Trump Was On Fire Today

You're right. Impeachment wasn't included in the constitution for that purpose. It was put there for presidents who behave as our current childish president does.

What has Trump REALLY done, Bulldog? I know you on the left ABHOR him...but other than being an obnoxious New Yorker...what has he done that hasn't been good for the country?

Lots of stuff, but his recent stunt of withholding aid that congress already approved just to blackmail Ukraine into coming up with dirt on Biden seems worthy of disgust. Now the fool is trying to say Russia didn't interfere in our election The man is a fool.

You keep referring to it as "coming up with dirt" as if Trump was asking the Ukraine to make up things about Clinton asked them to do with Trump? What Trump was asking for was an investigation by Ukrainian authorities into apparent corruption by a former US Vice President...something that anyone who's really interested in the welfare of the United States should welcome.

It's interesting that when I ask you to tell me what Trump has done as President that hasn't been good for the can't come up with anything other than your own belief that he's worthy of disgust. As I said before...other than the fact that you ABHOR him personally...what policy of his has been bad for the US?

Here are a few.

1) Denied guaranteed overtime pay to 12.5 million workers, effectively transferring $1.2 billion from their paychecks to their bosses’ bank accounts.

2) Proposed a rule allowing companies with less than 250 workers to cease reporting workplace injuries and illness statistics to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — and removed a list of Americans killed in workplace accidents from OSHA’s home page.

3) Refused to ban a pesticide that’s been linked to birth defects in the children of farmworkers, in defiance of EPA scientists’ advice.

4) Asked the Supreme Court to uphold the right of employers to include forced arbitration clauses in contracts, thereby denying workers the capacity to press complaints against their bosses in open court.

5) Tried to throw millions of working-poor people off of Medicaid, then, once that failed, deliberately engineered a spike in health-insurance premiums, out of sheer spite.

6) Appointed one Supreme Court justice who had ruled that a trucker could be justly fired for abandoning his broken-down vehicle, instead of honoring his contractual obligation to freeze to death with his cargo, and nominated another who’d found that San Diego SeaWorld could not be held liable in the death of an employee who was killed by a killer whale. (The former pick ended up producing a landmark decision that gutted funding for public-sector unions, in defiance of decades-old precedent.)

7) Repealed a rule that required retirement advisers to prioritize their clients’ financial interests over their own (thereby giving investment advisers permission to secretly gamble with aging workers’ savings).

8) Repealed a rule that had required companies to inspect mines for safety hazards (such as loose pieces of rock that might crumble and fall as they work) before workers began their shifts.

9) Proposed allowing hog-processing plants to run their lines at a speed greater than “1,100 hogs per hour,” a move that is all but certain to increase worker injuries.

10) Appointed two attorneys — who had made careers representing management in disputes with workers — to the National Labor Relations Board. Those appointees proceeded to overturn a series of pro-labor decisions, including ones that had buttressed workers’ rights to organize unions without their employers’ unlawful interference; guaranteed the right of unions to bargain over changes in employment conditions; and required parent companies to bargain with unions employed at their franchise locations (that ruling was subsequently thrown out on conflict-of-interest grounds).

11) Passed giant, regressive tax cuts that were written specifically to allow owners of capital to pay lower rates on their passive income than workers do on their hard-earned wages.

12) Canceled a scheduled pay “increase” for federal workers that would have merely allowed their existing salaries to keep pace with inflation.

13) Reduced oversight of abusive payday lenders and scam colleges.

14) Proposed a rule that would allow restaurant owners to steal their workers’ tips, and hid a study showing that this could cost waiters and waitresses billions of dollars.

15) Restored the right of serial labor-law violators to compete for government contracts.

I note that you didn't give a reference to where you pulled that list from, Bulldog. Is the site THAT bad?

Which incident do you question? Do you doubt those things happened?
No, it was put there for Presidents who commit high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump did.

Withholding approved aid in an effort to extort dirt on his political opponent from another country is a crime.
All Trump did was ask for the Ukraine to look into whether the Biden's were doing somethings that they shouldn't...when it's rather obvious that was the case...including threatening to withhold a billion dollars in aid if Biden didn't get what he wanted in 6 hours!

Have you got a single bit of proof that is why Biden demanded the guy be fired?

Are you really this naïve, Bulldog? Hunter Biden wasn't put on that board and paid all of that money because of his professional expertise! He was put on that board to curry favor with his father...the Vice President of the US! If nothing else the optics in this whole thing are horrendous. You've got Joe Biden bragging about how he gave the Ukraine 6 hours to fire a prosecutor that was looking into the company that Hunter Biden gets paid all of that money to sit on it's board or Biden would see to it that a billion dollar loan to the Ukraine was withheld! It's hard to envision a more blatant example of abuse of power than what Biden was doing in the Ukraine and in China. He used the power of his office to enrich his son.

You keep whining about the 6 hour incident. The president, as well as all the other countries involved in those negotiations were the ones who insisting on the man being fired . It had nothing to do with Biden's son.

Oh, it's just a "coincidence" that the very man who threatened the Ukraine with the loss of a billion dollar loan unless they fired a specific prosecutor in 6 hours happened to have a son making big dollars for sitting on the board of the Ukrainian company said prosecutor was investigating for corruption? Nah, couldn't be that company was buying influence with Joe Biden when they gave his drug addict son a no show job for all that money! (eye roll)
What has Trump REALLY done, Bulldog? I know you on the left ABHOR him...but other than being an obnoxious New Yorker...what has he done that hasn't been good for the country?

Lots of stuff, but his recent stunt of withholding aid that congress already approved just to blackmail Ukraine into coming up with dirt on Biden seems worthy of disgust. Now the fool is trying to say Russia didn't interfere in our election The man is a fool.

You keep referring to it as "coming up with dirt" as if Trump was asking the Ukraine to make up things about Clinton asked them to do with Trump? What Trump was asking for was an investigation by Ukrainian authorities into apparent corruption by a former US Vice President...something that anyone who's really interested in the welfare of the United States should welcome.

It's interesting that when I ask you to tell me what Trump has done as President that hasn't been good for the can't come up with anything other than your own belief that he's worthy of disgust. As I said before...other than the fact that you ABHOR him personally...what policy of his has been bad for the US?

Here are a few.

1) Denied guaranteed overtime pay to 12.5 million workers, effectively transferring $1.2 billion from their paychecks to their bosses’ bank accounts.

2) Proposed a rule allowing companies with less than 250 workers to cease reporting workplace injuries and illness statistics to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — and removed a list of Americans killed in workplace accidents from OSHA’s home page.

3) Refused to ban a pesticide that’s been linked to birth defects in the children of farmworkers, in defiance of EPA scientists’ advice.

4) Asked the Supreme Court to uphold the right of employers to include forced arbitration clauses in contracts, thereby denying workers the capacity to press complaints against their bosses in open court.

5) Tried to throw millions of working-poor people off of Medicaid, then, once that failed, deliberately engineered a spike in health-insurance premiums, out of sheer spite.

6) Appointed one Supreme Court justice who had ruled that a trucker could be justly fired for abandoning his broken-down vehicle, instead of honoring his contractual obligation to freeze to death with his cargo, and nominated another who’d found that San Diego SeaWorld could not be held liable in the death of an employee who was killed by a killer whale. (The former pick ended up producing a landmark decision that gutted funding for public-sector unions, in defiance of decades-old precedent.)

7) Repealed a rule that required retirement advisers to prioritize their clients’ financial interests over their own (thereby giving investment advisers permission to secretly gamble with aging workers’ savings).

8) Repealed a rule that had required companies to inspect mines for safety hazards (such as loose pieces of rock that might crumble and fall as they work) before workers began their shifts.

9) Proposed allowing hog-processing plants to run their lines at a speed greater than “1,100 hogs per hour,” a move that is all but certain to increase worker injuries.

10) Appointed two attorneys — who had made careers representing management in disputes with workers — to the National Labor Relations Board. Those appointees proceeded to overturn a series of pro-labor decisions, including ones that had buttressed workers’ rights to organize unions without their employers’ unlawful interference; guaranteed the right of unions to bargain over changes in employment conditions; and required parent companies to bargain with unions employed at their franchise locations (that ruling was subsequently thrown out on conflict-of-interest grounds).

11) Passed giant, regressive tax cuts that were written specifically to allow owners of capital to pay lower rates on their passive income than workers do on their hard-earned wages.

12) Canceled a scheduled pay “increase” for federal workers that would have merely allowed their existing salaries to keep pace with inflation.

13) Reduced oversight of abusive payday lenders and scam colleges.

14) Proposed a rule that would allow restaurant owners to steal their workers’ tips, and hid a study showing that this could cost waiters and waitresses billions of dollars.

15) Restored the right of serial labor-law violators to compete for government contracts.

I note that you didn't give a reference to where you pulled that list from, Bulldog. Is the site THAT bad?

Which incident do you question? Do you doubt those things happened?

I don't doubt that you pulled that list from a laughably bad source, Bulldog! Care to share what it was?
What has Trump REALLY done, Bulldog? I know you on the left ABHOR him...but other than being an obnoxious New Yorker...what has he done that hasn't been good for the country?

Lots of stuff, but his recent stunt of withholding aid that congress already approved just to blackmail Ukraine into coming up with dirt on Biden seems worthy of disgust. Now the fool is trying to say Russia didn't interfere in our election The man is a fool.

You keep referring to it as "coming up with dirt" as if Trump was asking the Ukraine to make up things about Clinton asked them to do with Trump? What Trump was asking for was an investigation by Ukrainian authorities into apparent corruption by a former US Vice President...something that anyone who's really interested in the welfare of the United States should welcome.

It's interesting that when I ask you to tell me what Trump has done as President that hasn't been good for the can't come up with anything other than your own belief that he's worthy of disgust. As I said before...other than the fact that you ABHOR him personally...what policy of his has been bad for the US?

Here are a few.

1) Denied guaranteed overtime pay to 12.5 million workers, effectively transferring $1.2 billion from their paychecks to their bosses’ bank accounts.

2) Proposed a rule allowing companies with less than 250 workers to cease reporting workplace injuries and illness statistics to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — and removed a list of Americans killed in workplace accidents from OSHA’s home page.

3) Refused to ban a pesticide that’s been linked to birth defects in the children of farmworkers, in defiance of EPA scientists’ advice.

4) Asked the Supreme Court to uphold the right of employers to include forced arbitration clauses in contracts, thereby denying workers the capacity to press complaints against their bosses in open court.

5) Tried to throw millions of working-poor people off of Medicaid, then, once that failed, deliberately engineered a spike in health-insurance premiums, out of sheer spite.

6) Appointed one Supreme Court justice who had ruled that a trucker could be justly fired for abandoning his broken-down vehicle, instead of honoring his contractual obligation to freeze to death with his cargo, and nominated another who’d found that San Diego SeaWorld could not be held liable in the death of an employee who was killed by a killer whale. (The former pick ended up producing a landmark decision that gutted funding for public-sector unions, in defiance of decades-old precedent.)

7) Repealed a rule that required retirement advisers to prioritize their clients’ financial interests over their own (thereby giving investment advisers permission to secretly gamble with aging workers’ savings).

8) Repealed a rule that had required companies to inspect mines for safety hazards (such as loose pieces of rock that might crumble and fall as they work) before workers began their shifts.

9) Proposed allowing hog-processing plants to run their lines at a speed greater than “1,100 hogs per hour,” a move that is all but certain to increase worker injuries.

10) Appointed two attorneys — who had made careers representing management in disputes with workers — to the National Labor Relations Board. Those appointees proceeded to overturn a series of pro-labor decisions, including ones that had buttressed workers’ rights to organize unions without their employers’ unlawful interference; guaranteed the right of unions to bargain over changes in employment conditions; and required parent companies to bargain with unions employed at their franchise locations (that ruling was subsequently thrown out on conflict-of-interest grounds).

11) Passed giant, regressive tax cuts that were written specifically to allow owners of capital to pay lower rates on their passive income than workers do on their hard-earned wages.

12) Canceled a scheduled pay “increase” for federal workers that would have merely allowed their existing salaries to keep pace with inflation.

13) Reduced oversight of abusive payday lenders and scam colleges.

14) Proposed a rule that would allow restaurant owners to steal their workers’ tips, and hid a study showing that this could cost waiters and waitresses billions of dollars.

15) Restored the right of serial labor-law violators to compete for government contracts.

I note that you didn't give a reference to where you pulled that list from, Bulldog. Is the site THAT bad?

Which incident do you question? Do you doubt those things happened? it THAT bad, Bulldog?
The only thing I object to is the use of the word Treason. It seems to be coming up more and more now on both sides.

Treason is not lying, disagreeing, moving your party forward, creating policies opposed to by your adversaries. Treason is the most serious federal charge one can make because one of the penalties could be death.

I just don't want to see Republicans overusing the word like the left does with racism. After a while, it loses all it's meaning and impact. However calling Schiff face a lowlife? I'm in total agreement with Trump. It's something you never would have heard out of the mouths of the Bush's or Reagan.

The Schitt package altogether can equal treason....He regularly takes "bathroom breaks" during classified testimony to tell the NYTimes what's being discussed. He also continuously perjures himself and now we find out he has his own Ukranian connection....a campaign contributor who's an arms merchant. That's what's behind his "whistleblower" scam.
No wonder the criminal, lying Dems are pissed. They're not used to a Republican president fighting back! 2020 is going to be a GREAT year for "Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN Way"

2020 is going to be a GREAT year for "Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN Way"
Superman would have flown to the White House, grabbed Trump by the back of his fat old neck and dropped him into the Potomac.

You do know that Superman is a fictional character...right, Old Lady?

You sure?

He's about as real as an Obama policy that created jobs, Old Lady! Yeah...fictional!

@ me when you come back to reality.
Yes, Trump definitely had a "hair on fire" day. I hope he melts down tomorrow too. It's hilarious.
If Pelosi were not a criminal herself, she would remove Adam Schiff from The Intelligence Committee. Adam Schiff is a danger and an Existential Threat to America.

I would not be surprised if he were working and getting paid by a foreign government to do what he is doing.
"The Schitt package altogether can equal treason....He regularly takes "bathroom breaks" during classified testimony to tell the NYTimes what's being discussed. He also continuously perjures himself and now we find out he has his own Ukranian connection....a campaign contributor who's an arms merchant. That's what's behind his "whistleblower" scam."

Lots of stuff, but his recent stunt of withholding aid that congress already approved just to blackmail Ukraine into coming up with dirt on Biden seems worthy of disgust. Now the fool is trying to say Russia didn't interfere in our election The man is a fool.

You keep referring to it as "coming up with dirt" as if Trump was asking the Ukraine to make up things about Clinton asked them to do with Trump? What Trump was asking for was an investigation by Ukrainian authorities into apparent corruption by a former US Vice President...something that anyone who's really interested in the welfare of the United States should welcome.

It's interesting that when I ask you to tell me what Trump has done as President that hasn't been good for the can't come up with anything other than your own belief that he's worthy of disgust. As I said before...other than the fact that you ABHOR him personally...what policy of his has been bad for the US?

Here are a few.

1) Denied guaranteed overtime pay to 12.5 million workers, effectively transferring $1.2 billion from their paychecks to their bosses’ bank accounts.

2) Proposed a rule allowing companies with less than 250 workers to cease reporting workplace injuries and illness statistics to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — and removed a list of Americans killed in workplace accidents from OSHA’s home page.

3) Refused to ban a pesticide that’s been linked to birth defects in the children of farmworkers, in defiance of EPA scientists’ advice.

4) Asked the Supreme Court to uphold the right of employers to include forced arbitration clauses in contracts, thereby denying workers the capacity to press complaints against their bosses in open court.

5) Tried to throw millions of working-poor people off of Medicaid, then, once that failed, deliberately engineered a spike in health-insurance premiums, out of sheer spite.

6) Appointed one Supreme Court justice who had ruled that a trucker could be justly fired for abandoning his broken-down vehicle, instead of honoring his contractual obligation to freeze to death with his cargo, and nominated another who’d found that San Diego SeaWorld could not be held liable in the death of an employee who was killed by a killer whale. (The former pick ended up producing a landmark decision that gutted funding for public-sector unions, in defiance of decades-old precedent.)

7) Repealed a rule that required retirement advisers to prioritize their clients’ financial interests over their own (thereby giving investment advisers permission to secretly gamble with aging workers’ savings).

8) Repealed a rule that had required companies to inspect mines for safety hazards (such as loose pieces of rock that might crumble and fall as they work) before workers began their shifts.

9) Proposed allowing hog-processing plants to run their lines at a speed greater than “1,100 hogs per hour,” a move that is all but certain to increase worker injuries.

10) Appointed two attorneys — who had made careers representing management in disputes with workers — to the National Labor Relations Board. Those appointees proceeded to overturn a series of pro-labor decisions, including ones that had buttressed workers’ rights to organize unions without their employers’ unlawful interference; guaranteed the right of unions to bargain over changes in employment conditions; and required parent companies to bargain with unions employed at their franchise locations (that ruling was subsequently thrown out on conflict-of-interest grounds).

11) Passed giant, regressive tax cuts that were written specifically to allow owners of capital to pay lower rates on their passive income than workers do on their hard-earned wages.

12) Canceled a scheduled pay “increase” for federal workers that would have merely allowed their existing salaries to keep pace with inflation.

13) Reduced oversight of abusive payday lenders and scam colleges.

14) Proposed a rule that would allow restaurant owners to steal their workers’ tips, and hid a study showing that this could cost waiters and waitresses billions of dollars.

15) Restored the right of serial labor-law violators to compete for government contracts.

I note that you didn't give a reference to where you pulled that list from, Bulldog. Is the site THAT bad?

Which incident do you question? Do you doubt those things happened?

I don't doubt that you pulled that list from a laughably bad source, Bulldog! Care to share what it was?

Is that the best you can do? Are you claiming he didn't do any of those things that hurt American workers? You asked what he has done that was bad for the country, and I gave you a short list. Quit whining and prove he didn't do those things, or continue whining just like you always do. I don't care either way.
No wonder the criminal, lying Dems are pissed. They're not used to a Republican president fighting back! 2020 is going to be a GREAT year for "Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN Way"

Poor Drumpfy is pissed that the mean Adam made up his version instead of his version on the conversation. See, if it is not Drumpf's version, it doesn't count.

How about a word by word account a transcript?

Wasn't it the Sen from Maine that said Drumpf's version was a little over ten minutes. The call lasted 30 minutes.........
No wonder the criminal, lying Dems are pissed. They're not used to a Republican president fighting back! 2020 is going to be a GREAT year for "Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN Way"

2020 is going to be a GREAT year for "Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN Way"
Superman would have flown to the White House, grabbed Trump by the back of his fat old neck and dropped him into the Potomac.

You do know that Superman is a fictional character...right, Old Lady?

You sure?

He's about as real as an Obama policy that created jobs, Old Lady! Yeah...fictional!

@ me when you come back to reality.

Superman and Obama created jobs is "reality"? Now THAT is amusing!
You keep referring to it as "coming up with dirt" as if Trump was asking the Ukraine to make up things about Clinton asked them to do with Trump? What Trump was asking for was an investigation by Ukrainian authorities into apparent corruption by a former US Vice President...something that anyone who's really interested in the welfare of the United States should welcome.

It's interesting that when I ask you to tell me what Trump has done as President that hasn't been good for the can't come up with anything other than your own belief that he's worthy of disgust. As I said before...other than the fact that you ABHOR him personally...what policy of his has been bad for the US?

Here are a few.

1) Denied guaranteed overtime pay to 12.5 million workers, effectively transferring $1.2 billion from their paychecks to their bosses’ bank accounts.

2) Proposed a rule allowing companies with less than 250 workers to cease reporting workplace injuries and illness statistics to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — and removed a list of Americans killed in workplace accidents from OSHA’s home page.

3) Refused to ban a pesticide that’s been linked to birth defects in the children of farmworkers, in defiance of EPA scientists’ advice.

4) Asked the Supreme Court to uphold the right of employers to include forced arbitration clauses in contracts, thereby denying workers the capacity to press complaints against their bosses in open court.

5) Tried to throw millions of working-poor people off of Medicaid, then, once that failed, deliberately engineered a spike in health-insurance premiums, out of sheer spite.

6) Appointed one Supreme Court justice who had ruled that a trucker could be justly fired for abandoning his broken-down vehicle, instead of honoring his contractual obligation to freeze to death with his cargo, and nominated another who’d found that San Diego SeaWorld could not be held liable in the death of an employee who was killed by a killer whale. (The former pick ended up producing a landmark decision that gutted funding for public-sector unions, in defiance of decades-old precedent.)

7) Repealed a rule that required retirement advisers to prioritize their clients’ financial interests over their own (thereby giving investment advisers permission to secretly gamble with aging workers’ savings).

8) Repealed a rule that had required companies to inspect mines for safety hazards (such as loose pieces of rock that might crumble and fall as they work) before workers began their shifts.

9) Proposed allowing hog-processing plants to run their lines at a speed greater than “1,100 hogs per hour,” a move that is all but certain to increase worker injuries.

10) Appointed two attorneys — who had made careers representing management in disputes with workers — to the National Labor Relations Board. Those appointees proceeded to overturn a series of pro-labor decisions, including ones that had buttressed workers’ rights to organize unions without their employers’ unlawful interference; guaranteed the right of unions to bargain over changes in employment conditions; and required parent companies to bargain with unions employed at their franchise locations (that ruling was subsequently thrown out on conflict-of-interest grounds).

11) Passed giant, regressive tax cuts that were written specifically to allow owners of capital to pay lower rates on their passive income than workers do on their hard-earned wages.

12) Canceled a scheduled pay “increase” for federal workers that would have merely allowed their existing salaries to keep pace with inflation.

13) Reduced oversight of abusive payday lenders and scam colleges.

14) Proposed a rule that would allow restaurant owners to steal their workers’ tips, and hid a study showing that this could cost waiters and waitresses billions of dollars.

15) Restored the right of serial labor-law violators to compete for government contracts.

I note that you didn't give a reference to where you pulled that list from, Bulldog. Is the site THAT bad?

Which incident do you question? Do you doubt those things happened?

I don't doubt that you pulled that list from a laughably bad source, Bulldog! Care to share what it was?

Is that the best you can do? Are you claiming he didn't do any of those things that hurt American workers? You asked what he has done that was bad for the country, and I gave you a short list. Quit whining and prove he didn't do those things, or continue whining just like you always do. I don't care either way.

Wow, you're really embarrassed to divulge where you gleaned that list from...aren't you, Bulldog! Is it THAT bad? LOL
What the democrats have done the past three plus years is treason. Obama, Crooked Hillary, and their DOUCHEBAG associates in the "intelligence" communities should face what treasonous individuals faced back in the day. Check You Tube or whatever for what used to be the punishment for treason.
Then start a petition to have Democrats imprisoned for "treason". OR is this just a whine-fest?
You keep referring to it as "coming up with dirt" as if Trump was asking the Ukraine to make up things about Clinton asked them to do with Trump? What Trump was asking for was an investigation by Ukrainian authorities into apparent corruption by a former US Vice President...something that anyone who's really interested in the welfare of the United States should welcome.

It's interesting that when I ask you to tell me what Trump has done as President that hasn't been good for the can't come up with anything other than your own belief that he's worthy of disgust. As I said before...other than the fact that you ABHOR him personally...what policy of his has been bad for the US?

Here are a few.

1) Denied guaranteed overtime pay to 12.5 million workers, effectively transferring $1.2 billion from their paychecks to their bosses’ bank accounts.

2) Proposed a rule allowing companies with less than 250 workers to cease reporting workplace injuries and illness statistics to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — and removed a list of Americans killed in workplace accidents from OSHA’s home page.

3) Refused to ban a pesticide that’s been linked to birth defects in the children of farmworkers, in defiance of EPA scientists’ advice.

4) Asked the Supreme Court to uphold the right of employers to include forced arbitration clauses in contracts, thereby denying workers the capacity to press complaints against their bosses in open court.

5) Tried to throw millions of working-poor people off of Medicaid, then, once that failed, deliberately engineered a spike in health-insurance premiums, out of sheer spite.

6) Appointed one Supreme Court justice who had ruled that a trucker could be justly fired for abandoning his broken-down vehicle, instead of honoring his contractual obligation to freeze to death with his cargo, and nominated another who’d found that San Diego SeaWorld could not be held liable in the death of an employee who was killed by a killer whale. (The former pick ended up producing a landmark decision that gutted funding for public-sector unions, in defiance of decades-old precedent.)

7) Repealed a rule that required retirement advisers to prioritize their clients’ financial interests over their own (thereby giving investment advisers permission to secretly gamble with aging workers’ savings).

8) Repealed a rule that had required companies to inspect mines for safety hazards (such as loose pieces of rock that might crumble and fall as they work) before workers began their shifts.

9) Proposed allowing hog-processing plants to run their lines at a speed greater than “1,100 hogs per hour,” a move that is all but certain to increase worker injuries.

10) Appointed two attorneys — who had made careers representing management in disputes with workers — to the National Labor Relations Board. Those appointees proceeded to overturn a series of pro-labor decisions, including ones that had buttressed workers’ rights to organize unions without their employers’ unlawful interference; guaranteed the right of unions to bargain over changes in employment conditions; and required parent companies to bargain with unions employed at their franchise locations (that ruling was subsequently thrown out on conflict-of-interest grounds).

11) Passed giant, regressive tax cuts that were written specifically to allow owners of capital to pay lower rates on their passive income than workers do on their hard-earned wages.

12) Canceled a scheduled pay “increase” for federal workers that would have merely allowed their existing salaries to keep pace with inflation.

13) Reduced oversight of abusive payday lenders and scam colleges.

14) Proposed a rule that would allow restaurant owners to steal their workers’ tips, and hid a study showing that this could cost waiters and waitresses billions of dollars.

15) Restored the right of serial labor-law violators to compete for government contracts.

I note that you didn't give a reference to where you pulled that list from, Bulldog. Is the site THAT bad?

Which incident do you question? Do you doubt those things happened?

I don't doubt that you pulled that list from a laughably bad source, Bulldog! Care to share what it was?

Is that the best you can do? Are you claiming he didn't do any of those things that hurt American workers? You asked what he has done that was bad for the country, and I gave you a short list. Quit whining and prove he didn't do those things, or continue whining just like you always do. I don't care either way.

These Trimpettes are too fucking stupid to know what Trump is doing. They are grossly uninformed. Trump has allowed for dirtier air ( that will kill thousands of Americans), more polluted water and more dangerous workplaces & food supply.
Yes, Trump definitely had a "hair on fire" day. I hope he melts down tomorrow too. It's hilarious.
If Pelosi were not a criminal herself, she would remove Adam Schiff from The Intelligence Committee. Adam Schiff is a danger and an Existential Threat to America.

I would not be surprised if he were working and getting paid by a foreign government to do what he is doing.

You're a conspiracy theory nut. My only communication with you will be to laugh at your bullshit, or perhaps poke you with a stick every once in a while.
Withholding approved aid in an effort to extort dirt on his political opponent from another country is a crime.
All Trump did was ask for the Ukraine to look into whether the Biden's were doing somethings that they shouldn't...when it's rather obvious that was the case...including threatening to withhold a billion dollars in aid if Biden didn't get what he wanted in 6 hours!

Have you got a single bit of proof that is why Biden demanded the guy be fired?

Are you really this naïve, Bulldog? Hunter Biden wasn't put on that board and paid all of that money because of his professional expertise! He was put on that board to curry favor with his father...the Vice President of the US! If nothing else the optics in this whole thing are horrendous. You've got Joe Biden bragging about how he gave the Ukraine 6 hours to fire a prosecutor that was looking into the company that Hunter Biden gets paid all of that money to sit on it's board or Biden would see to it that a billion dollar loan to the Ukraine was withheld! It's hard to envision a more blatant example of abuse of power than what Biden was doing in the Ukraine and in China. He used the power of his office to enrich his son.

You keep whining about the 6 hour incident. The president, as well as all the other countries involved in those negotiations were the ones who insisting on the man being fired . It had nothing to do with Biden's son.

Oh, it's just a "coincidence" that the very man who threatened the Ukraine with the loss of a billion dollar loan unless they fired a specific prosecutor in 6 hours happened to have a son making big dollars for sitting on the board of the Ukrainian company said prosecutor was investigating for corruption? Nah, couldn't be that company was buying influence with Joe Biden when they gave his drug addict son a no show job for all that money! (eye roll)
AS a Trumpette, you have no room to blame anyone for corruption because you ignore's Trump's.

You think that Trump, Ivanka, Jr all profit from Trump's decisions? Really?

You Biden story has been debunked a gazillion times.
What the democrats have done the past three plus years is treason. Obama, Crooked Hillary, and their DOUCHEBAG associates in the "intelligence" communities should face what treasonous individuals faced back in the day. Check You Tube or whatever for what used to be the punishment for treason.
Here are a few.

1) Denied guaranteed overtime pay to 12.5 million workers, effectively transferring $1.2 billion from their paychecks to their bosses’ bank accounts.

2) Proposed a rule allowing companies with less than 250 workers to cease reporting workplace injuries and illness statistics to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — and removed a list of Americans killed in workplace accidents from OSHA’s home page.

3) Refused to ban a pesticide that’s been linked to birth defects in the children of farmworkers, in defiance of EPA scientists’ advice.

4) Asked the Supreme Court to uphold the right of employers to include forced arbitration clauses in contracts, thereby denying workers the capacity to press complaints against their bosses in open court.

5) Tried to throw millions of working-poor people off of Medicaid, then, once that failed, deliberately engineered a spike in health-insurance premiums, out of sheer spite.

6) Appointed one Supreme Court justice who had ruled that a trucker could be justly fired for abandoning his broken-down vehicle, instead of honoring his contractual obligation to freeze to death with his cargo, and nominated another who’d found that San Diego SeaWorld could not be held liable in the death of an employee who was killed by a killer whale. (The former pick ended up producing a landmark decision that gutted funding for public-sector unions, in defiance of decades-old precedent.)

7) Repealed a rule that required retirement advisers to prioritize their clients’ financial interests over their own (thereby giving investment advisers permission to secretly gamble with aging workers’ savings).

8) Repealed a rule that had required companies to inspect mines for safety hazards (such as loose pieces of rock that might crumble and fall as they work) before workers began their shifts.

9) Proposed allowing hog-processing plants to run their lines at a speed greater than “1,100 hogs per hour,” a move that is all but certain to increase worker injuries.

10) Appointed two attorneys — who had made careers representing management in disputes with workers — to the National Labor Relations Board. Those appointees proceeded to overturn a series of pro-labor decisions, including ones that had buttressed workers’ rights to organize unions without their employers’ unlawful interference; guaranteed the right of unions to bargain over changes in employment conditions; and required parent companies to bargain with unions employed at their franchise locations (that ruling was subsequently thrown out on conflict-of-interest grounds).

11) Passed giant, regressive tax cuts that were written specifically to allow owners of capital to pay lower rates on their passive income than workers do on their hard-earned wages.

12) Canceled a scheduled pay “increase” for federal workers that would have merely allowed their existing salaries to keep pace with inflation.

13) Reduced oversight of abusive payday lenders and scam colleges.

14) Proposed a rule that would allow restaurant owners to steal their workers’ tips, and hid a study showing that this could cost waiters and waitresses billions of dollars.

15) Restored the right of serial labor-law violators to compete for government contracts.

I note that you didn't give a reference to where you pulled that list from, Bulldog. Is the site THAT bad?

Which incident do you question? Do you doubt those things happened?

I don't doubt that you pulled that list from a laughably bad source, Bulldog! Care to share what it was?

Is that the best you can do? Are you claiming he didn't do any of those things that hurt American workers? You asked what he has done that was bad for the country, and I gave you a short list. Quit whining and prove he didn't do those things, or continue whining just like you always do. I don't care either way.

These Trimpettes are too fucking stupid to know what Trump is doing. They are grossly uninformed. Trump has allowed for dirtier air ( that will kill thousands of Americans), more polluted water and more dangerous workplaces & food supply.

And the left is any better?

Why did San Francisco just get a letter from the EPA on them violating the dirty water act.

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