Trump Will Purge Hispanics From GOP Like Nixon Did With Blacks

from all I've seen. the majority of the LEGAL Hispanics who did things the RIGHT WAY to become a citizen in this country. is against giving any FAVORS to the Illegal INVADERS coming into our country. no matter what race or nationality they are

You are making the assumption all Illegal immigrants are Hispanics.

The vast majority are. In fact, the vast majority are Mexican. DTMB does assume that all people who speak Spanish should bow to the Mexicans, though an Argentine has nothing at all in common with Mexicans. Guatemalans are openly discriminated against by Mexico, but in the mind of the left, they will be offended should we not keep the boarder open for invasion by Mexico.

You have to remember that the argument of the left is ultimately stupid - and highly destructive.

Let's not quibble over the ethnicity of the invading Brown hordes.

Of the 11 million or so illegals in this country 40% are people who overstayed their visas and didn't cross any border to enter.

You stand by the 11 million number, eh? Tells me most of what I need to know 'bout you........

What's your number and why? Please provide links.
Romney lost by nearly six million votes. Not even close. Repubs will lose in every demo except white men, again. Who are you scolding?


They will take white women as well.

Run Hillary and they will take most demographics. Yes, you have 35 million illegals who will vote, still, the American people detest Hillary, so it won't be enough.

And you know it.

Sadly, it looks like the dims are going to dump the old crook before the election.

Still, do you REALLY think Biden can beat - well, anyone?

35 million?
Yeah, you're a loon.
Eventually the same groups will figure out that conservatives have a better economic philosophy because they are often hit the hardest in a weak job market. I'm not worried.
I never said Jeb was the pick, but they always go with the establishment guy.

Whether you did or not, the DNC press, the NY Times, CNN, MSNBCBSABC, USEless Rag Today, et al. have been pumping that fiction for years.

Trump ain't it. He didn't do well in the first debate. He walked away on top only because it was a circus. In a more direct policy debate he will get eaten up.

You say that about Hillary but she won' have to work as hard as your boys will. It's their job to knock her off and not the opposite.

Again, Trump was a reaction to the press shoving the Criminal Hillary and another fucking Bush down the throat of the public. With those two out, Trump will decline and the serious GOP candidate will emerge.

Ok. A reaction of the retarded with no one left to fill the obvious void. You're halfway there.
How are 35 million illegals going to vote?

Walk into the polling place with the name of a dead person that the democrats went to court to keep from being purged from the registration rolls, and say "Me llamas es Phong Pang, Soy Vietnamese - Americano."

Just like millions of illegals do every national election.

Then he will walk out and get his money or free beer from the democrat driving the van.

Please prorovide evidence of 1k of people doing that let alone 35 mil. Keep trying fool.
Trump was the joke candidate for the last 20+ years. No one ever took his talk of running seriously. Fast foreward to today, he is a double digit frontrunner. I believe that says a lot about the state of the Republican party and their internal struggles. They are forced into the corner of choosing between popularity and electability. neither is going to work. Their numbers are up only because the spotlight is on them. When the field shrinks and the debate is more pointed, Trump won't look so good, especially on policy.

And on the other side, we have the joke candidate Bernie who no one ever took serious. Look where he is. He's the Trump flipside. Both party's are in a rare position right now. People are tired of politics as usual and are showing interest in the non-traditional candidates. In the end, Hillary will get the nomination. I don't think Trump will get the nomination. But whoever does will win because Hillary can't win a national election. Obama, Reid and Pelosi took the party and nation too far left. We've already seen the reaction in the state governorships and legislatures and in Congress. The leftist supporting media is making a lot of noise thinking the country is behind a leftward tilt. It isn't. 2016 is going to be a snap back to conservatism.


Bernie hasn't fake- ran for 20+ years. He's just another candidate. The larger difference is Bernie has been in congress for 25 years and Trump wouldn't know who to call in congress to get his wall built. Big difference, unless you need to make excuses for your candidate then it makes total sense.
Democrats sat down and figured out hispanics were going to outnumber Black Americans, which is exactly what happened a few years ago. Having completely bamboozled almost the whole group of Black Americans except for a few brave free thinking Conservative Blacks; Dems know that they have the Black vote at least for the foreseeable future. so they are willing to throw them under the bus seeking amnesty for their new bettest buddies, Hispanics

Fucking Democrats!

Don't you ever wonder why Repubs can't win national elections? Aren't you tired?
The difference is that a party could win with little support from black folks in the 1970's, so such a change could happen. It seems hard for a political party to win with no Hispanic support, so this won't happen. Trump probably won't get nominated, and the GOP, when it wins its next Presidential election, will do so with substantial support from many Hispanics.
Trump was the joke candidate for the last 20+ years. No one ever took his talk of running seriously. Fast foreward to today, he is a double digit frontrunner. I believe that says a lot about the state of the Republican party and their internal struggles. They are forced into the corner of choosing between popularity and electability. neither is going to work. Their numbers are up only because the spotlight is on them. When the field shrinks and the debate is more pointed, Trump won't look so good, especially on policy.

I think Drumpf is the just the next step in the rabid tee potty, poor mistreated white people whine.

They have no use for facts or logic. They just go straight for the absolutes like "round them up and ship them out and build the damn wall".

If Drumpf is elected, he won't do either.

Same with the Rs who say they'll "repeal ObamaCare".

They're lying to get elected.

cant you losers do anything but race-bait? seriously the Jackass Party is a one-pony show

Can't you do anything but race- bait on race- baiting? You one trick double- race - baiting ponies.
Republicans got ten percent of the black vote, twenty seven percent of the Hispanic vote and forty five percent of the women's vote in 2012

Run Trump and they will get half of that
Well now we know who is crazier, Trump or Carson and Carson wins hands down


"Ben Carson on Wednesday indicated that he is open to using drone strikes to help secure the border, according to Dennis Welch, a reporter for Phoenix television station KTVK.

Before heading to the Arizona-Mexico border on Wednesday, Carson spoke at a rally in Phoenix on Tuesday, where he said that the U.S. should use surveillance and drones to patrol the border, according to Phoenix ABC affiliate KNXV."
Dennis Welch @dennis_welch

BREAKING: GOP Presidential candidate Ben Carson open to using military drone strikes on American soil to secure the border.

8:44 AM - 19 Aug 2015 · Florence, AZ, United States

Who knows though right? Maybe Trump will want to lay land mines like North Korea.

McCain tried something similar and found it didn't work. Result is millions spent on night vision helicopters rotting in the sun on the grounds of the Pima Air Museum.

Drones wouldn't work for the same reason and its the very same reason that the nutters always ignore.

Simply - the Sonora desert is not a bunch of sand dunes. Its called a "sub-tropical desert" because of its high rain fall and incredibly dense vegetation.

Drones are dumb for other reasons though. Just what does he think drones would DO?

i love the parade of cant-do excuses for doing nothing from left-wing losers


" Can't do" but yet are the only ones who do. Weird huh?
Let's not quibble over the ethnicity of the invading Brown hordes.

Yes, it is important to the democrats to lie about it. Mexico is invadind - not "Hispanics," as if such a monolithic thing existed. We have 35 million illegal Mexicans in the nation, not Hispanics.

Of the 11 million or so illegals in this country 40% are people who overstayed their visas and didn't cross any border to enter.

John Carter claim that 40 percent of nation's illegal residents came by plane and overstayed visas draws on 2006 estimate

Of the 11 million who identified themselves as illegal on the 2010 census?

Because we know that people doing illegal things rush forward to ensure that everyone knows about it.

There are about 35 million illegal Mexican nationals in this country.

If not the census than what? How do you derive your numbers? Please give sources.
( we all know you won't because they don't exist.)
Foolish liberal. Southern strategy is a fallacy. No such strategy you liberals dreamt up to justify your enslavement of southern blacks --- again. Dixiecrats died as democrats except one Senator.

I am not a liberal and the Southern Strategy was in fact a very real campaign strategy. It's not a myth.
There was a time in this country where black voters were a reliable constituency for the Republican Party. That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party and making them a solidly Democratic voter group for the last 40 years.

Right now, Hispanics are still a competitive group for the Republicans. Bush won almost half of them in 2004. Christie won the majority of them in his gubernatorial reelection and in the 2014 mid terms Texas Republicans did very well with them also. If Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee he will purge them from the party just like Nixon did with blacks with his extremist and nonsensical immigration rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot afford to be relegated to only 10% of the Hispanic vote. They will never win a presidential election after that and they will no longer be competitive in states like Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and ultimately Texas.

Even if he were to get the nomination he won't be able to win the general for this reason. His words might temporarily placate your xenophobia, but ultimately you guys will be fucking your party and the country in the long term.

Is this your way of saying Republicans should support amnesty? Down that road lies electoral suicide.
Republicans got ten percent of the black vote, twenty seven percent of the Hispanic vote and forty five percent of the women's vote in 2012

Run Trump and they will get half of that

You're deluding yourself, chump. Trump is the most popular of the Republican candidates with Hispanics and with women.
There was a time in this country where black voters were a reliable constituency for the Republican Party. That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party and making them a solidly Democratic voter group for the last 40 years.

Right now, Hispanics are still a competitive group for the Republicans. Bush won almost half of them in 2004. Christie won the majority of them in his gubernatorial reelection and in the 2014 mid terms Texas Republicans did very well with them also. If Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee he will purge them from the party just like Nixon did with blacks with his extremist and nonsensical immigration rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot afford to be relegated to only 10% of the Hispanic vote. They will never win a presidential election after that and they will no longer be competitive in states like Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and ultimately Texas.

Even if he were to get the nomination he won't be able to win the general for this reason. His words might temporarily placate your xenophobia, but ultimately you guys will be fucking your party and the country in the long term.

Blacks left the GOP in the 1930's because of the New Deal and Welfare.

Try again.

Eisenhower got 39 % of the black vote in 1956, which is roughly 4 times what the whities in the GOP get nowadays.
I have noticed that some people on this forum spew out "facts" without a link to support them.
There was a time in this country where black voters were a reliable constituency for the Republican Party. That changed in the 1970s when Richard Nixon ran his reelection campaign using the Southern Strategy resulting in a purge of the last remaining blacks in the Republican Party and making them a solidly Democratic voter group for the last 40 years.

Right now, Hispanics are still a competitive group for the Republicans. Bush won almost half of them in 2004. Christie won the majority of them in his gubernatorial reelection and in the 2014 mid terms Texas Republicans did very well with them also. If Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee he will purge them from the party just like Nixon did with blacks with his extremist and nonsensical immigration rhetoric. The Republican Party cannot afford to be relegated to only 10% of the Hispanic vote. They will never win a presidential election after that and they will no longer be competitive in states like Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and ultimately Texas.

Even if he were to get the nomination he won't be able to win the general for this reason. His words might temporarily placate your xenophobia, but ultimately you guys will be fucking your party and the country in the long term.

Is this your way of saying Republicans should support amnesty? Down that road lies electoral suicide.

What's your plan to deport all 11 million, (35 million by some estimates)?
Trump will build a yooge wall with a grand gate adorned with the golden 'T'. A high speed mag-lev train will run from Chicago to Mexico City running illegal rapists 24 hrs a day back where they belong. We will build yet a new gov't agency to kick in doors and round up the brown usurpers to protect the vote, jobs, and white virginity. Amen.

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