Trump watches as much TV as retired people

I am schooling you, "newbie" turn around and face the blackboard and pay attention, ya commie sack of shit.

Don't forget to repeat the lesson you gave iceweasel. That Trump indeed said he would repeal obamacare by "unsigning" it, or issuing executing orders. I know legislation can't be repealed that way, but as you said, Trump did promise it.
Only snowflakes would take this much interest in Trump's TV regimen in order to try to use it to attack him.... I find it amusing.

It's not that Trump watches TV, it's that Trump puts what he sees on fox and friends, above what the 17 intelligence agencies tell him.
You mean Obama's CIA op-ed that they all embraced with no actual evidence STILL? Not one of the "17 agencies" could come up with something better than wild ass political conclusions and that didn't speak to you?
Only snowflakes would take this much interest in Trump's TV regimen in order to try to use it to attack him.... I find it amusing.

It's not that Trump watches TV, it's that Trump puts what he sees on fox and friends, above what the 17 intelligence agencies tell him.

17 (snicker) "intelligence agencies" that got their information from CrowdStrike to make this alleged determination because the DNC refused to turn the server over to the FBI because only God knows what else they would find should a rogue agent actually do his due diligence?

The DNC sez?????? "Our personal IT consultants we contracted with that are "leftard friendly" have declared it was the ROOSKIES that hacked our server and revealed to Wikileaks that we are a corrupt and criminal organization that was plotting to steal the election and that is CHEATING!"

Holy shit! The leftard clown posse keeps doubling down in the game of stupidity but fortunately for them? They have a huge stack of those chips.
I am schooling you, "newbie" turn around and face the blackboard and pay attention, ya commie sack of shit.

Don't forget to repeat the lesson you gave iceweasel. That Trump indeed said he would repeal obamacare by "unsigning" it, or issuing executing orders. I know legislation can't be repealed that way, but as you said, Trump did promise it.
When did that happen?
According to his draft board review he was 4-F, which means unhealthy for duty..

Well, Trump gets his exercise from playing golf. Even using a golf cart to keep up with the other leaders at the G8 summit.

He said he does not exercise because human have a limited amount of energy and he doesn't want to waste any of his. He gets no exercise playing golf.

He doesn't do his job because he's incompetent. So for, he's done almost nothing. Has not fulfilled even one promise and his fans make excuses for that and for his constant lies.

He's a hot mess and he's not going to change. He's not going to grow up or stop his childish Twitter tantrums and he's not going to do his job.

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Only snowflakes would take this much interest in Trump's TV regimen in order to try to use it to attack him.... I find it amusing.

It's not that Trump watches TV, it's that Trump puts what he sees on fox and friends, above what the 17 intelligence agencies tell him.

Lol! You have an over active imagination, you post some really funny stuff!
It has been reported that Donald Trump sleeps just four hours a night. That is different than his cohort as well. What shall we discuss next? His hair?

Why not talk about his hair. Trump attacks women for their looks. Fair is fair.

Trump reminds me of what the military calls the B-52 bomber, BUFF.

Is anyone pretending he isn't ugly?

He is a guy after all.
Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
He is checking to see if the correct information is going out to the public. If not, he will get on tweeter and start tweeting. The most of these MSM are spreading gossip that are not true. It is a damn shame that he has to monitor the news daily, to see if they are spreading false reports about him.
But the news that are spreading fake news doesn't knows that the Establishment are trying to get rid of them, and start their own news on the internet, which they will has control over. It's costing too much money to have them to report what they want them to report.

The United Nations doesn't has to followed the freedom of speech act. They can censored whom they want.

An Internet Giveaway to the U.N.
If the U.S. abdicates internet stewardship, the United Nations might take control. An Internet Giveaway to the U.N.

It's downright scary to read how utterly gullible and ignorant trumpkins are.

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Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
He is checking to see if the correct information is going out to the public. If not, he will get on tweeter and start tweeting. The most of these MSM are spreading gossip that are not true. It is a damn shame that he has to monitor the news daily, to see if they are spreading false reports about him.
But the news that are spreading fake news doesn't knows that the Establishment are trying to get rid of them, and start their own news on the internet, which they will has control over. It's costing too much money to have them to report what they want them to report.

The United Nations doesn't has to followed the freedom of speech act. They can censored whom they want.

An Internet Giveaway to the U.N.
If the U.S. abdicates internet stewardship, the United Nations might take control. An Internet Giveaway to the U.N.

It's downright scary to read how utterly gullible and ignorant trumpkins are.

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Funny, I thought the same about you Obamites, your ignorance and gullibility was pretty amazing.
He also chews his food 27 times before swallowing it. So what?

Are snowflakes really THIS petty, THIS desperate to attack Trump?

WHO exactly is taking up the chant of "Enemy of the People" "Lying MSM" "Fake News"?
Then he spends 5 hours a day getting "educated" on the MSM?
Makes a lot of sense.

Pointing out their lies doesn't take even 15 minutes....I think Trump has it to spare.
I wasn't quibbling how he spends his hours; I was questioning why he would watch something so phony and destructive--HIS words, not mine.
Because you always want to know what the enemy is doing. With Morning Joke and Zika Brazinsky(A disease that causes liberal pinheads who watch her) saying all the bullshit stuff about Trump, most of US "NORMAL" citizens appreciate how he puts the Rules for Radicals, right back at the liberal, lickspittle, lapdog media.
If that were the case I would understand an hour or so a day. He IS getting a lot of his information from there, though--"Look what happened last night in Sweden..." "Obama tapped my phones"
I am schooling you, "newbie" turn around and face the blackboard and pay attention, ya commie sack of shit.

Don't forget to repeat the lesson you gave iceweasel. That Trump indeed said he would repeal obamacare by "unsigning" it, or issuing executing orders. I know legislation can't be repealed that way, but as you said, Trump did promise it.

He can sign it if an when the legislation makes it to his desk. I don't see why he can't undo it since it was backdoored by the leftards that had majority and made up the rules as they went along using the bully pulpit....but two wrongs do not make a right. The leftard clown posse certainly found out the hard way at the mid term elections in 2010, no?
Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
He is checking to see if the correct information is going out to the public. If not, he will get on tweeter and start tweeting. The most of these MSM are spreading gossip that are not true. It is a damn shame that he has to monitor the news daily, to see if they are spreading false reports about him.
But the news that are spreading fake news doesn't knows that the Establishment are trying to get rid of them, and start their own news on the internet, which they will has control over. It's costing too much money to have them to report what they want them to report.

The United Nations doesn't has to followed the freedom of speech act. They can censored whom they want.

An Internet Giveaway to the U.N.
If the U.S. abdicates internet stewardship, the United Nations might take control. An Internet Giveaway to the U.N.

It's downright scary to read how utterly gullible and ignorant trumpkins are.

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They had tried to do the same to Roosevelt, what they are trying to do with the President. But Roosevelt was having troubles with the media at the time,. That they weren't publishing the truth about Him. And so he started to communicating to the public by radio to bring out the truth of what was going on. He started a radio program that was called Fireside Chat. The media had done a lot of presidents in the past, trying to discredited them. Even Lincoln. But the media had all failed. But Soros is trying his best this time, not to fail like the rest.

But what the record actually shows is that Lincoln was an astute and deft manipulator of the media—a manipulator-in-chief has he had been called. He needed to be. And frankly, the media in that day deserved it. Abraham Lincoln as Media Manipulator-in-Chief: The 150 Year History of Corrupt Press

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Netflix, CBS and Fox Execs Detail Their Plans for Streaming and Advertising in 2017 Netflix, CBS and Fox Execs Detail Their Plans for Streaming and Advertising in 2017 – Adweek

Let’s take a closer look at Soros’ Q3 investments in Netflix, Inc. (NFLX), Alphabet Inc (GOOGL), and, Inc. (AMZN). George Soros Bets on Netflix, Alphabet and Amazon (NFLX, GOOG)

Read more: George Soros Bets on Netflix, Alphabet and Amazon (NFLX, GOOG) | Investopedia George Soros Bets on Netflix, Alphabet and Amazon (NFLX, GOOG)
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That has given Soros far more influence than even many of his harshest critics realize. He has managed to insinuate himself and his money into the media culture, making connections with the nation's top publishing organizations. He has direct ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets - including The New York Times, Washington Post, the Associated Press, CNN and ABC. Each one of those operations has employees, often high-level ones, on the boards of Soros-funded media operations. George Soros: Media Mogul

Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
Lol, you supported the man that found about major events on the 11o'clock news. Boy you loons will never learn. You cannot complain after polishing Obama's knob no matter what.
According to his draft board review he was 4-F, which means unhealthy for duty..

Well, Trump gets his exercise from playing golf. Even using a golf cart to keep up with the other leaders at the G8 summit.

He said he does not exercise because human have a limited amount of energy and he doesn't want to waste any of his. He gets no exercise playing golf.

He doesn't do his job because he's incompetent. So for, he's done almost nothing. Has not fulfilled even one promise and his fans make excuses for that and for his constant lies.

He's a hot mess and he's not going to change. He's not going to grow up or stop his childish Twitter tantrums and he's not going to do his job.

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Au contraire, given the amount of time he has been in office and given the stonewalling of his appointments and the Deep State working against him? Trump should have his face on Mt Rushmore. TPP? Buuuh-bye......border wall? Being built....illegal flow into the country has dropped to a trickle and those that committed crimes that the Barrypuppet gave a pass to are getting the bum's rush out of the country which equals one less vote for leftards. Stopping the flow of unvetted muslim refugees? Done........yeah, all in all I would give him the grade of an A with the half hearted bombing in Syria at the behest of the Deep State being his only blemish. # WINNING!
Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
Lol, you supported the man that found about major events on the 11o'clock news. Boy you loons will never learn. You cannot complain after polishing Obama's knob no matter what.

Well, Obama gets his intel from watching this show..


Obama called HBO's masterpiece The Wire, which was created by David Simon and set in Baltimore, "one of the greatest shows of all time." Barack Obama's 10 favourite TV shows

Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign - Breitbart

Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
For all the actual work minority president Donald Trump does, he might as well be retired.
Trump's TV Obsession Is a First

Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets.

Based on their breakdown and this visual guide made by The Washington Post, Trump watches an average of five hours of television every day. That’s almost the same amount the average American aged 50-64 watches daily, according to Nielsen. Trump’s habits don’t quite match up with those of his cohort—Americans in Trump’s age bracket (65+) watch roughly seven hours of TV a day. But many of them are retired, and Trump is the president of the United States.
Lol, you supported the man that found about major events on the 11o'clock news. Boy you loons will never learn. You cannot complain after polishing Obama's knob no matter what.

Well, Obama gets his intel from watching this show..


Obama called HBO's masterpiece The Wire, which was created by David Simon and set in Baltimore, "one of the greatest shows of all time." Barack Obama's 10 favourite TV shows

Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign - Breitbart


It was a great show.

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