Trump Was On Fire Today

I note that you didn't give a reference to where you pulled that list from, Bulldog. Is the site THAT bad?

Which incident do you question? Do you doubt those things happened?

I don't doubt that you pulled that list from a laughably bad source, Bulldog! Care to share what it was?

Is that the best you can do? Are you claiming he didn't do any of those things that hurt American workers? You asked what he has done that was bad for the country, and I gave you a short list. Quit whining and prove he didn't do those things, or continue whining just like you always do. I don't care either way.

These Trimpettes are too fucking stupid to know what Trump is doing. They are grossly uninformed. Trump has allowed for dirtier air ( that will kill thousands of Americans), more polluted water and more dangerous workplaces & food supply.

Really? Care to name a few of those policies you speak of?

Post #78 list a few.
Which incident do you question? Do you doubt those things happened?

I don't doubt that you pulled that list from a laughably bad source, Bulldog! Care to share what it was?

Is that the best you can do? Are you claiming he didn't do any of those things that hurt American workers? You asked what he has done that was bad for the country, and I gave you a short list. Quit whining and prove he didn't do those things, or continue whining just like you always do. I don't care either way.

These Trimpettes are too fucking stupid to know what Trump is doing. They are grossly uninformed. Trump has allowed for dirtier air ( that will kill thousands of Americans), more polluted water and more dangerous workplaces & food supply.

Really? Care to name a few of those policies you speak of?

Post #78 list a few.

And I responded to that post. But given the fact I don't have all night to read each one, research it, and respond, why don't you pick out one or two and we'll go from there?
  • Thanks
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Oh, it's just a "coincidence" that the very man who threatened the Ukraine with the loss of a billion dollar loan unless they fired a specific prosecutor in 6 hours happened to have a son making big dollars for sitting on the board of the Ukrainian company said prosecutor was investigating for corruption? Nah, couldn't be that company was buying influence with Joe Biden when they gave his drug addict son a no show job for all that money! (eye roll)
AS a Trumpette, you have no room to blame anyone for corruption because you ignore's Trump's.

You think that Trump, Ivanka, Jr all profit from Trump's decisions? Really?

You Biden story has been debunked a gazillion times.

Trump will probably be the first President in history to leave office with less wealth than he entered! He doesn't take a salary for the job...and everything he DOES have an interest in has been savagely attacked since he took office. The same thing goes for his children! Ivanka lost several fashion lines because stores found it too controversial to carry her products.

The Biden story has been "debunked"? Really? Was it done by the same site that BullShit uses and is too embarrassed to name? :)
President Trump sacrificed his personal business and its potential growth to be President, took a $1 salary to do the job and donated the rest to charity. The Trump organization also quit taking new contracts overseas because The Demonic Left would just use that against them.

President Trump is the only president in US History who's wealth was diminished by becoming president while people like The Clintons and Obamas got wealthy from being president.

Another "Hey, look over there" routine. You seem to forget that each and every time Rump goes golfing he makes more for Rump Interprizes than he loses for the entire year for his Presidential pay. At over a million a pop, that means he's charged the US Government (taxpayers) close to a half billion already for these trips for the total cost. When you look at the cost of housing, food, etc. charged to the Government, each trip costs nearly 1 million bucks. And he's made how many to date? Tell you what, let's force him to take his Presidential pay and have him pay for his own vacations. I'll bet that he'll play more golf at the Military Bases near DC like all the other Presidents did.

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | HuffPost

Thank you for bringing that up. Now we can take everything into cost and who gets the profits from it.

Air Force One, Two and the Cargo version. The Operation of all three of those in just jet fuel will be a bunch into the hundreds of thousands when you also consider paying for the people flying, support people accompanying them and more. On such a trip like O made like that, all three are utilized and a third AF(X) is on standby along with a Cargo Version on standby at Andrews. This small Air Force costs a bunch no matter who is President. It's not like going to Florida where it's an hour or two delay if things go wrong. If you don't bring it with you you don't have it.

Now we have to add the support staff like the Cooks, Stenos, Doctors, know, basically, all the people any small city would have with it including an Auto Mechanic support staff and equipment. You aren't going to have the support you would have in the United States available so you have to take it with you.

When you go to a third world country, the cost is much higher because you have to bring everything including the kitchen sink with you to support the President. You basically fly in a small city along with the entire Press Staff and Civilian Press. You are flying in something equiv to a town of 1000 with all it's support including medical, food, everything. That can't be cheap. This is why it's done very infrequently. It's damned expensive.

When Rump continously flies to his various resorts outside of the DC area just to play round of golf or diverts from the flight path coming back from EU to one of his resorts, that still costs money. HE has yet to play on the Golf Course at Andrews Air Force Base or the one at Dover Air Force Base like every President did that played Golf since Golf was invented. Both of those are within either driving or Chopper range. And they both have full blown Hospitals already there and some of the best Security People on the Planet. But Rump Industries doesn't make a dime off of him being there.

Now, him going off hundreds of times just to golf at his Resorts means that he spends hundreds of millions of dollars of Your Money to go there and have his crappy game. I don't mind that, it's your money. But he is also spending MY money as well. I don't have a Problem with Rump spending the money to go to the G-7. That's his job. I don't have a problem with him take A vacation to anywhere in the world once a year at government expense, not in his job, that is. But to do this every 3rd week and sometimes every 2 weeks at over 1.6 million is outrageous. He's surpassed O by a large margin and it's been done by only his 3rd year against Os 8 years. Yes, folks, he's broken another Obama record. But most of it has been done lining the Rump Industries Pockets.

So when you claim he has been so magnamous in not taking any Presidential Pay and donating it to charities, I find that he does that to avoid paying any personal income tax so he can say, "I don't have to file and you can't Audit Me". Meanwhile, he sucks as much out of the Presientcy as he can by other means far above and beyond that 495K a year.
I hope trump doesn't damage America beyond simple repair.
Can any American not see that Trump needs help, but more than that, America needs help. Did most Americans believe that this could not happen in a nation that elects a president, but dictators have been elected in other nations. But the founders were smart and put in an impeachment clause. We had better thank their foresight and use it.

There is an election coming up next year, Regent! If you think Donald Trump shouldn't be President then tell the Democrats to run someone who you think will do a better job! The Founding Fathers didn't put in an impeachment clause so that losers of elections could stage a coup and throw out a duly elected President! They would be appalled at what Democrats are doing right now!

The problem is the Democrats don’t have anyone and this is the only way the Demtards can try and win.

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What they are actually trying to do is destroy the economy to win. The economy is the number one issue for most voters, and Democrats know they can't even bring up the subject yet alone debate him. So work on destroying the strongest point Trump has, even if it means destroying the country at the same time.

Just yet another example of how the Democrats are party first--country second power hungry tyrants that only care about themselves.

I just call them scumbags.

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No wonder the criminal, lying Dems are pissed. They're not used to a Republican president fighting back! 2020 is going to be a GREAT year for "Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN Way"

2020 is going to be a GREAT year for "Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN Way"
Superman would have flown to the White House, grabbed Trump by the back of his fat old neck and dropped him into the Potomac.

Go fly your broom

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"the only thing better than cash is lots of it. the system is a beast, always hungry for cash. success is getting what you want. and i just want some cash" - President Trump
So tell me guys...what's your NEXT attack on Trump going to be when this one falls flat on it's face? You do realize that's what's going to happen...right? Oh, actually think asking the Ukraine to investigate wrongdoing by Joe Biden is illegal? Can you say "Collusion" take two?
Considering there are more Democrats than Republicans, guess how this is going to go, cupcake.

No need to guess.

There may be more registered Democrat traitors than patriotic Republicans but there is a vast un-registered population that understands responsibility. Couple that with the simple fact that a large percentage of registered Democrats are too stoned to get out of bed, let alone vote, and President Trump's second term is assured.
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Considering there are more Democrats than Republicans, guess how this is going to go, cupcake.

No need to guess.

There may be more registered Democrat traitors than patriotic Republicans but there is a vast un-registered population that understands responsibility. Couple that with the simple fact that a large percentage of registered Democrats and too stoned to get out of bed, let alone vote, and President Trump's second term is assured.

During the last election, Rump conned a large part of the population and many of the Democrats were justly disalusioned and elected to stay home. Don't look for that to happen this time, cupcake. Rump has given them a reason to turn in out in great numbers. Meanwhile, Rump has given many Republicans a reason to stay home. The Fruitcake Base won't be enough. And the more hinky crap Rump does, the more Republicans will stay home and the more Democrats will fall out to vote. 2020 is not going to the bumper year you dream of if things go like they should. Had anyone other than that piece of crap Hillary ran Rump would never have been elected. Well, cupcake, Hillary ain't running and anyone Gay, Female, Left Wing or mediocre at best will best him this time around., Rump is desperate. He knows he's in trouble but his Conn Man side show won't allow you to see it.
Considering there are more Democrats than Republicans, guess how this is going to go, cupcake.

No need to guess.

There may be more registered Democrat traitors than patriotic Republicans but there is a vast un-registered population that understands responsibility. Couple that with the simple fact that a large percentage of registered Democrats and too stoned to get out of bed, let alone vote, and President Trump's second term is assured.

During the last election, Rump conned a large part of the population and many of the Democrats were justly disalusioned and elected to stay home. Don't look for that to happen this time, cupcake. Rump has given them a reason to turn in out in great numbers. Meanwhile, Rump has given many Republicans a reason to stay home. The Fruitcake Base won't be enough. And the more hinky crap Rump does, the more Republicans will stay home and the more Democrats will fall out to vote. 2020 is not going to the bumper year you dream of if things go like they should. Had anyone other than that piece of crap Hillary ran Rump would never have been elected. Well, cupcake, Hillary ain't running and anyone Gay, Female, Left Wing or mediocre at best will best him this time around., Rump is desperate. He knows he's in trouble but his Conn Man side show won't allow you to see it.

If that does happen, it will be the first time in our history where the country was doing great, and the voters responded by getting rid of the person responsible for the accomplishments.

The only thing it would prove is how strong brainwashing has become. It will be a sad day in America when that happens.
You're right. Impeachment wasn't included in the constitution for that purpose. It was put there for presidents who behave as our current childish president does.

No, it was put there for Presidents who commit high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump did.
Can you define a high American crime? What is it? And; what of American misdemeanors? When Johnson was impeached one of the charges, I believe it was ten, was that he yelled at the Congress. It was a Republican Senate and I think Johnson was found not guilty on that charge.

Yea, that wasn't why Johnson was impeached...but you go right ahead and make up any shit you would like.
If the reason was the Tenure of Office Act, why did they throw in the charge of not respecting the Congress?

Maybe because they don't deserve any respect????

So what's a "high crime"?

I hope trump doesn't damage America beyond simple repair.
Can any American not see that Trump needs help, but more than that, America needs help. Did most Americans believe that this could not happen in a nation that elects a president, but dictators have been elected in other nations. But the founders were smart and put in an impeachment clause. We had better thank their foresight and use it.

There is an election coming up next year, Regent! If you think Donald Trump shouldn't be President then tell the Democrats to run someone who you think will do a better job! The Founding Fathers didn't put in an impeachment clause so that losers of elections could stage a coup and throw out a duly elected President! They would be appalled at what Democrats are doing right now!

You're right. Impeachment wasn't included in the constitution for that purpose. It was put there for presidents who behave as our current childish president does.

No, it was put there for Presidents who commit high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump did.
Can you define a high American crime? What is it? And; what of American misdemeanors? When Johnson was impeached one of the charges, I believe it was ten, was that he yelled at the Congress. It was a Republican Senate and I think Johnson was found not guilty on that charge.

Yea, that wasn't why Johnson was impeached...but you go right ahead and make up any shit you would like.
It was one of the impeachment charges. As I remember it was number ten on the list of charges..
The left is falling all over themselves to destroy themselves. I doubt they'll even see it after 2020.
During the last election, Rump conned a large part of the population and many of the Democrats were justly disalusioned and elected to stay home. Don't look for that to happen this time, cupcake. Rump has given them a reason to turn in out in great numbers. Meanwhile, Rump has given many Republicans a reason to stay home. The Fruitcake Base won't be enough. And the more hinky crap Rump does, the more Republicans will stay home and the more Democrats will fall out to vote. 2020 is not going to the bumper year you dream of if things go like they should. Had anyone other than that piece of crap Hillary ran Rump would never have been elected. Well, cupcake, Hillary ain't running and anyone Gay, Female, Left Wing or mediocre at best will best him this time around., Rump is desperate. He knows he's in trouble but his Conn Man side show won't allow you to see it.

1. What's with the "cupcake"? Are those you're munching laced with something more potent than mere grass? It would account for much.....

2. Democrats may, indeed, "fall out" come election day. But unless there's an EMT standing by with that shit they use to halt overdoses they won't make it to the polls.

3. Your lack of faith in your Democrat Party, Socialist Wing, is sad to see. You know the fix is already in for Hillary and your denial will not change that.

4. President Trump has pushed enough buttons to embolden your loony-left to overpower the ageing, failing Nannabelle. She's no longer in control of your cherished cult and the disorganization alone will prevent any rational selection process. Nay, it will be Hillary vs. President Trump and the impeachment fiasco will ensure a Republican sweep of House and Senate. The flurry of investigations and indictments will be fun to watch.
I hope trump doesn't damage America beyond simple repair.
Can any American not see that Trump needs help, but more than that, America needs help. Did most Americans believe that this could not happen in a nation that elects a president, but dictators have been elected in other nations. But the founders were smart and put in an impeachment clause. We had better thank their foresight and use it.

Only a leftist could live in a country doing as fantastic as ours, and think we are living in turmoil because that's what they were told to think.

Yeah, it was better under DumBama. Low wage jobs being created, paying higher taxes, more people on the government dole, race riots in the street. Ah yes, the good ole days are gone because of Trump.

Your "old days" would have brought a war and the zinc coffins from Korea with the remains of American guys if Hillary Clinton, a political witch who concealed her origin and forced her husband to launch the bombing of Yugoslavia, came to power.

Are you the owner of a funeral home with a Pentagon contract ???



Democrat Clinton is a war criminal, and the Democratic Party, as historical statistics show, is THE PARTY OF WAR

The military-industrial complex hates Trump, as the President robs them of super-profits, avoiding war and massacres


Democrats are squeaky clean compared to republicans. The reagan administration was one of the worst, link below. Then we have a california republican congressman awaiting trial for misuse of campaign funds. The same district where 'duke' cunningham, another republican criminal went to prison for taking kickbacks from contractors. Hey, let's not forget denny hastert, child molester and former head honcho of republicans. Funny is, when repiglicans go after democrats, they come up pretty short. They spent years and millions of bucks going after clinton and came up with a guy that had a blow job. Obama, squeaky clean no matter how much these low life republican dogs spent on trying to nail something on him. Now we got this bozo trump character and all the criminality around him. Hey, his main man is in prison serving time for cutting a check to one of his prostitutes. What was it, 150k for spending some time with a washed up hag? Art of the deal, right? Compared to republicans, democrats are pretty decent and honest people.
The massive Reagan Administration corruption
The left is falling all over themselves to destroy themselves. I doubt they'll even see it after 2020.

One of two things has them fired up. They are either afraid of Barr and perhaps what Zelensky might report back to Trump, or they got inside word about the failing health of Ginsburg. They are acting awfully desperate, even more than their usual.
No, it was put there for Presidents who commit high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump did.
Can you define a high American crime? What is it? And; what of American misdemeanors? When Johnson was impeached one of the charges, I believe it was ten, was that he yelled at the Congress. It was a Republican Senate and I think Johnson was found not guilty on that charge.

Yea, that wasn't why Johnson was impeached...but you go right ahead and make up any shit you would like.
If the reason was the Tenure of Office Act, why did they throw in the charge of not respecting the Congress?

Maybe because they don't deserve any respect????

So what's a "high crime"?


It's been posted. All you have to do is scroll back.

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