Trump will face unprecedented ethics decisions

Trump, from day one, will be plagued by ethical issues and for better or worse, Pence will be running the country with a few cronies.
This should be "fun"to watch.....

There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

With a web of foreign business interests extending from Azerbaijan to Panama, Trump could find that the most minor contractual renewal turns into a new reason for concern. Even Trump’s oft-touted status as landlord to the Bank of China in Trump Tower could place him in jeopardy, if, for example, the state-backed bank agreed to pay above-market-rate rents in the future

Trump could remove these potential conflicts by selling his business empire and placing the proceeds in a blind trust.

Donald Trump Will Face Unprecedented Ethics Decisions as President

(which does NOT mean that his children would independently run the company.)

You stupid mother fuckers just can't learn can ya? Providing market priced consumer level goods and services is not fucking bribery. Why didn't you assholes investigate who jimma carter was selling his peanuts to. There is no law requiring Trump to cease doing business as he did prior to being elected. The founders would be laughing their asses off at you fucking commiecrats grasping for any little straw you can find, they intended a citizen government, basically all of them had a business of one form or another, they didn't bankrupt themselves in the name of government service. You petty little pantie wastes just need to STFU!
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers...
Article I, § 9, Clause 8
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?
This should be "fun"to watch.....

There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

With a web of foreign business interests extending from Azerbaijan to Panama, Trump could find that the most minor contractual renewal turns into a new reason for concern. Even Trump’s oft-touted status as landlord to the Bank of China in Trump Tower could place him in jeopardy, if, for example, the state-backed bank agreed to pay above-market-rate rents in the future

Trump could remove these potential conflicts by selling his business empire and placing the proceeds in a blind trust.

Donald Trump Will Face Unprecedented Ethics Decisions as President

(which does NOT mean that his children would independently run the company.)

You stupid mother fuckers just can't learn can ya? Providing market priced consumer level goods and services is not fucking bribery. Why didn't you assholes investigate who jimma carter was selling his peanuts to. There is no law requiring Trump to cease doing business as he did prior to being elected. The founders would be laughing their asses off at you fucking commiecrats grasping for any little straw you can find, they intended a citizen government, basically all of them had a business of one form or another, they didn't bankrupt themselves in the name of government service. You petty little pantie wastes just need to STFU!
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers...
Article I, § 9, Clause 8
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?

No we can't say that at all, well unless you're an ignorant political hack. Feel free to demonstrate how providing market rate consumers products and services would qualify.
From what I heard listening to NPR on the way home from work this evening he'll face many ethical decisions but not many legal ones as the President and V.P. are excluded from the major restrictions other executive branch officials are bound by. I voted for McMullin but I have no problem with Trump hauling in tons of dough as long as American interests aren't compromised. For example, they said foreign diplomats are patronizing his new hotel in Washington. I don't see it as any big deal. Certainly not anything I believe one needs to lose any sleep over. If there is a fair amount of transparency (unlike his taxes) I think folks will more likely cut him some slack.
Trump's companies at least $650 million in debt

Donald Trump’s properties are indebted to a number of large financial institutions, including some that he’s repeatedly maligned on the campaign trail, according to a new report by the New York Times.

The newspaper found that holdings by Trump have debt amounting to at least $650 million -- a far cry from the amount ($315 million) filed on the personal financial disclosure forms he gave to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

The campaign addressed the discrepancy to the Times, attributing it to the limited information the FEC actually requires on such forms:

Notably, one of these -- a Manhattan office building which Trump partly owns -- “carries a $950 million loan,” according to the Times. Goldman Sachs and the Bank of China are two of the building’s four lenders.

Report: Donald Trump's companies at least $650 million in debt
Thanks for confirming that information I heard on radio about POTUS and V.P. exemption. Here is another story about exemption.

While most federal officials working in the executive branch can’t collect outside business income while serving in the U.S. government,
longstanding conflict-of-interest laws exempt the president from that stricture. So a president is free to handle private business from the White House if he or she likes.

The Conflicts-of-Interest President
Thanks for confirming that information I heard on radio about POTUS and V.P. exemption. Here is another story about exemption.

While most federal officials working in the executive branch can’t collect outside business income while serving in the U.S. government,
longstanding conflict-of-interest laws exempt the president from that stricture. So a president is free to handle private business from the White House if he or she likes.

The Conflicts-of-Interest President

One wonders if the Founders could ever had envisioned the election of such a charlatan and demagogue as POTUS.
This should be "fun"to watch.....

There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

With a web of foreign business interests extending from Azerbaijan to Panama, Trump could find that the most minor contractual renewal turns into a new reason for concern. Even Trump’s oft-touted status as landlord to the Bank of China in Trump Tower could place him in jeopardy, if, for example, the state-backed bank agreed to pay above-market-rate rents in the future

Trump could remove these potential conflicts by selling his business empire and placing the proceeds in a blind trust.

Donald Trump Will Face Unprecedented Ethics Decisions as President

(which does NOT mean that his children would independently run the company.)

You stupid mother fuckers just can't learn can ya? Providing market priced consumer level goods and services is not fucking bribery. Why didn't you assholes investigate who jimma carter was selling his peanuts to. There is no law requiring Trump to cease doing business as he did prior to being elected. The founders would be laughing their asses off at you fucking commiecrats grasping for any little straw you can find, they intended a citizen government, basically all of them had a business of one form or another, they didn't bankrupt themselves in the name of government service. You petty little pantie wastes just need to STFU!
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers...
Article I, § 9, Clause 8
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?

Feel free to demonstrate how providing market rate consumers products and services would qualify.
You really are that stupid, eh Tex?
This should be "fun"to watch.....

There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

With a web of foreign business interests extending from Azerbaijan to Panama, Trump could find that the most minor contractual renewal turns into a new reason for concern. Even Trump’s oft-touted status as landlord to the Bank of China in Trump Tower could place him in jeopardy, if, for example, the state-backed bank agreed to pay above-market-rate rents in the future

Trump could remove these potential conflicts by selling his business empire and placing the proceeds in a blind trust.

Donald Trump Will Face Unprecedented Ethics Decisions as President

(which does NOT mean that his children would independently run the company.)

You stupid mother fuckers just can't learn can ya? Providing market priced consumer level goods and services is not fucking bribery. Why didn't you assholes investigate who jimma carter was selling his peanuts to. There is no law requiring Trump to cease doing business as he did prior to being elected. The founders would be laughing their asses off at you fucking commiecrats grasping for any little straw you can find, they intended a citizen government, basically all of them had a business of one form or another, they didn't bankrupt themselves in the name of government service. You petty little pantie wastes just need to STFU!
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers...
Article I, § 9, Clause 8
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?

Feel free to demonstrate how providing market rate consumers products and services would qualify.
You really are that stupid, eh Tex?

Don't feel too bad boy, you're the third regressive that couldn't live up to the challenge. LMAO
You can't possibly be familiar with ethics if you think any ethical situation is unprecedented
This should be "fun"to watch.....

There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

With a web of foreign business interests extending from Azerbaijan to Panama, Trump could find that the most minor contractual renewal turns into a new reason for concern. Even Trump’s oft-touted status as landlord to the Bank of China in Trump Tower could place him in jeopardy, if, for example, the state-backed bank agreed to pay above-market-rate rents in the future

Trump could remove these potential conflicts by selling his business empire and placing the proceeds in a blind trust.

Donald Trump Will Face Unprecedented Ethics Decisions as President

(which does NOT mean that his children would independently run the company.)

You stupid mother fuckers just can't learn can ya? Providing market priced consumer level goods and services is not fucking bribery. Why didn't you assholes investigate who jimma carter was selling his peanuts to. There is no law requiring Trump to cease doing business as he did prior to being elected. The founders would be laughing their asses off at you fucking commiecrats grasping for any little straw you can find, they intended a citizen government, basically all of them had a business of one form or another, they didn't bankrupt themselves in the name of government service. You petty little pantie wastes just need to STFU!
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers...
Article I, § 9, Clause 8
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?

Feel free to demonstrate how providing market rate consumers products and services would qualify.
You really are that stupid, eh Tex?

Don't feel too bad boy, you're the third regressive that couldn't live up to the challenge. LMAO
What challenge chump? You and your fucking 20 question off topic bullshit! Look up the definitions of emolument and quid pro quo you fucking shit for brains and apply those definitions to your idiotic horseshit of "...providing market rate consumers products and services...." All fucking hat and no cattle, Tex!
You stupid mother fuckers just can't learn can ya? Providing market priced consumer level goods and services is not fucking bribery. Why didn't you assholes investigate who jimma carter was selling his peanuts to. There is no law requiring Trump to cease doing business as he did prior to being elected. The founders would be laughing their asses off at you fucking commiecrats grasping for any little straw you can find, they intended a citizen government, basically all of them had a business of one form or another, they didn't bankrupt themselves in the name of government service. You petty little pantie wastes just need to STFU!
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers...
Article I, § 9, Clause 8
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?

Feel free to demonstrate how providing market rate consumers products and services would qualify.
You really are that stupid, eh Tex?

Don't feel too bad boy, you're the third regressive that couldn't live up to the challenge. LMAO
What challenge chump? You and your fucking 20 question off topic bullshit! Look up the definitions of emolument and quid pro quo you fucking shit for brains and apply those definitions to your idiotic horseshit of "...providing market rate consumers products and services...." All fucking hat and no cattle, Tex!

And they apply to Trumps situation HOW? Be specific shit for brains.
This should be "fun"to watch.....

There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

With a web of foreign business interests extending from Azerbaijan to Panama, Trump could find that the most minor contractual renewal turns into a new reason for concern. Even Trump’s oft-touted status as landlord to the Bank of China in Trump Tower could place him in jeopardy, if, for example, the state-backed bank agreed to pay above-market-rate rents in the future

Trump could remove these potential conflicts by selling his business empire and placing the proceeds in a blind trust.

Donald Trump Will Face Unprecedented Ethics Decisions as President

(which does NOT mean that his children would independently run the company.)
Who is going to bring up ethics charges? The republican House? The republican Senate? The Republican Supreme Court? The Republican Justice department? He will do anything he wants and nobody will give it a second glance. The dems can scream bloody murder, but they are powerless to do anything about it.
Much ado about nothing.

If you keep this up I will put you on my Ignore List.

Your loss.......LOL

I simply LOVE being on the attack and there'll be TONS of reasons to do so.....

The orange clown will have to have an army of lawyers defending his every move.

Hillary probably laid of some of her legal team. Trump is already creating jobs.
This should be "fun"to watch.....

There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

With a web of foreign business interests extending from Azerbaijan to Panama, Trump could find that the most minor contractual renewal turns into a new reason for concern. Even Trump’s oft-touted status as landlord to the Bank of China in Trump Tower could place him in jeopardy, if, for example, the state-backed bank agreed to pay above-market-rate rents in the future

Trump could remove these potential conflicts by selling his business empire and placing the proceeds in a blind trust.

Donald Trump Will Face Unprecedented Ethics Decisions as President

(which does NOT mean that his children would independently run the company.)
Who is going to bring up ethics charges? The republican House? The republican Senate? The Republican Supreme Court? The Republican Justice department? He will do anything he wants and nobody will give it a second glance. The dems can scream bloody murder, but they are powerless to do anything about it.

Well if he does something wrong I'll be joining the chorus, but I won't made assassin assumptions that just because he has an international business that it's a given, like these freaking idiots.

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