Trump watches as much TV as retired people

It has been reported that Donald Trump sleeps just four hours a night. That is different than his cohort as well. What shall we discuss next? His hair?
What hair?

Seriously what's scary is how easily Joe and Minka play the guy.

Trump has been manipulated by fox news, such as changing his position on repeal and replace because of something he saw on Sean Hannity. Right now TV has more influence on the president than the 17 intelligence agencies
Trump watches too much "morning joe" and "fox and friends". One drives Trump crazy, the other puts crazy ideas in Trumps head.
Could some of y'all Trump supporters just say one good thing about your President, I mean damn. Y'all don't like the guy we get that, but y'all are constantly calling our great President names, but when he strikes back he's called childish along with other things.

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Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
For all the actual work minority president Donald Trump does, he might as well be retired.

He keeps the looney lefties all upset, all the time, it's fun to watch the nuts go crazy. Funny part is, no matter how few votes he got, he is still the President of the United States and you and the other left wing nuts can't do shit about it, except cry and whine and wet yourselves. My candidate didn't win however I have enjoyed the violent left and their immature temper tantrums.
Could some of y'all Trump supporters just say one good thing about your President, I mean damn. Y'all don't like the guy we get that, but y'all are constantly calling our great President names, but when he strikes back he's called childish along with other things.

It's pretty bad when you can't even get praise from "supporters".
Could some of y'all Trump supporters just say one good thing about your President, I mean damn. Y'all don't like the guy we get that, but y'all are constantly calling our great President names, but when he strikes back he's called childish along with other things.

It's pretty bad when you can't even get praise from "supporters".

The only accomplishment Trump has actually had are keeping Hillary out of the oval office, and filling a Supreme Court vacancy that was empty for over a year. Trump still has hundreds of appointments he hasn't even nominated people to. No major laws, like the ACHA or tax reform, passed. So for somebody who promised to do so much in his first 100 days, he's done very little.

Besides watch TV and tweet about it.
Could some of y'all Trump supporters just say one good thing about your President, I mean damn. Y'all don't like the guy we get that, but y'all are constantly calling our great President names, but when he strikes back he's called childish along with other things.

It's pretty bad when you can't even get praise from "supporters".

The only accomplishment Trump has actually had are keeping Hillary out of the oval office, and filling a Supreme Court vacancy that was empty for over a year. Trump still has hundreds of appointments he hasn't even nominated people to. No major laws, like the ACHA or tax reform, passed. So for somebody who promised to do so much in his first 100 days, he's done very little.

Besides watch TV and tweet about it.

Just as with Obama, I don't want Trump to pass all that he wants. So I am good with this.
Just as with Obama, I don't want Trump to pass all that he wants. So I am good with this.

If you wanted little legislation to get signed into law, you would have wanted HIllary to be president. When you have mixed government it results is less legislation. Whenever you have the same party in both congress and the white house it results in runaway spending and runaway legislation, such as under George W. Bush who refused to veto a single bill the republican congress sent to him in his first term.
Just as with Obama, I don't want Trump to pass all that he wants. So I am good with this.

If you wanted little legislation to get signed into law, you would have wanted HIllary to be president. When you have mixed government it results is less legislation. Whenever you have the same party in both congress and the white house it results in runaway spending and runaway legislation, such as under George W. Bush who refused to veto a single bill the republican congress sent to him in his first term.

Trump isn't passing anything, I am good with that, Hillary or Trump, no difference to corrupt and incompetent politicians. I will say watching the left go crazy over Trump is entertaining.
Trump isn't passing anything, I am good with that, Hillary or Trump, no difference to corrupt and incompetent politicians. I will say watching the left go crazy over Trump is entertaining.

If your goal was gridlocked government, you voted for the wrong person. Trump will sign anything that gets to his desk. He went from simultaneous repeal and replace, to repeal now, and replace when you get around to it. Trump just wants something he can put on his mantle. So you picked a rubber stamper, which is the opposite of what you're saying you wanted.
So far, he has passed or acted on things that do harm people like Papageorgio and other gullible RWNJs. They know that trump lies to them They know their willful ignorance will hurt their families and their country.

How sick is that?

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Have retired people become the new stereotype targets? Where are the statistics on retired people T.V. watching?
Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.

Good for him. There is a lot of good tv out there today.

If I ever meet him, I will ask him if he watches any tv for entertainment purposes.
Trump isn't passing anything, I am good with that, Hillary or Trump, no difference to corrupt and incompetent politicians. I will say watching the left go crazy over Trump is entertaining.

If your goal was gridlocked government, you voted for the wrong person. Trump will sign anything that gets to his desk. He went from simultaneous repeal and replace, to repeal now, and replace when you get around to it. Trump just wants something he can put on his mantle. So you picked a rubber stamper, which is the opposite of what you're saying you wanted.

I didn't vote for Trump, my guy didn't get elected, so you got it wrong and I got it right.
Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
Plays more golf than they do also
Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
He's also not a professional politician, this was the first function he was "elected" to.
So far, he has passed or acted on things that do harm people like Papageorgio and other gullible RWNJs. They know that trump lies to them They know their willful ignorance will hurt their families and their country.

How sick is that?

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How sick is that?

People I debated and blasted out here are started to come around how they were conned. It will take some time but it will catch-up to them.
The biggest problem I noticed was ------ most or all of these followers do not really engage in reality of life in politics. So when they heard Trump speak and blurts all his lies. OMG OMG OMG it's the Bible.
Something I found that proves my point.

Provider of original post

Trump reportedly starts his days later because he wants more 'executive time' to watch TV and go on Twitter


Donald Trump. Mario Tama/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump shrank his daily schedule because he wanted more "executive time" to watch TV and tweet, according to the news site Axios.
  • He reportedly has three hours of "executive time" every morning and another few hours of it during the day as well.
  • That's in addition to the time he spends watching cable news and going on Twitter every evening after retiring to the private residence.
Trump reportedly starts his days later because he wants more 'executive time' to watch TV and go on Twitter
Something I found that proves my point.

Provider of original post

Trump reportedly starts his days later because he wants more 'executive time' to watch TV and go on Twitter


Donald Trump. Mario Tama/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump shrank his daily schedule because he wanted more "executive time" to watch TV and tweet, according to the news site Axios.
  • He reportedly has three hours of "executive time" every morning and another few hours of it during the day as well.
  • That's in addition to the time he spends watching cable news and going on Twitter every evening after retiring to the private residence.
Trump reportedly starts his days later because he wants more 'executive time' to watch TV and go on Twitter
/----/ Your point being??
Trump social Media.jpg

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