Trump Will Purge Hispanics From GOP Like Nixon Did With Blacks

There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Nope. Not even close.

Is one of every ten people you meet an illegal Mexican? You must think there is one under your bed! Down there with a Muslim terrorist. :badgrin:
How are 35 million illegals going to vote?

Walk into the polling place with the name of a dead person that the democrats went to court to keep from being purged from the registration rolls, and say "Me llamas es Phong Pang, Soy Vietnamese - Americano."

Just like millions of illegals do every national election.

Then he will walk out and get his money or free beer from the democrat driving the van.

Really? Millions in every election, huh? How many millions voted in the last one?

we dont even know.... the Left loves to say there are few documented cases of actual vote fraud, but orgs like ACORN (yes they are still around with a different name) have been CONVICTED of thousands of voter registration illegalities in almost every state. voter registration fraud is an attempt to overload the system and make vote fraud easier.

You don't know because it didn't happen. Uncensored lied.
There was a time in this country where black voters were a reliable constituency for the Republican Party. That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party and making them a solidly Democratic voter group for the last 40 years.

Right now, Hispanics are still a competitive group for the Republicans. Bush won almost half of them in 2004. Christie won the majority of them in his gubernatorial reelection and in the 2014 mid terms Texas Republicans did very well with them also. If Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee he will purge them from the party just like Nixon did with blacks with his extremist and nonsensical immigration rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot afford to be relegated to only 10% of the Hispanic vote. They will never win a presidential election after that and they will no longer be competitive in states like Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and ultimately Texas.

Even if he were to get the nomination he won't be able to win the general for this reason. His words might temporarily placate your xenophobia, but ultimately you guys will be fucking your party and the country in the long term.

Blacks left the GOP in the 1930's because of the New Deal and Welfare.

Try again.
And the first post immediately jumps to racist assumptions. Hilarious.
Let's not quibble over the ethnicity of the invading Brown hordes.

Yes, it is important to the democrats to lie about it. Mexico is invadind - not "Hispanics," as if such a monolithic thing existed. We have 35 million illegal Mexicans in the nation, not Hispanics.

Of the 11 million or so illegals in this country 40% are people who overstayed their visas and didn't cross any border to enter.

John Carter claim that 40 percent of nation's illegal residents came by plane and overstayed visas draws on 2006 estimate

Of the 11 million who identified themselves as illegal on the 2010 census?

Because we know that people doing illegal things rush forward to ensure that everyone knows about it.

There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

35 million?

Out of a country of 305 million?

Do the math.

There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

what is your evidence of ANY more accepted number? how do you quantify people that by the very nature of being illegal are shadowy?

All statistics consistently reflect a number in the area of 11 million.

all of them? really???

where is your evidence of that?
here it is from your precious ACLU leftard

Domestic Drones | American Civil Liberties Union
American Civil Liberties Union
U.S. law enforcement is greatly expanding its use of surveillance drones, and private ... move is monitored, tracked, recorded, and scrutinized by the government.

Wow, now you put out articles without any date at all. Why don't you concentrate on something with legs instead of posting just crap?
There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

what is your evidence of ANY more accepted number? how do you quantify people that by the very nature of being illegal are shadowy?

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade

Here is the methodology used: Appendix C: Methodology

More information:
remember leftard luddly; family reunification is the official Democrat stance on immigration

once that "11 mill" are made legal their whole immediate families will be allowed in
There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

what is your evidence of ANY more accepted number? how do you quantify people that by the very nature of being illegal are shadowy?

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade

Here is the methodology used: Appendix C: Methodology

More information:

what does stable mean? as in not increasing? or increasing at a relatively stable rate?

Well now we know who is crazier, Trump or Carson and Carson wins hands down


"Ben Carson on Wednesday indicated that he is open to using drone strikes to help secure the border, according to Dennis Welch, a reporter for Phoenix television station KTVK.

Before heading to the Arizona-Mexico border on Wednesday, Carson spoke at a rally in Phoenix on Tuesday, where he said that the U.S. should use surveillance and drones to patrol the border, according to Phoenix ABC affiliate KNXV."
Dennis Welch @dennis_welch

BREAKING: GOP Presidential candidate Ben Carson open to using military drone strikes on American soil to secure the border.

8:44 AM - 19 Aug 2015 · Florence, AZ, United States

Who knows though right? Maybe Trump will want to lay land mines like North Korea.
There is nothing in those links which indicates Ben Carson is open to using drone STRIKES.

He is open to using drones for surveillance. Not for bombing illegals at the border.

And I'm perfectly okay with using drones for surveillance as well. There is nothing crazy about that at all.
Really? Millions in every election, huh? How many millions voted in the last one?

The same number as marijuana sales in NY City.

You KNOW that number, right? I mean, you're getting ready to claim that if we don't have the names, then there aren't any.

So obviously no one in NYC ever bought pot...
There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

what is your evidence of ANY more accepted number? how do you quantify people that by the very nature of being illegal are shadowy?

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade

Here is the methodology used: Appendix C: Methodology

More information:

your article by Pew relies on the premise that the numbers of people entering illegally is about equal to the number being deported...


obama is counting as "deportations" people turned away at the border who eventually get in

There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

what is your evidence of ANY more accepted number? how do you quantify people that by the very nature of being illegal are shadowy?

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade

Here is the methodology used: Appendix C: Methodology

More information:

what does stable mean? as in not increasing? or increasing at a relatively stable rate?


You should have clicked on the link.

Well now we know who is crazier, Trump or Carson and Carson wins hands down


"Ben Carson on Wednesday indicated that he is open to using drone strikes to help secure the border, according to Dennis Welch, a reporter for Phoenix television station KTVK.

Before heading to the Arizona-Mexico border on Wednesday, Carson spoke at a rally in Phoenix on Tuesday, where he said that the U.S. should use surveillance and drones to patrol the border, according to Phoenix ABC affiliate KNXV."
Dennis Welch @dennis_welch

BREAKING: GOP Presidential candidate Ben Carson open to using military drone strikes on American soil to secure the border.

8:44 AM - 19 Aug 2015 · Florence, AZ, United States

Who knows though right? Maybe Trump will want to lay land mines like North Korea.
There is nothing in those links which indicates Ben Carson is open to using drone STRIKES.

He is open to using drones for surveillance. Not for bombing illegals at the border.

And I'm perfectly okay with using drones for surveillance as well. There is nothing crazy about that at all.

From twitter:

Dennis Welch

Ben Carson when asked about drone to secure the border: "I'm suggesting we do what we need to do to secure the border whatever that is."

12:58 PM - 19 Aug 2015 · Florence, AZ, United States
21 21 Retweets 8 8 favorites

Dennis Welch

More from @RealBenCarson on border issues: "You look at some of these caves and things out there one drone strike, boom, and they'd gone."

2:22 PM - 19 Aug 2015 · Florence, AZ, United States
15 15 Retweets 3 3 favorites
There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

what is your evidence of ANY more accepted number? how do you quantify people that by the very nature of being illegal are shadowy?

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade

Here is the methodology used: Appendix C: Methodology

More information:

what does stable mean? as in not increasing? or increasing at a relatively stable rate?

Do you have a reading comprehension problem or did you just not even bother to read the links?

Seeing how quickly you posted, I am guessing the latter.


Let me know if you need help with the big words.

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