Trump Will Purge Hispanics From GOP Like Nixon Did With Blacks

The overall estimate has fluctuated little in recent years because the number of new unauthorized immigrants is roughly equal to the number who are deported, leave the U.S. on their own, convert to legal status, or (in a small number of cases) die, according to the Pew Research analysis.

WHAT a conveniant coincidence einstein!
From twitter:

Dennis Welch

Ben Carson when asked about drone to secure the border: "I'm suggesting we do what we need to do to secure the border whatever that is."

This is not from Carson. This is hearsay from a Twitter account.

Dennis Welch

More from @RealBenCarson on border issues: "You look at some of these caves and things out there one drone strike, boom, and they'd gone."

2:22 PM - 19 Aug 2015 · Florence, AZ, United States
15 15 Retweets 3 3 favorites

More hearsay.

Why not link to where this is in Carson's Twitter feed?

Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) | Twitter
Well now we know who is crazier, Trump or Carson and Carson wins hands down


"Ben Carson on Wednesday indicated that he is open to using drone strikes to help secure the border, according to Dennis Welch, a reporter for Phoenix television station KTVK.

Before heading to the Arizona-Mexico border on Wednesday, Carson spoke at a rally in Phoenix on Tuesday, where he said that the U.S. should use surveillance and drones to patrol the border, according to Phoenix ABC affiliate KNXV."
Dennis Welch @dennis_welch

BREAKING: GOP Presidential candidate Ben Carson open to using military drone strikes on American soil to secure the border.

8:44 AM - 19 Aug 2015 · Florence, AZ, United States

Who knows though right? Maybe Trump will want to lay land mines like North Korea.

Other than the fact that you want as many illegals as possible - what exactly is wrong with what Carson actually said - not the lies the leftist hate machine claims, but his actual statement of using drone for surveillance."

Obviously Carson never said anything about "strikes," you little Goebbels of the party just stuck that in because you're fucking scumbags without a hint of integrity.
The estimates presented in this report for the unauthorized immigrant population are based on a residual estimation methodology that compares a demographic estimate of the number of immigrants residing legally in the country with the total number of immigrants as measured by a survey—either the American Community Survey (ACS) or the March Supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS); the difference is assumed to be the number of unauthorized immigrants in the survey, a number that is later adjusted for omissions from the survey (see below). The basic estimate is:


their methodology is they TOOK A SURVEY????????

are any of you idiots man or woman enough to admit how asinine this is?

they took a survey
There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

what is your evidence of ANY more accepted number? how do you quantify people that by the very nature of being illegal are shadowy?

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade

Here is the methodology used: Appendix C: Methodology

More information:

what does stable mean? as in not increasing? or increasing at a relatively stable rate?


You should have clicked on the link.

Interesting under bush it climbed
I have done a text search on Ben Carson's Twitter all the way back to the 4th of July, and there is no statement about bombing caves with drones.
you are the very same people saying illegals are "living in the shadows"

yet you claim to know all about them'

isnt that so typical for arrogant people to talk out of both sides ofheir mouths?
From twitter:

Dennis Welch

Ben Carson when asked about drone to secure the border: "I'm suggesting we do what we need to do to secure the border whatever that is."

This is not from Carson. This is hearsay from a Twitter account.

Dennis Welch

More from @RealBenCarson on border issues: "You look at some of these caves and things out there one drone strike, boom, and they'd gone."

2:22 PM - 19 Aug 2015 · Florence, AZ, United States
15 15 Retweets 3 3 favorites

More hearsay.

Why not link to where this is in Carson's Twitter feed?

Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) | Twitter

Denis Welch is a political reporter from 3TV. Not hearsay at all.
Really? Millions in every election, huh? How many millions voted in the last one?

The same number as marijuana sales in NY City.

You KNOW that number, right? I mean, you're getting ready to claim that if we don't have the names, then there aren't any.

So obviously no one in NYC ever bought pot...

Let's see your evidence that millions of illegals voted in the last election.
i was TRYING to be open-minded about it. said to myself they cant really mean they surveyed actual illegals and expected them to be completely truthful which is what any scientific approach requires; they must have meant a different kind of "survey". but this tidbit FROM YOUR APPENDIX C seems to say they did ask illegals

Once the residual estimates have been produced, individual foreign-born respondents in the survey are assigned a specific status (one option being unauthorized immigrant) based on the individual’s demographic, social, economic, geographic and family characteristics. These status assignments are the basis for the characteristics reported here (including, for example, specific countries of birth, detailed state estimates, duration of residence and presence of children). A final step in the weighting-estimation process involves developing final state-level estimates that take into account trends over time in the estimates. For this report, additional status assignments involving Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) were done for the 2012 ACS only
Well now we know who is crazier, Trump or Carson and Carson wins hands down


"Ben Carson on Wednesday indicated that he is open to using drone strikes to help secure the border, according to Dennis Welch, a reporter for Phoenix television station KTVK.

Before heading to the Arizona-Mexico border on Wednesday, Carson spoke at a rally in Phoenix on Tuesday, where he said that the U.S. should use surveillance and drones to patrol the border, according to Phoenix ABC affiliate KNXV."
Dennis Welch @dennis_welch

BREAKING: GOP Presidential candidate Ben Carson open to using military drone strikes on American soil to secure the border.

8:44 AM - 19 Aug 2015 · Florence, AZ, United States

Who knows though right? Maybe Trump will want to lay land mines like North Korea.

Other than the fact that you want as many illegals as possible - what exactly is wrong with what Carson actually said - not the lies the leftist hate machine claims, but his actual statement of using drone for surveillance."

Obviously Carson never said anything about "strikes," you little Goebbels of the party just stuck that in because you're fucking scumbags without a hint of integrity.

When you have to use Hitler or his minions to win an argument you have already lost.
There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

"So you better believe investigative reporters for Time Magazine and Vanity Fair," Coulter continued. "In 2006, they said there have been another 3 million a year. That adds up to a minimum of 30 million."

"It says 11.3 (million) according to Pew Research Center," Ramos responded.

"Yeah, they're all relying on Census reports," Coulter countered.

Consider the mass invasion of illegals across the border which was orchestrated by the Obama administration and the fact that he has unilaterally ignored the current immigration laws. That was just in one year and we know that the eye of the media has not been on that issue until the alternative media forced them to report on it.

Read more at US Has Taken In ¼ of the Population of Mexico - Freedom Outpost
Here is the source story upon which all the other stories about Carson and drone strikes were built:

Carson’s solution to the border crisis is a guest-worker program that includes paying taxes and a back-tax penalty. He said it’s not amnesty and would still require the current process to become citizens.

On Wednesday morning, Carson responded to a question about whether he would be open to the possibility of drone strikes on American soil to secure the border.

Notice it was not Carson who initiated the idea about drone strikes. Some yahoo did.

Carson's answer:

"The take home point is this. We have excellent military leaders," he said. "We need to employ their expertise because this is a war we are fighting. That's the bottom line."
There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

"So you better believe investigative reporters for Time Magazine and Vanity Fair," Coulter continued. "In 2006, they said there have been another 3 million a year. That adds up to a minimum of 30 million."

"It says 11.3 (million) according to Pew Research Center," Ramos responded.

"Yeah, they're all relying on Census reports," Coulter countered.

Those Census reports are accurate. Just because Coulter says "Nuh uh!", doesn't mean shit.

You have yet to debunk their methodology.

And there is nothing in your link which says there are currently 30 million or 35 million illegal Mexicans in America. Coulter's source article says there are 15 million . She made up the 30 million figure out of whole cloth. She doubled the number in the source:

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of having 15 million illegals at large in society is Congress's failure to insist that federal agencies separate those who pose a threat from those who don't.

And Coulter lied that her source said "3 million a year". It said "3 million EXPECTED THIS year". They were guessing ahead. One year.

3 Million More Illegals
Expected This Year

Last edited:
All statistics consistently reflect a number in the area of 11 million.

You're lying.

The 11 million figure is based on the census, with the utterly stupid idea that illegals will identify as such.

Time and Vanity Fair did an exhaustive investigation and documented over 20 million in 2006. You would claim that not only has not even one more illegal come in in 9 years, despite Obama inviting them with promises of rewards like free college and citizenship. Not only do you push that absolute stupidity - but you actually claim the number declined by 50%
Here is the source story upon which all the other stories about Carson and drone strikes were built:

Carson’s solution to the border crisis is a guest-worker program that includes paying taxes and a back-tax penalty. He said it’s not amnesty and would still require the current process to become citizens.

On Wednesday morning, Carson responded to a question about whether he would be open to the possibility of drone strikes on American soil to secure the border.

Notice it was not Carson who initiated the idea about drone strikes. Some yahoo did.

Carson's answer:

"The take home point is this. We have excellent military leaders," he said. "We need to employ their expertise because this is a war we are fighting. That's the bottom line."

Don't believe me? Here is Salon Ben Carson takes immigration debate to insane new low, floats drone strikes at border - here is Talking Points Memo Talking Points Memo | Breaking News and Analysis | TPM Red State In defense of Ben Carson on the Border | RedState

I'm sure there will be many more as the day progresses at what point will you admit he put his foot in his mouth?
There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

Where is your evidence of that?

what is your evidence of ANY more accepted number? how do you quantify people that by the very nature of being illegal are shadowy?

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade

Here is the methodology used: Appendix C: Methodology

More information:

what does stable mean? as in not increasing? or increasing at a relatively stable rate?


You should have clicked on the link.


Interestingly, an unanticipated wrinkle in the rush to "secure the border" is that migrant workers are having a hard time getting out of the country.

They have always come for jobs picking produce, gone home and then come back for the next harvest. Now they can't get out of the US.

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