Trump Wins At SCOTUS...Constitutional Prejections Remain!

The case was sent back to the lower court.
Yes, it will buy the crooked Trump more time.
They said that this will likely not be settled before the election. It buys him a bit more than time, it prevents him from the possibility of having to turn over his tax information in the event that he loses in the lower court PRIOR to election day where that information, if negative, may sway the voters.
Correct. Thats the "layering" aspect of money laundering.

The authorities know he has laundered and probably still is laundering criminal russian money.
Which is why Trump keeps firing the US attorney who would investigate such things. Trump personally interviewed the everybody would would have federal jurisdiction. The US Attorney for the Southern District of New York (where Trump Tower is), The US Attorney for Florida, where Mar-a-lago is located. Plus the Attorney General.
So you are 100% positive Trump has all sorts of illegal activity in his taxes. All prepared and audited by CPAs. Knowing it is audited every year by the IRS. You're saying that right.

I remember you blathering on every board about Russia for F yrs. WRONG

Same with impeachment....Wonk Wonk Wonk.

How many MF boards you on son at one time? Do you even have time to spank the ole monkey Spews?
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They said that this will likely not be settled before the election. It buys him a bit more than time, it prevents him from the possibility of having to turn over his tax information in the event that he loses in the lower court PRIOR to election day where that information, if negative, may sway the voters.
Actually the congressional subpoenas will take well beyond election day to settle. But when they are settled, a lot of that information can be released publicly.

The first to be subpoenaed are the records the NY DA asked for the grand jury. That will only take weeks because the accounting firm already said they would turn over the records, and it was Trump who sued to block the subpoena, and Trump just lost that case.

The down side is that grand jury information is sealed under federal rules, and can't be revealed to the public without a judge ordering it. So that's not going to happen before it's used as evidence in a future court case, again well after the election.
So you are 100% positive Trump has all sorts of illegal activity in his taxes. All prepared and audited by CPAs. Knowing it is audited every year by the IRS
Trump has multiple sets of books. One for the IRS, one for local property tax, and another for bank loans. Since these three entities don't share information, nobody from their perspective can prove Trump is cheating.
So you are 100% positive Trump has all sorts of illegal activity in his taxes. All prepared and audited by CPAs. Knowing it is audited every year by the IRS
Trump has multiple sets of books. One for the IRS, one for local property tax, and another for bank loans. Since these three entities don't share information, nobody from their perspective can prove Trump is cheating.
And you have touched upon some reasons why money laundering is so hard to investigate and demonstrate. Lots of data has to be gained and analyzed from a variety of sources, many private entities. You need the data to demonstrate the money laundering, but you need to demonstrate probable money laundering to get a warrant to get the data. The variety of sources makes that a slog.
So you are 100% positive Trump has all sorts of illegal activity in his taxes.
More like, clues to illegal activity that can be investigated.
It's more like knowing that Trump told two conflicting stories under penalty of perjury. One to the IRS, the other to the banks he got loans from.
It's like telling the local property tax assessor that your house is worth $200,000 and not the $250,000 they wanted to asses. No problem if that's all you did.

But then you tell the bank your house is worth $300,000 so you can take out a bigger loan based on the value of your house. And as long at the bank and the tax guy don't talk to each other (which legally they usually can't) you can get away with it.
So you are 100% positive Trump has all sorts of illegal activity in his taxes.
More like, clues to illegal activity that can be investigated.
It's more like knowing that Trump told two conflicting stories under penalty of perjury. One to the IRS, the other to the banks he got loans from.
It's like telling the local property tax assessor that your house is worth $200,000 and not the $250,000 they wanted to asses. No problem if that's all you did.

But then you tell the bank your house is worth $300,000 so you can take out a bigger loan based on the value of your house. And as long at the bank and the tax guy don't talk to each other (which legally they usually can't) you can get away with it.
Oh yes, that too. And under reporting of revenue. You know he did everything he thought he could get away with. This is Trump we are talking about.
Heh, heh, heh.... Well, let's face it. We're just going to get confirmation of what a fraud of a businessman Trump is.
We already know this....but it'll still be worth the price of popcorn just to watch his head explode.

EDIT - Looks like this was a split decision. Looks like nobody will see the records until after the election so I don't know what everyone is celebrating. Just vote his lard ass out in November.
I would put Donald Trump's legitimate tax returns up against Diane Feinstein's, Joe/Hunter Biden's, or Pelosi's any day.

How a 'servant of the people' can afford multiple houses and a $24k fridge is beyond legal means...and Feinstein made her millions betraying the country to the ChiComs.


LOL. Ok sure. All we'll find out is that they are the frauds we knew them to guess is Trump doesn't want people to see his returns because they'll find out he didn't make any money..and actually lost money...making him a bigger fraud than any of the other people you've named. A blow to the ego. :)

Nope, it's because Harry Reid lied about Romenys and later said he was glad he did it.
Oh yes, that too. And under reporting of revenue. You know he did everything he thought he could get away with. This is Trump we are talking about.
Trump also overreported revenue. Like when one of his casinos was about to miss a loan payment, he had his father Fred Trump purchase over $3 million in chips, which he claimed as income, instead of the "loan" it actually was.

Fred Trump ... even bailed out Donald Trump’s Atlantic City casino — by buying $3.5 million worth of chips, an illegal way to underwrite a casino.
Trump also overreported revenue.
Indeed. When needed.
Like when one of his casinos was about to miss a loan payment, he had his father Fred Trump purchase over $3 million in chips, which he claimed as income, instead of the "loan" it actually was.
Correct, and most people would have been felons after that. But Freddie was well connected.
The Orange Shit Gibbon lost his attempt to hide his Tax Records from the Manhattan D.A. In a 7-2 Decision (Majority Decision written CJ Roberts) the court held,

In our judicial system, ‘the public has a right to every man’s evidence.’ Since the earliest days of the Republic, ‘every man’ has included the President of the United States,” Roberts wrote.


The Supreme Court on Thursday voted 7-2 against President Donald Trump in a case over whether he could shield his tax records from the Manhattan district attorney.

Chief Justice John Roberts authored the court’s opinion, which was joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch wrote separately to explain their votes with the majority. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented. doofus.....his lawyers won against the Supreme Court......they sent it back down to the lower court and they will drag out the court fight to past the election.....when it won't matter any doofus.
Stigmatized. The word stigma. Trump lawyer Seculow lost over that word.
Stigmatized. The word stigma. Trump lawyer Seculow lost over that word.
haha, and the court was so kind.

They rejected the idea that "being stigmatized" was grounds for anything (a common thread of the trump campaign: the victims of mean ol' bullies, nasty people! Sick puppies, stigmatizing me!), but they didn't go further and state the obvious: One would only be "stigmatized" by presenting requested evidence in a criminal investigation, if that evidence somehow demonstrated that one's own guilt. Dang I wish they would have said it. But these written SCOTUS opinions are meant to be drier than the desert, and that is probably extraneous commentary, in Roberts's eyes.

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