Trump Was On Fire Today

Daryl Hunt said:
Considering there are more Democrats than Republicans, guess how this is going to go, cupcake.
And It's Swing Voters That Decide Elections, Sugar
Even The NAACP Poll
Says Dem's Have Lost Over 20% Of The Black Monolith

Here's My Guess:
Trump Landslide, Popular And Electoral College
Dem's Lose House, Repub's Add To Senate
Trump And McConnell Get To Replace Ginsberg
Maybe Breyer After Her

Daryl Hunt said:
Considering there are more Democrats than Republicans, guess how this is going to go, cupcake.
And It's Swing Voters That Decide Elections, Sugar
Even The NAACP Poll
Says Dem's Have Lost Over 20% Of The Black Monolith

Here's My Guess:
Trump Landslide, Popular And Electoral College
Dem's Lose House, Repub's Add To Senate
Trump And McConnell Get To Replace Ginsberg
Maybe Breyer After Her


This is how we push them completely over the edge. Be prepared for violence!
Considering there are more Democrats than Republicans, guess how this is going to go, cupcake.

No need to guess.

There may be more registered Democrat traitors than patriotic Republicans but there is a vast un-registered population that understands responsibility. Couple that with the simple fact that a large percentage of registered Democrats and too stoned to get out of bed, let alone vote, and President Trump's second term is assured.

During the last election, Rump conned a large part of the population and many of the Democrats were justly disalusioned and elected to stay home. Don't look for that to happen this time, cupcake. Rump has given them a reason to turn in out in great numbers. Meanwhile, Rump has given many Republicans a reason to stay home. The Fruitcake Base won't be enough. And the more hinky crap Rump does, the more Republicans will stay home and the more Democrats will fall out to vote. 2020 is not going to the bumper year you dream of if things go like they should. Had anyone other than that piece of crap Hillary ran Rump would never have been elected. Well, cupcake, Hillary ain't running and anyone Gay, Female, Left Wing or mediocre at best will best him this time around., Rump is desperate. He knows he's in trouble but his Conn Man side show won't allow you to see it.

If that does happen, it will be the first time in our history where the country was doing great, and the voters responded by getting rid of the person responsible for the accomplishments.

The only thing it would prove is how strong brainwashing has become. It will be a sad day in America when that happens.

It's been happening for the last 20 or 30 years. Do you honestly believe from Bush Jr and his opponents and since then that a single one of them should have really been President?
During the last election, Rump conned a large part of the population and many of the Democrats were justly disalusioned and elected to stay home. Don't look for that to happen this time, cupcake. Rump has given them a reason to turn in out in great numbers. Meanwhile, Rump has given many Republicans a reason to stay home. The Fruitcake Base won't be enough. And the more hinky crap Rump does, the more Republicans will stay home and the more Democrats will fall out to vote. 2020 is not going to the bumper year you dream of if things go like they should. Had anyone other than that piece of crap Hillary ran Rump would never have been elected. Well, cupcake, Hillary ain't running and anyone Gay, Female, Left Wing or mediocre at best will best him this time around., Rump is desperate. He knows he's in trouble but his Conn Man side show won't allow you to see it.

1. What's with the "cupcake"? Are those you're munching laced with something more potent than mere grass? It would account for much.....

2. Democrats may, indeed, "fall out" come election day. But unless there's an EMT standing by with that shit they use to halt overdoses they won't make it to the polls.

3. Your lack of faith in your Democrat Party, Socialist Wing, is sad to see. You know the fix is already in for Hillary and your denial will not change that.

4. President Trump has pushed enough buttons to embolden your loony-left to overpower the ageing, failing Nannabelle. She's no longer in control of your cherished cult and the disorganization alone will prevent any rational selection process. Nay, it will be Hillary vs. President Trump and the impeachment fiasco will ensure a Republican sweep of House and Senate. The flurry of investigations and indictments will be fun to watch.

Dream on, Cupcake. Hillary is gone. You keep telling yourself that there is going to be a repeat of 2016. But Hillary can't get enough support from the Dem Daddies to buy a cup of coffee these days.
No wonder the criminal, lying Dems are pissed. They're not used to a Republican president fighting back! 2020 is going to be a GREAT year for "Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN Way"

Democrats are so good at finding crimes that do not exist except for that one BLIND SPOT they have, right under their own nose with their own people. When was the last time a democrat was even lambasted by their own fellow members? Would the DNC even press charges if one of their people literally stood up with an assault rifle and gunned down the POTUS in cold blood? Or would they celebrate that too and carry him on their shoulders? You really have to wonder.
If for some reason Trump were reelected it would probably be the end of the Republican party. Republicans probably expect it would be the end, but rely on making another new conservative party as they have in the past.
If for some reason Trump were reelected it would probably be the end of the Republican party. Republicans probably expect it would be the end, but rely on making another new conservative party as they have in the past.

No, that was more of a threat with the establishment leading the charge. While Trump never claimed to be conservative, he's presiding more conservatively than Reagan, so us conservatives are more than thrilled about what he's doing.

If anything, it will bring more Republican voters out next election.
Considering there are more Democrats than Republicans, guess how this is going to go, cupcake.

No need to guess.

There may be more registered Democrat traitors than patriotic Republicans but there is a vast un-registered population that understands responsibility. Couple that with the simple fact that a large percentage of registered Democrats and too stoned to get out of bed, let alone vote, and President Trump's second term is assured.

During the last election, Rump conned a large part of the population and many of the Democrats were justly disalusioned and elected to stay home. Don't look for that to happen this time, cupcake. Rump has given them a reason to turn in out in great numbers. Meanwhile, Rump has given many Republicans a reason to stay home. The Fruitcake Base won't be enough. And the more hinky crap Rump does, the more Republicans will stay home and the more Democrats will fall out to vote. 2020 is not going to the bumper year you dream of if things go like they should. Had anyone other than that piece of crap Hillary ran Rump would never have been elected. Well, cupcake, Hillary ain't running and anyone Gay, Female, Left Wing or mediocre at best will best him this time around., Rump is desperate. He knows he's in trouble but his Conn Man side show won't allow you to see it.

If that does happen, it will be the first time in our history where the country was doing great, and the voters responded by getting rid of the person responsible for the accomplishments.

The only thing it would prove is how strong brainwashing has become. It will be a sad day in America when that happens.

It's been happening for the last 20 or 30 years. Do you honestly believe from Bush Jr and his opponents and since then that a single one of them should have really been President?

No, but I was never a Romney person. McCain was another Democrat lite.

No, it has not been happening the last 20 or 30 years. Clinton had a good economy and was reelected. DumBama had an okay economy, and he was reelected. But today we have the best economy in 50 years. So unless Americans got stupid, this should be a slam dunk for Trump.
I hope trump doesn't damage America beyond simple repair.
Can any American not see that Trump needs help, but more than that, America needs help. Did most Americans believe that this could not happen in a nation that elects a president, but dictators have been elected in other nations. But the founders were smart and put in an impeachment clause. We had better thank their foresight and use it.

Only a leftist could live in a country doing as fantastic as ours, and think we are living in turmoil because that's what they were told to think.

Yeah, it was better under DumBama. Low wage jobs being created, paying higher taxes, more people on the government dole, race riots in the street. Ah yes, the good ole days are gone because of Trump.

Your "old days" would have brought a war and the zinc coffins from Korea with the remains of American guys if Hillary Clinton, a political witch who concealed her origin and forced her husband to launch the bombing of Yugoslavia, came to power.

Are you the owner of a funeral home with a Pentagon contract ???


View attachment 283030

Democrat Clinton is a war criminal, and the Democratic Party, as historical statistics show, is THE PARTY OF WAR

The military-industrial complex hates Trump, as the President robs them of super-profits, avoiding war and massacres


As always in such cases, "deathly silence." As I noted, “proud American citizens” extremely dislike when they are told the facts of the history of the nation, they need not be proud, but be ashamed of their deeds



In the absence of Monica


Genocide of Slavs...
I hope trump doesn't damage America beyond simple repair.
Can any American not see that Trump needs help, but more than that, America needs help. Did most Americans believe that this could not happen in a nation that elects a president, but dictators have been elected in other nations. But the founders were smart and put in an impeachment clause. We had better thank their foresight and use it.
Bet you voted for Obama and Hillary
I did...proudly.
I hope trump doesn't damage America beyond simple repair.
Can any American not see that Trump needs help, but more than that, America needs help. Did most Americans believe that this could not happen in a nation that elects a president, but dictators have been elected in other nations. But the founders were smart and put in an impeachment clause. We had better thank their foresight and use it.
Shittiest dictator ever to allow all the negative media coverage and not round up journalists.

How about losing the ridiculous hyperbole?

If he doesn't like all the negative coverage, he should quit doing so much dumb shit.

You mean behave like the commies want him to? You mean like never fight back against the MSM, or any lie that Democrats tell about him? That kind of dumb shit? When Schiff Face takes what Trump says, completely lies about it, and then tries to backpedal by calling it a parody, Trump should never respond?

Sorry........that's the way the Bush's and even Reagan conducted themselves, and all they got was negative coverage.
The simple answer to that is if he doesn't like negative coverage, he should quit doing stupid childish stuff.

And the reply is it wouldn't matter what he did. They will always give Republican Presidents negative coverage.
Poor GOP....the Democrats NEVER get negative coverage.....everyone is against the Republicans....Boo hoo!
Shittiest dictator ever to allow all the negative media coverage and not round up journalists.

How about losing the ridiculous hyperbole?

If he doesn't like all the negative coverage, he should quit doing so much dumb shit.

You mean behave like the commies want him to? You mean like never fight back against the MSM, or any lie that Democrats tell about him? That kind of dumb shit? When Schiff Face takes what Trump says, completely lies about it, and then tries to backpedal by calling it a parody, Trump should never respond?

Sorry........that's the way the Bush's and even Reagan conducted themselves, and all they got was negative coverage.
The simple answer to that is if he doesn't like negative coverage, he should quit doing stupid childish stuff.

And the reply is it wouldn't matter what he did. They will always give Republican Presidents negative coverage.
Poor GOP....the Democrats NEVER get negative coverage.....everyone is against the Republicans....Boo hoo!

I'm not crying about anything, just stating fact. The Democrats get much less negative coverage than Republicans as the MSM is actually an extension of the Democrat party.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily
If he doesn't like all the negative coverage, he should quit doing so much dumb shit.

You mean behave like the commies want him to? You mean like never fight back against the MSM, or any lie that Democrats tell about him? That kind of dumb shit? When Schiff Face takes what Trump says, completely lies about it, and then tries to backpedal by calling it a parody, Trump should never respond?

Sorry........that's the way the Bush's and even Reagan conducted themselves, and all they got was negative coverage.
The simple answer to that is if he doesn't like negative coverage, he should quit doing stupid childish stuff.

And the reply is it wouldn't matter what he did. They will always give Republican Presidents negative coverage.
Poor GOP....the Democrats NEVER get negative coverage.....everyone is against the Republicans....Boo hoo!

I'm not crying about anything, just stating fact. The Democrats get much less negative coverage than Republicans as the MSM is actually an extension of the Democrat party.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

Jeffery Dahmer and Hitler both got a lot of negative press too. You whining about their treatment too?
You mean behave like the commies want him to? You mean like never fight back against the MSM, or any lie that Democrats tell about him? That kind of dumb shit? When Schiff Face takes what Trump says, completely lies about it, and then tries to backpedal by calling it a parody, Trump should never respond?

Sorry........that's the way the Bush's and even Reagan conducted themselves, and all they got was negative coverage.
The simple answer to that is if he doesn't like negative coverage, he should quit doing stupid childish stuff.

And the reply is it wouldn't matter what he did. They will always give Republican Presidents negative coverage.
Poor GOP....the Democrats NEVER get negative coverage.....everyone is against the Republicans....Boo hoo!

I'm not crying about anything, just stating fact. The Democrats get much less negative coverage than Republicans as the MSM is actually an extension of the Democrat party.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

Jeffery Dahmer and Hitler both got a lot of negative press too. You whining about their treatment too?

Really? Germany gave negative press to Hitler? If I remember correctly, he was hailed as a hero, just like Obama was over here.
The simple answer to that is if he doesn't like negative coverage, he should quit doing stupid childish stuff.

And the reply is it wouldn't matter what he did. They will always give Republican Presidents negative coverage.
Poor GOP....the Democrats NEVER get negative coverage.....everyone is against the Republicans....Boo hoo!

I'm not crying about anything, just stating fact. The Democrats get much less negative coverage than Republicans as the MSM is actually an extension of the Democrat party.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

Jeffery Dahmer and Hitler both got a lot of negative press too. You whining about their treatment too?

Really? Germany gave negative press to Hitler? If I remember correctly, he was hailed as a hero, just like Obama was over here.

Well no. Germany didn't give Hitler bad press any more than fox gives Trump bad press, but you aren't complaining about the good press, are you?
And the reply is it wouldn't matter what he did. They will always give Republican Presidents negative coverage.
Poor GOP....the Democrats NEVER get negative coverage.....everyone is against the Republicans....Boo hoo!

I'm not crying about anything, just stating fact. The Democrats get much less negative coverage than Republicans as the MSM is actually an extension of the Democrat party.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

Jeffery Dahmer and Hitler both got a lot of negative press too. You whining about their treatment too?

Really? Germany gave negative press to Hitler? If I remember correctly, he was hailed as a hero, just like Obama was over here.

Well no. Germany didn't give Hitler bad press any more than fox gives Trump bad press, but you aren't complaining about the good press, are you?

When it comes to Trump, there is no good press outside of Fox.
Poor GOP....the Democrats NEVER get negative coverage.....everyone is against the Republicans....Boo hoo!

I'm not crying about anything, just stating fact. The Democrats get much less negative coverage than Republicans as the MSM is actually an extension of the Democrat party.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

Jeffery Dahmer and Hitler both got a lot of negative press too. You whining about their treatment too?

Really? Germany gave negative press to Hitler? If I remember correctly, he was hailed as a hero, just like Obama was over here.

Well no. Germany didn't give Hitler bad press any more than fox gives Trump bad press, but you aren't complaining about the good press, are you?

When it comes to Trump, there is no good press outside of Fox.

That should tell you something.
I'm not crying about anything, just stating fact. The Democrats get much less negative coverage than Republicans as the MSM is actually an extension of the Democrat party.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

Jeffery Dahmer and Hitler both got a lot of negative press too. You whining about their treatment too?

Really? Germany gave negative press to Hitler? If I remember correctly, he was hailed as a hero, just like Obama was over here.

Well no. Germany didn't give Hitler bad press any more than fox gives Trump bad press, but you aren't complaining about the good press, are you?

When it comes to Trump, there is no good press outside of Fox.

That should tell you something.

Indeed it does, and it's what we've been telling you on the left all along. The media is an extension of the Democrat party, owned and operated.

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