Trump Was the Biggest Loser Last Night and That's a Good Thing

Biden promised GA voters if they elected Dems in the run off and gave Dems control of the Senate Dems would cram through a $2,000 Covid gift check. McConnel ran to the microphones to tell GA voters that the GOP had no intention of giving them that money. Trump blew a gasket on McConnel for being that stupid. This virtually guaranteed the Dems would win and they did. Then McConnel had the nerve to blame Trump for losing GA and control of the Senate.

You may remember a stink was raised when Dems actually only gave them $1,400, something about them receiving $600 in prior covid relief.

I could criticize Trump for a lot of things but I'm growing tired of these GOP clowns blaming Trump for their stupid mistakes.
Thank you for that info. I truly missed it as I was very ill during that time period. I didn't know anything about the January 6th riots until after the fact. I was undergoing tests at a hospital that day.
Oh my, I hope you have fully recovered.
Thank you, but unfortunately I need a liver transplant, and I have now been waiting 3 years. I have been hospitalized more times than I can care to count and have my abdomen drained of fluid buildup weekly. I have a procedure hopefully in a few weeks to eliminate that issue, but that's another hospital stay.
Thank you, but unfortunately I need a liver transplant, and I have now been waiting 3 years. I have been hospitalized more times than I can care to count and have my abdomen drained of fluid buildup weekly. I have a procedure hopefully in a few weeks to eliminate that issue, but that's another hospital stay.
Best of luck!
Thank you, but unfortunately I need a liver transplant, and I have now been waiting 3 years. I have been hospitalized more times than I can care to count and have my abdomen drained of fluid buildup weekly. I have a procedure hopefully in a few weeks to eliminate that issue, but that's another hospital stay.
That's terrible, really sorry to hear that. You are one of my favorite posters.
It makes no difference what you believe. Just like you believe Joe Biden made you poor. You made you poor. That’s just reality
Let's see your explanation for that! I caused inflation like a hot air balloon, the stock market to decline like Biden driving over a cliff, being unable to work because of my illness. What do you have?
That's terrible, really sorry to hear that. You are one of my favorite posters.
Thank you very much! I am much better off than many others, and I realize that, but my daily life borders on a living hell and I spend all day in bed because I cannot sleep at night because I am so uncomfortable and I wander to the room next door where my computer is a few times each day. Normally, I suffer from being dehydrated like a watermelon in the middle of the Sahara. My lips crack and bleed despite my drinking water constantly. Despite all of my issues, I am still so low on the transplant list, it may be years before I get one until my health really tanks!
I wanted Republicans to lose the midterms. Voters sent a clear message to the Republican Party.
At least we know the democrat-monopolized ad agencies and democrat electioneers did.

Trumpism is poison.
Especially to democrats. Ever notice how the more a democrat wants to win the more they want to "help" the GOP to get rid of him?

They rejected the extreme MAGA conspiratorial election deniers at nearly every turn.
There would be no need to deny an obviously fraud election ADMITTED TO by the democrats in a published Time Magazine article if only one of your idiots would show us the proof that all of the alleged fraud was a mistake or a lie, but you never can. Why is that if it's all such a big lie?

This, in one of the best electoral environments Republicans had in several election cycles.
Agreed. Largely blown by the disaster/idiot/schmuck running the GOP, Mitch McConnell who is a big TDSer RINO who pulled advertising money from republicans to help the DNC if they in any way were connected to Trump. THAT's why they lost, Ace, not because Americans reject election reform and America first or better honesty and transparency in our government.

How anybody could still want Trump as their great white hope in 2024 is pretty astonishing
Just imagine where democrats would be if they bailed on Biden for any of his monumental blunders? ITMT, Trump has for the most part been the golden touch to getting people elected so if last night differed in a few places, we need to look to other causes, like the massive election fraud going on in Philadelphia shown right here caught on video by Project Veritas!

at this point considering what Ron DeSantis did in Florida last night.
In his own local election in his own state in an already GOP-controlled location?

This was the only state that saw a red wave.
Maybe because it was the one state where Mitch and the democrats had the least influence?

DeSantis is on target to win reelection with almost 60% of the vote.
Gee, Charlie Crist must really suck.

It's time for Trump supporters to accept the fact that they got lucky in 2016.
Lucky people don't still fill stadiums overflowing with 70,000 people two years out of office after being impeached twice!

Two very unpopular candidates ran for president
Yes, Hillary and Trump were both very unpopular with the democrats! Trump GAINED 11 million votes after being in office his first term and got the most votes of any sitting president in history! Wow, talk about unpopularity!!! :smoke:

and Trump just managed to squeak out enough votes in key states to win the Electoral College
Sounds just like how How Biden only won by eking out 47,000 extra votes in three key swing states after a lot of funny business after hours.

The next two years are going to be very bumpy in the GOP.
Not 1/10th as bumpy as the last two years have been for the nation under democrat rule or how the next two years are going to go for the DNC either. Look Ace, thanks for your advice on how to "save" the GOP but you are about the last place I'd look to for an opinion; you ought to stick to pointing out the millions of MASSIVE flaws in your own party.
I have prepared for the worse, do you like high gasoline, food and healthcare costs? Must have, because you are an idiot who voted for that shit.
Inflation is a global issue. Hard to blame that on Democrats. You’re just upset that the country can’t stand your MAGA cult.

Cry for me you little bitch. I enjoy your sadness.
Everyone can see it. The most embarrassing election is history put a Pa. demented racist in the U.S. senate. "Vote blue no matter who".
Everyone can see it. The most embarrassing election is history put a Pa. demented racist in the U.S. senate. "Vote blue no matter who".

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