Trump wants to eliminate income tax, but replace it with tariffs on imported goods.

Funny thing that

Liberals freaked out and shut down the economy

Then sent our checks to everyone they could think of to sit home and do nothing

Then with time on their hands and money in their pocket inflation set in
Kind of making a broader point.

How much of the crap that politicians, technocrats, and corporate actors did is blamed on the virus?....THEY'RE the ones who did that shit, not some virus that had no power of choice.
Multimillionaires aren't the ones most impacted by income taxes on wages, salaries, and interest from savings....That would be you and the rest of the hoi polloy, Scooter.
Not hurting me, and I don't even have to pay accountants, business managers, and lawyers to hide it from the government, like trump or many of the other wealthy, a trade war with China will not hurt. His new trade war will be hell on the Walmart shopper, the under employed, the welfare class. When that happens, make sure your doors are locked and secured, cameras operating and your guns are locked and loaded, as the hoi polloy will be coming for you, to take what you have, that they can no longer afford. I'll be ok. I am already set, defensively. Good luck to you and yours and remember, you get what you vote for.
We’ll manage

Particularly Americans who are liberated from being on welfare and now have a decent job again
It’s like Brexit where they promised economic prosperity but instead their economy is considerably smaller than it would have been because they’re globally uncompetitive.

You ignore the reason we shipped those jobs to China. They’re shitty jobs with low value. I don’t want them back. It would drag down the economy.
Not hurting me, and I don't even have to pay accountants, business managers, and lawyers to hide it from the government, like trump or many of the other wealthy, a trade war with China will not hurt. His new trade war will be hell on the Walmart shopper, the under employed, the welfare class. When that happens, make sure your doors are locked and secured, cameras operating and your guns are locked and loaded, as the hoi polloy will be coming for you, to take what you have, that they can no longer afford. I'll be ok. I am already set, defensively. Good luck to you and yours and remember, you get what you vote for.
"Not hurting me" isn't an argument....Nor is "I got mine, so fuck you".
We have more employed now than in any time in US history.

As the early 80s demonstrate, inflation can be much, much worse. Reagan faced 12% annual inflation. We're facing about 3.3%.
Except for the fact that it is a lower percentage of the labor force. More people need two or three jobs to afford what they did five years ago. leaving more without jobs.

Through May 2024, the
past ten years
Except for the fact that it is a lower percentage of the labor force. More people need two or three jobs to afford what they did five years ago. leaving more without jobs.

Through May 2024, the
past ten years

The labor participation rate is not the total number of people working.


Try again.
It’s like Brexit where they promised economic prosperity but instead their economy is considerably smaller than it would have been because they’re globally uncompetitive.

You ignore the reason we shipped those jobs to China. They’re shitty jobs with low value. I don’t want them back. It would drag down the economy.
Those jobs do not drag down china’s economy

And those jobs didnt drag us down in the 1970s

And there is the problem of all those millions of migrants that have to be coddled and cared for
Those jobs do not drag down china’s economy

And those jobs didnt drag us down in the 1970s

And there is the problem of all those millions of migrants that have to be coddled and cared for
Of course they don’t drag down China’s economy. Because China’s economy is far inferior to ours.

The US economy of the 70s was far inferior to our economy now too. Not to mention a far lower standard of living.

Lots of entitled Americans out there want to earn a lot of money without having to have any skills.
Of course they don’t drag down China’s economy. Because China’s economy is far inferior to ours.
China’s economy is almost as large as ours

Until the wuflu pandemic the chicom economy was growing about twice as fast as ours

All thanks to those dirty little jobs that you dislike so much
We have become resistant to tough solutions.

A person could go buy a brand new car today...with a warranty...and that would be a short term easy solution...but, with that easy solution, you get a seven year note at 9% interest, full coverage and gap insurance payments and by the time you own it, it's virtually worthless...

...or you can suffer for awhile, ride the bus, save your money, buy a crappy car, save your money, sell your crappy car and buy a better car...until eventually if you want, you can buy that new car with cash...but you won't...cuz it's not worth the money.

That's what we're looking at here. Some short term pain to gain longer term prosperity.

That's a good trade. A gamble that I think the younger generation is ready to take.

If you have a better solution... I'd be happy to entertain it.
Easy… a better solution is not going with Trumps tariff plan. That would absolutely be better
China’s economy is almost as large as ours

Until the wuflu pandemic the chicom economy was growing about twice as fast as ours

All thanks to those dirty little jobs that you dislike so much
China’s population is far larger than ours. So even if you believe their economic data, that’s far inferior.

It’s not dirty jobs that I have a problem with. It’s the low productivity jobs. There’s a difference.
The labor participation rate is not the total number of people working.

View attachment 962616

Try again.
Brilliant! I'm impressed.

Our population grows naturally, plus President Biden has thrown out the welcome mat for 10 million illegal aliens. The labor participation rate, as you know, shows that a lower percentage of available workers are employed today than were during the Trump administration.

China’s population is far larger than ours. So even if you believe their economic data, that’s far inferior.

It’s not dirty jobs that I have a problem with. It’s the low productivity jobs. There’s a difference.
Very little of the money goes to the 800 million or so not connected with exports

Which means they can build the worlds largest navy, colonize africa and even purchase the loyalty of American academics at our universities
Brilliant! I'm impressed.

Our population grows naturally, plus President Biden has thrown out the welcome mat for 10 million illegal aliens. The labor participation rate, as you know, shows that a lower percentage of available workers are employed today than were during the Trump administration.

So all we're doing now is discussing WHY I'm right when I said that we have more people employed now than in anytime in US history.
We could manufacture some of that in America again

It would involve fewer workers making a higher salary

And more robots

But even that means more jobs for American building and maintaining the machines

And all of that means more skills for American workers and a weaker economy for china

Naturally all the production will not return to America

India and SE Asia will take much of the action also
How long does that take and what effects happen in the mean time?
Very little of the money goes to the 800 million or so not connected with exports

Which means they can build the worlds largest navy, colonize africa and even purchase the loyalty of American academics at our universities
This doesn’t scare me one bit. China will never match our strength.
In years past, I was in upper management and ownership of a real estate company with about a half dozen companies.

Each year, we schedule one day in the fall for management to meet out of town. We review the previous year, and one of the most important things we do is "spitball" thoughts, ideas, directions, etc., for the coming year. Nothing is laughed at; everything is written down on a large whiteboard. Nothing is out of bounds.

They'd be discussed one by one and moved to another list to either discuss further or discard. Out of twenty or thirty ideas, we always came away with one or two that were really good.

President Trump does much the same. He looks for solutions. Not left or right solutions but what would work. That's why Liberals hate him so much. After winnowing them down, his ideas work and work well.

It may well be a goofy idea, but what idea have you or President Biden presented other than TRUMP BAD?

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