Trump Was Not The Legitimate President

I should be butt hurt? Like you? Look, the Orange bag O' shit lost, and I give zero fucks about magaturd butt hurt feewings about it.
You do not give one fuck about this country, its laws or Constitution. That means your opinion is not worth a thing. Comprehend that?
Blah blah blah. You lost. Go get a large supply of tissues because you still have over two years of crying to go.
But NOT one retort regarding THESE FACTS! Goes to show what a truly ignorant person that believes EVERYTHING the Biased MSM that donated 96% to Hillary spent 4 years negatively with Trump then spent another $400 million in 32 hours of negative news on CBS,ABC,NBC and THEN gave 90% to Biden. And you think I'm crying? Hey crying is not the word... WARNING that you and your totally biased point of few is supported by the BIASED MSM! How can you argue with these FACTS?

Well what you said is that it’s mostly the left right now whining about democracy being illegitimate when they don’t get their way. I showed you that that’s clearly wrong.

But sure, I guess your statement is accurate if you ignore the millions of Trump supporters whining about the 2020 election. If you ignore all of those Trump supporters whining that the election was stolen, then sure, it’s mostly the left whining about democracy being illegitimate.
They are whining about everything when they don't get their way. They are currently whining about the SC not being legitimate. They whine about so called voter suppression. They are whining about gun control. Every time they lose an election they whine. Hell, they whine even when they win elections.
They are whining about everything when they don't get their way. They are currently whining about the SC not being legitimate. They whine about so called voter suppression. They are whining about gun control. Every time they lose an election they whine. Hell, they whine even when they win elections.
And conservatives don’t whine when they lose an election?

Oh. Right. You weren’t talking about them. It’s just the left whining about everything when you ignore everything that conservatives whine about.

My mistake.
The fact is that you lost and you’re very upset about it.

Go wipe your tears, snowflake.
But you CAN'T refute the facts that the biased MSM pissed because they donated 96% to Hillary and she lost spent the next 4 year writing the most negative news about a president that was the first president since 1957 had made it possible to generate more energy than we had to import, INDEPENDENCE! Something that NO other president in the past 62 years and 11 presidents!
In 2019, when Donald Trump was president, the U.S. did achieve energy independence, something that had not happened since 1957.
And conservatives don’t whine when they lose an election?

Oh. Right. You weren’t talking about them. It’s just the left whining about everything when you ignore everything that conservatives whine about.

My mistake.
I'll use the same line that lefties always use on me. Whataboutism. The point is, both sides do it and both sides do it all the time.
And conservatives don’t whine when they lose an election?

Oh. Right. You weren’t talking about them. It’s just the left whining about everything when you ignore everything that conservatives whine about.

My mistake.
But we don't hear from the BIASED MSM the left whining AS MUCH as we do the right whining... GEEZ I wonder why?
I would like to see people be honest and admit to the biased MSM influence on them!
I MEAN come on 96% to Hillary she gets beat, MSM beats worst negatives news on Trump for 4 years and then Biased MSM donates 90% to Biden and YOU don't see any difference in what forms your opinions?
But you CAN'T refute the facts that the biased MSM pissed because they donated 96% to Hillary and she lost spent the next 4 year writing the most negative news about a president…
He sure gave them a lot of material to work with.


And your line that the left does it more now is bullshit.
Let's put it this way. The left bitched and complained about the 2016 election being stolen and rife with fraud and, even though Republicans owned the House at the time, they were not so low as to hold partisan House investigations (during prime time nonetheless) to go after Democrats for purely political purposes for their unproven with no evidence election fraud/Russian Collusion allegations. And yet here we are in 2022 with House Democrats having bogus partisan investigations during prime time to go after Republicans for election fraud allegations (that democrats actually planted themselves). So, yes, Democrats are doing it more now and they have partners in crime with the lefty MSM. And they are doing it with many other things as well. Why can't the left accept the results of the 2020 elections? They have this obsessive drive to prove they won when Biden has been sitting in the White House already for a year and a half. When is it they are going to get a clue that they already won?
Let's put it this way. The left bitched and complained about the 2016 election being stolen and rife with fraud and, even though Republicans owned the House at the time, they were not so low as to hold partisan House investigations (during prime time nonetheless) to go after Democrats for purely political purposes for their unproven with no evidence election fraud/Russian Collusion allegations. And yet here we are in 2022 with House Democrats having bogus partisan investigations during prime time to go after Republicans for election fraud allegations (that democrats actually planted themselves). So, yes, Democrats are doing it more now and they have partners in crime with the lefty MSM. And they are doing it with many other things as well. Why can't the left accept the results of the 2020 elections? They have this obsessive drive to prove they won when Biden has been sitting in the White House already for a year and a half. When is it they are going to get a clue that they already won?

For what would Congress gone after Democrats following the 2016 election?

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