Trump witch hunt is over

Do you have a link so I can look into it? I hear you cons talk about it and I hear there is lots of stuff over on infowars but anywhere else?
Do you have a link so I can look into it? I hear you cons talk about it and I hear there is lots of stuff over on infowars but anywhere else?

Glad to help. …

The link below contains a video that sums things up.

Of course we on the right would have been against him, but, Republicans wouldn't have put on this clown show for a year, Republicans would have never impeached him with no impeachable charges, the Republicans would never have had the FBI raid his home and go through his wife's panty drawers, the Republicans would have never gotten warrants to spy on him lying on the warrant applications, the Republicans wouldn't have done any of these things.

Now? Who knows. Like the old saying goes, payback is a bitch.
No impeachable charges? He was a criminal president from the moment he took power. Stop ray. It's amazing how we see things so differently.
Glad to help. …

The link below contains a video that sums things up.

I'm sorry but I click on the link and it takes me to the Post Millennial not the WaPO.

So all you are showing me is that the Post Millennial is reporting that the WaPO revealed details about Hunter. But I can't see the details. I need the details.
Glad to help. …

The link below contains a video that sums things up.

Wow! The NYT admitted that the laptop exists!!! Wow!!! Bombshell!!! No crimes have been discovered though.
Wow! The NYT admitted that the laptop exists!!! Wow!!! Bombshell!!! No crimes have been discovered though.
Of course not and I don’t expect any will be found.

The FBI and the DOJ are corrupt at the top if not all the way through and work for the Democratic Party. High level Democrats and their family are above the rule of law.

If nothing else the FBI will claim it lost Hunter’s laptop for a period of time which means the chain of custody was broken and the evidence on the laptop is compromised. .
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Of course not and I don’t expect anyh will be found.

The FBI and the DOJ are corrupt at the top if not all the way through and work for the Democratic Party. High level Democrats and their family are above the rule of law.

If nothing else the FBI will claim it lost Hunter’s laptop for a period of time which means the chain of custody was broken and the evidence on the laptop is compromised. .

The FBI started spying on MLK in 1955. So clearly the FBI was in bed with Republicans back then. So I'm not going to say the FBI isn't more Democratic today than they were back then. Back then the FBI was corrupt for Republicans. Right?
Wow! The NYT admitted that the laptop exists!!! Wow!!! Bombshell!!! No crimes have been discovered though.
Of course not and I don’t expect any will be found.

The FBI and the DOJ are corrupt at the top if not all the way through and work for the Democratic Party. High level Democrats and their family us are above the rule of law.

The FBI started spying on MLK in 1955. So clearly the FBI was in bed with Republicans back then. So I'm not going to say the FBI isn't more Democratic today than they were back then. Back then the FBI was corrupt for Republicans. Right?
In 1955 the FBI was under J. Edgar Hoover. He was rumored to be the most powerful man in Washington D.C. because he had the goods on everybody of any importance.


As his abuses of power grew, so did the questions about his and the FBI’s validity. A group, Citizen’s Commission, broke into the FBI files in 1971 and leaked the illegally collected files to the media. With the revelation of the truth about Hoover’s corruption and illegal activities, President Nixon called upon him and attempted to persuade him to resign. However, Hoover did no quit his job and remained FBI’s director until his death in 1972. His death proved to be vital in uncovering further detail of his corruption as it was revealed that he used FBI’s funds for his personal activities of eating and vacationing. NBC News used the confidential and official files of Hoover to show how Hoover used misleading facts and false evidence to manipulate several leaders to act according to his desires.

In conclusion, despite modernizing and revolutionizing the FBI, Hoover was, in fact, a detriment to the American constitutional system. His complete disregard for the law as evident from his illegal investigations and secret files on several leader and presidents was brought to the spotlight after his death. Although he had a real chance at greatness due to his highly important position, he used his power for selfish purposes and gains without any concern for the United States and its citizens.


When a teenager, I read a book by J.Edgar Hoover where he said the Mafia didn’t exist. Right then and there I knew Hoover wasn’t the great man he was supposed to be. He was just a lying politician with lots of power.

I don’t care which Party the alphabet intelligence agencies support. I my view they all should be impartial not political. Obviously power corrupts.

No impeachable charges? He was a criminal president from the moment he took power. Stop ray. It's amazing how we see things so differently.

Correct, no impeachable charges. Impeachment is punishment for high crimes, misdemeanors, or treason. Asking a leader of another country for a favor is none of those things. Neither is holding a rally which many Democrats have done, and freedom of speech is protected by the US Constitution.

No impeachable offenses.
Correct, no impeachable charges. Impeachment is punishment for high crimes, misdemeanors, or treason. Asking a leader of another country for a favor is none of those things. Neither is holding a rally which many Democrats have done, and freedom of speech is protected by the US Constitution.

No impeachable offenses.
Oh boy. He coordinated and planned the riot, in hopes it would stop our democracy. It's treasonist really. Not only did he know it was going to be violent, he refused to go on tv or pick up the phone and tell his supporters to stop. Like an arsonist who sets a home on fire and just stands and watches.

I just can't believe anyone is still a Trump supporter. Why don't you like DiSantis?
But you can't name any crimes he committed . . . .
Well I guess it doesn't matter because DeSantis is going to be your nominee. My question is, why do you like Trump more than him? Or do you want Trump for 4 more years so you can have 8 of DeSantis?

Ron DeSantis Holds Early Lead Over Donald Trump Among GOP Primary Voters, WSJ Poll Shows​

The former president’s standing among Republican voters has fallen after candidates he promoted lost in midterm elections​

Well I guess it doesn't matter because DeSantis is going to be your nominee. My question is, why do you like Trump more than him? Or do you want Trump for 4 more years so you can have 8 of DeSantis?

Ron DeSantis Holds Early Lead Over Donald Trump Among GOP Primary Voters, WSJ Poll Shows​

The former president’s standing among Republican voters has fallen after candidates he promoted lost in midterm elections​

It's pretty simple really. We all remember how well the country was doing pre-covid under Trump and want to see that again in this country. The Democrats have no idea how to solve any problems, and in fact make policies to make matters even worse.

It's like this: You own a company and looking for a great district manager. You have one with a very very successful resume but the guy is abrasive. You have another applicant not nearly as abrasive, but a terrible track record. Which one do you hire?

If it's my company, I'm hiring the guy with a crappy personality but will do a great job for my company. I look at voting that way. With my vote, I'm hiring somebody to run my country. I want my country ran the best it can possibly be ran. I could care less about meanie Tweets or insensitive comments, just run my country to the best of it's ability.
Oh boy. He coordinated and planned the riot, in hopes it would stop our democracy. It's treasonist really. Not only did he know it was going to be violent, he refused to go on tv or pick up the phone and tell his supporters to stop. Like an arsonist who sets a home on fire and just stands and watches.

I just can't believe anyone is still a Trump supporter. Why don't you like DiSantis?

When did I ever say I didn't like DeSantis? He's a great Governor who did great things for his state.

Trump never organized any riot. That's a plain out and out Communist lie. All Trump planned was a rally, that's it. You're not going to convince anybody Trump is a criminal using lies. If lies are all you have, then you have no argument at all. If anything, Trump tried to prevent anything bad from happening by offering to have the National Guard there from sun up that day, which of course was refused.
Oh boy. He coordinated and planned the riot, in hopes it would stop our democracy. It's treasonist really. Not only did he know it was going to be violent, he refused to go on tv or pick up the phone and tell his supporters to stop. Like an arsonist who sets a home on fire and just stands and watches.

I just can't believe anyone is still a Trump supporter. Why don't you like DiSantis?
Only someone suffering from brain damage could believe all that.
Well I guess it doesn't matter because DeSantis is going to be your nominee. My question is, why do you like Trump more than him? Or do you want Trump for 4 more years so you can have 8 of DeSantis?

Ron DeSantis Holds Early Lead Over Donald Trump Among GOP Primary Voters, WSJ Poll Shows​

The former president’s standing among Republican voters has fallen after candidates he promoted lost in midterm elections​

That's right, run away. You still haven't named any crimes he's committed.
It's pretty simple really. We all remember how well the country was doing pre-covid under Trump and want to see that again in this country. The Democrats have no idea how to solve any problems, and in fact make policies to make matters even worse.

It's like this: You own a company and looking for a great district manager. You have one with a very very successful resume but the guy is abrasive. You have another applicant not nearly as abrasive, but a terrible track record. Which one do you hire?

If it's my company, I'm hiring the guy with a crappy personality but will do a great job for my company. I look at voting that way. With my vote, I'm hiring somebody to run my country. I want my country ran the best it can possibly be ran. I could care less about meanie Tweets or insensitive comments, just run my country to the best of it's ability.
I'm sorry but Ohio and Michigan were doing better before Trump started that trade war with China. You're completely cherry picking Ray.

President Trump’s critiques of U.S. trade policy are well known. He lambasts “bad deals” that favor America’s trading partners and since taking office has attempted to use tariffs and new trade agreements to reduce the trade deficit and bring back manufacturing jobs. So, how have his policies affected American workers? What impact did President Trump’s tariffs have on important swing states like Ohio and Michigan? To answer these questions, David Dollar is joined by Sandra Polaski, a senior research scholar at Boston University’s Global Development Policy Center.

It also reflects, David, a broader point, which is that with Trump’s tariff tantrums and a lot of his other very erratic economic actions and economic tweets, economic threats, he introduced a lot of uncertainty into the global economy and into the U.S. economies. That has led to lower investment. I mean, it’s very evident in all the charts that investment in the U.S. has been less than it was under the Obama administration. For example, in Michigan, the auto firms’ investment declined by 29 percent over the three full years of Trump’s presidency compared to the last three years of Obama’s presidency. Well, when you look at all of these factors together, it affected overall job growth in Michigan, not only in manufacturing, which began to slow in 2017 and 2018. Job creation in Michigan plunged in 2019.

I mean I know you aren't educated but god damn Ray!
Only someone suffering from brain damage could believe all that.
How can you deny it? From all the things he did leading up to the riot. Are you kidding me?

It's sad that rioters are sitting in jail today because Trump sent them, but the mastermind remains free.

I guess "no one is above the law" is bullshit huh?

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