Trump Will Purge Hispanics From GOP Like Nixon Did With Blacks

this should purge them into the Democrat side for sure. TIME everyone woke up NO matter what race, color or nationality they are. stop letting them USE all of you for their Classwarfare Politics. Pitting us against each other..... think of your safety, the OATH these elected asses took to protect you from domestic and foreign INVADERS .

Letter: Obama Administration Releasing Violent Illegal Immigrants Back into U.S. Towns
Often go on to commit additional violent crimes

U.S.-Mexico border / AP

BY: Adam Kredo
August 19, 2015 10:10 am

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been releasing illegal immigrants with violent criminal records back into local U.S. communities, where they have often gone on to commit violent crimes against American citizens, according to new disclosures by a leading lawmaker and local law enforcement agencies.

Rep. Matt Salmon (R., Ariz.) and law enforcement officials petitioned the Obama administration on Wednesday to end a policy that enables illegal immigrants with criminal records to be released back into the United States.

Arizona law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday that three illegal aliens with violent criminal records had been released by DHS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) back onto the streets, where they went on to commit crimes including kidnapping and murdering an infant.

all of it here:
Letter: Obama Administration Releasing Violent Illegal Immigrants Back into U.S. Towns

Geez, what is it with you people and half baked journalism? "Washington Free Beacon?" Is this a race to the bottom of honest reporting?
this should purge them into the Democrat side for sure. TIME everyone woke up NO matter what race, color or nationality they are. stop letting them USE all of you for their Classwarfare Politics. Pitting us against each other..... think of your safety, the OATH these elected asses took to protect you from domestic and foreign INVADERS .

Letter: Obama Administration Releasing Violent Illegal Immigrants Back into U.S. Towns
Often go on to commit additional violent crimes

U.S.-Mexico border / AP

BY: Adam Kredo
August 19, 2015 10:10 am

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been releasing illegal immigrants with violent criminal records back into local U.S. communities, where they have often gone on to commit violent crimes against American citizens, according to new disclosures by a leading lawmaker and local law enforcement agencies.

Rep. Matt Salmon (R., Ariz.) and law enforcement officials petitioned the Obama administration on Wednesday to end a policy that enables illegal immigrants with criminal records to be released back into the United States.

Arizona law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday that three illegal aliens with violent criminal records had been released by DHS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) back onto the streets, where they went on to commit crimes including kidnapping and murdering an infant.

all of it here:
Letter: Obama Administration Releasing Violent Illegal Immigrants Back into U.S. Towns

Geez, what is it with you people and half baked journalism? "Washington Free Beacon?" Is this a race to the bottom of honest reporting?

good one leftard!!!

but wasnt it THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER that broke the story of John Edward's love child and the criminal acts of using campaing funds as hush money to the baby momma? didnt all YOU loses deny that at the top of your lungs until the proof came out, from a grocery store rag no less?
good one leftard!!!

but wasnt it THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER that broke the story of John Edward's love child and the criminal acts of using campaing funds as hush money to the baby momma? didnt all YOU loses deny that at the top of your lungs until the proof came out, from a grocery store rag no less?

Also the "blue dress" that the NY Times had openly lied about to cover for Clinton.

A new slogan for the tabloid could be: "The National Enquirer - more accurate than the New York Times - not that that's saying much."
There was a time in this country where black voters were a reliable constituency for the Republican Party. That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party and making them a solidly Democratic voter group for the last 40 years.

Right now, Hispanics are still a competitive group for the Republicans. Bush won almost half of them in 2004. Christie won the majority of them in his gubernatorial reelection and in the 2014 mid terms Texas Republicans did very well with them also. If Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee he will purge them from the party just like Nixon did with blacks with his extremist and nonsensical immigration rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot afford to be relegated to only 10% of the Hispanic vote. They will never win a presidential election after that and they will no longer be competitive in states like Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and ultimately Texas.

Even if he were to get the nomination he won't be able to win the general for this reason. His words might temporarily placate your xenophobia, but ultimately you guys will be fucking your party and the country in the long term.

Blacks left the GOP in the 1930's because of the New Deal and Welfare.

Try again.

That's when it started. You will notice I said "That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party"

It was a signal both sides heard loud and clear. Goldwater attracted the white Southern votes his advisers thought were essential, paving the way for the "Southern Strategy" that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan would use successfully in later years. And the third of black Republican voters remaining speedily exited the party.

"It was an abrupt shift," says Hutchings. "For [the] relatively few — but still not trivial — fraction of blacks, they moved aggressively, and almost unanimously, into the Democratic Party."

And black voters have stayed there, in increasing numbers, ever since. Not that all of them want to be.

Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?
Foolish liberal. Southern strategy is a fallacy. No such strategy you liberals dreamt up to justify your enslavement of southern blacks --- again. Dixiecrats died as democrats except one Senator.

Then where are the Republican civil rights heroes?
. Senator Everett Dirkson whose leadership was behind the successful passage of civil rights legislation and fellow GOP Senators who voted for voting rights and Civil Rights Bills. Richard Nixon, and Newt Gingrich who came later with the new class of southern republican senators and congressmen. They overcame the negative votes of Al Gore and J William Fullbright, Bill Clinton's mentor, and many other Democrats like LBJ who never switch parties.
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good one leftard!!!

but wasnt it THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER that broke the story of John Edward's love child and the criminal acts of using campaing funds as hush money to the baby momma? didnt all YOU loses deny that at the top of your lungs until the proof came out, from a grocery store rag no less?

Also the "blue dress" that the NY Times had openly lied about to cover for Clinton.

A new slogan for the tabloid could be: "The National Enquirer - more accurate than the New York Times - not that that's saying much."

yes it was the National Enquire.
There was a time in this country where black voters were a reliable constituency for the Republican Party. That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party and making them a solidly Democratic voter group for the last 40 years.

Right now, Hispanics are still a competitive group for the Republicans. Bush won almost half of them in 2004. Christie won the majority of them in his gubernatorial reelection and in the 2014 mid terms Texas Republicans did very well with them also. If Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee he will purge them from the party just like Nixon did with blacks with his extremist and nonsensical immigration rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot afford to be relegated to only 10% of the Hispanic vote. They will never win a presidential election after that and they will no longer be competitive in states like Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and ultimately Texas.

Even if he were to get the nomination he won't be able to win the general for this reason. His words might temporarily placate your xenophobia, but ultimately you guys will be fucking your party and the country in the long term.

Blacks left the GOP in the 1930's because of the New Deal and Welfare.

Try again.

That's when it started. You will notice I said "That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party"

It was a signal both sides heard loud and clear. Goldwater attracted the white Southern votes his advisers thought were essential, paving the way for the "Southern Strategy" that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan would use successfully in later years. And the third of black Republican voters remaining speedily exited the party.

"It was an abrupt shift," says Hutchings. "For [the] relatively few — but still not trivial — fraction of blacks, they moved aggressively, and almost unanimously, into the Democratic Party."

And black voters have stayed there, in increasing numbers, ever since. Not that all of them want to be.

Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?
Foolish liberal. Southern strategy is a fallacy. No such strategy you liberals dreamt up to justify your enslavement of southern blacks --- again. Dixiecrats died as democrats except one Senator.

Then where are the Republican civil rights heroes?
. Senator Everett Dirkson and fellow GOP Senators who voted for voting rights and Civil Rights Bills. They overcame the negative votes of Al Gore and J William Fullbright, Bill Clinton's mentor, and many other Democrats who never switch parties.

So I ask again: "Where are the Republican Civil Rights heroes?
There was a time in this country where black voters were a reliable constituency for the Republican Party. That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party and making them a solidly Democratic voter group for the last 40 years.

Right now, Hispanics are still a competitive group for the Republicans. Bush won almost half of them in 2004. Christie won the majority of them in his gubernatorial reelection and in the 2014 mid terms Texas Republicans did very well with them also. If Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee he will purge them from the party just like Nixon did with blacks with his extremist and nonsensical immigration rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot afford to be relegated to only 10% of the Hispanic vote. They will never win a presidential election after that and they will no longer be competitive in states like Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and ultimately Texas.

Even if he were to get the nomination he won't be able to win the general for this reason. His words might temporarily placate your xenophobia, but ultimately you guys will be fucking your party and the country in the long term.

Blacks left the GOP in the 1930's because of the New Deal and Welfare.

Try again.

That's when it started. You will notice I said "That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party"

It was a signal both sides heard loud and clear. Goldwater attracted the white Southern votes his advisers thought were essential, paving the way for the "Southern Strategy" that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan would use successfully in later years. And the third of black Republican voters remaining speedily exited the party.

"It was an abrupt shift," says Hutchings. "For [the] relatively few — but still not trivial — fraction of blacks, they moved aggressively, and almost unanimously, into the Democratic Party."

And black voters have stayed there, in increasing numbers, ever since. Not that all of them want to be.

Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?
Foolish liberal. Southern strategy is a fallacy. No such strategy you liberals dreamt up to justify your enslavement of southern blacks --- again. Dixiecrats died as democrats except one Senator.

Then where are the Republican civil rights heroes?
. Senator Everett Dirkson and fellow GOP Senators who voted for voting rights and Civil Rights Bills. They overcame the negative votes of Al Gore and J William Fullbright, Bill Clinton's mentor, and many other Democrats who never switch parties.

Ha ha ha. Bullshit.

I remember Dirksen. He was a cool guy and had a marvelous sense of the theatrical. But it never was about one party "overcoming" another. It was about the hyperconservative South being overcome by everybody else -- regardless of party in either case.

Note: for this purpose "Northern" means broadly, "every state not part of the South".

The original House version:
  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • >>> ALL SOUTHERNERS: 7-97 (6.7%--93.3%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94 – 6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85 – 15%)
  • >>> ALL NORTHERNERS: 283-33 (89.6%--11.4%)
The Senate version:
  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
  • ALL SOUTHERNERS: 1--21 (4.5%--95.5%)
  • ALL NORTHERNERS: 72--6 (92.3%--7.7%)

The numbers don't lie; your pattern is clearly there but it's by region, not political party. And regional, once again for you slow readers who can't think of a point on your own, means cultural.

You take the numbers from the North -- both Dems and Repubs are for it.
You take the numbers from the South -- both Dems and Repubs are agin' it.
It's truly bipartisan in both directions. (!) And to think people bitch about "gridlock".

And FWIW it was two months after this vote that whiny Strom Thurmond took his balls and went home, i.e. did the unthinkable and joined the RP. Followed by Lott, Helms, Duke and a cast of thousands. But in the summer of '64, whether you voted for or against the CRA basically depended not on what your political party was, but on whether you were from the South or not.

what is the Left's "strategy"????

to make as many Americans as possible dependent on the government for their survival?

it must be; that's what they actually did
Blacks left the GOP in the 1930's because of the New Deal and Welfare.

Try again.

That's when it started. You will notice I said "That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party"

It was a signal both sides heard loud and clear. Goldwater attracted the white Southern votes his advisers thought were essential, paving the way for the "Southern Strategy" that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan would use successfully in later years. And the third of black Republican voters remaining speedily exited the party.

"It was an abrupt shift," says Hutchings. "For [the] relatively few — but still not trivial — fraction of blacks, they moved aggressively, and almost unanimously, into the Democratic Party."

And black voters have stayed there, in increasing numbers, ever since. Not that all of them want to be.

Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?
Foolish liberal. Southern strategy is a fallacy. No such strategy you liberals dreamt up to justify your enslavement of southern blacks --- again. Dixiecrats died as democrats except one Senator.

Then where are the Republican civil rights heroes?
. Senator Everett Dirkson and fellow GOP Senators who voted for voting rights and Civil Rights Bills. They overcame the negative votes of Al Gore and J William Fullbright, Bill Clinton's mentor, and many other Democrats who never switch parties.

So I ask again: "Where are the Republican Civil Rights heroes?
nuhuh Screw you jackass. I'm not playing your fucking game and repeating myself. Marching gets you nothing but worn out shoes. The real heroes were thpe GOP senators who ended slavery and passed civil rights. If it wasn't for the GOP you democrats would have slaves.
How are 35 million illegals going to vote?

Walk into the polling place with the name of a dead person that the democrats went to court to keep from being purged from the registration rolls, and say "Me llamas es Phong Pang, Soy Vietnamese - Americano."

Just like millions of illegals do every national election.

Then he will walk out and get his money or free beer from the democrat driving the van.

Nobody does that.
That's when it started. You will notice I said "That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party"
Foolish liberal. Southern strategy is a fallacy. No such strategy you liberals dreamt up to justify your enslavement of southern blacks --- again. Dixiecrats died as democrats except one Senator.

Then where are the Republican civil rights heroes?
. Senator Everett Dirkson and fellow GOP Senators who voted for voting rights and Civil Rights Bills. They overcame the negative votes of Al Gore and J William Fullbright, Bill Clinton's mentor, and many other Democrats who never switch parties.

So I ask again: "Where are the Republican Civil Rights heroes?
nuhuh Screw you jackass. I'm not playing your fucking game and repeating myself. Marching gets you nothing but worn out shoes. The real heroes were thpe GOP senators who ended slavery and passed civil rights. If it wasn't for the GOP you democrats would have slaves.

Of course you're going to say that. No Republican heroes, no pictures of a single Senator, president, congressman, or business leaders sitting on Black family mantles. No legislation, no public pools or libraries named after any Republicans of the Civil rights era. No books, no letters, no Pulitzers, no Nobel, something must be wrong with the excuse you've offered up all these years.
Foolish liberal. Southern strategy is a fallacy. No such strategy you liberals dreamt up to justify your enslavement of southern blacks --- again. Dixiecrats died as democrats except one Senator.

Then where are the Republican civil rights heroes?
. Senator Everett Dirkson and fellow GOP Senators who voted for voting rights and Civil Rights Bills. They overcame the negative votes of Al Gore and J William Fullbright, Bill Clinton's mentor, and many other Democrats who never switch parties.

So I ask again: "Where are the Republican Civil Rights heroes?
nuhuh Screw you jackass. I'm not playing your fucking game and repeating myself. Marching gets you nothing but worn out shoes. The real heroes were thpe GOP senators who ended slavery and passed civil rights. If it wasn't for the GOP you democrats would have slaves.

Of course you're going to say that. No Republican heroes, no pictures of a single Senator, president, congressman, or business leaders sitting on Black family mantles. No legislation, no public pools or libraries named after any Republicans of the Civil rights era. No books, no letters, no Pulitzers, no Nobel, something must be wrong with the excuse you've offered up all these years.

simply amazing leftard!!

you just have to tell me how you got into the living rooms of every Black family in America!!!
rhetorical question but................why are so many progressives such hyperbole-spewing idiots????
Just to make clear, Ann Coulter's book cites a 2004 source which specifically claims there are 15 million illegal immigrants in America. Not 15 million Mexicans. A total of 15 million illegal immigrants. All illegal immigrants.

Not 30 million Mexicans. Not 35 million Mexicans.

The same source says they EXPECT another 3 million to show up in America over the next year.


They do not say "3 million a year for the next decade".

Ann Coulter is full of shit, and the rubes are eating it straight from her ass.

All illegals are Mexican.

None of them were brought in to do high tech jobs we don't train Americans to do.

Drumpf does not send his business to China, Fiorina doesn't send jobs to India.

Then where are the Republican civil rights heroes?
. Senator Everett Dirkson and fellow GOP Senators who voted for voting rights and Civil Rights Bills. They overcame the negative votes of Al Gore and J William Fullbright, Bill Clinton's mentor, and many other Democrats who never switch parties.

So I ask again: "Where are the Republican Civil Rights heroes?
nuhuh Screw you jackass. I'm not playing your fucking game and repeating myself. Marching gets you nothing but worn out shoes. The real heroes were thpe GOP senators who ended slavery and passed civil rights. If it wasn't for the GOP you democrats would have slaves.

Of course you're going to say that. No Republican heroes, no pictures of a single Senator, president, congressman, or business leaders sitting on Black family mantles. No legislation, no public pools or libraries named after any Republicans of the Civil rights era. No books, no letters, no Pulitzers, no Nobel, something must be wrong with the excuse you've offered up all these years.

simply amazing leftard!!

you just have to tell me how you got into the living rooms of every Black family in America!!!

Who needs to? If there were any at all, Republicans would be using them for advertising material for the last 50 years.
i was TRYING to be open-minded about it. said to myself they cant really mean they surveyed actual illegals and expected them to be completely truthful which is what any scientific approach requires; they must have meant a different kind of "survey". but this tidbit FROM YOUR APPENDIX C seems to say they did ask illegals

Once the residual estimates have been produced, individual foreign-born respondents in the survey are assigned a specific status (one option being unauthorized immigrant) based on the individual’s demographic, social, economic, geographic and family characteristics. These status assignments are the basis for the characteristics reported here (including, for example, specific countries of birth, detailed state estimates, duration of residence and presence of children). A final step in the weighting-estimation process involves developing final state-level estimates that take into account trends over time in the estimates. For this report, additional status assignments involving Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) were done for the 2012 ACS only

and you supplied an article that says they surveyed illegals and asked them to be all honest and such, and relied on their answers to plug into the equation

you cant be that stupid, not even you
I do not know how to debate a retard who doesn't know the first thing about surveys or their methodologies, and doesn't even comprehend what he posted from the methodology.


They asked questions. People. They asked people...questions. The census. That can't be right.
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It's hilarious that the rubes will parrot a completely bogus figure from Ann Coulter, and yet when confronted with a scientific census and the methodologies used, they reject it.

"It's too hard."

I've frequently said the rubes have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker, and Ann Coulter is a master at providing the rubes with little morsels of bullshit which go down easily.

What is especially hilarious about the "35 million illegal Mexicans" joke is that the article Coulter cites says there are 15 million illegals, in total, and they EXPECT another three million in the next year. Meaning 2005.

Expect. Meaning, "They aren't here yet, but we think that's how many will show up." A GUESS! A PRE-EMPTIVE GUESS!!!

And they don't say they expect that many every year for the next ten years. And they don't say they will all be Mexicans.

But that's what Ann did. She took that 3 million expectation figure, that GUESS, multiplied it times ten years, and then made them all Mexicans.

Now that's some serious extrapolation!!!

This is the retards' idea of a superior figure over a scientific census! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!


I know how to count Mexicans in my imagination better than any scientists! Duh!

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