Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

Just another Hitleresque tactic to suppress the news. Trump and his gestapo should remember that it's not always the crime that gets people in deep trouble - it's the "cover-up"...
Trump has effectively convinced nearly half the nation that only he and openly partisan sources loyal to him can be trusted. That's a pretty good start.

The rest? Like I said, he's only had a month. Give him time.

THe media has convinced half that nation that they are not to be trusted.

And they can't.

That's on them, not on Trump.

That in no way supports your crazy talk about fascism.
I wouldn't expect a blind supporter of fascism like yourself to say different

From Gallup.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low


The campaign didn't really start till 2015.

THe numbers don't back up your claim that this is something that TRUMP has done.

THey do show a long running trend going back well before Trump and the media started clashing.

Which supports MY position that this is about the people recognizing the media for the biased shits they are.
Keep in mind that the most popular mass media sources are openly conservative outlets.

Such as?
Fox News is the most watched channel on television. Talk radio is completely dominated by partisan conservative hosts. Drudgereport now averages over 1 billion hits per month, while other conservative websites like Breitbart dominate the news cycle. The entirety of the conservative movement has been funneled into listening to just a handful of sources that are proudly partisan and have become some of the most powerful players in media. Your sources are part of the MSM buddy.
Keep in mind that the most popular mass media sources are openly conservative outlets.

Yep they are getting more popular by the day because they are mostly truthful, and most give both viewpoints a chance to speak, even the stupidest liberal turdsuckers on earth get a chance on most. The other news sources are just un-American dimshit mouthpieces with a constant barrage of lies and fantasy wishes for the destruction of our culture, and country.

The fact is that this is a assault on a free press. They have a right to get it wrong. We know what this is all about. Trump has no problem with pro-Trump fake news provocateurs like the Gateway Pundit. Hannity has used him several times for information and has had to apologize when it turns out it was fake news. If the press was fawning over him, Trump would have no issues with the press. The fact that they are willing to take Trump on is what annoys him. Trump has told as many lies as the press. Maybe Trump should be banned.

Boy are you delusional. The dissenting voices on Fox News are few and far between. 8-11PM is a infomercial for Trump. The only 2 honest journalists there are Shep Smith and Chris Wallace. They are hardly truthful. You are in-American. You want pro-Trump propagandists and nothing more.
Yep they are getting more popular by the day because they are mostly truthful, and most give both viewpoints a chance to speak.

Not true. They are wildly partisan, and they're all you brainwashed rubes are willing to listen to.
The fact is that this is a assault on a free press. They have a right to get it wrong. We know what this is all about. Trump has no problem with pro-Trump fake news provocateurs like the Gateway Pundit. Hannity has used him several times for information and has had to apologize when it turns out it was fake news. If the press was fawning over him, Trump would have no issues with the press. The fact that they are willing to take Trump on is what annoys him. Trump has told as many lies as the press. Maybe Trump should be banned.

Try and ban the President you socialist POS. You and your retarded ilk are the problem. Therefore, you cannot and will not, be part of the solution.

Now crawl back into your cave of irrelevancy and screech to the top of your (probably perverted transvestite) lungs... The MSM is da bomb.

they don't want to waste the public's time on idiotic questions about Michael Flynn & transgender bathrooms.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

It's preserving freedom of speech when you refuse to accommodate fake news.

Just look at the way they reported the liberal trolls who bought Russian flags into a rally. The fake news made it appear that Republican attendees were displaying them. Instead, it was a liberal planting them. When libs do shit like that, it's not freedom of speech. It's blocking freedom of speech for others by making it appear that others are expressing views when they are not.

This is getting old. The media has an agenda, which is to omit, create or just lie about facts to present a certain narrative. That is in-American and totally against free speech.

It's the left that refuses to allow conservative speakers a voice and they shut them down.

Trump is merely making it difficult for a lying media to spin his words and attack the right.

Just because they pretend to be reporters doesn't mean they are entitled to access to people.
THe media has convinced half that nation that they are not to be trusted.

And they can't.

That's on them, not on Trump.

That in no way supports your crazy talk about fascism.
I wouldn't expect a blind supporter of fascism like yourself to say different

From Gallup.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low


The campaign didn't really start till 2015.

THe numbers don't back up your claim that this is something that TRUMP has done.

THey do show a long running trend going back well before Trump and the media started clashing.

Which supports MY position that this is about the people recognizing the media for the biased shits they are.
Keep in mind that the most popular mass media sources are openly conservative outlets.

Such as?
Fox News is the most watched channel on television. Talk radio is completely dominated by partisan conservative hosts. Drudgereport now averages over 1 billion hits per month, while other conservative websites like Breitbart dominate the news cycle. The entirety of the conservative movement has been funneled into listening to just a handful of sources that are proudly partisan and have become some of the most powerful players in media. Your sources are part of the MSM buddy.

The fact is that these are not conservative hosts. They are pro-Trump sycophants who distribute propaganda for the state. They are essentially state run media.
They are not a part of the conservative movement. They have been co-opted by the alt-right which is a movement based on hate not ideas. Mark Levin is a exception. He praises Trump when he thinks he is right but lambasts him when he is wrong. The fact that I agree with Levin sometimes and disagree with him shows that he is doing his job.
I understand that the BBC were also banned. The last "statesman" to do this was Bob Mugabe.

America is under attack.
Was, not were. You can't even use your own language correctly.

Maybe next time you shouldn't have Parliament discuss not allowing a US President to enter the UK. The days of accepting faggot hissy fits are over, Tommy. There is a new sheriff in town - and this one isn't Cleavon Little or Barry Obama.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

It's preserving freedom of speech when you refuse to accommodate fake news.

Just look at the way they reported the liberal trolls who bought Russian flags into a rally. The fake news made it appear that Republican attendees were displaying them. Instead, it was a liberal planting them. When libs do shit like that, it's not freedom of speech. It's blocking freedom of speech for others by making it appear that others are expressing views when they are not.

This is getting old. The media has an agenda, which is to omit, create or just lie about facts to present a certain narrative. That is in-American and totally against free speech.

It's the left that refuses to allow conservative speakers a voice and they shut them down.

Trump is merely making it difficult for a lying media to spin his words and attack the right.

Just because they pretend to be reporters doesn't mean they are entitled to access to people.

Who determines what fake news is. The Gateway Pundit distributes fake news and you don't have any issues with that. Trump lies about the facts yet you never call him out.

Trump supporters attacked Megan Kelly with all sorts of vitriolic comments and demanded she be fired. Same with Shep Smith when he spoke out against Trump's attacks on the media. Even the leader of the raid that killed Bin Laden says that Trump is wrong.

They are entitled to access because if you do not stand up and say who has access and who does not. That is a dangerous precedent that could be used by Democrat Presidents.
I understand that the BBC were also banned. The last "statesman" to do this was Bob Mugabe.

America is under attack.
Was, not were. You can't even use your own language correctly.

Maybe next time you shouldn't have Parliament discuss not allowing a US President to enter the UK. The days of accepting faggot hissy fits are over, Tommy. There is a new sheriff in town - and this one isn't Cleavon Little or Barry Obama.

A GRAMMAR Nazi as well?
President Orange shows his antidemocracy leaning by being anti-press.

Yea, "anti-press" by allowing ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox in.
Yep, if he does not allow the free press in, he is anti press and antidemocracy. theHawk, he is fascist, and you are supporting a fascist.

So all those other news organizations are not "free press", and only CNN and NYT are?

Now he's "anti democracy" too!

The Trump Era is going to be so fun.
The Era will turn into a disaster for the alt and far right.

We are a constitutional republic with democratic practices, and the American people value democracy and a free and open press more than the hard core that value Orange Hitler.
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So, you see rapid progress being made in stamping out dissent?

Can you expand on how this has been done, or witnessed?

Have the mass demonstrations been carted off to camps?

Have the hostile press been shut down?

Has Hollywood had censors placed in their studios at gunpoint?
Trump has effectively convinced nearly half the nation that only he and openly partisan sources loyal to him can be trusted. That's a pretty good start.

The rest? Like I said, he's only had a month. Give him time.

THe media has convinced half that nation that they are not to be trusted.

And they can't.

That's on them, not on Trump.

That in no way supports your crazy talk about fascism.
I wouldn't expect a blind supporter of fascism like yourself to say different

From Gallup.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low


The campaign didn't really start till 2015.

THe numbers don't back up your claim that this is something that TRUMP has done.

THey do show a long running trend going back well before Trump and the media started clashing.

Which supports MY position that this is about the people recognizing the media for the biased shits they are.
Keep in mind that the most popular mass media sources are openly conservative outlets.

Yeah, but that's misleading ... as demonstrated here innumerable times, liberals can't read.

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