Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing


That it makes you jump -- which it did as expected. :mm:

Here I am fucking with you and you're too far off the cliff to notice.

Sure you are, sploogy.

Awesome. So what "shit" did CNN report that wasn't fair or honest? Just a couple of examples will do. TIA

View attachment 114643
Nice pic. Where's the link to the article?

I don't run and fetch links.

I usually don't post pics, I just happened to have that one on my desktop.

If you want to live in some kind of snarky liberal denial universe where CNN would never say something negatively unfair and dishonest about the president, there's not much hope for you. This has been going on since the election, and since the inauguration, they're not even trying to hide it.
Awesome. So what "shit" did CNN report that wasn't fair or honest? Just a couple of examples will do. TIA

View attachment 114643
Nice pic. Where's the link to the article?

I don't run and fetch links.

I usually don't post pics, I just happened to have that one on my desktop.

If you want to live in some kind of snarky liberal denial universe where CNN would never say something negatively unfair and dishonest about the president, there's not much hope for you. This has been going on since the election, and since the inauguration, they're not even trying to hide it.
That's ok, no need to link it. You still can't explain how it fake news, dishonest, or unfair.
I can only imagine the exploding heads if FoxNews had run a story titled:

Clearly, Obama has a problem with White People.

Thing is, THAT would've been the truth! CNN's spewing that Trump has a problem with Jews is a fucking JOKE! Especially coming off the last president who absolutely loathed the Jews along with his entire Jew-hating administration.

Yesterday, Trump had every black Congressman and aide in Washington in the Oval Office for recognition of Black History Month and ALL the media could talk about was Kellyanne's feet on the couch!

Day before yesterday, when the media was discovering newfound love for George W. Bush who suddenly decided to come out of the woodwork to bash on Trump, the President was at the Oval Office meeting prospective Navy Seals. He strayed off cue and said "we're not supposed to do this.... but..." then he took them into the Oval Office and, one by one, had his picture made with them to send home to their families. He didn't stage a photo op for this, it was totally impromptu. Did you hear about that on the news? Of course not!

But... Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer can get on there and prattle on and on about impeachment which won't happen. You have to control the House to bring articles of impeachment, not to mention clear high crimes and misdemeanors. So for the next two years, at least, the idea of an impeachment is non news. But that never stops the liberal lying Lamestream Media from reporting it as such.
I can only imagine the exploding heads if FoxNews had run a story titled:

Clearly, Obama has a problem with White People.

Thing is, THAT would've been the truth! CNN's spewing that Trump has a problem with Jews is a fucking JOKE! Especially coming off the last president who absolutely loathed the Jews along with his entire Jew-hating administration.

Yesterday, Trump had every black Congressman and aide in Washington in the Oval Office for recognition of Black History Month and ALL the media could talk about was Kellyanne's feet on the couch!

Day before yesterday, when the media was discovering newfound love for George W. Bush who suddenly decided to come out of the woodwork to bash on Trump, the President was at the Oval Office meeting prospective Navy Seals. He strayed off cue and said "we're not supposed to do this.... but..." then he took them into the Oval Office and, one by one, had his picture made with them to send home to their families. He didn't stage a photo op for this, it was totally impromptu. Did you hear about that on the news? Of course not!

But... Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer can get on there and prattle on and on about impeachment which won't happen. You have to control the House to bring articles of impeachment, not to mention clear high crimes and misdemeanors. So for the next two years, at least, the idea of an impeachment is non news. But that never stops the liberal lying Lamestream Media from reporting it as such.
Great, now you're making up shit about the headline of an op/ed and still not addressing the content.
I don't run and fetch links.

I usually don't post pics, I just happened to have that one on my desktop.

If you want to live in some kind of snarky liberal denial universe where CNN would never say something negatively unfair and dishonest about the president, there's not much hope for you. This has been going on since the election, and since the inauguration, they're not even trying to hide it.
Translation: I have time to post pictures that support my position, but I refuse to actually provide facts because then everyone would know it's a fucking lie.

Thanks for the feedback. Enjoy your fantasies.
An interesting background article on the White House Press Room access published last year.

There’s the major media. And then there’s the ‘other’ White House press corps.
...Say “White House press corps” to most Americans, and they’ll think: the major television networks and national newspapers such as The Washington Post and the New York Times. Maybe the Associated Press and Reuters wire services. You know, the major media.

But every day, on the fringes of the 49-seat White House briefing room, another class of reporters shares elbow room — and equal access — with the big guns of journalism.

On any given day, Gavin’s colleagues in this group may include a retired college professor, a courtly Indian gentleman whose newspaper doesn’t actually exist at the moment, a 71-year-old freelancer, an Uber driver, a woman in an ever-present down vest who files reports on Twitter and Facebook, and a man who likes to tweet out photos of himself posing in the briefing room. One day in January, there was also a woman who slowly leafed through a book of poetry
Snowflake Trump can't handle truth so his stooges are creating a friendly media only safe zone for the Trump administration..
Snowflake Trump can't handle truth so his stooges are creating a friendly media only safe zone for the Trump administration..
He didn't look like a snowflake last night. The Democrats have been crapping their britches ever since that speech ended. It took them by complete surprise.
Snowflake Trump can't handle truth so his stooges are creating a friendly media only safe zone for the Trump administration..
He didn't look like a snowflake last night. The Democrats have been crapping their britches ever since that speech ended. It took them by complete surprise.
Why do you say that? What do you think took them by surprise?
Snowflake Trump can't handle truth so his stooges are creating a friendly media only safe zone for the Trump administration..
He didn't look like a snowflake last night. The Democrats have been crapping their britches ever since that speech ended. It took them by complete surprise.

So why are GOP representatives so afraid of town hall meetings democrats might attend? Snowflake GOP representatives are the ones crapping their britches over Democrats & Obamacare! Trump is afraid to talk to real reporters. Not to hard to spew political rhetoric lies when not allowed to be challenged by reporters or read from a prepared STOU speech.
Snowflake Trump can't handle truth so his stooges are creating a friendly media only safe zone for the Trump administration..
He didn't look like a snowflake last night. The Democrats have been crapping their britches ever since that speech ended. It took them by complete surprise.
Why do you say that? What do you think took them by surprise?
They expected less of Trump.
Snowflake Trump can't handle truth so his stooges are creating a friendly media only safe zone for the Trump administration..
He didn't look like a snowflake last night. The Democrats have been crapping their britches ever since that speech ended. It took them by complete surprise.

So why are GOP representatives so afraid of town hall meetings democrats might attend? Snowflake GOP representatives are the ones crapping their britches over Democrats & Obamacare! Trump is afraid to talk to real reporters. Not to hard to spew political rhetoric lies when not allowed to be challenged by reporters or read from a prepared STOU speech.
Nice partisan straw man argument.

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