Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

And you feel that dissent against Trump has been eliminated?
Fascists can never fully stamp out dissent. They can get close, though. Trump's only had a month. Give him time.

So, you see rapid progress being made in stamping out dissent?

Can you expand on how this has been done, or witnessed?

Have the mass demonstrations been carted off to camps?

Have the hostile press been shut down?

Has Hollywood had censors placed in their studios at gunpoint?
Trump has effectively convinced nearly half the nation that only he and openly partisan sources loyal to him can be trusted. That's a pretty good start.

The rest? Like I said, he's only had a month. Give him time.

THe media has convinced half that nation that they are not to be trusted.

And they can't.

That's on them, not on Trump.

That in no way supports your crazy talk about fascism.
Why does Trump hate the press? because the press is calling him on his outrageous lies! Trump says something that is demonstrably untrue. Then, when this is pointed out, he cries "fake news" "alternative facts"!

Meanwhile, the dedicated partisans who fail to see that the emperor is, indeed, without clothes, rallies to his indefensible side and chimes along with the idiot that the press is lying.

All the while, our basic freedom of a free press is being eroded by an amateur, a petulant game show host with no statesmanlike qualities. And we're all supposed to skip along merrily with this subversion of America.
Trump lies! Get some new material
Everyoen knows this. Everyone also knows those people kicked out have been gargling bullshit for months.
So an adversarial relationship between the White House and the press is something to celebrate? Something to champion? Something healthy for our democracy?

Trump has been steadily undermining our democracy. He probably, if not absolutely colluded with the Russians to hack our democratic process. When Nixon did it in 1972 it was seen as a constitutional crisis. When Trump did it in 2016, his partisan supporters cheered!

Trump called the press 'the enemy of the American people'. Is this the attitude of a responsible democratic leader, or something more akin to an authoritarian strongman?

It may be that Trump has absolutely no experience in government. It may be that a minority of the electorate wanted an amateur, an outsider to 'shake things up'. It may be that Trump has utterly failed to surround himself with 'the best and brightest'. And it may be that Trump's vision of how the American people should be regarded is by purely amateurish means laced with petulance and division and fear mongering. And, unfortunately, some of that minority of the electorate is just as amateurish, crass, boorish and undemocratic as the huckster buffoon they voted for.

The press created the adversarial relationship, not the President. They pulled their biased reporting tricks and are now paying the price.

It's over for you socialists. Lie, bitch and moan all you wish. America will not listen to your propaganda any longer.
Reporting facts that harm the image of the president is not propaganda. It's reporting It's journalism.

As for bias, I guess bias is just fine so long as it confirms your beliefs rather than challenges them. Re enforces your ideology rather than question it.

Bias in the irresponsible wild west 'media' of the internet where fact checking is a pain in the rear and the priority is on spreading the ideological word, not the truth is just fine with the simple minded partisan. Anything more challenging is just too hard to accept. So it gets demonized and our freedoms suffer.

Journalism is the one and only occupation mentioned in the constitution. Because it is vital to our democracy.
It is bias when those "facts" are not true and were posted just because the media disagrees with the president or wishes to influence an election.

For example, the famed high level anonymous sources of CNN...

View attachment 114008
This is what constitutes a well argued, articulate retort from a Trump partisan. Grains of salt are available in the lobby.
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?
Horseshit, flake. No one is preventing them from speaking. Trump is exercising his free speech to speak to whom he wishes - which ain't fake news agencies. Pay back is a bitch.
Freedom of the press?
So every news outlet needs to be admitted for us to have a free press?
Every major outlet, yes

Who decides what media outlet is a major news outlet?


Just viewership? What about online sources? What about readership?

How many viewers do you need? Would it be just TV or cable, or satellite? What about internet? Would that count?

Viewership in the general meaning of the term...dumbass!
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

And you feel that dissent against Trump has been eliminated?
Fascists can never fully stamp out dissent. They can get close, though. Trump's only had a month. Give him time.

So, you see rapid progress being made in stamping out dissent?

Can you expand on how this has been done, or witnessed?

Have the mass demonstrations been carted off to camps?

Have the hostile press been shut down?

Has Hollywood had censors placed in their studios at gunpoint?
Trump has effectively convinced nearly half the nation that only he and openly partisan sources loyal to him can be trusted. That's a pretty good start.

The rest? Like I said, he's only had a month. Give him time.

THe media has convinced half that nation that they are not to be trusted.

And they can't.

That's on them, not on Trump.

That in no way supports your crazy talk about fascism.
I wouldn't expect a blind supporter of fascism like yourself to say different
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

And you feel that dissent against Trump has been eliminated?
Fascists can never fully stamp out dissent. They can get close, though. Trump's only had a month. Give him time.

So, you see rapid progress being made in stamping out dissent?

Can you expand on how this has been done, or witnessed?

Have the mass demonstrations been carted off to camps?

Have the hostile press been shut down?

Has Hollywood had censors placed in their studios at gunpoint?
Trump has effectively convinced nearly half the nation that only he and openly partisan sources loyal to him can be trusted. That's a pretty good start.

The rest? Like I said, he's only had a month. Give him time.

THe media has convinced half that nation that they are not to be trusted.

And they can't.

That's on them, not on Trump.

That in no way supports your crazy talk about fascism.

Trump has the support of only about one third of Americans at best. The vast majority believe the MSM one whole hell of a lot more than they trust Trump & co.

And, no we do not believe that the MSM is perfect, they make mistakes and have their bias', but nothing on the level of the Trumpbots!
They are not the only credentialed news organizations, and they are owed nothing from the White House.
Did Trump Block John Miller from the briefing
View image on Twitter

Bradd Jaffy @BraddJaffy

For years, Trump posed as his own pretend publicist—an ‘unnamed source’ to feed stories about himself to NY tabloids

10:48 AM - 24 Feb 2017
I think DJT and his staff have pretty good reasons for favoring some media outlets over others.

And I don't know of any Constitutional or statutory laws that require daily briefings either.
Fascism, plain and simple. Only idiots do not understand that this is part of the march to an authoritarian fascist regime.
Trump lies! Get some new material
Everyoen knows this. Everyone also knows those people kicked out have been gargling bullshit for months.
So an adversarial relationship between the White House and the press is something to celebrate? Something to champion? Something healthy for our democracy?

Trump has been steadily undermining our democracy. He probably, if not absolutely colluded with the Russians to hack our democratic process. When Nixon did it in 1972 it was seen as a constitutional crisis. When Trump did it in 2016, his partisan supporters cheered!

Trump called the press 'the enemy of the American people'. Is this the attitude of a responsible democratic leader, or something more akin to an authoritarian strongman?

It may be that Trump has absolutely no experience in government. It may be that a minority of the electorate wanted an amateur, an outsider to 'shake things up'. It may be that Trump has utterly failed to surround himself with 'the best and brightest'. And it may be that Trump's vision of how the American people should be regarded is by purely amateurish means laced with petulance and division and fear mongering. And, unfortunately, some of that minority of the electorate is just as amateurish, crass, boorish and undemocratic as the huckster buffoon they voted for.

The press created the adversarial relationship, not the President. They pulled their biased reporting tricks and are now paying the price.

It's over for you socialists. Lie, bitch and moan all you wish. America will not listen to your propaganda any longer.
Reporting facts that harm the image of the president is not propaganda. It's reporting It's journalism.

As for bias, I guess bias is just fine so long as it confirms your beliefs rather than challenges them. Re enforces your ideology rather than question it.

Bias in the irresponsible wild west 'media' of the internet where fact checking is a pain in the rear and the priority is on spreading the ideological word, not the truth is just fine with the simple minded partisan. Anything more challenging is just too hard to accept. So it gets demonized and our freedoms suffer.

Journalism is the one and only occupation mentioned in the constitution. Because it is vital to our democracy.
It is bias when those "facts" are not true and were posted just because the media disagrees with the president or wishes to influence an election.

For example, the famed high level anonymous sources of CNN...

View attachment 114008
This is what constitutes a well argued, articulate retort from a Trump partisan. Grains of salt are available in the lobby.

It's called a knock out punch, leftist troll. You have no basis for argument. You just bark leftist tripe. The American people now know that you and the DNC are socialist liars whose lust is only for power - for their sole enrichment.

You have been kicked steadily to the curb for the last 6 years at the ballot box. The press being exposed for what it is has aided in achieving that result. Tell us again how it was IMPOSSIBLE for Hellary to lose, especially with those debate questions in advance.
The first step in fascism is eliminating dissent

And you feel that dissent against Trump has been eliminated?
Fascists can never fully stamp out dissent. They can get close, though. Trump's only had a month. Give him time.

So, you see rapid progress being made in stamping out dissent?

Can you expand on how this has been done, or witnessed?

Have the mass demonstrations been carted off to camps?

Have the hostile press been shut down?

Has Hollywood had censors placed in their studios at gunpoint?
Trump has effectively convinced nearly half the nation that only he and openly partisan sources loyal to him can be trusted. That's a pretty good start.

The rest? Like I said, he's only had a month. Give him time.

THe media has convinced half that nation that they are not to be trusted.

And they can't.

That's on them, not on Trump.

That in no way supports your crazy talk about fascism.
Are there a lot of democracies that have done what trump is doing to the free press? There are fascist regimes that started out doing what he is doing. Perhaps pointing out the free democracy that did this would be helpful.
Fascism, plain and simple. Only idiots do not understand that this is part of the march to an authoritarian fascist regime.

So the White House must allow all press organizations in for every brief? Where is that written in law? They have to draw from a pool as space is limited. This time CNN lost out. Big fucking deal. Go cry in your safe space.

"Authoritarian fascist". LOL fucking snowflakes.

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