Trump Wins At SCOTUS...Constitutional Prejections Remain!

Did the supreme court say that he must turn his records over? No they didn't you got Schiffed again LOL
They said he must turn them over to NY prosecutors
They said lower courts would determine which records were releasable to Congress
No they sent it back to the lower courts to be reviewed again. Bet he will not turn them over
Damn..did any of you guys even bother to read the decision?

The attempt by Congress to gain access to the tax records was what was sent to the lower courts..the ruling on the NY State case was clear..he is to turn the records over to the DA. No lower court....just the imperative--turn the records over. Period.
Did the supreme court say he must turn his tax returns over? NO
Nope...they said he can challenge the supeana in State court...but we all know the outcome of that----the only question is before or after the election..right?

Judge Napolitano stated it will likely be before the elections. That Trump's people already had them ready and NY prosecutors already have their ducks in a row ready to go.
Actually his lawyers will make their case at a different angle. Which will be delayed until after the election and the purpose for the tax return is purely political.

I'll give the expertise of Napolitano a bit more validity than yours.
maybe the end of T
I am guessing T used “ legal loopholes “ to avoid much in taxes and this will badly damage him .

All the “ sewer rats “ in Congress do the same thing

I don’t think T will recover
On the surface, this decision looks bad for President Trump.

But FATE often works in strange ways.

So maybe his enemies should wait before celebrating.

It might actually work to his advantage. (I hope so.)
Trumpers will not like the decision because it holds that Trump is not above the law.

What law dictates an individual's taxes have to be turned over?

I'm sure Trump has been audited....meanwhile you grabbed the hand lotion and......
So from what I have heard the NY court can get them Congress can’t sounds like the Court split the bill here. In any event all the hyper partisans will have something to cheer and bitch about.

They didn’t say Congress cant get the returns, they kicked it down to a lower court

What they said was the President can't just snub Congress and ignore their oversight authority, but the Congress is also not entitled to anything, and everything.

The lower court will now decide what they are entitled to, of which no doubt will be appealed, but a final ruling will eventually be reached, and future Presidents will be subject to records being subpoenaed by Congress.
Congress has no oversight authority

The court reinforced Congress’s broad investigative power, but said it is not limitless and must be more targeted when it comes to subpoenas for a president’s personal information.

Without limits, the court warned, “Congress could declare open season on the President’s information held by schools, archives, internet service providers, e-mail clients, and financial institutions
Trumpers will not like the decision because it holds that Trump is not above the law.

What law dictates an individual's taxes have to be turned over?

I'm sure Trump has been audited....meanwhile you grabbed the hand lotion and......

He's a poorly educated rat bastard.

Just another TDS suffering left loon.

Smile and pat them on the head.

It's like being an orderly in an insane asylum...
Did the supreme court say that he must turn his records over? No they didn't you got Schiffed again LOL
They said he must turn them over to NY prosecutors
They said lower courts would determine which records were releasable to Congress

No they didn't

The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected President Trump’s assertion that he enjoys absolute immunity from investigation while in office, allowing a New York prosecutor to pursue a subpoena of the president’s private and business financial records.
The case was sent back to the lower court.
Yes, it will buy the crooked Trump more time.

This will motivate Trump even more to ensure a victory in 2020. If he isn't president they will go harder against him, if he wins re-election, which I think will happen as long as he compares his record with the career politicians, he will have them spinning their wheels and citizens will ask what their motive is.
Whether Trump wins or loses, Trump's taxes will be released. The American people will then see what a fraud Trump truly is except that Trump's more fervent supporters will applaud Trump's fraud as proof of Trump's criminal genius.
Ummm, no, you're wrong. The Grand Jury in NY will see them...not the public.
Congress didn't get what they wanted because the SC ruled against them.
ALL Legislators, Federal Judges, Presidents and Cabinet Level Officials, top Civil Servants and government regulators should by law have their income tax statements made public annually.
Guess everyone will be fired in SDNY.
And neil and kav-train voted no to escape rage tweets
The case was sent back to the lower court.
Yes, it will buy the crooked Trump more time.

This will motivate Trump even more to ensure a victory in 2020. If he isn't president they will go harder against him, if he wins re-election, which I think will happen as long as he compares his record with the career politicians, he will have them spinning their wheels and citizens will ask what their motive is.
Whether Trump wins or loses, Trump's taxes will be released. The American people will then see what a fraud Trump truly is except that Trump's more fervent supporters will applaud Trump's fraud as proof of Trump's criminal genius.
Ummm, no, you're wrong. The Grand Jury in NY will see them...not the public.
Congress didn't get what they wanted because the SC ruled against them.

Roberts did emphasize the 'seperation of powers'.
The Great Douche is whining big.



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