Trump Wins

Only one skeptical juror is needed to create a hung jury that would result in a mistrial. And it is rumored that there is "one" who believes Trump is innocent. :eusa_pray:
Even most lefists and pollsters acknowledge that Trump is underrepresented in the polls.

Ten years ago, I would be very concerned about these polls.

After the Hillary debacle, I really don’t trust them
In 2022 polls predicted a GOP landslide at all levels……it never materialized.

What gives me confidence is the RNC naming Lara Trump to call the shots. She will give little money to other Republican candidates and concentrate on paying for GOP poll watchers

Democrats are using their war chest to get people registered and getting out the vote

Polls don’t predict who gets out and actually votes
Only one skeptical juror is needed to create a hung jury that would result in a mistrial. And it is rumored that there is "one" who believes Trump is innocent. :eusa_pray:
There are 2 lawyers in the jury, and certainly lawyers are not known for their ethical standards: Cohen for example, but they know the law.

No conviction and it's not going to make any difference in the general anyway. I mean wtf, Biden/Harris, what are they thinking?!
Ten years ago, I would be very concerned about these polls.

After the Hillary debacle, I really don’t trust them
In 2022 polls predicted a GOP landslide at all levels……it never materialized.

What gives me confidence is the RNC naming Lara Trump to call the shots. She will give little money to other Republican candidates and concentrate on paying for GOP poll watchers

Democrats are using their war chest to get people registered and getting out the vote

Polls don’t predict who gets out and actually votes
The 2022 polls did not actually predict a landslide. It was pundits and people quoting history who said it would be a landslide.
There are 2 lawyers in the jury, and certainly lawyers are not known for their ethical standards: Cohen for example, but they know the law.

No conviction and it's not going to make any difference in the general anyway. I mean wtf, Biden/Harris, what are they thinking?!
Incorporating the NY case into their campaign and sending De Niro in are very huge mistakes. It reeks of full scale desperation.
Ten years ago, I would be very concerned about these polls.

After the Hillary debacle, I really don’t trust them
In 2022 polls predicted a GOP landslide at all levels……it never materialized.

What gives me confidence is the RNC naming Lara Trump to call the shots. She will give little money to other Republican candidates and concentrate on paying for GOP poll watchers

Democrats are using their war chest to get people registered and getting out the vote

Polls don’t predict who gets out and actually votes
I put no credence into polls. I also do NOT watch Fox News and haven't for several years. ;)
Dream on.
That is not how it works. The wheels are in motion. No other criminal defendant in the NY court system gets to just call it "over" when their jury deadlocks.
The process simply goes to the next step.
Actually DAs often let charges drop after a hung jury unless they have a really strong case and can identify ONE juror who hung the jury. A hung jury looks a lot better on a DA's record than a loss.
Great. An article that says if Trump is convicted it's all a lie but if Trump is not guilty it proves he is innocent. You could have written that BS yourself.
You are missing the victory for Trump either way. This has backfired and you dumbasses have guaranteed his election.

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