Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted

He already did. Standing order, etc, etc.

This time it is in the courts. He cannot do that.
He will eventually have to argue that he declassified the documents before a judge. He’s been skirting the issue so far but it’s getting harder for him to do so.
Another new argument. Do you think this cheating with strawman arguments and evasion will make up for how you can't counter what I have posted about how "discussions and debate of democrat election fraud are here to stay. 2020 forever changed the way the world sees democrats at election time. These discussions and debates about democrat election fraud are NEVER going away. NEVER."
MAGA Republicans might as well be DPRK Republicans.
I'm sure that you do everything with a purpose.
The best thing about that is that when you pass away no one will have to clean up your apartment or house because you are a very purposeful person.
Apparently Trump did it on purpose because he’s claiming that he declassified them before he took them.

It was intentional by his own admission.
Apparently Trump did it on purpose because he’s claiming that he declassified them before he took them.

It was intentional by his own admission.
And so?
Bill Clinton raped many women on purpose and got away with it.
Does that annoy you?
January 16, 2016. Not yet a President, and still....No opposition allowed.

On the order of Donald Trump and hundreds of his fervent supporters, police officers threatened protesters with arrest if they did not leave the the Flynn Theater in Burlington, VT after being identified as a protesters. Jordan Chariton of #TYTNetwork covered 3 Donald Trump rallies in 3 states during the first week of 2016. In Lowell, MA, TYT cameras captured Trump supporters throwing objects at, and striking protesters in the head as they were being removed by security and local police.

After a relatively peaceful rally the next night in Claremont, NH, all hell broke loose in Burlington, VT. TYTNetwork and other news outlets reported that the Trump campaign issued 20,000 tickets to see him speak at a venue that seats 1,400, then asked attendees to pledge loyalty to Trump before being allowed to enter. We interviewed several people who were kicked out for refusing to verbally endorse the former Wrestlemania and realty TV star as their choice for president. This report documents the harrowing experience of American citizens who managed to gain entrance despite having reservations about Trump — as many made very clear with boisterous denunciations that interrupted the rally. A Burlington Police Officer tells a man identified as a protester, "You are being trespassed. They don't want you here. ...If you are trespassed, you are gonna be arrested." Another sequence shows a young woman, apparently misidentified as a non-supporter, pleading with police officers to let her stay. "I didn't do anything?!" she screamed as hundreds of people shouted her down with words like, "Get her out!" and "Trump! Trump! Trump!" She was ushered from the building in tears.
January 16, 2016. Not yet a President, and still....No opposition allowed.

On the order of Donald Trump and hundreds of his fervent supporters, police officers threatened protesters with arrest if they did not leave the the Flynn Theater in Burlington, VT after being identified as a protesters. Jordan Chariton of #TYTNetwork covered 3 Donald Trump rallies in 3 states during the first week of 2016. In Lowell, MA, TYT cameras captured Trump supporters throwing objects at, and striking protesters in the head as they were being removed by security and local police.

After a relatively peaceful rally the next night in Claremont, NH, all hell broke loose in Burlington, VT. TYTNetwork and other news outlets reported that the Trump campaign issued 20,000 tickets to see him speak at a venue that seats 1,400, then asked attendees to pledge loyalty to Trump before being allowed to enter. We interviewed several people who were kicked out for refusing to verbally endorse the former Wrestlemania and realty TV star as their choice for president. This report documents the harrowing experience of American citizens who managed to gain entrance despite having reservations about Trump — as many made very clear with boisterous denunciations that interrupted the rally. A Burlington Police Officer tells a man identified as a protester, "You are being trespassed. They don't want you here. ...If you are trespassed, you are gonna be arrested." Another sequence shows a young woman, apparently misidentified as a non-supporter, pleading with police officers to let her stay. "I didn't do anything?!" she screamed as hundreds of people shouted her down with words like, "Get her out!" and "Trump! Trump! Trump!" She was ushered from the building in tears.

Gee, that's terrible. Are you going to get through this?
January 16, 2016. Not yet a President, and still....No opposition allowed.

On the order of Donald Trump and hundreds of his fervent supporters, police officers threatened protesters with arrest if they did not leave the the Flynn Theater in Burlington, VT after being identified as a protesters. Jordan Chariton of #TYTNetwork covered 3 Donald Trump rallies in 3 states during the first week of 2016. In Lowell, MA, TYT cameras captured Trump supporters throwing objects at, and striking protesters in the head as they were being removed by security and local police.

After a relatively peaceful rally the next night in Claremont, NH, all hell broke loose in Burlington, VT. TYTNetwork and other news outlets reported that the Trump campaign issued 20,000 tickets to see him speak at a venue that seats 1,400, then asked attendees to pledge loyalty to Trump before being allowed to enter. We interviewed several people who were kicked out for refusing to verbally endorse the former Wrestlemania and realty TV star as their choice for president. This report documents the harrowing experience of American citizens who managed to gain entrance despite having reservations about Trump — as many made very clear with boisterous denunciations that interrupted the rally. A Burlington Police Officer tells a man identified as a protester, "You are being trespassed. They don't want you here. ...If you are trespassed, you are gonna be arrested." Another sequence shows a young woman, apparently misidentified as a non-supporter, pleading with police officers to let her stay. "I didn't do anything?!" she screamed as hundreds of people shouted her down with words like, "Get her out!" and "Trump! Trump! Trump!" She was ushered from the building in tears.

I take it you didn't watch the video.

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