Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted

Ok, where is the rest of the article, since the original article comes from Fox.

This is all there is. Where is the rest?

FOX News Videos

Sen. Mazie Hirono promotes a 'call to arms' against the pro-life movement​

Wed, September 14, 2022, 5:16 PM

Sen. Mazie Hirono issued a "call to arms" on abortion Wednesday following the introduction of Sen. Lindsey Graham's 15-week abortion bill.
Ok, where is the rest of the article, since the original article comes from Fox.

This is all there is. Where is the rest?

FOX News Videos

Sen. Mazie Hirono promotes a 'call to arms' against the pro-life movement​

Wed, September 14, 2022, 5:16 PM

Sen. Mazie Hirono issued a "call to arms" on abortion Wednesday following the introduction of Sen. Lindsey Graham's 15-week abortion bill.
Fox news..squawk...Fox news..squawk... You're pitifully weak.
Thats not nurturing. I'd rather watch you guys get your asses kicked by the local constabulary. It will be fun. Do it this weekend. I'm already grilling. Can you schedule for around 6? Don't forget to hydrate and stretch first.
Mocking is about it for weak little parasites.
Fox news..squawk...Fox news..squawk... You're pitifully weak.

Yes, she means fighting. But not with weapons as you would like to believe, because when Trump calls to arms, he means what you are thinking.

It is about registering as many people as possible and vote against those who want to ban abortion in November.

What is the purpose of a call to arms?

something that asks or encourages a group of people to take action against something: The song gave an anthem to the civil rights movement and served as a call to arms for women everywhere. He sounds a call to arms to book lovers asking them to keep independent book shops open.

CALL TO ARMS | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary​

Yes, she means fighting. But not with weapons as you would like to believe, because when Trump calls to arms, he means what you are thinking.

It is about registering as many people as possible and vote against those who want to ban abortion in November.

What is the purpose of a call to arms?

something that asks or encourages a group of people to take action against something: The song gave an anthem to the civil rights movement and served as a call to arms for women everywhere. He sounds a call to arms to book lovers asking them to keep independent book shops open.

CALL TO ARMS | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary

LOL...Get the fuck out of here. You're a pitiful lying scrawny ass punk.
He did it while he was President. Just so you know, the President can declassify whatever the hell he wants to.
Which is way worse because he's declassifying national security information that is going to harm the country when it is made public. And why did he do it? Because he wanted to keep some documents in his closet for some unknown reason. That seems like a pretty weird reason to harm national security.

Moreover, he doesn't have the right to hide those documents from the government or from the people of the country for that matter. Those are our documents. When the DoJ subpeonaed him to turn them in, he was required by law to comply with the subpoena. Not only did he not comply with the subpoena, he misled the DoJ into thinking he had complied which puts him on the hook for obstruction.
Which is way worse because he's declassifying national security information that is going to harm the country when it is made public. And why did he do it? Because he wanted to keep some documents in his closet for some unknown reason. That seems like a pretty weird reason to harm national security.

Moreover, he doesn't have the right to hide those documents from the government or from the people of the country for that matter. Those are our documents. When the DoJ subpeonaed him to turn them in, he was required by law to comply with the subpoena. Not only did he not comply with the subpoena, he misled the DoJ into thinking he had complied which puts him on the hook for obstruction.
Which is way worse because he's declassifying national security information that is going to harm the country when it is made public. And why did he do it? Because he wanted to keep some documents in his closet for some unknown reason. That seems like a pretty weird reason to harm national security.

Moreover, he doesn't have the right to hide those documents from the government or from the people of the country for that matter. Those are our documents. When the DoJ subpeonaed him to turn them in, he was required by law to comply with the subpoena. Not only did he not comply with the subpoena, he misled the DoJ into thinking he had complied which puts him on the hook for obstruction.
In all of the court filings, not Once have the lawyers said anything about Trump having declassified any of the documents.

Simply because he never did, and they would be perjuring themselves if they did it, as Hobbs did when she signed a letter saying that there were no more documents at MAL.
Lol, presenting a new argument to evade the one you can't win. Weak.


Discussions and debate of democrat election fraud are here to stay. 2020 forever changed the way the world sees democrats at election time. These discussions and debates about democrat election fraud are NEVER going away. NEVER.
Neither are charges of treason, comrade. Trump better take off to Moscow before he’s herded off in a jump suit to match his face and silver bracelets instead of a gold Rolex.
In all of the court filings, not Once have the lawyers said anything about Trump having declassified any of the documents.

Simply because he never did, and they would be perjuring themselves if they did it, as Hobbs did when she signed a letter saying that there were no more documents at MAL.
You're a proven liar. Get the fuck out of here.
Neither are charges of treason, comrade. Trump better take off to Moscow before he’s herded off in a jump suit to match his face and silver bracelets instead of a gold Rolex.
Another new argument. Do you think this cheating with strawman arguments and evasion will make up for how you can't counter what I have posted about how "discussions and debate of democrat election fraud are here to stay. 2020 forever changed the way the world sees democrats at election time. These discussions and debates about democrat election fraud are NEVER going away. NEVER."

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