Trump Wants To Take Away Former Intelligence Agency Employees Security Clearances

Democrats protect
How odd that the republican presidents and congressed and law enforcement appointees have not acted on your fantasies, given that you are so certain they are true. I wonder which explanation is simpler?

1) these Republicans are all part of a vast, Democratic party conspiracy to protect Hillary Clinton


2) you are a delusional freak, peddling fantasy

Hmm, tough call...
So you are an idiot who heard the FBI declare they gpu d over 15,000 pieces of evidence proving Hillary broke the FOIA & FRA and still claim she is innocent.

'Nuff said.
Actually, they said precisely the opposite, as they said there was no evidence of intent. Once again, reality does not match up with your fantasies....but of course, that's everyone else's fault, not yours....
Put Obama's goon squad in prison...bury them in the darkest hole in Leavenworth....fing traitorous scum....
Democrats protect
How odd that the republican presidents and congressed and law enforcement appointees have not acted on your fantasies, given that you are so certain they are true. I wonder which explanation is simpler?

1) these Republicans are all part of a vast, Democratic party conspiracy to protect Hillary Clinton


2) you are a delusional freak, peddling fantasy

Hmm, tough call...
So you are an idiot who heard the FBI declare they gpu d over 15,000 pieces of evidence proving Hillary broke the FOIA & FRA and still claim she is innocent.

'Nuff said.
Actually, they said precisely the opposite, as they said there was no evidence of intent. Once again, reality does not match up with your fantasies....but of course, that's everyone else's fault, not yours....
Too easy. :71:
Sooo he wants to take away the 1st Amendment rights of former federal employees to be able to talk about their life experiences because he doesn't like what they have to say. His excuses is they are making money off of it and that what they are saying is lies.

So a couple of things here... Almost EVERY former higher up federal employee have done interviews, done speeches, and written books after their retirement. That includes former Presidents. Why is Trump picking on ONLY people saying bad things about him? Shouldn't this be a universal decision to take it away from ALL FORMER federal employees?

The second and largest thing is, they are using the excuse that it is inappropriate to criticize Trump because of their former position and that they are doing so without any evidence. Well then does Trump want them to instead go on air and tell the truth and all the stuff they know whether it is Top Secret information? What a chicken shit thing for the White House to say... "You can't criticize the President about something you aren't showing proof of" when they KNOW that they can't share the Top Secret information they DO KNOW.

He's pretty much wreck any reputation or legacy. He's fighting to stay out of cuffs at the moment. And CNN is an accomplice to his criminal sedition. He looks like loony bin material accusing the Prez of treason and STILL lying his ass off as an analysis for CNN.

America can't stop him from looking like a moron. But -- this guy should not have continuing access to spy on anything.
I'm still wondering why it is okay for civilian government officials to retain their clearance after leaving their job, when the military cancels your clearance when you are discharged or retired.
Unless different rules apply to them that don't apply to the typical federal employee they don't retain their clearances when those clearances lapse.

It does kind of make me wonder though, do they do that with ALL military personnel? When a person leaves the military, in certain positions that may be under high demand, they can be called back to active duty if they are needed up until they reach a certain age. I had a buddy that was in intelligence and could speak Spanish, Russian, and another one. I forget what it was, but I think he said he could get called back into service until up age 45 I believe.
As far as I know the only way they get to keep their clearance is if they take on a government or government contract job and the clearance is transferred to the appropriate agency.

Well my buddy did keep his because he ended up getting a part time job of translating court transcripts, but was curious why certain people like those in his position wouldn't just keep their's.
He's fighting to stay out of cuffs at the moment.
How is he in any legal jeopardy whatsoever? this is the first I have heard of this.

And, of course, nothing he has done meets any legal standard of "sedition", so I have to wonder who is giving you legal advice...
Sooo he wants to take away the 1st Amendment rights of former federal employees to be able to talk about their life experiences because he doesn't like what they have to say. His excuses is they are making money off of it and that what they are saying is lies.

So a couple of things here... Almost EVERY former higher up federal employee have done interviews, done speeches, and written books after their retirement. That includes former Presidents. Why is Trump picking on ONLY people saying bad things about him? Shouldn't this be a universal decision to take it away from ALL FORMER federal employees?

The second and largest thing is, they are using the excuse that it is inappropriate to criticize Trump because of their former position and that they are doing so without any evidence. Well then does Trump want them to instead go on air and tell the truth and all the stuff they know whether it is Top Secret information? What a chicken shit thing for the White House to say... "You can't criticize the President about something you aren't showing proof of" when they KNOW that they can't share the Top Secret information they DO KNOW.

Those people whose security clearances he wants to revoke have abused their power and have done some very bad things, among which is failure to indict the Democratic candidate for the numerous felonies she committed, the attempted unseating of a standing President, and the overturning of a legal American presidential election.

They should not only have their clearances yanked, they should be behind bars. If you don't see this by now, you really don't understand what has happened in this country.
If they can't keep their mouths shut they should lose their clearance and it's a stretch for the OP to say Trump wants to take away their first amendment rights. That's ridiculous but then look who is saying it.

There are people with Security Clearances on Fox network who use their positions to make money there... but they aren't on Trump's list. THAT'S why it is a First Amendment issue.

Trump is only doing this to his political opponents, NOT ALL people with former positions and Security Clearances that are making money from it.

THEY (others with clearances) are not using their Network contract to DEFEND their OWN criminal actions and blowing chaff. Clapper is.. This is not about silencing him. It's about cutting off his access to national security secrets because he's acting deranged. I know my clearances would be yanked for less.
Sooo he wants to take away the 1st Amendment rights of former federal employees to be able to talk about their life experiences because he doesn't like what they have to say. His excuses is they are making money off of it and that what they are saying is lies.

So a couple of things here... Almost EVERY former higher up federal employee have done interviews, done speeches, and written books after their retirement. That includes former Presidents. Why is Trump picking on ONLY people saying bad things about him? Shouldn't this be a universal decision to take it away from ALL FORMER federal employees?

The second and largest thing is, they are using the excuse that it is inappropriate to criticize Trump because of their former position and that they are doing so without any evidence. Well then does Trump want them to instead go on air and tell the truth and all the stuff they know whether it is Top Secret information? What a chicken shit thing for the White House to say... "You can't criticize the President about something you aren't showing proof of" when they KNOW that they can't share the Top Secret information they DO KNOW.

He's pretty much wreck any reputation or legacy. He's fighting to stay out of cuffs at the moment. And CNN is an accomplice to his criminal sedition. He looks like loony bin material accusing the Prez of treason and STILL lying his ass off as an analysis for CNN.

America can't stop him from looking like a moron. But -- this guy should not have continuing access to spy on anything.

But it isn't just Brennan. They listed Clapper, Haden, Rice, Comey, McCabe along with him. But there are people on Fox that make crazy ass statements as well. Flynn parlayed his old position to use it to make money as a consultant for a former country. That fits under the same thing Trump is accusing all these people from too.
How is he in any legal jeopardy whatsoever? this is the first I have heard of this
How about lying to a FISA judge to get a surveillance warrant on an American citizen???? thought that libs were sickened by that kind of law enforcement corruption....guess not...
I'm still wondering why it is okay for civilian government officials to retain their clearance after leaving their job, when the military cancels your clearance when you are discharged or retired.
Unless different rules apply to them that don't apply to the typical federal employee they don't retain their clearances when those clearances lapse.

It does kind of make me wonder though, do they do that with ALL military personnel? When a person leaves the military, in certain positions that may be under high demand, they can be called back to active duty if they are needed up until they reach a certain age. I had a buddy that was in intelligence and could speak Spanish, Russian, and another one. I forget what it was, but I think he said he could get called back into service until up age 45 I believe.

If your friend was an E7 or higher he might be right.

The military is typically an 8 year commitment, depending on MOS it could vary. Once the commitment is fulfilled, you’re discharged and cannot be recalled.

If your friend had a security clearance he would still have to renew it upon recall, if had expired.
I'm still wondering why it is okay for civilian government officials to retain their clearance after leaving their job, when the military cancels your clearance when you are discharged or retired.
Unless different rules apply to them that don't apply to the typical federal employee they don't retain their clearances when those clearances lapse.

It does kind of make me wonder though, do they do that with ALL military personnel? When a person leaves the military, in certain positions that may be under high demand, they can be called back to active duty if they are needed up until they reach a certain age. I had a buddy that was in intelligence and could speak Spanish, Russian, and another one. I forget what it was, but I think he said he could get called back into service until up age 45 I believe.
As far as I know the only way they get to keep their clearance is if they take on a government or government contract job and the clearance is transferred to the appropriate agency.

Well my buddy did keep his because he ended up getting a part time job of translating court transcripts, but was curious why certain people like those in his position wouldn't just keep their's.
It's the way the government set up getting and retaining clearances. The only way he could have kept his was if his new employer had authorization to "pick his up".
Sooo he wants to take away the 1st Amendment rights of former federal employees to be able to talk about their life experiences because he doesn't like what they have to say. His excuses is they are making money off of it and that what they are saying is lies.

So a couple of things here... Almost EVERY former higher up federal employee have done interviews, done speeches, and written books after their retirement. That includes former Presidents. Why is Trump picking on ONLY people saying bad things about him? Shouldn't this be a universal decision to take it away from ALL FORMER federal employees?

The second and largest thing is, they are using the excuse that it is inappropriate to criticize Trump because of their former position and that they are doing so without any evidence. Well then does Trump want them to instead go on air and tell the truth and all the stuff they know whether it is Top Secret information? What a chicken shit thing for the White House to say... "You can't criticize the President about something you aren't showing proof of" when they KNOW that they can't share the Top Secret information they DO KNOW.

Rubber Room for making up crap.

Trump did not say they were not allowed to talk about non-classified issues or experiences. Just the other day, the former head of the CIA demanded we all pledge allegiance to the Democrat party. Lack of a security clearance does not prevent him from spouting stupid shit. There is no 1st Amendment issue here.
First of all, a security clearance means nothing if you don't have access to classified data. The named individuals do not have a need to know any current classified information, and that means they should not be privy to or have access to anything that is classified. Now, if they currently do have access to any classified data then somebody is in serious trouble for granting that access, and that person needs to go to prison. But I seriously doubt that is the case when it's your ass that is on the line, unless of course your last name is Clinton.

That said, I see no reason for these guys to retain a security clearance unless there is a good chance they will be required as part of their job to access such information. Reinstating a clearance shouldn't take as long as the original investigation, and I see no reason for not terminating that clearance. FYI - when I retired from the military I had a Top Secret clearance; BUT - 2 months later I came back to work as a Lockheed Martin civilian contractor at the same place pretty much doing the same job that required the same clearance. I don't think they revoked my clearance when I retired and then reinstated it, but that could be the case. Dunno, all I know is there was no delay involved, and I didn't have to wait even a single day.

A final point, whether you retain the clearance or not, and whether you get fired or retired or not, you cannot spout off classified data that you used to know or be aware of. You are still responsible to protect that information until and unless it becomes no longer classified.
Actually, they said precisely the opposite, as they said there was no evidence of intent. ....
Ignorance and the lack of intent to break laws are not legal defences for such crimes.

So you think Hillary illegally deleting thousands of OFFICIAL classified e-mails, documents, devices, and using Bleachbit to try to erase those official documents / the evidence from off her server in direct defiance of a subpoena demanding she turn over EVERYTHING is not evidence of intent?

Wow, you are a 'special' kind if IDIOT.

Sooo he wants to take away the 1st Amendment rights of former federal employees to be able to talk about their life experiences because he doesn't like what they have to say. His excuses is they are making money off of it and that what they are saying is lies.

So a couple of things here... Almost EVERY former higher up federal employee have done interviews, done speeches, and written books after their retirement. That includes former Presidents. Why is Trump picking on ONLY people saying bad things about him? Shouldn't this be a universal decision to take it away from ALL FORMER federal employees?

The second and largest thing is, they are using the excuse that it is inappropriate to criticize Trump because of their former position and that they are doing so without any evidence. Well then does Trump want them to instead go on air and tell the truth and all the stuff they know whether it is Top Secret information? What a chicken shit thing for the White House to say... "You can't criticize the President about something you aren't showing proof of" when they KNOW that they can't share the Top Secret information they DO KNOW.
For the slow and STUPID, a Clearance does not of and in itself grant access to classified information. Nor does having one or not effect ones 1st Amendment rights. When you leave a Job with a clearance the clearance is put on hold until a certain amount of time has passed and is then eliminated. One only keeps a clearance if they get another job that requires one.

Isn't it convenient that one can claim to know something with out any ACTUAL evidence? When a conservative does that you claim they are lying, when a liberal does it you claim they denied the right to share their "proof". Rather hypocritical and also convenient.

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