Trump Was Right - Climate Management, Not Climate Change Responsible For Ca Fires

And what these climate change advocates fail to realize is that Climate Change = Weather. That's all you need to know.

Can you repeat that again so we can laugh at your ignorance bluzman61 once again.

Defend climate change all you want, but in no way, is climate change = weather.

Fucking retard.
Not nearly as full of shit as you. Can’t deny the message so deflect. Try to get educated.

The Daily Caller is not a creditable source. And the world laughed when Donald Trump said you have to rake the leaves to prevent forest fires.
Yeah, that's funny. Meanwhile, California burns to the ground because liberals don't know shit about forestry management.

Neither does Trump nor those in this thread standing up for what he said.
How's California's forestry management working out? Hint: Not very well.

That's because "forest management" has NOTHING to do with California forest fires. These fires are due to old, decrepit transformers on your "for profit" private utilities. It's not profitable to replace outdated equipment.

Trump is an idiot and the whole world laughed when he made his ridiculous statements about forest management.
The fires are caused by the corrupt utilities who have California Democrats in their back pockets, sure.

But they're exacerbated by improper forest management. This is beyond doubt.

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