Trump will face unprecedented ethics decisions

Thanks for confirming that information I heard on radio about POTUS and V.P. exemption. Here is another story about exemption.

While most federal officials working in the executive branch can’t collect outside business income while serving in the U.S. government,
longstanding conflict-of-interest laws exempt the president from that stricture. So a president is free to handle private business from the White House if he or she likes.

The Conflicts-of-Interest President

One wonders if the Founders could ever had envisioned the election of such a charlatan and demagogue as POTUS.

Thankfully, Hillary lost
You stupid mother fuckers just can't learn can ya? Providing market priced consumer level goods and services is not fucking bribery. Why didn't you assholes investigate who jimma carter was selling his peanuts to. There is no law requiring Trump to cease doing business as he did prior to being elected. The founders would be laughing their asses off at you fucking commiecrats grasping for any little straw you can find, they intended a citizen government, basically all of them had a business of one form or another, they didn't bankrupt themselves in the name of government service. You petty little pantie wastes just need to STFU!
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers...
Article I, § 9, Clause 8
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?

Feel free to demonstrate how providing market rate consumers products and services would qualify.
You really are that stupid, eh Tex?

Don't feel too bad boy, you're the third regressive that couldn't live up to the challenge. LMAO
What challenge chump? You and your fucking 20 question off topic bullshit! Look up the definitions of emolument and quid pro quo you fucking shit for brains and apply those definitions to your idiotic horseshit of "...providing market rate consumers products and services...." All fucking hat and no cattle, Tex!

Why don't you apply it to Hillary and the Clinton Foundation?
The dems can scream bloody murder, but they are powerless to do anything about it.

Aaahhhh, but our "ace in the hole" is Trump's extremely thin-skin....his own low self-esteem issues will prove his undoing.......
Why don't you apply it to Hillary and the Clinton Foundation?

Sure.......if anyone within the Clinton Foundation was sitting in the ova office you may have had a point......but,
Why don't you apply it to Hillary and the Clinton Foundation?

Sure.......if anyone within the Clinton Foundation was sitting in the ova office you may have had a point......but,

The fact that Hillary was Secretary of state means it had a point. Do you imagine only the President can grant government favors for financial gain?
Thankfully, Hillary lost

Yes, she did.......and look at what we got instead, correct??? LOL

(tell the truth, would you be one of those giving Trump the Nazi salute?)
This should be "fun"to watch.....

There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

With a web of foreign business interests extending from Azerbaijan to Panama, Trump could find that the most minor contractual renewal turns into a new reason for concern. Even Trump’s oft-touted status as landlord to the Bank of China in Trump Tower could place him in jeopardy, if, for example, the state-backed bank agreed to pay above-market-rate rents in the future

Trump could remove these potential conflicts by selling his business empire and placing the proceeds in a blind trust.

Donald Trump Will Face Unprecedented Ethics Decisions as President

(which does NOT mean that his children would independently run the company.)

Yep, fortunately for the Donald there are apparently some available lawyers in Washington and New York that he can hire to make sure he doesn't run afoul of such things. :cool:

"I wish my horse had the speed of your tongue." -- William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
The fact that Hillary was Secretary of state means it had a point. Do you imagine only the President can grant government favors for financial gain?

So, the Sec, of State is just as powerful as the POTUS......??? Interesting spin...
Sure.......if anyone within the Clinton Foundation was sitting in the ova office you may have had a point......but,

Yeah, fortunately the voters made sure we won't have to worry about that problem.

... on the bright side, Hillary can continue her life of crime at the Clinton Foundation without all those pesky reporters asking uncomfortable questions.
The fact that Hillary was Secretary of state means it had a point. Do you imagine only the President can grant government favors for financial gain?

So, the Sec, of State is just as powerful as the POTUS......??? Interesting spin...
Who said she was just as powerful? Does she have the ability to grant favors to foreign governments or not?
Speaking of stupid mother fuckers...
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?

Feel free to demonstrate how providing market rate consumers products and services would qualify.
You really are that stupid, eh Tex?

Don't feel too bad boy, you're the third regressive that couldn't live up to the challenge. LMAO
What challenge chump? You and your fucking 20 question off topic bullshit! Look up the definitions of emolument and quid pro quo you fucking shit for brains and apply those definitions to your idiotic horseshit of "...providing market rate consumers products and services...." All fucking hat and no cattle, Tex!

And they apply to Trumps situation HOW? Be specific shit for brains.
OK! Here is the first full paragraph of the OP you fucking idiot!
There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.
If you had actually read and understood what it says you would have read that it speaks of emoluments and quid pro quos and not your supercilious alter topic of "...providing market rate consumers products and services...." Now go back and read my first post to you on this thread, fool! Find someone to explain the differences to you. It's about conflicts of interests, the appearance of or actual vis-à-vis Trump POTUS and the United States, that are at odds, you mother fucking IDIOT! Gawd Damn you can play stupid much better than most, Tex!
Thankfully, Hillary lost

Yes, she did.......and look at what we got instead, correct??? LOL

(tell the truth, would you be one of those giving Trump the Nazi salute?)

Lame.....very lame............but expected from a right wing moron.

It's not nearly as lame as douche bags like you accusing all Trump voters of being Nazis.

They're all Douchebags!!!

The bitter, little old man screams at his monitor, while hopping up and down in his seat, frothing at the mouth with steam coming out of his ears, as he smashes his keyboard with clenched fists.

It's not nearly as lame as douche bags like you accusing all Trump voters of being Nazis.

Never said ALL Trump supporters are Nazi-like.......most of them are too dumb to even know what "nazi-like"means......But some of Trump supporters are surely salivating at the prospect of finally having free rein to reintroduce white supremacy.
Thankfully, Hillary lost

Yes, she did.......and look at what we got instead, correct??? LOL

(tell the truth, would you be one of those giving Trump the Nazi salute?)

Lame.....very lame............but expected from a right wing moron.

It's not nearly as lame as douche bags like you accusing all Trump voters of being Nazis.

They're all Douchebags!!!

The bitter, little old man screams at his monitor, while hopping up and down in his seat, frothing at the mouth with steam coming out of his ears, as he smashes his keyboard with clenched fists.

You don't like it when someone labels your kind accurately?
It's not nearly as lame as douche bags like you accusing all Trump voters of being Nazis.

Never said ALL Trump supporters are Nazi-like.......most of them are too dumb to even know what "nazi-like"means......But some of Trump supporters are surely salivating at the prospect of finally having free rein to reintroduce white supremacy.

ROFL! They don't have any such "free rein," and the accusation that they do is just another attack on Trump supporters.

You just can't help being a douche bag, can you?

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