Trump Was a Mistake

Just keep in mind that if Trump is rejected and thrown out then another imitator can't come forward with the same message as Trump and do better.

There's only one Trump. Get it?

If Trump is thrown out then Trumpism is thrown out. But that's not saying he will be thrown out.

If it's not Trump then it can't be halfway with DeSantis. Only the real thing will do.

Who is the best prospect for being the anti-Trump, if it becomes necessary?

Can there be such a nominee existing?
Sorry, but I don't think like that.

I prefer Trump. But I don't think he will get the nomination. Whether he does or doesn't, I will support the nominee. ANYBODY on the right is better than ANYBODY you lunatics nominate
He wasn't a mistake. He was a consequence of a failed government. Unfortunately he only made matters worse. I suspect if our criminal government doesn’t chanhe its ways, SHTF.
On the contrary. It was Maoist/DSA Democrats that were so incensed at the loss of Hillary they had to destroy Trump just as they demonized Bush and more.
Just keep in mind that if Trump is rejected and thrown out then another imitator can't come forward with the same message as Trump and do better.

There's only one Trump. Get it?

If Trump is thrown out then Trumpism is thrown out. But that's not saying he will be thrown out.

If it's not Trump then it can't be halfway with DeSantis. Only the real thing will do.

Who is the best prospect for being the anti-Trump, if it becomes necessary?

Can there be such a nominee existing?
The anti-Crist Newsom.
On the contrary. It was Maoist/DSA Democrats that were so incensed at the loss of Hillary they had to destroy Trump just as they demonized Bush and more.

Hillary wasn't a good candidate. The only reason Trump won is because Hillary has too much baggage. Trump won by default.
On the contrary. It was Maoist/DSA Democrats that were so incensed at the loss of Hillary they had to destroy Trump just as they demonized Bush and more.
Trump was too dumb to recognize the establishment/deep state was out to get him from day one. He even put these assholes in his administration. Either he’s dumb or incompetent.
Sorry, but I don't think like that.

I prefer Trump. But I don't think he will get the nomination. Whether he does or doesn't, I will support the nominee. ANYBODY on the right is better than ANYBODY you lunatics nominate
If Trump's popularity is in the tank, as you are suggesting, there's going to be a critical point in time when he will have to release his grasp on the R party. I can't imagine any way that could happen with that sort of personality. Do you?

So he runs again as a more likely loser than any time in the past?

That presents a problem that nobody seems to want to deal with or even contemplate.

You don't think he will get the nomination for some reason but you're not interested in talking about it. Sweep the issue under the carpet if that's the best you can do.

Oh, and fwiw, I favour Trump and I've made that clear dozens of times on this board.

In my opinion, it's as likely that Trump calls out his violent supporters to act out on the streets with guns, as anything else.

Do you have any other idea on how the dam will be broken? Anything? Assassination?
An uncomfortable fact for Americans to swallow is that Biden is throwing every free gift he possibly can at the working class. So even with Biden being as unpopular a personality as could be possible, his agenda is getting through to the heads of the working class Americans.

This is a departure from the status quo of the American way in which the ordinary people are seeing the benefits. I would say that the right's agenda is in trouble in America now more than it's ever been in the past.

And what if the D's can put up a candidate that has all the qualities that Biden lacks and is hated for??

America is looking socialism in the eyes, out of sheer necessity of needing to compete with the rest of the world.

Departing from Trump will leave no road back for America's greedy style of capitalism.
The anti-Crist Newsom.
Best to not mention Newsom's name!

A good personal appearance is good for close to half the vote in America.

So even though Kari represents batshit crazy more than any other factor, she's a huge threat even if she can't win back her stolen election. Kari's personal appearance separates her from the rest of Trump's losers.

She's indispensible and so if Trump stands a chance, she will be his queen! (vp)
You don't think he will get the nomination for some reason but you're not interested in talking about it
I have been talking about it. Republicans need to get their act together and SUPPORT THE WINNING CANDIDATE. I don't know what else you're looking for, and I really don't care.
I have been talking about it. Republicans need to get their act together and SUPPORT THE WINNING CANDIDATE. I don't know what else you're looking for, and I really don't care.
You don't have to care as far as I'm concerned.

Repubs don't know who the winning candidate could be. You can't come up with a suggestion because Trump's in the way.

So you care deeply as you are demonstrating, but you can GFY if you are afraid to discuss it.
Trump was a rejection of the two parties pushing another Bush/Clinton matchup.

Been there, done that shit already.

Wasn't a mistake, but a message that needed to be sent by the voters.

Both parties have ignored that message.

Fuck 'em.


Trump was the cumulation of 50 years of the GOP pushing Racism and homophobia to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

The only difference was instead of using code words and dog whistles, he was open in his bigotry.

Trump was the cumulation of 50 years of the GOP pushing Racism and homophobia to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

The only difference was instead of using code words and dog whistles, he was open in his bigotry.
Totally wrong, but typical.

Trump is a consequence of the failure of the duopoly. You can expect more like him, because your beloved two party system refuses to support the will of the people. They do however support the ultra wealthy and big corporations who fund them.

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