Trump who? GOP senators rave over a potential Tim Scott presidential run/Tim Scott Is Fundraising By Emailing People That Their Heat Will Be Cut Off

Obama graduated at the top of his Harvard Law Class
Trump threatened to sue anyone who released his HS or college records

What does that tell you?
Class ranking is just a matter of opinion

A popularity contest by the quack libs at a guilt-ridden university desperate to show its diversity
the GOP has nominated and elected African-Americans to high political office since the 1800s
Only a total of 8 black congressmen,senators, governors, VP or Presidents in the last 100 years

not very inspiring
Obama never released his school transcripts.
Harvard announced he graduated at the top of his class.
All you need to know

Why did Trump threaten to Sue anyone who released his.
Hillary was rejected for the highest office in the by the voters

The most jilted woman on the swamp, the Cookie Lady never even made it to the finals
The voters gave Hillary 3 million more votes
Maybe once in a century would be nice
Much of the black caucus are not very intelligent. Osmosis from eing in the congress for a longtimehas rued something off on them though. Younger African Americans are more educated however, they have ideas that will eventually kill many people. There are no answers from them. Only taxing others to the rafters for programs. This means people will become less efficient or more not caring at work as they have more money taken from them. They will become as the worst employees.
Harvard announced he graduated at the top of his class.
All you need to know

Why did Trump threaten to Sue anyone who released his.
Show me his transcripts...he wouldn't release them....of course Trump threatened to sue anyone that went behind his back and made public something that was his choice to make....just like Obama made the choice.
Democrats over 130 blacks to higher office
Republicans. 8
hahah what are you talking about? where are you getting this numbers? There have been 12 African Americans in the Senate....5 from the GOP (including the first), I lost count at 47 in the House....,131%20Democrats%2C%20and%2031%20Republicans.

Now that's just the US Congress, that doesn't include on the bench, govs, mayors, other high office like SoS...the first African-American male and female both from the GOP etc etc.

You guys are playing a lot of catch up, but it's nothing new in the GOP to elect minorities....
Tim Scott no chance of being the Republican nominee.
There are a lot of folks that are filling out the field...he has a tough shot, but I think it's worth him trying...certainly get his name out there more nationally....moreover, the Demaklan will not be able to help themselves from showing their true racist nature with racist attacks

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