increasing profits through importing and exporting cheap labor.
Yeah ? Then why is he doing what these "business leaders" don't want ? Putting a stop to firing American workers to make room for low wage foreigners. You contradict your self.

And most of Trump's supporters are NOT business leaders. They are workers. Like the ones being screwed for years, by the High tech business leaders. Just can't reconcile that your longtime liberal narrative is going down in flames, huh ?

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